How to compute variable byte encoding of a postings list? - compression

Lets say I have a postings list of 6 numbers 21992 23523 27822 28002 31010 33122. What would be the process to converting them to variable byte encoding?

void encode(int value, char* code_list, int& len) {
int bit_value = 0;
int bit_num = 0;
if (value < 128) {
bit_num = 1;
} else if (value < 16384) {
bit_num = 2;
bit_value = 1;
} else if (value < 2097152) {
bit_num = 3;
bit_value = 3;
} else {
bit_num = 4;
bit_value = 7;
value <<= bit_num;
value += bit_value;
memcpy(code_list + len, (char*) &value, bit_num);
len += bit_num;


if statement doesn't work on Nucleo64 but it does on Maple mini

I have a code that works on Maple Mini but I have to change hardware to Nucleo F030r8 because it has more ADC's and it totally sucks.
In the modbus_update() function there is a check of the size of inputBuffer and the following code should run only if the value of this variable is bigger than 0.
if (inputBuffer > 0 && micros() - microsFlag >= T3_5) {
But it runs even if value of inputBuffer is exactly 0. The strange thing is that this code (with different serial ports opening method) runs perfectly on Maple Mini. Does anyone have any idea what can be be the problem?
Here is the whole code:
#define BAUDRATE 19200
#define RE_PIN PC12
#define TE_PIN PF4
#define SLAVE_ID 1
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256 // max frame size
#define READ_INTERNAL_REGISTERS 4 // function code
#define MAX_ROWS 2
#define ROWS 1
#define DEBUG true
const byte INPUTS[] = {PA0, PA1, PA4, PB0, PC1, PC0};
unsigned char frame[BUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned char functionCode;
unsigned int T1;
unsigned int T1_5; // inter character time out
unsigned int T3_5; // frame delay
unsigned long millisFlag = 0;
unsigned long microsFlag = 0;
unsigned char inputBuffer = 0;
int dlyCounter = 0;
int16_t sensorVals[MAX_SENSORS_PER_ROW * MAX_ROWS];
HardwareSerial *modbus = &Serial;
HardwareSerial Serial1(PA10, PA9);
HardwareSerial *debug = &Serial1;
HardwareSerial debug(PA10, PA9);
void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_ROW; i++) {
debug.begin(BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8E1);
modbus_configure(BAUDRATE, 0); // baud rate, low latency
microsFlag = micros();
void loop() {
unsigned int modbus_update() {
unsigned char overflow = 0;
while (Serial.available()) {
if (overflow) {; // empty the input buffer
} else {
if (inputBuffer == BUFFER_SIZE) {
overflow = 1;
} else {
frame[inputBuffer] =;
microsFlag = micros();
// If an overflow occurred return to the main sketch
// without responding to the request i.e. force a timeout
if (overflow) {
debug.println("Error: input buffer overflow");
return 0;
// if inter frame delay occurred, check the incoming package
if (inputBuffer > 0 && micros() - microsFlag >= T3_5) {
debug.println("\nIncoming frame:");
for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer; i++) {
debug.print(frame[i], HEX);
debug.print(" ");
// check CRC
unsigned int crc = ((frame[inputBuffer - 2] << 8) | frame[inputBuffer - 1]); // combine the crc Low & High bytes
if (calculateCRC(frame, inputBuffer - 2) != crc) {
debug.println("Error: checksum failed");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
debug.println("CRC OK");
// check ID
unsigned char id = frame[0];
if (id > 242) {
debug.println("Error: Invalid ID");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
// check if it's a broadcast message
if (id == 0) {
debug.println("Broadcast message");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
if (id != SLAVE_ID) {
debug.println("Not my ID");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
debug.println("ID OK");
// check function code
functionCode = frame[1];
if (functionCode != READ_INTERNAL_REGISTERS) {
debug.println("Exception: illegal function");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
debug.println("Function code OK");
// check frame size (function 4 frame MUST be 8 bytes long)
if (inputBuffer != 8) {
// some workaround here:
//if (inputBuffer != 8 || !(inputBuffer == 9 && frame[inputBuffer] == 0)) {
debug.println("Error: inaccurate frame length");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
debug.println("Frame size OK");
// check data address range
unsigned int noOfRegisters = ((frame[4] << 8) | frame[5]); // combine the number of register bytes
if (noOfRegisters > 125) {
debug.println("Exception: illegal data address");
inputBuffer = 0;
return 0;
unsigned int firstRegAddress = ((frame[2] << 8) | frame[3]); // combine the starting address bytes
debug.print("First address: ");
unsigned int lastRegAddress = firstRegAddress + noOfRegisters - 1;
debug.print("Last address: ");
unsigned char noOfBytes = noOfRegisters * 2;
unsigned char responseFrameSize = 5 + noOfBytes; // ID, functionCode, noOfBytes, (dataLo + dataHi) * number of registers, crcLo, crcHi
unsigned char responseFrame[responseFrameSize];
responseFrame[0] = SLAVE_ID;
responseFrame[1] = 0x04;
responseFrame[2] = noOfBytes;
unsigned char address = 3; // PDU starts at the 4th byte
for (int index = (int)(firstRegAddress - MIN_REGISTER_ADDRESS); index <= (int)(lastRegAddress - MIN_REGISTER_ADDRESS); index++) {
int16_t temp = (index >= 0 && index < MAX_ROWS * MAX_SENSORS_PER_ROW) ? sensorVals[index] : INVALID_VALUE;
responseFrame[address] = temp >> 8; // split the register into 2 bytes
responseFrame[address] = temp & 0xFF;
unsigned int crc16 = calculateCRC(responseFrame, responseFrameSize - 2);
responseFrame[responseFrameSize - 2] = crc16 >> 8; // split crc into 2 bytes
responseFrame[responseFrameSize - 1] = crc16 & 0xFF;
debug.println("Frame to send:");
for (int i = 0; i < responseFrameSize; i++) {
debug.print(responseFrame[i], HEX);
debug.print(" ");
sendPacket(responseFrame, responseFrameSize);
inputBuffer = 0;
while (Serial.available()) { // empty input buffer;
void modbus_configure(long baud, unsigned char _lowLatency) {
Serial.begin(baud, SERIAL_8E1);
pinMode(TE_PIN, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RE_PIN, OUTPUT);
rxEnable(); // pin 0 & pin 1 are reserved for RX/TX. To disable set TE and RE pin < 2
if (baud == 1000000 && _lowLatency) {
T1 = 1;
T1_5 = 1;
T3_5 = 10;
} else if (baud >= 115200 && _lowLatency) {
T1 = 50;
T1_5 = 75;
T3_5 = 175;
} else if (baud > 19200) {
T1 = 500;
T1_5 = 750;
T3_5 = 1750;
} else {
T1 = 10000000 / baud;
T1_5 = 15000000 / baud; // 1T * 1.5 = T1.5
T3_5 = 35000000 / baud; // 1T * 3.5 = T3.5
void exceptionResponse(unsigned char exception) {
unsigned char responseFrameSize = 5;
unsigned char responseFrame[responseFrameSize];
responseFrame[0] = SLAVE_ID;
responseFrame[1] = (functionCode | 0x80); // set the MSB bit high, informs the master of an exception
responseFrame[2] = exception;
unsigned int crc16 = calculateCRC(responseFrame, 3); // ID, functionCode + 0x80, exception code == 3 bytes
responseFrame[3] = crc16 >> 8;
responseFrame[4] = crc16 & 0xFF;
sendPacket(responseFrame, responseFrameSize); // exception response is always 5 bytes (ID, functionCode + 0x80, exception code, 2 bytes crc)
unsigned int calculateCRC(unsigned char f[], byte bufferSize) {
unsigned int temp, temp2, flag;
temp = 0xFFFF;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
temp = temp ^ f[i];
for (unsigned char j = 1; j <= 8; j++) {
flag = temp & 0x0001;
temp >>= 1;
if (flag)
temp ^= 0xA001;
// Reverse byte order.
temp2 = temp >> 8;
temp = (temp << 8) | temp2;
temp &= 0xFFFF;
return temp; // the returned value is already swapped - crcLo byte is first & crcHi byte is last
void rxEnable() {
if (TE_PIN > 1 && RE_PIN > 1) {
digitalWrite(TE_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RE_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
void txEnable() {
if (TE_PIN > 1 && RE_PIN > 1) {
digitalWrite(TE_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RE_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
void sendPacket(unsigned char f[], unsigned char bufferSize) {
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
delayMicroseconds(T3_5); // allow frame delay to indicate end of transmission
// #param dly delay between sensor readings in milliseconds
void readSensorVals(int dly) {
if (millis() != millisFlag) {
millisFlag = millis();
if (dlyCounter >= dly) { // read sensor values
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SENSORS_PER_ROW; j++) {
int actualIndex = i * MAX_SENSORS_PER_ROW + j;
if (i < ROWS && j < SENSORS_PER_ROW) {
sensorVals[actualIndex] = random(20, 30);
//sensorVals[actualIndex] = (4096 - analogRead(INPUTS[j])) / 20 - 133;
} else {
sensorVals[actualIndex] = INVALID_VALUE;
dlyCounter = 0;

& operator for bitwise programming returns wrong value (CPP)

I have this piece of code in cpp on Visual Studio
((handrule1 - maskRule1[0]) & test)
All of the variables are unsigned int.
Their values are respectively
I keep getting value zero as the outcome for this line, which should not be possible.
How does this come?
I already tried working with long unsigned variables instead.
I am guessing that maybe I am doing something else wrong when choosing the data types.
Underneath you can find my full code.
Some of the variables are not defined but that's because they are already defined in another cpp-file we are not supposed to use.
void init(void) {
int aa, ab, l, x = 0;
for (int i = 4; i <= 13; i++) {
aa = 13 - i;
for (int j = (aa + 2) / 3; j <= i && j <= aa; j++) {
ab = aa - j;
for (int k = (ab + 1) / 2; k <= j && k <= ab; k++) {
adj[x] = i + j - 8;
l = ab - k; code[x++] = (((i - 4) * 7) + j) * 5 + k;
// printf("%d %d %d %d: %d\n", i, j, k, l, (((i-4)*7)+j)*5+k);
char countSetBits(long long unsigned n)
if (n == 0)
return 0;
return 1 + countSetBits(n & (n - 1));
void init_set(void) {
long long unsigned hand = 0;
char honorPoints = 0;
char nrOfSpades = 0;
char nrOfHearts = 0;
char nrOfDiamonds = 0;
char nrOfClubs = 0;
long long unsigned maskAces = 0x8004002001;
long long unsigned maskKings = 0x10008004002;
long long unsigned maskQueens = 0x20010008004;
long long unsigned maskJacks = 0x40020010008;
long long unsigned maskSpades = 0x1FFF;
long long unsigned maskHearts = 0x3FFE000;
long long unsigned maskDiamonds = 0x7FFC000000;
long long unsigned maskClubs = 0xFFF8000000000;
char upperbound[RU][4];
char lowerbound[RU][4];
unsigned int handrule1 = 0;
unsigned int handrule2 = 0;
unsigned int handrule3 = 0;
unsigned int maskRule1[RU];
unsigned int maskRule2[RU];
unsigned int maskRule3[RU];
unsigned int maskInverse = 0x00FF00FF;
unsigned int test = 0x80808080;
unsigned int result1 = 0;
bool applicableRule = false;
unsigned int fuck = 0xFF936636;
result1 = fuck & test;
for (int r = 0; r < nrr; r++)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
upperbound[r][i] = 13;
lowerbound[r][i] = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < nrr; r++)
if (res[r] != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < res[r]; i++)
upperbound[r][color[r][i]] = (char) nru[r][i];
lowerbound[r][color[r][i]] = (char) nrl[r][i];
maskRule1[r] = (((char) distl[r] << 24) | ((char) distu[r] << 16) | ((char) ahpl[r] << 8) | (char) ahpu[r]) ^ maskInverse;
maskRule2[r] = ((lowerbound[r][0] << 24) | (upperbound[r][0] << 16) | (lowerbound[r][1] << 8) | upperbound[r][1]) ^ maskInverse;
maskRule3[r] = ((lowerbound[r][2] << 24) | (upperbound[r][2] << 16) | (lowerbound[r][3] << 8) | upperbound[r][3]) ^ maskInverse;
int x[52], y, a;
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) x[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < CRD; i++) {
for (int j = 52; --j > 1;) {
y = rand() % j;
a = x[y]; x[y] = x[j]; x[j] = a;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (int k = 13 * j; k < 13 * (j + 1); k++)
hand |= 1LLU << x[k];
//Counting honorpoints
honorPoints = (countSetBits(hand & maskAces) * 4) + (countSetBits(hand & maskKings) * 3) + (countSetBits(hand & maskQueens) * 2) + (countSetBits(hand & maskJacks) * 1);
hp[i][j] = (char) honorPoints;
honorPoints = 0;
//Counting distributions
nrOfSpades = countSetBits(hand & maskSpades);
nrOfHearts = countSetBits(hand & maskHearts);
nrOfDiamonds = countSetBits(hand & maskDiamonds);
nrOfClubs = countSetBits(hand & maskClubs);
std::array<char, 4> arrayTest = { nrOfSpades, nrOfHearts, nrOfDiamonds, nrOfClubs };
std::sort(arrayTest.begin(), arrayTest.end());
char p = arrayTest[3];
char o = arrayTest[2];
char m = arrayTest[1];
int test = (((p - 4) * 7) + o) * 5 + m;
for (int x = 0; x < 39; x++)
if (code[x] == test)
dis[i][j] = (char) x;
//Counting opening bids
ahp[i][j] = hp[i][j] + adj[dis[i][j]];
if (ahp[i][j] < 0) ahp[i][j] = 0;
handrule1 = ((dis[i][j] << 24) | (dis[i][j] << 16) | (ahp[i][j] << 8) | ahp[i][j]) ^ maskInverse;
handrule2 = ((nrOfSpades << 24) | (nrOfSpades << 16) | (nrOfHearts << 8) | nrOfHearts) ^ maskInverse;
handrule3 = ((nrOfDiamonds << 24) | (nrOfDiamonds << 16) | (nrOfClubs << 8) | nrOfClubs) ^ maskInverse;
printf("%u \n", handrule1);
printf("%u \n", maskRule1[0]);
for (int r = 0; r < nrr; r++)
if ((((handrule1 - maskRule1[r]) & test) == 0) && (((handrule2 - maskRule2[r]) & test) == 0) && (((handrule3 - maskRule3[r]) & test) == 0))
applicableRule = true;
if (applicableRule == false)
applicableRule = false;
handrule1 = 0;
handrule2 = 0;
handrule3 = 0;
nrOfSpades = 0;
nrOfHearts = 0;
nrOfDiamonds = 0;
nrOfClubs = 0;
hand = 0;

Corrupted memory issue when deleting allocated memory

I am trying to store a sparse vector using a bit mask. I allocate a char* to represent the bit mask. However, when I delete [] the mask, I get a memory corruption error. Upon investigation, I'm seeing that it's because I'm freeing memory that I'm not supposed to. This is confusing, since I don't see how this could be the case.
When I run this on my case, it prints out "ALLOCATED" and "DEALLOCATING" but nothing further.
void set_i_bit(char* mask, int i) {
int field_num = floor(i/8);
int bit_num = i %8;
mask[field_num] = (1 << bit_num) | mask[field_num];
int write_sparse_with_bitmask(vector<float> arr, ofstream* fout) {
int mx_sz = arr.size() - 1;
float tol = 0.5;
char* mask = 0;
for(int i = arr.size() -1; i>=0; i-=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > tol) break;
mx_sz = i;
int sprse_cnt = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) < tol) sprse_cnt++;
int bitmask_sz = ceil(mx_sz/8);
if (sprse_cnt*sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(int16_t) > bitmask_sz) {
mask = new char[bitmask_sz];
for (int i =0; i<bitmask_sz; i++) mask[i] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > coef_tol) {
set_i_bit(mask, i);
else {
bitmask_sz = 0;
uint16_t sz = mx_sz + 1;
uint16_t bt_msk = bitmask_sz + 1;
char flag = 0;
if (bitmask_sz > 0) {
flag = flag | 1;
fout->write((char*)&sz, sizeof(uint16_t));
fout->write((char*)&flag, sizeof(char));
int w_size = sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(char);
if (flag & 1) {
fout->write((char*)&bt_msk, sizeof(uint16_t));
fout->write(mask, sizeof(char)*bt_msk);
delete [] mask;
cout<<"THIS DOESN'T PRINT"<<endl;
w_size += sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(char)*bt_msk;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > tol || !(flag & 1)) {
int16_t vl = arr[i];
fout->write((char*) &vl, sizeof(int16_t));
w_size += sizeof(int16_t);
return w_size;

Websocket Poco can't receive big data

I downloaded and built Poco project from Poco and run WebsocketServer project in poco-1.7.6\Net\samples\WebSocketServer.
When I worked with small data that is smaller 128 KB (131072 bytes), it work perfectly. But if I work with bigger data (I need to send 20 MB), my data will be cut so server don't receive data enough.
Here is code that I copy in project:
WebSocket ws(request, response);
char *buffer = new char[1000000]; // It just receive 131072 bytes
int flags;
int n;
n = ws.receiveFrame(buffer, sizeof(buffer), flags);
ws.sendFrame(buffer, tmp.length(), flags);
} while (n > 0 || (flags & WebSocket::FRAME_OP_BITMASK) != WebSocket::FRAME_OP_CLOSE);
delete[] buffer;
Deframe code:
int WebSocketImpl::receiveBytes(void* buffer, int length, int)
char header[MAX_HEADER_LENGTH];
int n = receiveNBytes(header, 2);
if (n <= 0)
_frameFlags = 0;
return n;
poco_assert (n == 2);
Poco::UInt8 lengthByte = static_cast<Poco::UInt8>(header[1]);
int maskOffset = 0;
if (lengthByte & FRAME_FLAG_MASK) maskOffset += 4;
lengthByte &= 0x7f;
if (lengthByte > 0 || maskOffset > 0)
if (lengthByte + 2 + maskOffset < MAX_HEADER_LENGTH)
n = receiveNBytes(header + 2, lengthByte + maskOffset);
n = receiveNBytes(header + 2, MAX_HEADER_LENGTH - 2);
if (n <= 0) throw WebSocketException("Incomplete header received", WebSocket::WS_ERR_INCOMPLETE_FRAME);
n += 2;
Poco::MemoryInputStream istr(header, n);
Poco::BinaryReader reader(istr, Poco::BinaryReader::NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER);
Poco::UInt8 flags;
char mask[4];
reader >> flags >> lengthByte;
_frameFlags = flags;
int payloadLength = 0;
int payloadOffset = 2;
if ((lengthByte & 0x7f) == 127)
Poco::UInt64 l;
reader >> l;
if (l > length) throw WebSocketException(Poco::format("Insufficient buffer for payload size %Lu", l), WebSocket::WS_ERR_PAYLOAD_TOO_BIG);
payloadLength = static_cast<int>(l);
payloadOffset += 8;
else if ((lengthByte & 0x7f) == 126)
Poco::UInt16 l;
//lenBuffer = l;
if (l > length) throw WebSocketException(Poco::format("Insufficient buffer for payload size %hu", l), WebSocket::WS_ERR_PAYLOAD_TOO_BIG);
payloadLength = static_cast<int>(l);
payloadOffset += 2;
Poco::UInt8 l = lengthByte & 0x7f;
if (l > length) throw WebSocketException(Poco::format("Insufficient buffer for payload size %u", unsigned(l)), WebSocket::WS_ERR_PAYLOAD_TOO_BIG);
payloadLength = static_cast<int>(l);
if (lengthByte & FRAME_FLAG_MASK)
reader.readRaw(mask, 4);
payloadOffset += 4;
int received = 0;
if (payloadOffset < n)
std::memcpy(buffer, header + payloadOffset, n - payloadOffset);
received = n - payloadOffset;
if (received < payloadLength)
n = receiveNBytes(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer) + received, payloadLength - received);
if (n <= 0) throw WebSocketException("Incomplete frame received", WebSocket::WS_ERR_INCOMPLETE_FRAME);
received += n;
if (lengthByte & FRAME_FLAG_MASK)
char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < received; i++)
p[i] ^= mask[i % 4];
return received;
Can anyone help me, please!
P/s: Sorry about my English
UPDATE: I just got this problem in Chrome. It work fine with Firefox and Edge
Setting setChunkedTransferEncoding should make it work.
In the code before the response is sent set:

Convert string of hexadecimal to decimal in c

I am writing an operating system in C and assembly, and in implementing the EXT2 file system I have encountered a problem. I need to convert FOUR bytes of hexadecimal to decimal in c. An example would be to convert 00 00 01(10000) to 65536.I need to convert to decimal,because parsing the super block requires all values to be in decimal. Most specifically the ext2 fs I'm working on is here:
#include "ext2.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
long hex2dec(unsigned const char *hex){
long ret = 0;
int i = 0;
while(hex[i] != 0){
//if(hex[i] >= 0x00 && hex[i] <= 0x09)
// ret+=(10 * i) * hex[i];
return ret;
char *strsep(char *buf,int offset,int num){
char *ret = malloc(1024);
int j = 0;
int i = offset;
int end = (offset + num);
int i1 = 0;
while(i1 < num){
ret[i1] = buf[i];
return ret;
int get_partition(partnum){
if(partnum > 4)
return -1;
//int i = (12 * partnum);
int i = 0;
if(partnum == 1)
i = 190;
else if(partnum == 2)
i = 206;
else if(partnum == 3)
i = 222;
i = 190;
int ret = 0;
char *buf = malloc(1024);
ret = buf[(i + 2)];
return ret;
int _intlen(int i){
int ret = 0;
return ret;
int _hex2int(char c){
if(c == '0')
return 0;
else if(c == '1')
return 1;
else if(c == '2')
return 2;
else if(c == '3')
return 3;
else if(c == '4')
return 4;
else if(c == '5')
return 5;
else if(c == '6')
return 6;
else if(c == '7')
return 7;
else if(c == '8')
return 8;
else if(c == '9')
return 9;
else if(c == 'A')
return 10;
else if(c == 'B')
return 11;
else if(c == 'C')
return 12;
else if(c == 'D')
return 13;
else if(c == 'E')
return 14;
else if(c == 'F')
return 15;
int hex2int(char c){
int i = c;
int comb(const char *str,int n){
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
while(i < n){
//if(str[i] == 0x01)
// kprintf("(:");
/*int j = str[i];
int k = 0;
int m = 0;
if(j < 10)
while(j > 0){
k+=(10 ^ (_intlen(j) - m)) * j % 10;
//if(j == 1)
// kprintf("(:");*/
//ret = (char)ret;
ret = (char)str
int ret = 0;
int i = 0;
char *s = malloc(1024);
/*while(i < n){
return ret;
//return ret;
struct ext2_superblock *parse_sblk(int partnum){
int i = get_partition(partnum);
if(i > 0)
kprintf("[EXT2_SUPERBLOCK]Found partition!\n");
i = 0;
struct ext2_superblock *ret;
struct ext2_superblock retnp;
char *buf = malloc(1024);
int i1 = 0;
//char *tmpbuf = malloc(4);
/*if(i != 0)
ata_read_master(buf,((i * 4)/256),0x00);
kprintf("[WRN]: Looking for superblock at offset 1024\n");
const char *cmp = strsep(buf,0,4);
retnp.ninode = comb(strsep(buf,0,4),4);
retnp.nblock = comb(strsep(buf,4,4),4);
retnp.nsblock = comb(strsep(buf,8,4),4);
retnp.nunallocb = comb(strsep(buf,12,4),4);
retnp.nunalloci = comb(strsep(buf,16,4),4);
retnp.supernum = comb(strsep(buf,20,4),4);
retnp.leftshiftbs = comb(strsep(buf,24,4),4);
retnp.leftshiftfs = comb(strsep(buf,28,4),4);
retnp.numofblockpg= comb(strsep(buf,32,4),4);
// retnp.numofffpbg= comb(strsep(buf,36,4));
retnp.numoffpbg = comb(strsep(buf,36,4),4);
retnp.numofinpbg = comb(strsep(buf,40,4),4);
retnp.lastmount = comb(strsep(buf,44,4),4);
retnp.lastwrite = comb(strsep(buf,48,4),4);
retnp.fsckpass = comb(strsep(buf,52,2),2);
retnp.fsckallow = comb(strsep(buf,54,2),2);
retnp.sig = comb(strsep(buf,56,2),2);
retnp.state = comb(strsep(buf,58,2),2);
retnp.erroropp = comb(strsep(buf,60,2),2);
retnp.minorpor = comb(strsep(buf,52,2),2);
retnp.ptimefsck = comb(strsep(buf,64,4),4);
retnp.inter = comb(strsep(buf,68,4),4);
retnp.osid = comb(strsep(buf,72,4),4);
retnp.mpv = comb(strsep(buf,76,4),4);
retnp.uid = comb(strsep(buf,80,2),2);
retnp.gid = comb(strsep(buf,82,2),2);
ret = &retnp;
return ret;
i1 = 0;
If there is anyway of avoiding conversion and successfully implementing ext2 I would be glad to hear it. I would prefer it to be in c,but assembly is also okay.
If you have this:
const uint8_t bytes[] = { 0, 0, 1 };
and you want to consider that the bytes of a (24-bit) unsigned integer in little-endian order, you can convert to the actual integer using:
const uint32_t value = ((uint32_t) bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[1] << 8) | bytes[0];
This will set value equal to 65536.
You can use std::istringstream or sscanf instead of writing your own.
char const * hex_text[] = "0x100";
const std::string hex_str(hex_text);
std::istringstream text_stream(hex_str);
unsigned int value;
text_stream >> std::ios::hex >> value;
std::cout << "Decimal value of 0x100: " << value << "\n";
Or using sscanf:
sscanf(hex_text, "0x%X", &value);
std::cout << "Decimal value of 0x100: " << value << "\n";
A good idea is to search your C++ reference for existing functions or search the internet, before writing your own.
To roll your own:
unsigned int hex2dec(const std::string& hex_text)
unsigned int value = 0U;
const unsigned int length = hex_text.length();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
const char c = hex_text[i];
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
value = value * 16 + (c - '0');
c = toupper(c);
if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
value = value * 16 + (c - 'A') + 10;
return value;
To convert to use C-style character strings, change the parameter type and use strlen for the length.