How to get ec2 instance details with price details using aws cli - amazon-web-services

How to get ec2 instance details(like name,id,type,region,volume,platform,ondemand/reserved) with instance price details .
Using aws api in cli and write it as a csv file .
Thanks in advance .

similar to my answer here: get ec2 pricing programmatically?
you can do something similar to the following:
aws pricing get-products --service-code AmazonEC2 --filters "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=m5.xlarge" "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=location,Value=US East (N. Virginia)" --region us-east-1 | jq -rc '.PriceList[]' | jq -r '[ .product.attributes.servicecode, .product.attributes.location, .product.attributes.instancesku?, .product.attributes.instanceType, .product.attributes.usagetype, .product.attributes.operatingSystem, .product.attributes.memory, .product.attributes.physicalProcessor, .product.attributes.processorArchitecture, .product.attributes.vcpu, .product.attributes.currentGeneration, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].unit, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].pricePerUnit.USD, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].description] | #csv'

I recommand you to use ansible with the ec2-inventory to do so.
Ansible will be able to take all thoses informations using request like:
Then you can have the platform like this for example :
ansible -i -m debug -a "var=ec2_platform" all
You'll have to create a script in yaml to take the informations you need and write them in a csv file.
I don't know any easy way to get the exact price of the servers for amazon-ec2, there is a lot argument to take in account, the OS, the disk space, server type, is it reserved or not, etc ...
But I did a good approximation using what I told you above.
Here is the explanation for dynamic inventory with ansible and ec2:
Hope it helped !

If your aim is not to automate the prizing of your servers, you can have a one shot from this URL:
You'll need to know :
server type (ex: m3.large)
Reservation type (reserved or on demand)
OS type (linux, windows, RHEL, ...)
the hour coverage (it depends if you shutdown your server or not during the night or else ...)
Then you'll have a good approximation of the prize.
If you want to have more details, you'll have to have a look at your network and data activity. And this is not that easy to calculate...
Another approach would be to go in your pricing menu, and look at your facturation to know what you paid for the past month. But this won't work if you want to estimate the prize of a new server.
Hope it helped.


MySQL Workbench low migration speed

I'm using MySQLWorkbench (8.0.25) in order to migrate data from a database to another database on the same server and it takes 10mins+ to do so, which seems like a very long time.
The database, on AWS, is a single AZ db.t2.micro database located in Paris, eu-west-3.
Using, it seems I have 25Mb/s download and around the same upload speed, and it does feel like it as I'm browsing. I am very far from the datacenter (I'm in Buenos Aires and it's in Paris) but I always have a VPN turned on whose t2.small server is located in the same datacenter as the database (eu-west-3). In particular, the VPN was on during the test, so the 25Mb/s should be representative of what I can expect during a migration of the eu-west-3 database.
The database is of reasonable size: when I export my database from MySQL workbench, the total dump size is 26Mb.
I'm currently living in Buenos Aires. When I was in France, this migration would take around 30s (I had 150Mb/s download back then and probably like 50Mb upload).
Could you help me understand why it takes so much time despite the still decent internet I have here? Thanks in advance.
I can't write all in a comment so I am gonna reply here.
I am not familair with MySQLWorkbench so I don't know how it does the migration. I would like you to do the migration through cli and see if the issue really is RDS.
I have this script(taken from this forum a while ago and don't remember the source) which does this migration very easily.
If the destination database is present, you need to either rename it(here is how) or delete it all together(drop database $dbname;).
Create a bash script in the instance from where you can access the RDS and copy the following into it.
start=`date +%s`
set -e
mysqlconn="mysql -u $rootuser -ppassword -h $hostname"
$mysqlconn -e "CREATE DATABASE $newdb"
WHERE table_schema='$olddb'")
for name in $params; do
$mysqlconn -e "RENAME TABLE $olddb.$name to $newdb.$name";
$mysqlconn -e "DROP DATABASE $olddb"
end=`date +%s`
runtime=$((($(date +%s)-$start)/60))
echo "Total time taken is ${runtime} minutes"
You can run it as $ $olddb $newdb. If it takes more time then you try with nohup $ $olddb $newdb &.
This way you can be sure that the culprit is mysqlworkbenchand not RDS.

Is there a simple way to get an OpsWorks id from an instance?

Since many of the OpsWorks APIs take an OpsWorks id (different than an EC2 instance id), it seems like there should be an easy way to get the id. There is an opswork-agent-cli stack_state command that returns a JSON blob that has includes the id, but that still requires parsing, and I can't be sure what tools will be available on the instance. It is reasonably easy to parse the id out of the JSON using shell commands, but they feel like an ugly hack. Are there any commands I'm missing or other ways to get an instance to report its id?
I think you have to parse it.
You can use jq to parse JSON data, like it's typically done when reading EC2 instance metadata. jq package is included in AWS Linux AMIs (see available packages).
In your case, try opswork-agent-cli stack_state | jq '.stack.stack_id' .

How to get EMR cluster information from slave machine (task instance group) [duplicate]

I want to be able to create EMR clusters, and for those clusters to send messages back to some central queue. In order for this to work, I need to have some sort of agent running on each master node. Each one of those agents will have to identify itself in this message so that the recipient knows which cluster the message is about.
Does the master node know its ID (j-*************)? If not, then is there some other piece of identifying information that could allow the message recipient to infer this ID?
I've taken a look through the config files in /home/hadoop/conf, and I haven't found anything useful. I found the ID in /mnt/var/log/instance-controller/instance-controller.log, but it looks like it'll be difficult to grep for. I'm wondering where instance-controller might get that ID from in the first place.
You may look at /mnt/var/lib/info/ on Master node to find lot of info about your EMR cluster setup. More specifically /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json contains the jobFlowId or ClusterID.
You can use the pre-installed json parser (jq) to get the jobflow id.
cat /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json | jq -r ".jobFlowId"
(updated as per #Marboni)
You can use Amazon EC2 API to figure out. The example below uses shell commands for simplicity. In real life you should use appropriate API to do this steps.
First you should find out your instance ID:
INSTANCE=`wget -q -O -`
Then you can use your instance ID to find out the cluster id :
ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE | grep TAG | grep aws:elasticmapreduce:job-flow-id
Hope this helps.
As been specifed above, the information is in the job-flow.json file. This file has several other attributes. So, knowing where it's located, you can do it in a very easy way:
cat /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json | grep jobFlowId | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f2 -d'"'
Edit: This command works in core nodes also.
Another option - query the metadata server:
curl -s | sed -r 's/.*clusterId":"(j-[A-Z0-9]+)",.*/\1/g'
Apparently the Hadoop MapReduce job has no way to know which cluster it is running on - I was surprised to find this out myself.
BUT: you can use other identifiers for each map to uniquely identify the mapper which is running, and the job that is running.
These are specified in the environment variables passed on to each mapper. If you are writing a job in Hadoop streaming, using Python, the code would be:
import os
if 'map_input_file' in os.environ:
fileName = os.environ['map_input_file']
if 'mapred_tip_id' in os.environ:
mapper_id = os.environ['mapred_tip_id'].split("_")[-1]
if 'mapred_job_id' in os.environ:
jobID = os.environ['mapred_job_id']
That gives you: input file name, the task ID, and the job ID. Using one or a combination of those three values, you should be able to uniquely identify which mapper is running.
If you are looking for a specific job: "mapred_job_id" might be what you want.

Need to get name of cloudformation template used to deploy ec2 from the command line using aws cli or api

I used a cloudformation template to create an ec2 instance. Is there any way besides tagging that I can get the name of the cloudformation template via the command line?
Method 1: Tagging
Tagging is going to be the cleanest and easiest way to get that data. You do need to do some advance work and this won't work for existing instances, but it's going to be fast and reliable.
Method 2: Cross-referencing
If you have the instance id, you can ask Cloudformation to search for it's sibling stack resources, from which you can infer the stack name, id, etc.
c = boto.cloudformation.connect_to_region('us-east-1')
If the instance is not part of a stack, you'll get a Stack for i-830e2869 does not exist 400 error.
Method 3: User data
I'll admit - this was pretty creative so kudos for thinking it up.
curl | grep 'cfn-init -s' | awk '{print $3}'
The reason this works is that instances created by Cloudformation need to run /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init to install packages and /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal in order to report their successful creation and one of the parameters is the stack name.
It'll fail if someone edits the user-data, but despite feeling a bit hacky, it seems pretty reliable. I still wouldn't recommend using it in prod given it's brittle reliance on a script parameter.

Does an EMR master node know its cluster ID?

I want to be able to create EMR clusters, and for those clusters to send messages back to some central queue. In order for this to work, I need to have some sort of agent running on each master node. Each one of those agents will have to identify itself in this message so that the recipient knows which cluster the message is about.
Does the master node know its ID (j-*************)? If not, then is there some other piece of identifying information that could allow the message recipient to infer this ID?
I've taken a look through the config files in /home/hadoop/conf, and I haven't found anything useful. I found the ID in /mnt/var/log/instance-controller/instance-controller.log, but it looks like it'll be difficult to grep for. I'm wondering where instance-controller might get that ID from in the first place.
You may look at /mnt/var/lib/info/ on Master node to find lot of info about your EMR cluster setup. More specifically /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json contains the jobFlowId or ClusterID.
You can use the pre-installed json parser (jq) to get the jobflow id.
cat /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json | jq -r ".jobFlowId"
(updated as per #Marboni)
You can use Amazon EC2 API to figure out. The example below uses shell commands for simplicity. In real life you should use appropriate API to do this steps.
First you should find out your instance ID:
INSTANCE=`wget -q -O -`
Then you can use your instance ID to find out the cluster id :
ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE | grep TAG | grep aws:elasticmapreduce:job-flow-id
Hope this helps.
As been specifed above, the information is in the job-flow.json file. This file has several other attributes. So, knowing where it's located, you can do it in a very easy way:
cat /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json | grep jobFlowId | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f2 -d'"'
Edit: This command works in core nodes also.
Another option - query the metadata server:
curl -s | sed -r 's/.*clusterId":"(j-[A-Z0-9]+)",.*/\1/g'
Apparently the Hadoop MapReduce job has no way to know which cluster it is running on - I was surprised to find this out myself.
BUT: you can use other identifiers for each map to uniquely identify the mapper which is running, and the job that is running.
These are specified in the environment variables passed on to each mapper. If you are writing a job in Hadoop streaming, using Python, the code would be:
import os
if 'map_input_file' in os.environ:
fileName = os.environ['map_input_file']
if 'mapred_tip_id' in os.environ:
mapper_id = os.environ['mapred_tip_id'].split("_")[-1]
if 'mapred_job_id' in os.environ:
jobID = os.environ['mapred_job_id']
That gives you: input file name, the task ID, and the job ID. Using one or a combination of those three values, you should be able to uniquely identify which mapper is running.
If you are looking for a specific job: "mapred_job_id" might be what you want.