I have create a prolog program which given a Number a List and Sublist will generate sublists containing N items in each. I am told this can be done with 1 fact and 2 rules. I am given the hint that I chose the first item or I dont which is confusing me. I have the base case and the first case but I hope someone can help me understand the second case.
choose(1, [H], [H]).
choose(N, [H,TL], [H|ST]) :- choose(Less1, TL, ST), Less1 is N-1.
So my third rule I want to choose the second item in the list
choose(N, [F,S|T], [S|ST]) :- choose(Less1, T, ST), Less1 is N-1.
My last rule however is unbalanced and the whole does not work. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
While this previous answer by #madanasta should already point you in the right direction, we extend on it in this answer by using clpfd:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
We define n_from_chosen/3 like this:
n_from_chosen(N,[X|Es],[X|Xs]) :-
N #> 0,
N #= N0+1,
n_from_chosen(N,[_|Es],Xs) :-
N #> 0,
Sample query:
?- n_from_chosen(2,[1,2,3,4],Xs).
Xs = [1,2]
; Xs = [1,3]
; Xs = [1,4]
; Xs = [2,3]
; Xs = [2,4]
; Xs = [3,4]
; false.
How about this more general query?
?- n_from_chosen(N,[1,2,3],Xs).
N = 0, Xs = []
; N = 1, Xs = [1]
; N = 2, Xs = [1,2]
; N = 3, Xs = [1,2,3]
; N = 2, Xs = [1, 3]
; N = 1, Xs = [2 ]
; N = 2, Xs = [2,3]
; N = 1, Xs = [3]
; false.
The idea behind the first two clauses is correct in principle. However:
The first clause is of no use when a sublist of length 1 must be found but the original list is not of length 1. This is problematic.
In the second clause, I assume you mean [H|TL].
Given these, a solution to your problem might be:
choose(1, [H|_], [H]).
choose(N, [H|TL], [H|ST]) :- Less1 is N - 1, choose(Less1, TL, ST).
choose(N, [_|T], L) :- choose(N, T, L).
An attempt to explain:
The first clause will generate a sublist of length 1 given any list with at least one element: It will simply unify the third argument with a single-element list containing only the head of the original list.
The second clause will handle cases when sublists of a length greater than 1 are requested, in which case it will unify the third argument with a list containing the head of the original list and a tail which, thanks to recursion, will be a sublist of the original list's tail of a length equal to the requested length minus 1.
The third clause will simply skip over the original list's head and will unify the third argument with a list which, thanks to recursion, will be a sublist of the original list's tail of the requested length.
Thanks to the third clause, Prolog will be able to provide alternative solutions for requested lengths either equal to or greater than 1.
Some results:
?- choose(2, [1,2,3,4], L).
L = [1, 2] ;
L = [1, 3] ;
L = [1, 4] ;
L = [2, 3] ;
L = [2, 4] ;
L = [3, 4] ;
Note that you cannot use this to solve queries with an unbound length variable as you could using #repeat's solution. To achieve that in pure Prolog you would have to change the logic behind the second clause a bit:
choose(N, [H|TL], [H|ST]) :- choose(Less1, TL, ST), N is Less1 + 1.
This might also help clarify how recursion works in this case.
Hope this helps.
(Disclaimer: I am fairly certain that one can provide a far better explanation of how the above solution works (not to mention a better solution).)
I am trying to remove duplicates from a list while keeping the rightmost occurrences. E.g.: [1,2,3,1,2] is transformed in [3,1,2]
It's one of my first tries in Prolog and I don't understand what am I doing wrong. It always returns false. This is my code:
%L - the initial list, list of integers
%E - the element, integer
%S - the result, nrap of E in L, S integer
%flow model: (i,i,o),(i,i,i)
S is S1+1.
%L - the initial list, list of integers
%L2 - copy of the initial list
%R - the resulted list, without duplicates, list of integers
%flow model: (i,i,o),(i,i,i)
Shall I be pure or impure? Why even consider sacrificing logical-purity if we can save it easily!
Using memberd_t/3 and if_/3, we define list_rset/2 and its left "twin" list_lset/2:
list_rset([], []). % keep rightmost occurrences
list_rset([E|Es], Rs0) :-
if_(memberd_t(E, Es),
Rs0 = Rs,
Rs0 = [E|Rs]),
list_rset(Es, Rs).
list_lset([], []). % keep leftmost occurrences
list_lset([E|Es], Ls) :-
post_pre_lset(Es, [E], Ls). % uses internal auxilary predicate
post_pre_lset([], _, []).
post_pre_lset([E|Es], Pre, Ls0) :- % 2nd arg: look-behind accumulator
if_(memberd_t(E, Pre),
Ls0 = Ls,
Ls0 = [E|Ls]),
post_pre_lset(Es, [E|Pre], Ls).
Let's run some queries!
?- _Es = [1,2,3,1,2], list_lset(_Es, Ls), list_rset(_Es, Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,1,2]. % succeeds deterministically
In above query 1 precedes 2 both at the beginning and at the end of the list [1,2,3,1,2]. What if 1 precedes 2 at the beginning but follows it at the end (e.g., [1,2,3,2,1])?
?- _Es = [1,2,3,2,1], list_lset(_Es, Ls), list_rset(_Es, Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Next, we look at a more general list_rset/2 goal that uses a list containing variables only. Thanks to #PauloMoura for his suggestion!
?- Es = [A,B,C,A,B], list_rset(Es,Rs).
Es = [C,C,C,C,C], Rs = [ C], A=B , B=C
; Es = [B,B,C,B,B], Rs = [C, B], A=B , dif(B,C)
; Es = [C,B,C,C,B], Rs = [ C,B], A=C , dif(B,C)
; Es = [A,C,C,A,C], Rs = [ A,C], dif(A,C), B=C
; Es = [A,B,C,A,B], Rs = [C,A,B], dif(A,B), dif(A,C), dif(B,C).
What's up with the residual goals (above)?
Without sufficient instantiation, dif/2 is not decidable.
To save logical soundness, the execution of the prolog-dif constraints is delayed.
Last, one more use-case: an "input" list Xs that has both variables and ground terms.
?- Es = [A,B,z], list_rset(Es,Rs).
Es = [z,z,z], Rs = [ z], A=B , B=z
; Es = [B,B,z], Rs = [B, z], A=B , dif(B,z)
; Es = [z,B,z], Rs = [ B,z], A=z , dif(B,z)
; Es = [A,z,z], Rs = [A, z], dif(A,z), B=z
; Es = [A,B,z], Rs = [A,B,z], dif(A,B), dif(A,z), dif(B,z).
This is a follow-up to this previous answer... In this answer we use dcg!
We build lset//1 upon memberd_t/3 and if_//3—the dcg analogue of if_/3:
lset([]) -->
lset([X|Xs]) -->
lset_pre([],_) -->
lset_pre([X|Xs],Pre) -->
if_(memberd_t(X,Pre), [], [X]),
Same for rset//1:
rset([]) -->
rset([X|Xs]) -->
if_(memberd_t(X,Xs), [], [X]),
Some sample queries:
?- _Es = [1,2,3,1,2], phrase(lset(_Es),Ls), phrase(rset(_Es),Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,1,2]. % succeeds deterministically
?- _Es = [1,2,3,2,1], phrase(lset(_Es),Ls), phrase(rset(_Es),Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
This is easier than you are making it. Since the elements in the "set" have to be in the order of last appearance, you don't need to keep a copy of the list at all: just compare to the remainder of the list (the tail).
If you know that the first list is always going to be ground (all elements are integers, for example), you could write:
list_set([], []).
list_set([X|Xs], Ys0) :-
( memberchk(X, Xs)
-> Ys0 = Ys
; Ys0 = [X|Ys]
list_set(Xs, Ys).
memberchk/2 can be used to check if a ground term is in a list of ground terms. It will succeed or fail exactly once.
A more general solution is to pose a constraint that an element should be in the set if it is different from all the elements following it, and be dropped otherwise:
list_set([], []).
list_set([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :-
maplist(dif(X), Xs),
list_set(Xs, Ys).
list_set([X|Xs], Ys) :-
\+ maplist(dif(X), Xs),
list_set(Xs, Ys).
Here, maplist(dif(X), Xs) means:
X is different from every element in the list Xs (the tail).
and \+ Goal succeeds then Goal does not succeed.
With this defintion:
?- list_set([1,2,3,1,2], S).
S = [3, 1, 2] ;
?- list_set([1,2,3,3,1,1,2], S).
S = [3, 1, 2] ;
?- list_set([A,B,C,A,B],Xs).
Xs = [C, A, B],
dif(A, B),
dif(C, B),
dif(C, A) ;
xMenores(X,[H|T],[R|Z]) :-
X > H,
R is H.
xMenores takes three parameters:
The first one is a number.
The second is a list of numbers.
The third is a list and is the variable that will contain the result.
The objective of the rule xMenores is obtain a list with the numbers of the list (Second parameter) that are smaller than the value on the first parameter. For example:
?- xMenores(3,[1,2,3],X).
X = [1,2]. % expected result
The problem is that xMenores returns false when X > H is false and my programming skills are almost null at prolog. So:
?- xMenores(4,[1,2,3],X).
X = [1,2,3]. % Perfect.
?- xMenores(2,[1,2,3],X).
false. % Wrong! "X = [1]" would be perfect.
I consider X > H, R is H. because I need that whenever X is bigger than H, R takes the value of H. But I don't know a control structure like an if or something in Prolog to handle this.
Please, any solution? Thanks.
Using ( if -> then ; else )
The control structure you might be looking for is ( if -> then ; else ).
Warning: you should probably swap the order of the first two arguments:
lessthan_if([], _, []).
lessthan_if([X|Xs], Y, Zs) :-
( X < Y
-> Zs = [X|Zs1]
; Zs = Zs1
lessthan_if(Xs, Y, Zs1).
However, if you are writing real code, you should almost certainly go with one of the predicates in library(apply), for example include/3, as suggested by #CapelliC:
?- include(>(3), [1,2,3], R).
R = [1, 2].
?- include(>(4), [1,2,3], R).
R = [1, 2, 3].
?- include(<(2), [1,2,3], R).
R = [3].
See the implementation of include/3 if you want to know how this kind of problems are solved. You will notice that lessthan/3 above is nothing but a specialization of the more general include/3 in library(apply): include/3 will reorder the arguments and use the ( if -> then ; else ).
"Declarative" solution
Alternatively, a less "procedural" and more "declarative" predicate:
lessthan_decl([], _, []).
lessthan_decl([X|Xs], Y, [X|Zs]) :- X < Y,
lessthan_decl(Xs, Y, Zs).
lessthan_decl([X|Xs], Y, Zs) :- X >= Y,
lessthan_decl(Xs, Y, Zs).
(lessthan_if/3 and lessthan_decl/3 are nearly identical to the solutions by Nicholas Carey, except for the order of arguments.)
On the downside, lessthan_decl/3 leaves behind choice points. However, it is a good starting point for a general, readable solution. We need two code transformations:
Replace the arithmetic comparisons < and >= with CLP(FD) constraints: #< and #>=;
Use a DCG rule to get rid of arguments in the definition.
You will arrive at the solution by lurker.
A different approach
The most general comparison predicate in Prolog is compare/3. A common pattern using it is to explicitly enumerate the three possible values for Order:
lessthan_compare([], _, []).
lessthan_compare([H|T], X, R) :-
compare(Order, H, X),
lessthan_compare_1(Order, H, T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(<, H, T, X, [H|R]) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(=, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(>, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
(Compared to any of the other solutions, this one would work with any terms, not just integers or arithmetic expressions.)
Replacing compare/3 with zcompare/3:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
lessthan_clpfd([], _, []).
lessthan_clpfd([H|T], X, R) :-
zcompare(ZOrder, H, X),
lessthan_clpfd_1(ZOrder, H, T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(<, H, T, X, [H|R]) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(=, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(>, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
This is definitely more code than any of the other solutions, but it does not leave behind unnecessary choice points:
?- lessthan_clpfd(3, [1,3,2], Xs).
Xs = [1, 2]. % no dangling choice points!
In the other cases, it behaves just as the DCG solution by lurker:
?- lessthan_clpfd(X, [1,3,2], Xs).
Xs = [1, 3, 2],
X in 4..sup ;
X = 3,
Xs = [1, 2] ;
X = 2,
Xs = [1] ;
X = 1,
Xs = [] .
?- lessthan_clpfd(X, [1,3,2], Xs), X = 3. %
X = 3,
Xs = [1, 2] ; % no error!
?- lessthan_clpfd([1,3,2], X, R), R = [1, 2].
X = 3,
R = [1, 2] ;
Unless you need such a general approach, include(>(X), List, Result) is good enough.
This can also be done using a DCG:
less_than([], _) --> [].
less_than([H|T], N) --> [H], { H #< N }, less_than(T, N).
less_than(L, N) --> [H], { H #>= N }, less_than(L, N).
| ?- phrase(less_than(R, 4), [1,2,3,4,5,6]).
R = [1,2,3] ? ;
You can write your predicate as:
xMenores(N, NumberList, Result) :- phrase(less_than(Result, N), NumberList).
You could write it as a one-liner using findall\3:
filter( N , Xs , Zs ) :- findall( X, ( member(X,Xs), X < N ) , Zs ) .
However, I suspect that the point of the exercise is to learn about recursion, so something like this would work:
filter( _ , [] , [] ) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , [X|Zs] ) :- X < N , filter(N,Xs,Zs) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , Zs ) :- X >= N , filter(N,Xs,Zs) .
It does, however, unpack the list twice on backtracking. An optimization here would be to combine the 2nd and 3rd clauses by introducing a soft cut like so:
filter( _ , [] , [] ) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , [X|Zs] ) :-
( X < N -> Zs = [X|Z1] ; Zs = Z1 ) ,
(This is more like a comment than an answer, but too long for a comment.)
Some previous answers and comments have suggested using "if-then-else" (->)/2 or using library(apply) meta-predicate include/3. Both methods work alright, as long as only plain-old Prolog arithmetics—is/2, (>)/2, and the like—are used ...
?- X = 3, include(>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs).
X = 3, Xs = [1,2].
?- include(>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs), X = 3.
ERROR: >/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
% This is OK. When instantiation is insufficient, an exception is raised.
..., but when doing the seemingly benign switch from (>)/2 to (#>)/2, we lose soundness!
?- X = 3, include(#>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs).
X = 3, Xs = [1,2].
?- include(#>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs), X = 3.
% This is BAD! Expected success with answer substitutions `X = 3, Xs = [1,2]`.
No new code is presented in this answer.
In the following we take a detailed look at different revisions of this answer by #lurker.
Revision #1, renamed to less_than_ver1//2. By using dcg and clpfd, the code is both very readable and versatile:
less_than_ver1(_, []) --> [].
less_than_ver1(N, [H|T]) --> [H], { H #< N }, less_than_ver1(N, T).
less_than_ver1(N, L) --> [H], { H #>= N }, less_than_ver1(N, L).
Let's query!
?- phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N in 6..sup, Zs = [1,2,3,4,5]
; N = 5 , Zs = [1,2,3,4]
; N = 4 , Zs = [1,2,3]
; N = 3 , Zs = [1,2]
; N = 2 , Zs = [1]
; N in inf..1, Zs = []
; false.
?- N = 3, phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N = 3, Zs = [1,2] % succeeds, but leaves useless choicepoint
; false.
?- phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]), N = 3.
N = 3, Zs = [1,2]
; false.
As a small imperfection, less_than_ver1//2 leaves some useless choicepoints.
Let's see how things went with the newer revision...
Revision #3, renamed to less_than_ver3//2:
less_than_ver3([],_) --> [].
less_than_ver3(L,N) --> [X], { X #< N -> L=[X|T] ; L=T }, less_than_ver3(L,N).
This code uses the if-then-else ((->)/2 + (;)/2) in order to improve determinism.
Let's simply re-run the above queries!
?- phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N in 6..sup, Zs = [1,2,3,4,5]
; false. % all other solutions are missing!
?- N = 3, phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N = 3, Zs = [1,2] % works as before, but no better.
; false. % we still got the useless choicepoint
?- phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]), N = 3.
false. % no solution!
% we got one with revision #1!
Surprise! Two cases that worked before are now (somewhat) broken, and the determinism in the ground case is no better... Why?
The vanilla if-then-else often cuts too much too soon, which is particularly problematic with code which uses coroutining and/or constraints.
Note that (*->)/2 (a.k.a. "soft-cut" or if/3), fares only a bit better, not a lot!
As if_/3 never ever cuts more (often than) the vanilla if-then-else (->)/2, it cannot be used in above code to improve determinism.
If you want to use if_/3 in combination with constraints, take a step back and write code that is non-dcg as the first shot.
If you're lazy like me, consider using a meta-predicate like tfilter/3 and (#>)/3.
This answer by #Boris presented a logically pure solution which utilizes clpfd:zcompare/3 to help improve determinism in certain (ground) cases.
In this answer we will explore different ways of coding logically pure Prolog while trying to avoid the creation of useless choicepoints.
Let's get started with zcompare/3 and (#<)/3!
zcompare/3 implements three-way comparison of finite domain variables and reifies the trichotomy into one of <, =, or >.
As the inclusion criterion used by the OP was a arithmetic less-than test, we propose using
(#<)/3 for reifying the dichotomy into one of true or false.
Consider the answers of the following queries:
?- zcompare(Ord,1,5), #<(1,5,B).
Ord = (<), B = true.
?- zcompare(Ord,5,5), #<(5,5,B).
Ord = (=), B = false.
?- zcompare(Ord,9,5), #<(9,5,B).
Ord = (>), B = false.
Note that for all items to be selected both Ord = (<) and B = true holds.
Here's a side-by-side comparison of three non-dcg solutions based on clpfd:
The left one uses zcompare/3 and first-argument indexing on the three cases <, =, and >.
The middle one uses (#<)/3 and first-argument indexing on the two cases true and false.
The right one uses (#<)/3 in combination with if_/3.
Note that we do not need to define auxiliary predicates in the right column!
less_than([],[],_). % less_than([],[],_). % less_than([],[],_).
less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :- % less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :- % less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :-
zcompare(Ord,Z,X), % #<(Z,X,B), % if_(Z #< X,
ord_lt_(Ord,Z,Ls,Rs), % incl_lt_(B,Z,Ls,Rs), % Ls = [Z|Rs],
less_than(Zs,Rs,X). % less_than(Zs,Rs,X). % Ls = Rs),
% % less_than(Zs,Rs,X).
ord_lt_(<,Z,[Z|Ls],Ls). % incl_lt_(true ,Z,[Z|Ls],Ls). %
ord_lt_(=,_, Ls ,Ls). % incl_lt_(false,_, Ls ,Ls). %
ord_lt_(>,_, Ls ,Ls). % %
Next, let's use dcg!
In the right column we use if_//3 instead of if_/3.
Note the different argument orders of dcg and non-dcg solutions: less_than([1,2,3],Zs,3) vs phrase(less_than([1,2,3],3),Zs).
The following dcg implementations correspond to above non-dcg codes:
less_than([],_) --> []. % less_than([],_) --> []. % less_than([],_) --> [].
less_than([Z|Zs],X) --> % less_than([Z|Zs],X) --> % less_than([Z|Zs],X) -->
{ zcompare(Ord,Z,X) }, % { #<(Z,X,B) }, % if_(Z #< X,[Z],[]),
ord_lt_(Ord,Z), % incl_lt_(B,Z), % less_than(Zs,X).
less_than(Zs,X). % less_than(Zs,X). %
% %
ord_lt_(<,Z) --> [Z]. % incl_lt_(true ,Z) --> [Z]. %
ord_lt_(=,_) --> []. % incl_lt_(false,_) --> []. %
ord_lt_(>,_) --> []. % %
OK! Saving the best for last... Simply use meta-predicate tfilter/3 together with (#>)/3!
less_than(Xs,Zs,P) :-
The dcg variant in this previous answer is our starting point.
Consider the auxiliary non-terminal ord_lt_//2:
ord_lt_(<,Z) --> [Z].
ord_lt_(=,_) --> [].
ord_lt_(>,_) --> [].
These three clauses can be covered using two conditions:
Ord = (<): the item should be included.
dif(Ord, (<)): it should not be included.
We can express this "either-or choice" using if_//3:
less_than([],_) --> [].
less_than([Z|Zs],X) -->
{ zcompare(Ord,Z,X) },
if_(Ord = (<), [Z], []),
Thus ord_lt_//2 becomes redundant.
Net gain? 3 lines-of-code !-)
I would solve it by comparing the first index of the first list and adding 2 to the index. But I do not know how to check for indexes in prolog.
Also, I would create a counter that ignores what is in the list when the counter is an odd number (if we start to count from 0).
Can you help me?
everyOther([1,2,3,4,5],[1,3,5]) is true, but everyOther([1,2,3,4,5],[1,2,3]) is not.
We present three logically-pure definitions even though you only need one—variatio delectat:)
Two mutually recursive predicates list_oddies/2 and skipHead_oddies/2:
list_oddies([X|Xs],[X|Ys]) :-
skipHead_oddies([_|Xs],Ys) :-
The recursive list_oddies/2 and the non-recursive list_headless/2:
list_oddies([X|Xs0],[X|Ys]) :-
A "one-liner" which uses meta-predicate foldl/4 in combination with Prolog lambdas:
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
list_oddies(As,Bs) :-
foldl(\X^(I-L)^(J-R)^(J is -I,( J < 0 -> L = [X|R] ; L = R )),As,1-Bs,_-[]).
All three implementations avoid the creation of useless choicepoints, but they do it differently:
#1 and #2 use first-argument indexing.
#3 uses (->)/2 and (;)/2 in a logically safe way—using (<)/2 as the condition.
Let's have a look at the queries #WouterBeek gave in his answer!
?- list_oddies([],[]),
true. % all succeed deterministically
Thanks to logical-purity, we get logically sound answers—even with the most general query:
?- list_oddies(Xs,Ys).
Xs = [], Ys = []
; Xs = [_A], Ys = [_A]
; Xs = [_A,_B], Ys = [_A]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C], Ys = [_A,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D], Ys = [_A,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E], Ys = [_A,_C,_E]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F], Ys = [_A,_C,_E]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G], Ys = [_A,_C,_E,_G]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H], Ys = [_A,_C,_E,_G]
There are two base cases and one recursive case:
From an empty list you cannot take any odd elements.
From a list of length 1 the only element it contains is an odd element.
For lists of length >2 we take the first element but not the second one; the rest of the list is handled in recursion.
The code looks as follows:
odd_ones([], []).
odd_ones([X], [X]):- !.
odd_ones([X,_|T1], [X|T2]):-
odd_ones(T1, T2).
Notice that in Prolog we do not need to maintain an explicit index that has to be incremented etc. We simply use matching: [] matches the empty list, [X] matches a singleton list, and [X,_|T] matches a list of length >2. The | separates the first two elements in the list from the rest of the list (called the "tail" of the list). _ denotes an unnamed variable; we are not interested in even elements.
Also notice the cut (!) which removes the idle choicepoint for the second base case.
Example of use:
?- odd_ones([], X).
X = [].
?- odd_ones([a], X).
X = [a].
?- odd_ones([a,b], X).
X = [a].
?- odd_ones([a,b,c], X).
X = [a, c].
?- odd_ones([a,b,c,d], X).
X = [a, c].
?- odd_ones([a,b,c,d,e], X).
X = [a, c, e].
This is the code for deleting or removing an element from a given list:
remove_elem(X,L1,L2) :-
L1 = [H|T],
X == H,
L2 = Temp.
remove_elem(X,L1,L2) :-
L1 = [H|T],
X \== H,
L2 = [H|Temp].
How can I modify it, so that I can delete every occurrence of a sub list from a list?
When I tried to put a list in an element, it only deletes the element and only once.
It should be this:
?- remove([1,2],[1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1]. % expected result
Inspired by #CapelliC's implementation I wrote the following code based on
append_t([] ,Ys,Ys, true).
append_t([X|Xs],Ys,Zs,Truth) :-
append_aux_t([] ,_ ,_ ,_,false). % aux pred for using 1st argument indexing
append_aux_t([Z|Zs],Ys,Xs,X,Truth) :-
and_t(X=Z, append_t(Xs,Ys,Zs), Truth).
One append_t/4 goal can replace two prefix_of_t/3 and append/3 goals.
Because of that, the implementation of list_sublist_removed/3 gets a bit simpler than before:
list_sublist_removed([] ,[_|_] ,[]).
list_sublist_removed([X|Xs],[L|Ls],Zs) :-
(Zs = Zs0 , Xs1 = Xs0),
(Zs = [X|Zs0], Xs1 = Xs)),
Still deterministic?
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1].
Yes! What about the following?
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],X,[3,4,5,6,1]).
X = [1,2] ; % succeeds with useless choice-point
Nope. So there is still room for potential improvement...
This logically pure implementation is based on the predicates if_/3 and (=)/3.
First, we build a reified version of prefix_of/2:
prefix_of_t([X|Xs],Zs,T) :-
prefix_of_t__aux([Z|Zs],X,Xs,T) :-
if_(X=Z, prefix_of_t(Xs,Zs,T), T=false).
Then, on to the main predicate list_sublist_removed/3:
list_sublist_removed([X|Xs],[L|Ls],Zs) :-
if_(prefix_of_t([L|Ls],[X|Xs]), % test
(Zs = Zs0, append([L|Ls],Xs0,[X|Xs])), % case 1
(Zs = [X|Zs0], Xs0 = Xs)), % case 2
A few operational notes on the recursive clause of list_sublist_removed/3:
First (test), we check if [L|Ls] is a prefix of [X|Xs].
If it is present (case 1), we strip it off [X|Xs] yielding Xs0 and add nothing to Zs.
If it is absent (case 2), we strip X off [X|Xs] and add X to Zs.
We recurse on the rest of [X|Xs] until no more items are left to process.
Onwards to some queries!
The use case you gave in your question:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Two queries that try to find the sublist that was removed:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],Sub,[ 3,4,5,6,1]).
Sub = [1,2] ? ;
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],Sub,[1,3,4,5,6,1]).
Next, let's find a suitable Ls in this query:
?- list_sublist_removed(Ls,[1,2],[3,4,5,6,1]).
% a lot of time passes ... and nothing happens!
Non-termination! This is unfortunate, but within expectations, as the solution set is infinite. However, by a-priori constraining the length of Ls, we can get all expected results:
?- length(Ls,_), list_sublist_removed(Ls,[1,2],[3,4,5,6,1]).
Ls = [ 3,4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [1,2, 3,4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3, 1,2, 4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4, 1,2, 5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5, 1,2, 6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5,6, 1,2, 1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5,6,1, 1,2 ] ?
; Ls = [1,2, 1,2, 3,4,5,6,1] ? ...
So many years I study Prolog, still it deserves some surprises... your problem it's quite simple to solve, when you know the list library, and you have a specific mode (like the one you posted as example). But can also be also quite complex to generalize, and it's unclear to me if the approach proposed by #repeat, based on #false suggestion (if_/3 and friends) can be 'ported' to plain, old Prolog (a-la Clocksin-Mellish, just to say).
A solution, that has been not so easy to find, based on old-school Prolog
list_sublist_removed(L, S, R) :-
append([A, S, B], L),
S \= [],
list_sublist_removed(B, S, T),
append(A, T, R),
; L = R.
some test:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1].
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],X,[3, 4, 5, 6, 1]).
X = [1, 2].
?- length(X,_), list_sublist_removed(X,[1,2],[3, 4, 5, 6, 1]).
X = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1] ;
X = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1] ...