Updating g++ version through to match homebrew version - c++

I recently installed gcc#5 from homebrew. When I type g++ --version it shows that I have 4.2.1 installed and from brew list it shows that I have gcc#5. I want to be able to compile code with the latest g++ version so that I can have access to c++11. I tried switching over to my usr/bin folder and trying to change my g++ version with sudo ln -s -f g++-#5 g++ but it leaves me with this error: ln: g++: Operation not permitted. I don't want to constantly type g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp - o test every time I want to compile my program with c++11 specific keywords such as =default.
I have macOS Sierra and I'm pretty new to macOS. I appreciate any help!


Installing Armadillo on macOS with homebrew

I am trying to install Armadillo with Homebrew with
brew install armadillo
but when I try to compile with
g++ example.cpp -o example -std=c++11 -O2 -larmadillo
it gives the following error:
fatal error: 'armadillo' file not found
How can I solve this problem?
I'm guessing here that you have a new M1 Mac. The issue in this case is that ARM-native homebrew is installed to /opt/homebrew/ by default, meaning armadillo was installed to /opt/homebrew/include/ which is not in your search path.
To see if this is the case, try providing the paths as follows:
CPATH=/opt/homebrew/include LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib g++ example.cpp -o example -std=c++11 -O2 -larmadillo
To avoid the issue in general, I'm running with those CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH variables exported in my ~/.zprofile file (using zsh). I found this answer on the apple stack exchange helpful.

MATLAB No supported compiler or SDK was found in mex_compile Linux

I had to downgrade my GCC to version 4.7 because I had this kind of problem when compiling matConvnet
Warning: You are using gcc version '5.4.0'. The version of gcc is not supported. The version currently supported with MEX is '4.7.x'. For a list of currently supported compilers see: http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/current_release.
So, I did the following steps to make GCC 4.7.0 the default compiler of my machine:
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7
sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 /usr/bin/gcc
However, when I try to compile Matconvnet again I had the following error:
Error using vl_compilenn>mex_compile (line 434)
No supported compiler or SDK was found. For options, visit http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/R2016a/glnxa64.html.
Error in vl_compilenn (line 387)
parfor i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src))
What I missed in my procedure?
EDIT: I realized that the problem is with the g++ compiler
when I do the mex -setup C++ command in MATLAB I have this error:
Error using mex
No supported compiler or SDK was found. For options, visit http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/R2016a/glnxa64.html.
When I do the which g++ command it returns me nothing. When I apt-get install g++ the following returns to me:
g++ is already the newest version (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1).
What I can do to make MATLAB recognize my g++ compiler?
It's probably way to late for an answer, but when I had a similar problem, the following seemed to be the solution:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gcc
sudo apt-get install --reinstall g++
Hope it helps everyone who stumbles upon this.

Compile OpenMP programs with gcc compiler on OS X Yosemite

$ gcc 12.c -fopenmp
12.c:9:9: fatal error: 'omp.h' file not found
1 error generated.
While compiling openMP programs I get the above error. I am using OS X Yosemite. I first tried by installing native gcc compiler by typing gcc in terminal and later downloaded Xcode too still I got the same error. Then I downloaded gcc through:
$ brew install gcc
Still I'm getting the same error. I did try changing the compiler path too still it shows:
$ which gcc
So how do I compile programs with gcc?
EDIT: As of 13 Aug 2017 the --without-multilib option is no longer present in Homebrew and should not be used. The standard installation
brew install gcc
will provide a gcc installation that can be used to compile OpenMP programs. As below it will be installed into /usr/local/bin as gcc-<version>. The current gcc version available from Homebrew (as of writing) will install as gcc-8. You can compile programs with OpenMP support using it via
gcc-8 -fopenmp hello.c
Alternatively you could put an alias in your .bashrcfile as
alias gcc='gcc-8'
and then compile using
gcc -fopenmp hello.c
Note: I'm leaving the original post here in case it is useful to somebody.
The standard gcc available on OS X through XCode and Clang doesn't support OpenMP. To install the Homebrew version of gcc with OpenMP support you need to install it with
brew install gcc --without-multilib
or as pointed out by #Mark Setchell
brew reinstall gcc --without-multilib
This will install it to the /usr/local/bin directory. Homebrew will install it as gcc-<version> so as not to clobber the gcc bundled with XCode.
I finally did some research and I finally came across a solution here: <omp.h> library isn't found in the GCC version (4.2.1) in Mavericks.
I got a new gcc complier from http://hpc.sourceforge.net/
Then I placed a new executable folder by
$ sudo tar -xvf gcc-4.9-bin.tar -C /
Later I switched to it by
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH that seemed to do the trick!

"make[2]: g++: Command not found" in Netbeans

I get the error message:
make[2]: g++: Command not found
which I know means it cannot find the C++ compiler. However, in Netbeans if I go to the configuration to choose my C++ compiler it shows the following being in /usr/bin:
but it doesn't have just g++.
Tried sudo aptitude install g++ but it didnt work.
If I do g++ --version I get:
The program 'g++' can be found in the following packages:
* g++
* pentium-builder
1) Verify you can run "g++" from the command line,
2) type whereis g++ to get the path,
3) Make sure you have the NetBeans C++ plugin installed
Go to Tools->Options->C++->Build Tools
4) Configure the path in NetBeans
Usually, /usr/bin/g++ is a symlink to some /usr/bin/g++-4.7 (or g++-4.8 etc...); just make it again (which is usually provided by the g++ virtual package on Debian or Ubuntu), e.g.
% sudo -s
# cd /usr/bin
# ln -sv g++-4.8 g++
Above % and # are shell prompts that you should not type.
Of course, don't forget the sudo apt-get install g++ etc...
BTW, you might put that link from $HOME/bin/g++ to /usr/bin/g++-4.8 and you don't need root permission for that.
(sometimes, these symlinks go indirectly thru /etc/alternatives etc...)
Your issue is a sysadmin issue; you should rather ask it (with a big lot more details) on askubuntu or superuser; it is off-topic on Stack Overflow.
BTW, NetBeans is not a compiler, but an editor (sometimes called IDE). You could use something better/simpler (e.g. emacs or vim) with e.g. make as a builder (to be run inside a terminal). Before using NetBeans ensure that g++ -v is working alone in some terminal

"-std=gnu++0x"option for MacOS

I'm trying to compile a CMake project which uses
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} "-Wall -std=gnu++0x")
in the CMakeLists.txt file under MacOS X Lion. I have installed XCode 4.2.1. but the compiler fails with this:
cd something/src/lib && /usr/bin/c++ -Dlib_ginacra_EXPORTS -Wall -std=gnu++0x -fPIC -o CMakeFiles/lib_ginacra.dir/utilities.cpp.o -c something/src/lib/utilities.cpp
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=gnu++0x"
The compiler's verion is:
c++ --version
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.1.00)
GCC 4.2 is ancient, but Apple don't ship a newer version.
You can either install a modern GCC from somewhere like Mac Ports (which is probably simpler and quicker) or build it yourself following the instructions at http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/InstallingGCC
For Lion users facing this issue:
Download and Install the MacPorts-2.2.1-10.7-Lion.pkg MacPorts
installer package from here
in a terminal, search for newer GCC versions:
$ port search --name --glob 'gcc*'
install a newer version (I went with gcc5)
$ sudo port install gcc5
get the name of your new version, and set it as default
$ port select --list gcc
Available versions for gcc:
none (active)
$ sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc5
open a new terminal and validate you're updated:
$ c++ --version
c++ (MacPorts gcc5 5.2.0_0) 5.2.0
Most of you getting that error "cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option -std=gnu++0x" while installing nodejs extension which requires C++ compilation with node-gyp.
So how to solve this error so here is the solution. Basically you get these errors because of Nodejs different version as many node libraries requires C or C++ compilation while installing. So Nodejs older version uses python 2.7 with gcc compiler less than version 4.2 but Nodejs newer version uses gcc44 compiler that's why you get above error while installing any nodejs library.
So you need to degrade your nodejs and node-gyp version and specify the python version if you have multiple python versions installed on your system and then you will not get above error anymore.
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