Django CompileError: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables - django

I am currently working on the cadasta - an open source organisation's - Django project.
They require you to run their platform in a virtual machine (virtualbox) using vagrant.
As I enter their repository, and run their server using ./runserver, I am all of a sudden getting a CompileError which says:
File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables. Parent style sheet: /vagrant/cadasta/core/static/css/_variables.scss.
on line 74 of core/static/css/_variables.scss
#import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables";
Following this link:,
I found that libsass is already installed, and so I tried installing bootstrap-sass inside the VM, but it did no good. Everything was working fine until I renamed the cadasta-platform directory (i.e their github repo that I cloned, and so the main project is included inside this folder only.) and refreshed. I even tried running the server again, but couldn't get through this error. I suppose renaming the directory shouldn't be the cause?
I have no clue on how to proceed. Please help.
EDIT: After renaming the project folder to the same name solved this error. If anyone would ever like to answer this question, please explain why renaming the project directory produces an error like this? As I believe, I think renaming should not be an issue?


Why does cjs file extension on babel.config break module-resolver?

I have created a minimal reproducable example with a detailed README here.
In my expo app, I was having trouble using the babel module-resolver to use path aliases. My Metro bundling would fail when I used path aliases.
I learned that when I changed my babel.config file extension from .cjs to .js, the problem was resolved.
However, I do not understand why that would have any effect on whether the module-resolver plugin would work.
As described on babel's documentation, "Babel can be configured using any file extension natively supported by Node.js", with cjs specifically enumerated. And as I understand it, Expo by default creates a CommonJS babel.config file as it uses module.exports.
I have never created a GitHub issue, but perhaps this question is better suited as a babel-plugin-module-resolver issue, or I need to narrow down this issue further to determine whether Expo, or other babel plugins are relevant.
In short:
I tried creating a new expo app with npx create-expo-app to see if something about my project was effecting this issue. I then added a path alias to a test component and imported the component with the path alias. I ran expo which resulted in a bundle success. I then renamed babel.config.cjs and ran expo again with --clear, which resulted in a bundle failure "Unable to resolve [path alias]..."
I expected the cjs file extension to have no effect on whether the module-resolver caused an error.
What resulted was the module-resolver being fixed once I renamed babel.config.cjs to babel.config.js

Cannot find reference 'DjangoWhiteNoise' in '' in

Im about to deploy my django-app to heroku. I will then use whitenoise to handle the static files. The tutorial im following tells me i have to add this to my file:
So the problem is that pycharm tells me: "Cannot find reference 'DjangoWhiteNoise' in ''"
However i have installed whitenoise! and it is located in the "External libraries". I even went down into the whitenoise.django file, and there is nothing named DjangoWhiteNoise there...
Thanks in advance. Havent found anythin about this concrete problem anywhere.
The tutorial you are following is for an older, outdated version of WhiteNoise.
There are up-to-date instructions here:

How to use Foundation 5 with Compass+SASS?

The problem
Foundation 5 was released last week, that's great, but the new version requires to use bower for using F5 with SASS and the official documentation seems to be a bit incomplete and immature.
I'm trying to create a project using the steps proposed by the docs:
[sudo] npm install -g bower
and then
gem install foundation
No problems here. The problem is when creating a Compass project:
foundation new MY_PROJECT
compass compile
After Compass compilation, I get the following error:
directory stylesheets/
error scss/app.scss (Line 1: File to import not found or unreadable: settings.
Load paths:
create stylesheets/app.css
Compass config file (config.rb):
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss"
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "stylesheets"
sass_dir = "scss"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "javascripts"
The SASS file (app.sass):
#import "settings";
#import "foundation";
The problem seems to be in config.rb:
add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss"
because Compass fail trying to import the files settings and foundation but I don't know how to fix it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
You need to change the line foundation new MY_PROJECT by replacing MY_PROJECT with the folder you want to install the project on. After that, confirm that these folders exist on the directory you specified above - "bower_components/foundation/scss"
When starting a project run compass init and then compass watch (in Terminal) to watch for changes on the .sass files.
Personally, I don't go that route and use to convert or "compile" my Sass. It's FREE and awesome.
This is SASS were talking about. Please correct me if i'm wrong but you don't need the underscore when importing an "include" file. I create separate sass files for my variables and my mix-ins. They are prefixed with and underscore which signifies an "include" file. SASS recognizes #import "variables"; as #import "_variables.scss". So to be clear when it is an include file just the name of the sass file is need not the _ or the scss extension.
I have never put an underscore before any include file that I have named _filename.scss.
There is probably another issue going on. Possibly with the install and the paths for bower. For those who did add the underscore in the past and it worked...well you just bypass what could become a deeper issue down the road. You need to check your install.
In your app.sass file change the following line
#import "settings";
#import "_settings";
When you run compass watch you got the error
error scss/app.scss (Line 1: File to import not found or unreadable: settings.
This just means it can't find the settings file being imported. By adding the underscore to the settings file you have specified the correct file path. If you receive any other errors like this, make sure the file path is correct.
I think I had the same error; finally I found in the _settings.scss
You need to underscore before the importing the functions
// Uncomment to use rem-calc() in your settings
#import "foundation/functions";
// Uncomment to use rem-calc() in your settings
#import "foundation/_functions";
Also you would need to import the settings same way.
In my example I made style.scss and import all the SCSS inside :
#import "foundation/_settings", "_normalize", "_foundation";
I encountered this same issue, but for me the solution was to change the import of settings in app.scss from:
#import "settings";
#import "foundation/_settings";
Once you've done that, run compass watch again.
You can install Grunt into your project which uses compass's watch function and then some other clever stuff to compile your sass and livereload it in the browser! Here's a great tutorial on how to get it up and running! (it's as simple as creating two new files in the root of your project and then running a few commands from your command line! I seriously advise it!)
I had the same problem.
For Ubuntu 14.04 users make sure nodejs and Bower are working properly.
You can follow these instructions here

How to Get & build chromium (svn client too old)

I am trying to get & build chromium on win7 & VS 2010.
I follow
and but no luck.
This document is confusing for me, especially for depot tool.
Can someone guide me step how to get code (i am getting error svn to old - put director in front & in end one by one).
is there some video or better step by step tutorial. I would like direct svn checkout. (if i use cygwin svn its give missing file on compilation)
I had this same problem and managed to fix it by running:
gclient runhooks --force
The documentation says it should be run inside the src folder but this didn't work for me, running it in the folder that contains the src folder fixed it.
I also found another problem in the "Official/WPO/LTCG build" section of documentation that causes C1083 PCH file not found errors.
To fix this you need to set the chromium_win_pch variable to zero in the ~.gyp\include.gypi (C:\Users\USERNAME\.gyp\include.gypi), like this:
'variables': {
'chromium_win_pch': 0,

django runserver error from SVN co

I have written a Django project which runs fine on the dev server. Although I am the only one working on it, I realized I should get some sort of version control going and placed the project on a network SVN. I assume the new process for working this project should be: checkout code from SVN, make changes, test, update, and commit back to SVN.
However, when I check out the code and attempt to run the dev server from the checked out SVN location, I get an error that "has no module named yadda.yadda". But, the module is there and it works fine when I run it from the original directory. Any thoughts? Any suggestions on a better work process?
Does your $PYTHONPATH shell variable reference a relative path? If so, the relative path may be incorrect when you change to the new directory.
You can also diff the contents of the two directories to ensure that your versioned copy is a duplicate of the original.
Check if your module has
As George said check if module is on python path (import sys and print sys.path)