Regex tool to capture numbers and calculate sum? - regex

I'm looking for a tool (online or for OSx) that can capture numbers in a string using regex, and then sum up those numbers and display the sum (and ideally perform some other mathematical operations as well).
I know that for example RegExr can list all matches, but it can't really perform any operations on them.
Not sure if this question qualifies on StackOverflow, but I'm sure many developers out there have had the need to quickly and easily sum up some values in debug outputs (which is exactly what I need to do), so I'm throwing it out there anyway.
I could easily create my own tailor made tool to do it, but I'm sure it would benefit all of us (me and those who end up in this thread looking for the same tool) to reuse something that already exists instead of each of us inventing our own wheel.

This can be done using a short piece of Ruby code.
source = "zaw34r5vgfyt78uibv879gu"
regex_numbers = /[0-9]+/
matches = source.scan(regex_numbers).collect { |str| str.to_f }
result = matches.inject { |sum, x| sum + x }
puts result
You can run it using an online interpreter, such as REPL.IT, or locally using a Ruby interpreter.
The operation performed each time can be changed by modifying { |sum, x| sum + x }.
{ |product, x| product * x }


How to rewrite `sin(x)^2` to cos(2*x) form in Sympy

It is easy to obtain such rewrite in other CAS like Mathematica.
(*1/2 (1 - Cos[2 x])*)
However, in Sympy, trigsimp with all methods tested returns sin(x)**2
While dealing with a similar issue, reducing the order of sin(x)**6, I notice that sympy can reduce the order of sin(x)**n with n=2,3,4,5,... by using, rewrite, expand, and then rewrite, followed by simplify, as shown here:
expr = sin(x)**6
expr.rewrite(sin, exp).expand().rewrite(exp, sin).simplify()
this returns:
-15*cos(2*x)/32 + 3*cos(4*x)/16 - cos(6*x)/32 + 5/16
That works for every power similarly to what Mathematica will do.
On the other hand if you want to reduce sin(x)**2*cos(x) a similar strategy works. In that case you have to rewrite the cos and sin to exp and as before expand rewrite and simplify again as:
(sin(x)**2*cos(x)).rewrite(sin, exp).rewrite(cos, exp).expand().rewrite(exp, sin).simplify()
that returns:
cos(x)/4 - cos(3*x)/4
The full "fu" method tries many different combinations of transformations to find "the best" result.
The individual transforms used in the Fu-routines can be used to do targeted transformations. You will have to read the documentation to learn what the different functions do, but just running through the functions of the FU dictionary identifies TR8 as your workhorse here:
>>> for f in FU.keys():
... print("{}: {}".format(f, FU[f](sin(var('x'))**2)))
TR8 -cos(2*x)/2 + 1/2
TR1 sin(x)**2
Here is a silly way to get this job done.
-cos(2*x)/2 + 1/2
also works for
3*sin(x)/4 - sin(3*x)/4
but not works for
4*(-tan(x/2)**2 + 1)*cos(x/2)**6*tan(x/2)**2

Time complexity of regex and Allowing jitter in pattern finding

To find patterns in string, I have the following code. In it, find.string finds substring of maximum length subject to (1) substring must be repeated consecutively at least th times and (2) substring length must be no longer than len.
reps <- function(s, n) paste(rep(s, n), collapse = "") # repeat s n times
find.string <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
for(k in len:1) {
pat <- paste0("(.{", k, "})", reps("\\1", th-1))
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
if (attr(r, "capture.length") > 0) break
if (r > 0) substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")-1) else ""
An example for the above mentioned code: for the string "a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw" the pattern should come out to be "aaaab".
NOW I am trying to get patterns allowing jitter of 1 character. Example: for the string "a0cc0vaaaabaaadbaaabbaa00bvw" the pattern should come out to be "aaajb" where "j" can be anything. Can anyone suggest a modification of the above mentioned code or any new code for pattern finding, that could allow such jitters?
Also can anyone throw some light on the TIME COMPLEXITY and INTERNAL ALGORITHM used for the regexpr function ?
Thanks! :)
Not very efficient but tada:
reps <- function(s, n) paste(rep(s, n), collapse = "") # repeat s n times
find.string <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
found <- FALSE
for(sublen in len:1) {
for(inlen in 0:sublen) {
pat <- paste0("((.{", sublen-inlen, "})(.)(.{", inlen, "}))", reps("(\\2.\\4)", th-1))
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
if (attr(r, "capture.length")[1] > 0){
found = TRUE
if(found) break
if (r > 0) substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")[1] - 1) else ""
find.string("a0cc0vaaaabaaadbaaabbaa00bvw"); # returns "aaaab"
Without any fuzzy matching tool available, I manually check each possibility. I use an inner loop to try different size prefix and suffix lengths on either size of the "jitter" character. The prefix is grouped as \2 and the suffix as \4 (the jitter is \3 but I don't use it). Then, the repeated part tries to match \2.\4 - so the prefix, any new jitter character, and the suffix.
I say not efficient because its evaluating O(len^2) different patterns, versus O(len) patterns in your code. For large len this might become a problem.
Note that I have multiple groups, and only look at the [1] position. The full r variable has more useful information, for example [1] will be the first part, [5] will be the 2nd part, [6] will be the 3rd part, etc. Also [3] will be the "jitter" character in the 1st part.
Regarding the complexity of the actual regex: it varies a lot. However, often the construction (setup) of a particular regex is vastly more intensive then the actual matching, which is why a single pattern used repeatedly can produce better results than multiple patterns. In truth, this varies a lot based on the pattern and the engine you're using - see links at the end for more info about complexity.
Regarding how regex works: just a note, this is going to be a very theoretical overview, its not meant to indicate how any particular regex engine works.
For a more practical overview, there are plenty of sites that cover just enough to know how to use a regex, but not how to build your own engine. - for example
Regex is what's known as a state machine, specifically a (non-deterministic) finite state automaton (NFA). A very simple, real world state machine is a lightbulb: its either on, or off, and different inputs can change the state its in. A regex is much more complex, (generally) each symbol in the pattern forms a state, and different input can send it to different states. So if you have \d\d\d, 3 virtual states each can accept any digit, and any other input goes to a 4th "failure" state. The end result is the end state after all input is 'consumed'.
Perhaps you can imagine: this gets vastly more complicated, with many many states, when you use any ambiguity, such as wildcards or alternation. So our \d\d\d regex will basically be linear. But more complicated one will not be. Part of the optimization in a regex engine is converting a NFA to a DFA - a deterministic finite state automaton. Here, the ambiguity is removed, generating many more states, and this is the very computationally complex process referenced above (the construction stage).
This is really just a very theoretical overview of an ideal NFA. In practice, modern regex grammars can do a lot more than this, for example backtracing is not technically possible in a "proper" regex.
This might be a bit too high-level, but thats the basic idea. If you're curious, there are plenty of good articles about regex, different flavors, and their complexity. For example:
There's basically two regex algorithm types, Perl-Style (with a lot of complex backtracking) and Thompson-NFA.
To determine which engine R uses R's svn repo is here:
*root repo:\R-exp-uncmin\src\regex
I poked around in there a bit and found a file called "engine.c" On first glance it doesn't look like a Thompson-NFA but I didn't take long to read it.
At any rate, the first link goes in depth into the complexity question in general and should give you a great idea as to how regex parsing works under the hood to boot.

Notepad++ Regular Expression add up numbers

How do I sum or add a certain value to all those numbers? For example my goal is to increase all those numbers inside the "" with 100 but achieving that has been problematic. Basically just somehow sum the current number with +100.
I have the following lines
<devio1="875" devio2="7779" devio3="5635" devio4="154"/>
<devio1="765" devio2="74779" devio3="31535" devio4="544"/>
<devio1="4335" devio2="13" devio3="55635" devio4="1565"/>
By using this regular expression with Notepad++
<devio1="([0-9]+)" devio2="([0-9]+)" devio3="([0-9]+)" devio4="([0-9]+)"/>
I can find all the numbers inside the "" but I cannot find a way to add +100 to all of them. Can this task be achieved with Notepad++ using Regular Expressions?
That's not possible with the sole use of regular expressions in Notepad++. Unfortunately there's no way to perform calculations in the replacement pattern.
So the only way of accomplishing your task in Notepad++ is with the use of the Python Script plugin.
Install Python Script plugin from the Plugin Manager or from the official website.
Then go to Plugins > Python Script > New Script. Choose a filename for your new file (eg and copy the code that follows:
def calculate(match):
return 'devio%s="%s"' % (, str(int(
editor.rereplace('devio([0-9])="([0-9]+)"', calculate)
Run Plugins > Python Script > Scripts > and your text will be transformed to:
<devio1="975" devio2="7879" devio3="5735" devio4="254"/>
<devio1="865" devio2="74879" devio3="31635" devio4="644"/>
<devio1="4435" devio2="113" devio3="55735" devio4="1665"/>
I'm not really familiar with notepad++ but for an algorithm, supposing you have a number abcd = a*1000 +b*100 + c*10 + d, then so long as b is in [0,8] you can just replace b by b+1. As for when b = 9 then you need to replace b with 0 and replace a with a+1 (and if a = 9 then you'd replace a by 10).
Noting this, you could then, for three and four digit numbers, say, apply the following regexes:
\([1-9]+\)0\([0-9]{2}\) -> \1 1\2,
\([1-9]+\)1\([0,9]{2}\) -> \1 2\2,
... -> ,
\([1-9]+\)8\([0-9]{2}\) -> \1 9\2,
and so on ... Noting that you also have to consider any a=9, b=9 integers, and larger integers; this suggests some sort of iteration with if statements covering the cases where the coefficients of 10^x (x>=2) are equal to 9. When you start actually coding this (or doing it by hand) you will begin to realize that doing this with a pure regex approach is going to be painful.
Regex doesn't support arithmentic and Notepad++ doesn't support any computation beyond regex, so you're stuck if you're limiting yourself to that tool. There are, of course, many other non-Notepad++ solutions, some of which are discussed in Math operations in regex.

Checking if a string contains an English sentence

As of right now, I decided to take a dictionary and iterate through the entire thing. Every time I see a newline, I make a string containing from that newline to the next newline, then I do string.find() to see if that English word is somewhere in there. This takes a VERY long time, each word taking about 1/2-1/4 a second to verify.
It is working perfectly, but I need to check thousands of words a second. I can run several windows, which doesn't affect the speed (Multithreading), but it still only checks like 10 a second. (I need thousands)
I'm currently writing code to pre-compile a large array containing every word in the English language, which should speed it up a lot, but still not get the speed I want. There has to be a better way to do this.
The strings I'm checking will look like this:
but most of them contained complete garbage, just random letters.
I can't check for impossible compinations of letters, because that string would be thrown out because of the 'tm', in between 'thatmust'.
You can speed up the search by employing the Knuth–Morris–Pratt (KMP) algorithm.
Go through every dictionary word, and build a search table for it. You need to do it only once. Now your search for individual words will proceed at faster pace, because the "false starts" will be eliminated.
There are a lot of strategies for doing this quickly.
Idea 1
Take the string you are searching and make a copy of each possible substring beginning at some column and continuing through the whole string. Then store each one in an array indexed by the letter it begins with. (If a letter is used twice store the longer substring.
So the array looks like this:
a - substr[0] = "astringthatmustbechecked"
b - substr[1] = "bechecked"
c - substr[2] = "checked"
d - substr[3] = "d"
e - substr[4] = "echecked"
f - substr[5] = null // since there is no 'f' in it
... and so forth
Then, for each word in the dictionary, search in the array element indicated by its first letter. This limits the amount of stuff that has to be searched. Plus you can't ever find a word beginning with, say 'r', anywhere before the first 'r' in the string. And some words won't even do a search if the letter isn't in there at all.
Idea 2
Expand upon that idea by noting the longest word in the dictionary and get rid of letters from those strings in the arrays that are longer than that distance away.
So you have this in the array:
a - substr[0] = "astringthatmustbechecked"
But if the longest word in the list is 5 letters, there is no need to keep any more than:
a - substr[0] = "astri"
If the letter is present several times you have to keep more letters. So this one has to keep the whole string because the "e" keeps showing up less than 5 letters apart.
e - substr[4] = "echecked"
You can expand upon this by using the longest words starting with any particular letter when condensing the strings.
Idea 3
This has nothing to do with 1 and 2. Its an idea that you could use instead.
You can turn the dictionary into a sort of regular expression stored in a linked data structure. It is possible to write the regular expression too and then apply it.
Assume these are the words in the dictionary:
Build this sort of linked structure. (Its a binary tree, really, represented in such a way that I can explain how to use it.)
a -> r -> u -> n -> *
b -> i -> l -> l -> *
| | |
| o -> b -> * y -> *
| |
| d -> y -> *
j -> o -> s -> e -> *
The arrows denote a letter that has to follow another letter. So "r" has to be after an "a" or it can't match.
The lines going down denote an option. You have the "a or b or j" possible letters and then the "i or o" possible letters after the "b".
The regular expression looks sort of like: /(arun)|(b(ill(y+))|(o(b|dy)))|(jose)/ (though I might have slipped a paren). This gives the gist of creating it as a regex.
Once you build this structure, you apply it to your string starting at the first column. Try to run the match by checking for the alternatives and if one matches, more forward tentatively and try the letter after the arrow and its alternatives. If you reach the star/asterisk, it matches. If you run out of alternatives, including backtracking, you move to the next column.
This is a lot of work but can, sometimes, be handy.
Side note I built one of these some time back by writing a program that wrote the code that ran the algorithm directly instead of having code looking at the binary tree data structure.
Think of each set of vertical bar options being a switch statement against a particular character column and each arrow turning into a nesting. If there is only one option, you don't need a full switch statement, just an if.
That was some fast character matching and really handy for some reason that eludes me today.
How about a Bloom Filter?
A Bloom filter, conceived by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970 is a
space-efficient probabilistic data structure that is used to test
whether an element is a member of a set. False positive matches are
possible, but false negatives are not; i.e. a query returns either
"inside set (may be wrong)" or "definitely not in set". Elements can
be added to the set, but not removed (though this can be addressed
with a "counting" filter). The more elements that are added to the
set, the larger the probability of false positives.
The approach could work as follows: you create the set of words that you want to check against (this is done only once), and then you can quickly run the "in/not-in" check for every sub-string. If the outcome is "not-in", you are safe to continue (Bloom filters do not give false negatives). If the outcome is "in", you then run your more sophisticated check to confirm (Bloom filters can give false positives).
It is my understanding that some spell-checkers rely on bloom filters to quickly test whether your latest word belongs to the dictionary of known words.
This code was modified from How to split text without spaces into list of words?:
from math import log
words = open("english125k.txt").read().split()
wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(words)))) for i,k in enumerate(words))
maxword = max(len(x) for x in words)
def infer_spaces(s):
"""Uses dynamic programming to infer the location of spaces in a string
without spaces."""
# Find the best match for the i first characters, assuming cost has
# been built for the i-1 first characters.
# Returns a pair (match_cost, match_length).
def best_match(i):
candidates = enumerate(reversed(cost[max(0, i-maxword):i]))
return min((c + wordcost.get(s[i-k-1:i], 9e999), k+1) for k,c in candidates)
# Build the cost array.
cost = [0]
for i in range(1,len(s)+1):
c,k = best_match(i)
# Backtrack to recover the minimal-cost string.
costsum = 0
i = len(s)
while i>0:
c,k = best_match(i)
assert c == cost[i]
costsum += c
i -= k
return costsum
Using the same dictionary of that answer and testing your string outputs
>>> infer_spaces("hithisisastringthatmustbechecked")
The trick here is finding out what threshold you can use, keeping in mind that using smaller words makes the cost higher (if the algorithm can't find any usable word, it returns inf, since it would split everything to single-letter words).
In theory, I think you should be able to train a Markov model and use that to decide if a string is probably a sentence or probably garbage. There's another question about doing this to recognize words, not sentences: How do I determine if a random string sounds like English?
The only difference for training on sentences is that your probability tables will be a bit larger. In my experience, though, a modern desktop computer has more than enough RAM to handle Markov matrices unless you are training on the entire Library of Congress (which is unnecessary- even 5 or so books by different authors should be enough for very accurate classification).
Since your sentences are mashed together without clear word boundaries, it's a bit tricky, but the good news is that the Markov model doesn't care about words, just about what follows what. So, you can make it ignore spaces, by first stripping all spaces from your training data. If you were going to use Alice in Wonderland as your training text, the first paragraph would, perhaps, look like so:
It looks weird, but as far as a Markov model is concerned, it's a trivial difference from the classical implementation.
I see that you are concerned about time: Training may take a few minutes (assuming you have already compiled gold standard "sentences" and "random scrambled strings" texts). You only need to train once, you can easily save the "trained" model to disk and reuse it for subsequent runs by loading from disk, which may take a few seconds. Making a call on a string would take a trivially small number of floating point multiplications to get a probability, so after you finish training it, it should be very fast.

Can someone provide a regex for validating and parsing a csv of integers and reals

I am new to regex and struggling to create an expression to parse a csv containing 1 to n values. The values can be integers or real numbers. The sample inputs would be:
1,2.456, 3.08, 0.5, 7
This would be used in c#.
Use a CSV parser instead of RegEx.
There are several options - see this SO questions and answers and this one for the different options (built into the BCL and third party libraries).
The BCL provides the TextFieldParser (within the VisualBasic namespace, but don't let that put you off it).
A third party library that is liked by many is filehelpers.
Using REGEX for CSV parsing has been a 10 year jihad for me. I have found it remarkably frustrating, due to the boundary cases:
Numbers come in a variety of forms (here in the US, Canada):
-1.0 (etc)
But of course, Europe has traditionally been different with regard to commas and decimal points:
Which just ruins everything. So, we ignore the German and French and Continental standard because the comma just is impossible to work out whether it is separating values, or part of values. (The Continent likes TAB instead of COMMA)
I'll assume that you're "just" looking for numerical values separated from each other by commas and possible space-padding. The expression:
is a pretty fair parser of A NUMBER. Catches just about every reasonable case. Doesn't deal with imbedded commas though! It also trims off spaces, either side of the number.
From there, you can either build an iterative CSV string decomposer (walking each field, absorbing commas, assigning to an array, say), or use the scanf type function to do the same thing. I do prefer the iterative decomposition method - as it also allows you to parse out strings, hexadecimal, and virtually any other pattern you find in the data.
The regex you want is
...from which you'll want capture group 1. However, don't use regex for something like this. String manipulation is much better when the input is in a very static, predictable format:
string[] nums = strInput.split(", ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
List<float> results = (from n in nums
select float.Parse(n)).ToList();
If you do use regex, make sure you do a global capture.
I think you would have to loop it to check for an unknown number of ints... or else something like this:
/ *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) */
and you could keep that going ",?([0-9]*)" as far as you wanted to, to account for a lot of numbers. The result would be an array of numbers....