Does dlopen create multiple library instances? - c++

I can't seem to find an answer after searching for this out on the net.
When I use dlopen the first time it seems to take longer than any time after that, including if I run it from multiple instances of a program.
Does dlopen load up the so into memory once and have the OS save it so that any following calls even from another instance of the program point to the same spot in memory?
So basically does 3 instances of a program running a library mean 3 instances of the same .so are loaded into memory, or is there only one instance in memory?

Does dlopen load up the so into memory once and have the OS save it so that any following calls even from another instance of the program point to the same spot in memory?
Multiple calls to dlopen from within a single process are guaranteed to not load the library more than once. From the man page:
If the same shared object is loaded again with dlopen(), the same
object handle is returned. The dynamic linker maintains reference
counts for object handles, so a dynamically loaded shared object is
not deallocated until dlclose() has been called on it as many times
as dlopen() has succeeded on it.
When the first call to dlopen happens, the library is mmaped into the calling process. There are usually at least two separate mmap calls: the .text and .rodata sections (which usually reside in a single RO segment) are mapped read-only, the .data and .bss sections are mapped read-write.
A subsequent dlopen from another process performs the same mmaps. However the OS does not have to load any of the read-only data from disk -- it merely increments reference counts on the pages already loaded for the first dlopen call. That is the sharing in "shared library".
So basically does 3 instances of a program running a library mean 3 instances of the same .so are loaded into memory, or is there only one instance in memory?
Depends on what you call an "instance".
Each process will have its own set of (dynamically allocated) runtime loader structures describing this library, and each set will contain an "instance" of the shared library (which can be loaded at different address in different process). Each process will also have its own instance of writable data (which uses copy-on-write semantics). But the read-only mappings will all occupy the same physical memory (though they can appear at different addresses in each of the processes).


should I lock before dlopen?

I do have an *.so library, which obtains some information from system libraries using dlopen. Library can be used by multiple application simultaneously.
Maybe it is a silly question, but should I flock library before doing dlopen on it? I haven't found direct answer anywhere.
Similar to what was said in the comments, you don't need a semaphore(flock) unless you are accessing a shared resource that could change on you. (IE. accessing shared memory and needing to ensure concurrency of that data). The way dynamic loading ... dlopen()... works
Those two routines are actually simple wrappers that call back into
the dynamic linker. When the dynamic linker loads a library via
dlopen(), it does the same relocation and symbol resolution it does on
any other library, so the dynamically loaded program can without any
special arrangements call back to routines already loaded
Because of the way linking works, relocations and modifications to the GOT/PLT are done in the memory space of the ( processes calling dlopen ) not that where the shared object is mapped.
If a hundred processes use a shared library, it makes no sense to have
100 copies of the code in memory taking up space. If the code is
completely read-only, and hence never, ever, modified
Having the shared objects being in read-only memory you never need to worry about them suddenly changing on you sooo no need for a flock :)!
Note: Because you have a shared object linking to other shared objects... the GOT of the initial shared object needs to be updated/mod with the relocations of the libraries being loaded with dlopen() ... but that is stored in a r/w segment of process unique memory space not in that of the shared objects.
the shared library must still have a unqiue data instance in each
process...the read-write data section is always put at a known offset
from the code section of the library. This way, via the magic of
virtual-memory, every process sees its own data section but can share
the unmodified code

Properties of dynamic link libraries in Windows (dll)

As per Microsoft (see first point in this), a DLL can have only one instance of itself running in a system at one time, but from what I read at other places online including here on SO, processes can load multiple instances of the same dll and read only data in dll may be shared using memory mapping techniques but each process has its own copy of write data from dll stored in its own memory space.
Also, in the second point at the same link, a DLL can't have its own stack, memory handles, global memory, etc, but from what I understand, since there can be multiple functions exported and/or inside a dll, these must have their own stacks, file handles, etc. And why can't a global variable defined in a DLL be considered as using global memory?
I'm working in C++.
the context of a DLL used in singular won't make much sense. To get better understanding, use DLL's in conjunction with the context of being loaded in a process.
The documentation is correct. Threads that are part of code/exported functions within DLL will have their stack. Processes have Memory handles, global memory..etc not individual threads.
If you have a global variable defined in DLL, its global in the context of the process that it's mapped to.
If a DLL is mapped to multiple processes, then each process gets it's own global variable.
It's part of maintaining process isolation/integrity (each process has it's own memory area, handle tables..etc)

Are shared objects/DLLs loaded by different processes into different areas of memory?

I'm trying to figure out how an operating system handles multiple unrelated processes loading the same DLL/shared library. The OSes I'm concerned with are Linux and Windows, but to a lesser extent Mac as well. I presume the answers to my questions will be identical for all operating systems.
I'm particularly interested in regards to explicit linking, but I'd also like to know for implicit linking. I presume the answers for both will also be identical.
This is the best explanation I've found so far concerning Windows:
"The system maintains a per-process reference count on all loaded modules. Calling LoadLibrary increments the reference count. Calling the FreeLibrary or FreeLibraryAndExitThread function decrements the reference count. The system unloads a module when its reference count reaches zero or when the process terminates (regardless of the reference count)." -
But it leaves some questions.
1.) Do unrelated processes load the same DLL redundantly (that is, the DLL exists more than once in memory) instead of using reference counting? ( IE, into each process's own "address space" as I think I understand it )
if the DLL is unloaded as soon as a process is terminated, that leads me to believe the other processes using exact same DLL will have a redundantly loaded into memory, otherwise the system should not be allowed to ignore the reference count.
2.) if that is true, then what's the point of reference counting DLLs when you load them multiple times in the same process? What would be the point of loading the same DLL twice into the same process? The only feasible reason I can come up with is that if an EXE references two DLLs, and one of the DLLs references the other, there will be at least two LoadLibrar() and two FreeLibrary() calls for the same library.
I know it seems like I'm answering my own questions here, but I'm just postulating. I'd like to know for sure.
The shared library or DLL will be loaded once for the code part, and multiple times for any writeable data parts [possibly via "copy-on-write", so if you have a large chunk of memory which is mostly read, but some small parts being written, all the DLL's can use the same pieces as long as they haven't been changed from the original value].
It is POSSIBLE that a DLL will be loaded more than once, however. When a DLL is loaded, it is loaded a base-address, which is where the code starts. If we have some process, which is using, say, two DLL's that, because of their previous loading, use the same base-address [because the other processes using this doesn't use both], then one of the DLL's will have to be loaded again at a different base-address. For most DLL's this is rather unusual. But it can happen.
The point of referencecounting every load is that it allows the system to know when it is safe to unload the module (when the referencecount is zero). If we have two distinct parts of the system, both wanting to use the same DLL, and they both load that DLL, you don't really want to cause the system to crash when the first part of the system closes the DLL. But we also don't want the DLL to stay in memory when the second part of the system has closed the DLL, because that would be a waste of memory. [Imagine that this application is a process that runs on a server, and new DLL's are downloaded every week from a server, so each week, the "latest" DLL (which has a different name) is loaded. After a few months, you'd have the entire memory full of this applications "old, unused" DLL's]. There are of course also scenarios such as what you describe, where a DLL loads another DLL using the LoadLibrary call, and the main executable loads the very same DLL. Again, you do need two FreeLibrary calls to close it.

shared library address space

While I was studying about shared library I read a statement
Although the code of a shared library is shared among multiple
processes, its variables are not. Each process that uses the library
has its own copies of the global and static variables that are defined
within the library.
I just have few doubts.
Whether code part of each process are in separate address space?
Whether shared-library code part are in some some global(unique) address space.
I am just a starter so please help me understand.
Shared libraries are loaded into a process by memory-mapping the file into some portion of the process's address-space. When multiple processes load the same library, the OS simply lets them share the same physical RAM.
Portions of the library that can be modified, such as static globals, are generally loaded in copy-on-write mode, so that when a write is attempted, a page fault occurs, the kernel responds by copying the affected page to another physical page of RAM (for that process only), the mapping redirected to the new page, and then finally the write operation completes.
To answer your specific points:
All processes have their own address space. The sharing of physical memory between processes is invisible to each process (unless they do so deliberately via a shared memory API).
All data and code live in physical RAM, which is a kind of address-space. Most of the addresses you are likely see, however, are virtual memory addresses belonging to the address-space of one process or another, even if that "process" is the kernel.

DLL used by a program, where are the variables declared in it stored?

I have a program (not mine, have no source code) which exposes an interface so I can write a DLL which will be called by my program. Now I wondered when I declare some variable in this DLL I make, in what memory space is this going to be stored?
I mean, it's just gonna sit in the memory space of the EXE's address space, right? How is the DLL loaded in regards to the EXE though? I thought a DLL was only ever loaded in memory once, so how does that work in relation to me creating local variables in my DLL? (like objects, classes etc)
A DLL is loaded once per process. Once upon a time DLLs were shared between processes, but that hasn't been the case since Windows 3.1 went the way of the dodo.
Any global variables that you declare in your DLL will be stored in a data page. A different page from the EXE's global variables, mind.
Now, if you allocate memory on the heap, whether or not your allocations are mixed in with the EXEs depend on which heap you use. If both EXE and DLL use the same runtime linked as a DLL then they will both get memory from the same heap. If they have different runtimes, or link against runtime statically, they'll get different heaps. This becomes a very big can of worms, so I shan't go any further here.
Your DLL will declare a DllMain which is the equivalent to the entry point in a regular executable. When your DLL is loaded your DLLMain gets called. Here is a link to the best practices of what should be done in there.
Usually you will do some sort of intialisation there. When your DLL is loaded, it is loaded into the virtual memory space of the executable that called LoadLibrary. LoadLibrary handles all the mapping and relocations that need to be dealt with. From this point all memory you allocate or modify through your DLL is in the same virtual memory space as the process it's mapped into.
Presumably the executable interfaces by loading your DLL then calling some sort of exported function in it. Basically everything that you do once your DLL is loaded will be within the memory space of the process it is loaded into.
If you want to know more about exactly what goes on when your DLL is loaded you should look into the semantics of LoadLibrary().