Traverse of multidimensional Array in any axis - c++

I have a (kind of) performance problem in my code, that roots in the chosen architecture.
I will use multidimensional tensors (basically matrices with more dimensions) in the form of cubes to store my data.
Since the dimension is not known at compile-time, I can't use Boost's MultidimensionalArray (IIRC), but have to come up, with my own solution.
Right now, I save each dimension, on it's own. I have a Tensor of dimension (let's say 3), that holds a lot of tensors of dimension 2 (in an std::vector), that each have a std::vector with tensors of dimension 1, that each holds a std::vector of (numerical) data. I use an abstract base-class for my tensor, so everything in there is a pointer to the abstract class, while beeing (secretly) multi- or one-dimensional.
I extract a single numerical data-point by giving a std::list of indices to a tensor, that get's the first element, searches for the according tensor and passes the rest of the list to that tensor in a (kind of) recursive call.
I now have to do a multi-dimensional Fast-Fourier Transformation on that data. I use a Threadpool and Job-Objects, that works on copying data from an Tensor along one dimension, doing an FFT and writes that data back.
I already have logic to implement ThreadPool and organize the dimensions to FFT along, but there is one problem:
My data-structure is the cache-unfriendliest beast, one can think of... While the Data-Copying along the first dimension (that, with it's data in a single 1D-Tensor) is reasonable fast, but in other directions, I need to copy my data from all over the place.
Since there are no race-conditions (I make sure every concurrent FFT is on distinct data-points), I thought, I would not use a Mutex-Guard to let everybody copy at the same time. However this heavily slows down the process ("I copy my data now!" - "No, I copy my data now!"- "But it's my turn now!"...)
Guarding the copy-Process with a mutex, does not increase speed. The FFT of a vector with 1024 elements is way faster, then the copy-process to get these elements, resulting in nearly all of my threads waiting, while one is copying.
Long story short:
Is there any kind of multi-dimensional data-structure, that does not need to set the dimension at compile-time, that allows me to traverse fast along all axis? I searched for a while now, by nothing came up besides Boost MultiArray. Vectorization also does not work since the indices would grow too fast to hold in usual int-types.
I can't think of how to present code-examples here, since most of that code is rather simple, but If needed, I can get that in.

Eigen has multi-dimensional tensor support (nominally unsupported, but written by the DeepMind people, so "somewhat" supported?), and FFTW has 1d to 3d FFTs. Using external libraries with a set of 1D to 3D FFTs would outsource most of the hard work.
Edit: Actually, FFTW has support for threaded n-dimensional FFTs


Multi-dimensional datasets in C++: cleanest approach to go from a std::vector of 2D data, to a 2D grid of std::vectors?

I've been processing scientific satellite images, currently keeping the individual end results at each timestamp as cv::Mat_<double>, which can for instance be stored in a std::container of images, such as a std::vector<cv::Mat_<double>>.
The issue:
I would now like to study the physical properties of each individual pixel over time. For that, it would be far preferable if I could look at the data along the time dimension and work with a 2D table of vectors instead. In other words: to have a std::vector<double> associated to each pixel on the 2D grid that is common to all images.
A reason for that is that the type of calculations (computing percentiles, curve fitting, etc) will rely on std::algorithms and libraries which expect to be fed with std::vectors and the like. For a given pixel the data is definitely not contiguous in memory along the time dimension though.
Can/Should I really avoid copying the data in such a case? If yes, what would be the best approach, then? By best I mean efficient yet as 'clean'/'clear' as possible.
I thought of std::reference_wrapper to store the addresses in a std::vector; it's simple and works but each entry takes as much memory as if I had simply duplicated the data in a std::vector<double>. Each data point is just a double after all.
I've stumbled upon Boost MultiArray, but I'd like to avoid having to add a Boost dependency.
Many thanks in advance for your time/input.
You could try something like std::views::transform (or it's precursors, range-v3 and boost range adaptors), with function objects to lookup each pixel
[x, y](cv::Mat_<double> & mat) -> double & { return mat[y][x]; }
However you should definitely profile if that is worthwhile vs copying, as I expect the cache locality to be horrible.

Representation of a symmetric diagonal matrix

Lets assume we have a huge symmetric diagonal matrix. What is the efficient way to implement this?
The only way that i could think of is that by using the symmetric property where Xij = Xji, we can reduce the size of this matrix by half. But then representing this matrix using a 2D array would be inefficient, since we cant reduce the matrix size by using arrays.
Another thing representing this matrix using adjacency list also would be inefficient, because relating this matrix to a graph. It would be a density graph. And the operation of adj list takes lots of time such as removing, inserting and searching.
But what about using heaps?
There is no one answer until you decide what you are going to do with this matrix (or maybe matrices?).
If you are just going to store and remember it, then just store it sequentially, leaving out the redundant entries. (Your code knows how to access it, because that is all it does, right?)
More probably, you want to do normal matrix operations on it. In that case, are you trying to make the storage efficient, or the execution? In the later case, I don't see many opportunities based on it being symmetric--the multiplies are the expensive thing and you probably still need all of those. If it is the storage, then are you limiting yourself to operations that only take symmetric in and symmetric out? Sounds awfully specific. If so, then you only need to do the calculations for the part you are storing, because, by definition the other entries are symmetric, so just write your code to generate that part of the matrix and you are done.

performance of thrust vs. cublas

I have an std::vector of matrices of different sizes and I am going to calculate the square of every matrix. I have two solutions :
1/ Flatten all my matrices, and store them in the device as a huge flat array (float *), with indices of beginning and end of each matrix in that array, and use cublas for example to do the squaring.
2/ store the matrices in a thrust::device_vector<float *> and use thrust::for_each to square them.
Clearly the second solution gives more readable code, but does it impact performance?
I think this is (now) just a repeat of a question you already asked.
Assuming the elementwise operation you want to do is something simple like squaring of each element, there should be little difference in performance or efficiency between the two cases.
This is because such an operation will be memory-bound, meaning its performance will be limited by (GPU) memory bandwidth. Therefore both realizations will have approximately the same limiter, and approximately the same performance.
Note that in both of your proposals, the data will ultimately need to be effectively "flattened" in the same way (thrust operations cannot be constructed in a typical or simple fashion to operate on a thrust::device_vector<float *>)
If you already have a mix of thrust and CUBLAS, for example, then you could probably use whichever approach suited you. If, on the other hand, your module used only CUBLAS, and you could realize your operation using either CUBLAS or thrust, I'm not sure I would inject thrust just for this one operation. But that's just a matter of opinion.

Storing Matrix information in STL vector. Which is better vector or vector of vectors?

I've created my own Matrix class were inside the class the information regarding the Matrix is stored in a STL vector. I've notice that while searching the web some people work with a vector of vectors to represent the Matrix information. My best guess tells me that so long as the matrix is small or skinny (row_num >> column_num) the different should be small, but what about if the matrix is square or fat (row_num << column_num)? If I were to create a very large matrix would I see a difference a run time? Are there other factors that need to be considered?
Have you considered using an off-the-shelf matrix representation such as boost's instead of reinventing the wheel?
If you have a lot of empty rows for example, using the nested representation could save a lot of space. Unless you have specific information in actual use cases showing one way isn't meeting your requirements, code the way that's easiest to maintain and implement properly.
There are too many variables to answer your question.
Create an abstraction so that your code does not care how the matrix is represented. Then write your code using any implementation. Then profile it.
If your matrix is dense, the "vector of vectors" is very unlikely to be faster than a single big memory block and could be slower. (Chasing two pointers for random access + worse locality.)
If your matrices are large and sparse, the right answer to your question is probably "neither".
So create an abstract interface, code something up, and profile it. (And as #Mark says, there are lots of third-party libraries you should probably consider.)
If you store everything in a single vector, an iterator will traverse the entire matrix. If you use a vector of vectors, an iterator will only traverse a single dimension.

Efficiant multidimensional data storage in C++

I'm trying to write a C++ program that needs to store and adjust data in a 3D array. The size is given by the user and doesn't change throughout the run, and I don't need to perform any complicated matrix operations on it. I just need it to be optimized to set and get from given 3D coordinates (I do quite some iterations over all the members, and it's a big array). What's the best way to go about defining that array? Vector of vector of vector? Arrays of vectors? CvMat/IplImage with multi channels? Should I even keep it as 3D or just turn it into one very long interleaved vector and calculate indexes accordingly?
I would go with your last option, a single large array with transformed indices. If all you want to do is read and write known indices, this is probably the most efficient structure, both in terms of storage and speed. You can also wrap this in a class and overload operator () to make it easy to access 3D coordinates, for eg. you could write a(1,2,3) = 10; and the overloaded operator could take care transforming the 3D coordinates into a linear index. Iterating over such an array would also be quite simple since there's only one dimension.
It depends on what you mean by efficient, but have you looked at KD Trees?