How show component only in a specific route? - ember.js

I have a componente called hero (in application.hbs) and I wish display this componente only in home page.
I researched about how do this but without any success. Thanks!

After a few minutes and some searches on GitHub...
Just install ember install ember-truth-helpers and check the route name:
{{#if (eq currentRouteName 'index')}}
Glad to help!

I need more specifics, however, I am going to make the assumption that your home route is the '/' route.
The '/' route is actually your index route, so if you create an index.hbs file it will act as the template for your index route. And then your should just move the hero component to your index.hbs file.

I can't be sure your reasons, but I suspect that this could be a solution.
There is an invisible 'application' route... there is also an implicit 'index' route, but you can skip the confusion of that and just create a 'home' route and give it a path to the root. The application template will house the outlet - and then you can place your component just in the 'home' template;
(don't write an application route like this, but just for visualization) {
// overarching 'application' route
this.route('application', function() {
this.route('home', { path: '/' });
Here is a twiddle with the full example in place. If this doesn't do what you want, then refer to the conditional suggestions. : ) {
// here's an example of skipping of skipping the mysterious 'index' in another situation
this.route('books', function() {
this.route('books-list', { path: '/' });

You can also render a component dynamically using component helper which save you a conditional statement inside your template.
The first parameter of the helper is the name of a component to render, as a string. So {{component 'blog-post'}} is just the same as using {{blog-post}}.
When the parameter passed to {{component}} evaluates to null or undefined, the helper renders nothing. When the parameter changes, the currently rendered component is destroyed and the new component is created and brought in.
So you can safely pass in anything to the component helper, in your case you can make the component name dynamically without worry an error will raised.


how to append url with component's name in ember js

I want to add the component's name to the URL in Ember js.
If the main URL is : localhost:4200/home ,
then in home,if I call/redirect to a component(say - abc), the URL should get appended:
If the main URL is : localhost:4200/home , then in home,if I
call/redirect to a component(say - abc), the URL should get appended:
How do you call/redirect to a component in ember?. If you got some hacky way to do that, then I will encourage you not to do this.
In Ember, the router matches the current URL to the routes that you've defined.
If you got /home/abc URL path, it means you have abc route nested inside home route. {
this.route('home', function() {
If you know all routes will come under home route, then you can define it manually. Suppose if you don't know or what will come , then go for defining the dynamic segments in URL.
You can do it by {{component}} helper.
You need to define dynamic path for home and send the component name from url to home controller by model hook.
Below are essential parts of the solution.
this.route('home', {path: 'home/:cmp'});
return params.cmp;
{{component model}}
Please take a look at this tiwddle

link-to works in index.hbs but not in application.hbs

When I do a {{#link-to "cars/category" "mini"}} from index.hbs, everything works fine. I transition to cars/category -> templates/cars/category.hbs.
However, when I do the same from application.hbs (for navigation), I transition to an empty page and then automatically transition to the parent route cars.index -> templates/cars/index.hbs.
There is probably some logic to this. How can I transition to this route from a link click in application.hbs?
(a hard link <a href="/cars/mini" works fine, but I'll lose the state of the application.)
routes/cars/category.js model:
model(params) {
return'cars/category', params.category_id, {backgroundReload: false});
In route.js:
this.route('cars', () => {
this.route('cars/category', { path: '/cars/:category_id' });
For Ember 2.11
Have you try to change the route path to dot notation cars.category
A sample nested routes, {
this.route('photos', function(){
this.route('photo', { path: '/:photo_id' }, function(){
this.route('comment', { path: '/comments/:comment_id' });
A proper link-to helper link with multiple segements,
{{#link-to 'photo.comment' 5 primaryComment}}
Main Comment for the Next Photo
You can read more at,
For the below route.js
this.route('cars', function(){
this.route('category', { path: '/:category_id' });
You can do {{#link-to "cars.category" "mini"}}, this will transition to /cars/mini url.
You don't need to have cars/category. because it's already nested inside cars route.
Created Sample Twiddle .
For better understanding routing see AlexSpeller ember-diagonal
Someone suggested that since I transition to the desired page and then immediately transition to its parent, there must have been some other transition queued.
On further inspection, the link-to was indeed inside a drop down menu of a list-item which itself was a link-to too.
The solution was to add bubbles=false to the inner link-to.
The other answers here doubt the used routes. However, they are fine and setup like this for a reason. E.g. multiple routes with a subroute called category cannot all be in the root. However, it was my fault for not disclosing the exact code which put people on the wrong track, for they would probably have noticed the actual problem immediately.
Next time I will be more verbose in my code. I apologize, and thanks for thinking with me.

Re-render template when changing route

I have an application with two outlets (in the application.hbs), where-as the second renders a grid of videos that is displayed no matter on which route you are on, but the videos that are displayed can change. The important bits of the model"
App.Video = DS.Model.extend({
frontpage: DS.attr('boolean'),
So when I am on most routes I want to display the videos with frontpage == true and on one route I want to display all the videos, no matter what frontpage says.
I seem to have gotten it half working.
The important routes look like this: () {
this.resource('videos', { path: 'videos/' }, function () {
this.route('video', { path: ':video_id' });
And my videos.index template (which I render in the second, named outlet) looks like this:
{{#each video in controller}}
{{log isFrontPage}}
<!--if we only want to display the frontpage-videos in the grid -->
{{#if isFrontPage}}
<!--show only videos with frontpage = true -->
{{#if video.frontpage}}
{{partial 'video-thumbnails'}}
<!--show all videos, which will be used for the /videos site-->
{{partial 'video-thumbnails'}}
The isFrontPage is a property in the ApplicationController, that gets set to true/false in the right routes. When I initially load the index route it all works fine and just loads the videos with frontpage==true, when I then switch to the /videos route it all works fine as well and it loads all the videos. But then, no matter what route I go on, it just stays the same. And interestingly enough, even though the displayed videos change when going on the /videos route the log command doesn't print anything anymore.
Also, I am using the renderTemplate function to get the functionality, something like that in the VideosIndexRoute:
this.render('videos.index', {
outlet: 'videogrid',
into: 'videos.index',
controller: controller
And in the ApplicationRoute I have the same, just the into and the controller are for the application route.
So anyone knows how I can make ember rerender that template on the router-level? Or is there anything that I am missing and there is another/better way to do this? Any help is really appreciated.
Ok, I found a solution. The problem was, that ember loads the ApplicationRoute only one single time, so the renderTemplate method was never called again. I simply created a Route-object that all the other routes extend, so the right renderTemplate gets called for the right routes.

{{outlet}}, {{view}}, {{render}}, and {{control}} helpers

I am trying to put together a simple master-details Ember app. Directory tree on one side and file list on another.
Ember offers few helpers to render context into a view. Which of them I can use for:
Subtrees of the directory tree.
Details list.
In fact, would be very helpful if someone can point me to any docs I can read about the difference between {{render view}}, {{view view}} and {{control view}} helpers and how to use them properly.
Thanks a lot!
{{view "directory"}} renders the view within the context of the current controller.
{{render "directory"}} renders the view App.DirectoryView with template directory within the context of the singleton App.DirectoryController
{{control directory}} behaves the same way as render only it creates a new instance of App.DirectoryController every time it renders (unlike render which uses the same controller instance every time).
Update 18 Feb 2014: {{control}} has been removed.
The last two helpers are relatively new, so there isn't much documentation about them. You can find {{view}} documentation here.
Now looking at your use case, I don't think you need any of these helpers. Just use nested routes and the {{outlet}} helper and it should just work.{
this.resource('directories', function() {
this.resource('directory', { path: '/:directory_id'}, function() {
You can build on that following this guide.
UPDATE: {{render}} now creates a new instance every time if you pass a model.
For a very good explanation of the helpers render, partial, outlet and template have a look at this question.
Just as a rough a summary, how one might use those helpers:
{{render "navigation"}} -> Renders the NavigationController and NavigationView at this place. This is helper is good for places, where the Controller and View do not change, e.g. a navigation.
{{outlet "detailsOutlet"}} -> This will provide a stub/hook/point into which you can render Components(Controller + View). One would use this with the render method of routes. In your case you will likely have a details route which could look like this. This would render the DetailsController with DetailsView into the outlet 'detailsOutlet' of the index template.
App.DetailsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function() {
this.render('details', { // the template/view to render -> results in App.DetailsView
into: 'index', // the template to render into -> where the outlet is defined
outlet: 'detailsOutlet', // the name of the outlet in that template -> see above
{{view App.DetailsView}} -> This will render the given view, while preserving the current context/controller. One might change the context, e.g. using your master entity and pass its details to a view like this:
{{view App.DetailsView contextBinding="masterEntity.details"}}
This is helper is useful, when you want to encapsulate certain parts of a component in subviews, that have own custom logic like handling of actions/events.
{{control}} I know that control instantiates a new controller every time it is used, but I cannot see a good fit for your, nor have i a good example for using it.
To Understand the difference between ember {{render}},{{template}},{{view}},{{control}}
you can refer this article

How can I get My previous route?

How can I get my previous router in my current controller.
App.MyController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
next:function() { // This is my action helper in HBS
back:function() { // This is my action helper in HBS
// Here I need to dynamically identify my previous route.
// How can I get my previous route.
After having inspected the router object again, I don't see any property in there that will allow you to grab the last route. In pre 4 there was a property for the last route, but it was a difficult property to work with.
My solution is therefore the same as it was in pre 4: I'd create my own mixin to handle the routes that you navigate into, and from that list of routes, you can get whatever route you're after: the current one, the last one, et cetera...
jsFiddle here:
The first thing to do is create the mixin that will allow us to push the routes into a HistoryController. We can do this by creating a setupController method which of course gets invoked every time you move into a route.
App.HistoryMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
setupController: function() {
We are pushing the route into the HistoryController.
History Controller
Since we're currently pushing the routeName into a non-existent HistoryController, we'll need to go ahead and create that, which is absolutely nothing special.
App.HistoryController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
Index Controller
Since the HistoryController stores the list of routes we've navigated into, we'll need it accessible on other controllers, such as the IndexController, we'll therefore use needs to specify in which controller it should be accessible.
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['history']
Implement Mixin
We now have everything we need to keep a track of the routes, and so we'll specify that our routes need to implement this mixin.
App.CatRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.HistoryMixin);
Last but not least, now that we have a HistoryController which our IndexController can access, and the mixin pushes each accessed route into the HistoryController, we can use our application view to output a list of the routes, and specify the last route. Of course in your case you'll need the last route minus one, but there's no sense in me doing everything!
<h1>Routes History ({{controllers.history.length}})</h1>
<li>Last Route: {{controllers.history.lastObject}}</li>
{{#each controllers.history}}
I hope this gets you onto the straight and narrow.
Current solutions feel like the tail wagging the dog.
Simple solution is to do window.history.back()
Ember doesn't keep track of the router history, since it would be redundant. All browser already handle this by default.