Google unit test Set up by default - c++

I am making a unit test system with google unit test in C++. And I noticed that all my set up of the unit test contain the same line, and all my tears down contain other line, equal for all.
I wonder if there is any way to create a set up by default to be called before the actual set up of the any unit test.
#include <gtest.h>
class TestExample : ::testing::Test
virtual void SetUp ()
//same line for all tests of my system
//code of specific setup
virtual void TearDown ()
//Code of specific teardown

You can create a Wrapper class i.e. TestWrapper, in which you define the default SetUp() and call to the CustomSetUp()
#include <gtest.h>
class TestWrapper: public ::testing::Test
virtual void CustomSetUp() {}
virtual void SetUp ()
//same line for all tests of my system
CustomSetUp(); //code of specific setup
Then use TestWrapper class in your unit test instead of ::testing::Test and overload CustomSetUp() instead of SetUp()
class TestExample : public TestWrapper
virtual void CustomSetUp ()
//code of specific setup
virtual void TearDown ()
//Code of specific teardown


GTest - how to prepare data for multiple usage via SetUp method?

I am trying to run some google tests, and I have quite a lot of code to repeat in each test fixture, so I want to make the code as brief as possible, and I would like to use the SetUp method of the child class of Testing::test parent class, but the TEST_F fixtures do not recognize the variables from SetUp
This is the simplest example I can come up with:
class FooTest: public testing::Test
virtual void SetUp() // using void SetUp() override does not help
int FooVar = 911;
virtual void TearDown()
TEST_F(FooTest, SampleTest)
// FooTest::SetUp(); // This does not help as well
EXPECT_EQ(911, FooVar);
When I try to compile this code it shows an error that FooVar was not declared in this scope. How can I fix it?
Thank you very much for any help.
FooVar is a local variable inside the SetUp method. If you want to use it in the test fixtures, it needs to be a class member:
class FooTest: public testing::Test
int FooVar;
virtual void SetUp() override
this.FooVar = 911;
In this example, if you are only setting integral types, should just make them const member variables.

How to unit test functions that must occur in pairs?

Quite often I have some functions that must occur in pairs such as
while unit testing startSomething() and openSomething() is easy since they require no prior conditions / setup, how should I unit test their counterparts which require the prior to be called?
The majority of unit test frameworks have setup tests which are called before/after all, and/or each, of the test cases. Take NUnit as example:
public class MyTest
public void GeneralSetup()
{ ... } //Called before starts all test cases
public void GeneralTearDown()
{ ... } //Called after all test cases are finished
public void Setup()
{ ... } //Called before each test case
public void TearDown()
{ ... } //Called after each test case
public void Test1()
{ ... }
public void Test2()
{ ... }

C++ Google Mock - EXPECT_CALL() - expectation not working when not called directly

I'm still pretty new to Google Mock so learning as I go. I've just been adding some unit tests and I've run into an issue where I can't get ON_CALL() to correctly stub a method called from within a method.
The following code outlines what I have;
class simpleClass
bool simpleFn1() { return simpleFn2(); }
virtual bool simpleFn2() { return FALSE; }
In my unit test I have:
class simpleClassMocked : public simpleClass
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn2, bool());
class simpleClassTests : public ::testing::Test
TEST_F(simpleClassTests, testSimpleFn2)
shared_ptr<simpleClassMocked> pSimpleClass = shared_ptr< simpleClassMocked >(new simpleClassMocked());
ON_CALL(*pSimpleClass, simpleF2()).WillByDefault(Return(TRUE));
// This works as expected - simpleFn2() gets stubbed
// This doesn't work as expected - when simpleFn1 calls simpleFn2 it's not the stubbed expectation???
I figure I must be missing something obvious here, can anyone help? Thanks!
you'll have to Mark the method as virtual and add a corresponding MOCK function in the simpleClassMocked class
class simpleClass
virtual bool simpleFn1() { return simpleFn2(); }
virtual bool simpleFn2() { return FALSE; }
Also, you need to put the Mock methods in the public area
class simpleClassMocked : public simpleClass
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn2, bool());
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn1, bool());
It will work now

Can we pass parameters to the test cases functions in C++ using CppUnit?

I am using cppunit for testing my c++ code. I have written my test fixture like this
class MainTestFixture : public TestFixture
void setUp(void);
void tearDown(void);
// Test Functions
void Addition(void);
void Multiply(void);
Now if I implement test cases like
void MainTestFixture::Addition()
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT(condition);
void MainTestFixture::Multiply()
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT(condition);
In the above code, is it possible that I pass parameters to Addition and Multiply functions?
Where as I have made a suite for running this fixture like below
#include "MainTestFixture.h"
using namespace CPPUNIT_NS;
int main()
// informs test-listener about testresults
CPPUNIT_NS::TestResult testresult;
// register listener for collecting the test-results
CPPUNIT_NS::TestResultCollector collectedresults;
testresult.addListener (&collectedresults);
// register listener for per-test progress output
CPPUNIT_NS::BriefTestProgressListener progress;
testresult.addListener (&progress);
// insert test-suite at test-runner by registry
CPPUNIT_NS::TestRunner testrunner;
testrunner.addTest (CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest ());;
// output results in compiler-format
CPPUNIT_NS::CompilerOutputter compileroutputter(&collectedresults, std::cerr);
compileroutputter.write ();
// Output XML for Jenkins CPPunit plugin
ofstream xmlFileOut("cppMainUnitTest.xml");
XmlOutputter xmlOut(&collectedresults, xmlFileOut);
// return 0 if tests were successful
return collectedresults.wasSuccessful() ? 0 : 1;
No, you can not. Addition() is callback which will be registered in CPPUNIT engine and called by the driver - therefore it should use void(void) interface. Instead you could define your parameters as MainTestFixture's members.
class MainTestFixture : public TestFixture
void setUp(void);
void tearDown(void);
// Test Functions
void init_fixture();
void Addition(void);
void Multiply(void);
//data members
param1_t m_param1;
param2_t m_param2;
void MainTestFixture::init_fixture()
m_param1 = ...;
m_param2 = ...;
void MainTestFixture::Addition()
param1_t res= m_param1 + ...;
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT(condition);

2 Questions about nUnit

I have 2 questions about functionality of nunit.
What is the difference between [TestFixtureSetUp] and [SetUp] attributes ?
I am writing a some class with tests and I see that half of my test functions need one setup,
And an another half needs another set up.
How can I have in one class two little different SetUp functions that are called with different functions
Method marked with [TestFixtureSetUp] attribute will be executed once before all tests in current test suite, and method marked with [SetUp] attribute will be executed before each test.
As for class with tests which contains tests requring different set up functions. Just split this class in two - each one with it's own SetUp function.
public void TestSuite1
public void SetUp1()
public void Test1()
public void TestSuite2
public void SetUp2()
public void Test2()
or call SetUp function explicitly
public void TestSuite
public void SetUp1()
public void SetUp2()
public void Test1()
public void Test2()
A TestFixtureSetup method is executed once before any of the test methods are executed. A Setup method is executed before the execution of each test method in the test fixture.
How can I have in one class two
little different SetUp functions that are
called with different functions
You can't have two different SetUp functions in a single class marked as TestFixture. If individual tests need some initialization then it makes sense to put the initialization code inside those function themselves.
I see that half of my test functions
need one setup
I think then you need to factor out the tests...