How is the shell code of a Buffer Overflow generated - c++

The following codes got my curiosity. I always look, search, and study about the exploit so called "Buffer overflow". I want to know how the code was generated. How and why the code is running?
char shellcode[] = "\x31\xd2\xb2\x30\x64\x8b\x12\x8b\x52\x0c\x8b\x52\x1c\x8b\x42"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int (*f)();
f = (int (*)())shellcode;(int)(*f)();
Thanks a lot fella's. ^_^

A simple way to generate such a code would be to write the desired functionality in C. Then compile it (not link) using say gcc as your compiler as
gcc -c shellcode.c
This will generate an object file shellcode.o . Now you can see the assembled code using objdump
odjdump -D shellcode.o
Now you can see the bytes corresponding to the instructions in your function.
Please remember though this will work only if your shellcode doesn't call any other function or doesn't reference any globals or strings. That is because the linker has yet not been invoked. If you want all the functionality, I will suggest you generate a shared binary (.so on *NIX and dll on Windows) while exporting the required function. Then you can find the start point of the function and copy bytes from there. You will also have to copy the bytes of all other functions and globals. You will also have to make sure that the shared library is compiled as a position independent library.
Also as mentioned above this code generated is specific to the target and won't work as is on other platforms.

Machine code instructions have been entered directly into the C program as data, then called with a function pointer. If the system allows this, the assembly can take any action allowed to the program, including launching other programs.
The code is specific to the particular processor it is targetted at.


if we had a single file project that contained all the code can we not use the linker?

Linker question:
if I had a file. c that has no includes at all, would we still need a linker?
Although the linker is so-named because it links together multiple object files, it performs other functions as well. It may resolve addresses that were left incomplete by the compiler. It produces a program in an executable file format that the system’s program loader can read and load, and that format may differ from that of object modules. Specifics depend on the operating system and build tools.
Further, to have a complete program in one source file, you must provide not just the main routine you are familiar with from C and C++ but also the true start of the program, the entry point that the program loader starts execution at, and you must provide implementations for all functions you use in the program, such as invocations of system services via special trap or system-call instructions to read and write data.
You can create a project, which has no typical C startup code, in which case, you may not even have a main(). However, you still need a linker, because the linker creates the required executable file format for the given architecture.
It also will set the entrypoint, where the actual execution starts.
So you can omit the standard libraries, and create a binary, which is completly void of any C functions, but you still need the linker to actually make a runable binary.
The object file format, generated by the compiler, is very different to the executable file format, because it only provides all information, that is required for the linker.
Yes. The linker does more than merely link the files. Check out this resource for more info:,translation%20unit%20have%20external%20linkage.
Believe it or not, multiple libraries can be referenced by default. So, even if you don't #includea resource, the compiler may have to internally link or reference something outside of the translation unit. There are also redundancies and other considerations that are "eliminated" by the compiler.
Despite its name the linker is properly a "linker/locater". It performs two functions - 1) linking object code, 2) determining where in memory the data and code elements exist.
The object code out of the compiler is not "located" even if it has no unresolved links.
Also even if you have the simplest possible valid code:
int main(){ return 0; }
with no includes, the linker will normally implicitly link the C runtime start-up, which is required to do everything necessary before running main(). That may be very little. On some target such as ARM Cortex-M you can in fact run C code directly from the reset vector so long as you don't assume static initialisation or complete library support. So it is possible to write the reset code entirely in C, but you probably still need code to initialise the vector table with the reset handler (your C start-up function) and the initial stack pointer. On Cortex-M that can be done using in-line assembler perhaps, but it is all rather cumbersome and unnecessary and does not forgo the linker.

How to get a caller graph from a given symbol in a binary

This question is related to a question I've asked earlier this day: I wonder if it's possible to generate a caller graph from a given function (or symbol name e.g. taken from nm), even if the function of interest is not part of "my" source code (e.g. located in a library, e.g. malloc())
For example to know where malloc is being used in my program named foo I would first lookup the symbol name:
nm foo | grep malloc
U malloc##GLIBC_2.2.5
And then run a tool (which might need a specially compiled/linked version of my program or some compiler artifacts):
find_usages foo-with-debug-symbols "malloc##GLIBC_2.2.5"
Which would generate a (textual) caller graph I can then process further.
Reading this question I found radare2 which seems to accomplish nearly everything you can imagine but somehow I didn't manage to generate a caller graph from a given symbol yet..
Using radare2 I've managed to generate a dot caller graph from an executable, but something is still missing. I'm compiling the following C++ program which I'm quite sure has to use malloc() or new:
#include <string>
int main() {
auto s = std::string("hello");
s += " welt";
return 0;
I compile it with static libraries in order to be sure all calls I want to analyze can be found in the binary:
g++ foo.cpp -static
By running nm a.out | grep -E "_Znwm|_Znam|_Znwj|_Znaj|_ZdlPv|_ZdaPv|malloc|free" you can see a lot of symbols which are used for memory allocation.
Now I run radare2 on the executable:
r2 -qAc 'agCd' a.out >
With a little script (inspired by this answer) I'm looking for a call-path from any symbol containing "sym.operatornew" but there seems to be none!
Is there a way to make sure all information needed to generate a call graph from/to any function which get's called inside that binary?
Is there a better way to run radare2? It looks like the different call graph visualization types provide different information - e.g. the ascii art generator does provide names for symbols not provided by the dot generator while the dot generator provides much more details regarding calls.
In general, you cannot extract an exact control flow graph from a binary, because of indirect jumps and calls there. A machine code indirect call is jumping into the content of some register, and you cannot reliably estimate all the values that register could take (doing so could be proven equivalent to the halting problem).
Is there a way to make sure all information needed to generate a call graph from/to any function which get's called inside that binary?
No, and that problem is equivalent to the halting problem, so there would be never a sure way to get that call graph (in a complete and sound way).
The C++ compiler would (usually) generate indirect jumps for virtual function calls (they jump thru the vtable) and probably when using a shared library (read Drepper's How To Write Shared Libraries paper for more).
Look into the BINSEC tool (developed by colleagues from CEA, LIST and by INRIA), at least to find references.
If you really want to find most (but not all) dynamic memory allocations in your C++ source code, you might use static source code analysis (like Frama-C or Frama-Clang) and other tools, but they are not a silver bullet.
Remember that allocating functions like malloc or operator new could be put in function pointer locations (and your C++ code might have some allocator deeply buried somewhere, then you are likely to have indirect calls to malloc)
Maybe you could spend months of effort in writing your own GCC plugin to look for calls to malloc after optimizations inside the GCC compiler (but notice that GCC plugins are tied to one particular version of GCC). I am not sure it is worth the effort. My old (obsolete, non maintained) GCC MELT project was able to find calls to malloc with a size above some given constant. Perhaps in at least a year -end of 2019 or later- my successor project (bismon, funded by CHARIOT H2020 project) might be mature enough to help you.
Remember also that GCC is capable of quite fancy optimizations related to malloc. Try to compile the following C code
//file mallfree.c
#include <stdlib.h>
int weirdsum(int x, int y) {
int*ar2 = malloc(2*sizeof(int));
ar2[0] = x; ar2[1] = y;
int r = ar2[0] + ar2[1];
free (ar2);
return r;
with gcc -S -fverbose-asm -O3 mallfree.c. You'll see that the generated mallfree.s assembler file contain no call to malloc or to free. Such an optimization is permitted by the As-if rule, and is practically useful to optimize most usages of C++ standard containers.
So what you want is not simple even for apparently "simple" C++ code (and is impossible in the general case).
If you want to code a GCC plugin and have more than a full year to spend on that issue (or could pay at least 500k€ for that), please contact me. See also (your question is a virtually impossible one).
BTW, of course, what you really care about is dynamic memory allocation in optimized code (you really want inlining and dead code elimination, and GCC does that quite well with -O3 or -O2). When GCC is not optimizing at all (e.g. with -O0 which is the implicit optimization) it would do a lot of "useless" dynamic memory allocation, specially with C++ code (using the C++ standard library). See also CppCon 2017: Matt Godbolt “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid” talk.

Find Main in Assembly

I have simple C++ programm:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
cout << "Hello, world, from Visual C++!" << endl;
Compiled with following command: cl /EHsc hello.cpp
I want to start debugging of executable, How can I find this main function's corresponding assembly code in the debugger? (I'm using x64dbg)
Entry point is not same as Main function.
I found main function and it is somewhere not near with Entry Point, I had strings and I found this easily.
Is there any way or rule or best practise how to guess where is main's corresponding assmebly code?
I have source code, but I just learning RE.
Although the entry point is usually not the main defined in your executable, this is merely because it is quite common for compilers to to wrap main with some initialization code.
In most cases the initialization code is quite similar and has one of few versions per compiler. Most of those functions have an IDA FLIRT signature, and opening the binary with IDA will define an WinMain, main, etc function for you automatically. You can also use free (trial) versions of IDA for that.
If that's not the case, it's pretty straight forward to get from the entrypoint to the main, by following the few calls inside the entrypoint function one level deep. the main call is usually near the end of the entrypoint function.
Here's an example, main function is selected near the bottom (Note this is a unix executable compiled for windows using mingw, so this is somewhat different from most native win32 executables).
if you debugging own code - the best way to stop somewhere under debugger - use next code
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) __debugbreak();
so you can insert it at begin of your main or any other places.
if you debugging not own binary code - binary can at all not containing c/c++ CRT code - so question became senseless. however if CRT code exist, despite many different implementations - all use common patterns and after some practice - possible found where CRT code call main.
in case standard windows binaries, for which exist pdb files - this is not a problem at all
Generally, you can't.
When you compile a program, you get a binary and (optionally) debugging symbols.
If you have the debugging symbols, let IDA or your debugger load them, and then you should be able to symbolically evaluate main to the address of the function (e.g in IDA, just press g and write main and you'll be there. In WinDbg or gdb you can type b main)
However, the more common case would be to find the main function on a binary for which you do not posses the debugging symbols. In this case, you don't know where the main function is, nor if it is even there. The binary may not use the common libc practice of an entry point doing initialization and then calling main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]).
But because you're an intelligent human, I'd recommended reading the libc implementation for the compiler/platform you think you're working with, and follow the logic from the platform-defined entry point until you see the call main instruction.
(Please note that .NET binaries and other types of binaries may behave completely differently.)

IDL CALL_EXTERNAL crashing when passing arguments to C++

I'm trying to run a c++ script from IDL using the CALL_EXTERNAL function. I've been able to get it to work without arguments, but when I try to add an arg, such as a single IDL LONG INT, IDL crashes. with the error:
% CALL_EXTERNAL: Error loading sharable executable.
Symbol: main, File = /home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.
/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/ wrong ELF class:
% Execution halted at: TEST_EXTERNAL 7
/home/inspired/IDLWorkspace/Analyze Data/
% $MAIN$
The test code I'm using is as follows.
The C++ code:
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int temp = (int) strtod(argv[1], NULL);
return temp;
The IDL code:
pro test_external
c= call_external('/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/','main', long(2), /AUTO_GLUE)
This code is of course practice code, but if I can't get this to work, then there's no way I'll be able to pass a mixture of arrays, and values.
I am aware that IDL passes everything by reference unless stated otherwise. So I've tried both treating the passed argument as a pointer in the C++ code, and setting the /ALL_VALUE keyword to pass the arg as a value. Neither works resulting in the same error as above. I've read about "glue functions" but I have not been able to find a guide to making them (despite every source indicating that it's 'easy for most programmers'" >.>
Anyway, my options are as follows, and if you can help me with any, I'd be eternally grateful:
Get this CALL_EXTERNAL function to work
Have the C code grab the data it needs from memory somehow
Rewrite everything in C++ (you don't need to help with this one)
Thanks in advance.
I think you are trying to mix 32-bit and 64-bit code. It looks like you are compiling your code as 64-bit, but you are running 32-bit IDL. To check this, IDL prints it when it launches or you can check manually:
IDL> print, !version.memory_bits

execute C++ from String variable

it is possible in C++ to execute the C++ code from string variable.
Like in Javascript:
var theInstructions = "alert('Hello World'); var x = 100";
var F=new Function (theInstructions);
I want something very similar like Javascript in C++. How to do that ?
No, C++ is a static typed, compiled to native binary language.
Although you could use LLVM JIT compilation, compile and link without interrupting the runtime. Should be doable, but it is just not in the domain of C++.
If you want a scripting engine under C++, you could use for example JS - it is by far the fastest dynamic solution out there. Lua, Python, Ruby are OK as well, but typically slower, which may not be a terrible thing considering you are just using it for scripting.
For example, in Qt you can do something like:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QScriptEngine engine;
QScriptValue value = engine.evaluate("var a = 20; var b = 30; a + b");
cout << value.toNumber();
return a.exec();
And you will get 50 ;)
You will need to invoke a compiler to compile the code. In addition, you will need to generate some code to wrap the string in a function declaration. Finally, you'll then somehow need to load the compiled code.
If I were doing this (which I would not) I would:
Concatenate a standard wrapper function header around the code
Invoke a compiler via the command line (system()) to build a shared
library (.dll on windows or .so on linux)
Load the shared library and map the function
Invoke the function
This is really not the way you want to write C code in most cases.
Directly, no. But you can:
write that string to a file.
invoke the compiler and compile that file.
execute the resulting binary.
C++ is a compiled language. You compile C++ source into machine code, the executable. That is loaded and executed. The compiler knows about C++ (and has all the library headers available). The executable doesn't, and that is why it cannot turn a string into executable code. You can, indeed, execute the contents of a string if it happens to contain machine code instructions, but that is generally a very bad idea...
That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be possible to do this kind of run-time compilation. Very little (if, indeed, anything) is impossible in C++. But what you'd be doing would be implementing a C++ compiler object... look at other compiler projects before deciding you really want this.
Interpreted languages can do this with ease - they merely have to pass the string to the interpreter that is already running the program. They pay for this kind of flexibility in other regards.
You can use Cling as C++ interpreter.
I created small CMake project for easier Cling integration: C++ as compile-time scripting language (
Short answer is no. Hackers would have a field day. You can however use the Windows IActiveScriptSite interface to utilize Java/VB script. Google IActiveScriptSite, there are numerous examples on the web. Or you can do what I am currently doing, roll your own script engine.