How can I get the current day in Robot Framework? - python-2.7

Im new to automated Testing.
Now I want to select the current weekday from a list.
I want to us following Keyword:
Selenium2Library.Select From List by Value ${day_of_the_week}
How can I get the Current day in Robot Framework? Is there a simple solution to my Problem?
The best would be a variable that gives me the current day in german Language.
I hope you can help me.

Using the Library DateTime
Which can be called by:
**** Settings ***
Library DateTime
You can use the Get Current Date keyword and assign it to a Var and specify the format. For example:
${CurrentDate} Get Current Date result_format=%d-%m-%Y
Log ${CurrentDate}
In your case you need to change the Result_format to retrieve the current day. This would be
${CurrentDay} Get Current Date result_format=%A
Log ${CurrentDay}
Which, when viewed in the log, would retrieve "Thursday"
The list of formats can be found here
Hope this helps you!
Due to the DateTime Library not supporting local names for the dates (Montag for Monday in German for instance) The Asker switched to the %w format to return 0-6 range. Then used an index to change the int into a string of the date!


timezones and doing analytics on tables

This strange behavior has recently came to my attention, while I was testing my Rails app on local environment in which I use around_filter to set the timezone to registered user (the default timezone is UTC).
What I did was that I registered a new user in my app. My current time was 10pm GMT-5 (March 3), and this user's created_at time was saved to database to 4am UTC (March 4). Now, I know that this time is saved in database with the timezone settings, but here comes the problem:
I use a graph for visual representation of daily registered users, and when I called the following function to tell me number of users registered in the last few days:
from ||= - 1.month
to ||=
It would say that this user was registered in March 4, while it was in fact registered on March 3 from my perspective.
My question is:
How should I call where function and group by a created_at column, so that the dates with be affected correctly (according to my timezone) ?
Or is there something else that I should be doing differently?
I'm not a rubyist, so I'll let someone else give the specific code, but I can answer from a general algorithmic perspective.
If you're storing UTC in the database, then you need to query by UTC as well.
In determining the range of the query (the from and to), you'll need to know the start and stop times for "today" in your local time zone, and convert those each to UTC.
For example, I'm in the US Pacific time zone, and today is March 7th, 2015.
from: 2015-03-07T00:00:00-08:00 = 2015-03-07T08:00:00Z
to: 2015-03-08T00:00:00-08:00 = 2015-03-08T08:00:00Z
If you want to subtract a month like you showed in the example, do it before you convert to UTC. And watch out for daylight saving time. There's no guarantee the offsets will be the same.
Also, you'll want to use a half-open interval range that excludes the upper bound. I believe in Ruby that this is done with three dots (...) instead of two (at least according to this).
Grouping is usually a bit more difficult. I assume this is a query against a database, right? Well, if the db you're querying has time zone support, then you could use it convert the date to your time zone before grouping. Something like this (pseudocode):
Since you didn't state what DB you're using, I can't be more specific. CONVERT_TZ is available on MySQL, and I believe Oracle and Postgres both have time zone support as well. will default to your system's set timezone (which by the way should always be UTC, here's why) so if you want to use UTC, simply do if rails is set to UTC
Otherwise you should do
Time.use_zone('UTC') do
After this you should display the created_at dates by doing object.created_at.in_time_zone('EST')
to show it in your current timezone

Modify date time to a specific format

I'm having trouble coding a conversion to a specific time format along with converting to string format. I have the following code.
txtMonday->Text = Convert::ToString(dtpMondayIn->Value);
I want txtMonday(text box) not only to display dtpMondayIn's value(datetimepicker), but in format. Currently, it will display the date and time, for example, January 1, 2014 8:40:30 AM. I want the text box to show only 8.40 as in hours and minutes. How could I code this? I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and c++ language.
I am not really sure but
try this,
txtMonday->Text = Convert::ToString(dtpMondayIn->Value.ToString("hh:mm tt",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Let me know in case it works.

Web server subtracting 1 hour from dataset datetime for some days

We have a web server running Windows 2003 Standard and the time zone is set to GMT-06:00 Central Time, and the box is checked to adjust for daylight saving changes.
A web service on this server queries a datetime field and when the datetime is fetched it is correct. When the dataset is returned to the client 1 hour is subtracted from the datetime if the date is Mar 9-31, Apr 1-5, Oct 26-31, or Nov 1-5. These are the dates that the DST time change can happen on.
It does not matter when the data was saved to the database. If I save a date of 4/1/2013 today, it will be returned to the client minus the 1 hour.
We have verified that SQL is storing the date correctly since it is being returned to the web service correctly.
If I convert the date to a date string at the web server before returning it to the client, the correct date string is returned.
All dates outside of the possible DST dates are good.
All dates during DST that are not on a possible change date are good.
As an example, a date saved as 4/1/2013 12:00:00 AM will be returned as 3/31/2013 11:00:00 PM.
A date saved as 4/6/2013 12:00:00 AM will be returned as 4/6/2013 12:00:00 AM.
I added a web method to the web server to return a date value of Now() and it returns the correct date.
The only thing I have found that is similar was something about a XML rule that says all datetime values are to be transmitted using an offset. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think this is it because only some dates are changed.
Any thoughts/suggestions of what else to look at to get this resolved?
Edit: I have found some dates on the dates listed above that are correct.
I'm going to take a shot at expanding this question, since i've had a similar issue in serialization of data objects.
Take a System.DateTime object that you want to write into a DataColumn. The DateTime object will by default return the DateTime.Kind property as [Unspecified]. When the DataColumn is then set to this DateTime object the DataColumn has a DateTimeMode property that resets to [UnspecifiedLocal].
There is not offest during serialization of DataColumn when the DateTimeMode is [Unspecified] or [UTC]. But when the DateTimeMode is set to [UnspecifiedLocal] or [Local], the offeset is applied. This is where the time can go up or down depending on the timezone or daylight savings configuration.
Sad news is that I can share your problem, but don't have a decent solution. Hope this helps your search.
I can only think of some ugly solutions, but i have not tested any. If i find an elegant solution i will try post again.

Library to discover dates from text?

I need to pull a date out of a string. Since not everyone uses the official ISO format when printing their dates, it is impractical to write a date parser for every possible date format that could be used, and I need to handle as many date formats as possible - I don't control the data and can't expect it to come in a specific format.
This seems like a problem that has probably already been solved ages ago, but my Google-fu is too weak to find the solution. :(
Does there already exist a C++ library that, given a string, will return the month, day, year, hour, minute, second, etc that is referenced in that string, if any?
string s1 = "There is an expected meteor shower this Thursday,"
"August 15th 2013 at 4:39 AM.";
string s2 = "20130815T04:39:00";
date d1 = magicConverter(s1);
date d2 = magicConverter(s2);
assert(d1 == d2);
You might use the code from here, but you need to configure a mask, that tells the code which time format is used. If you write a class routine, that takes a mask and a string and gets you out the time and is able to print in any format you like, you should be well prepared. You have to look in more detail, if it also supports Daynames and Monthnames. I got it to work in python with a module providing a function that seems pretty much the same.
For more detail:
Please look at the example 2013-08-03 again. Nobody and as follows no computer is able to tell you if this date belongs to August or April, except of having a mask telling JJJJ-MM-DD or JJJJ-DD-MM. Also this library may tell you only standard masked times. So it might lead you to August in this case. But as you said it can be any date declaration, thus it does not need to follow standards, thus it can also mean March. An other possibility is to tell you about the date from the context (e.g. a table with a column of all te same time formats by looking for the increase (which would also fail if you just look at one day per month for just one year).
Another example... if I ask you 2013-05-04... to which month does it belong? You might tell me... April. I would reply "no, to the 4th of May" and vice versa for May and 5th of April. If you tell me how to solve this puzzle with two possible solutions I would understand your downvote... please think before downvoting someone trying to help you.

select date range to get insight of the page

I am using Graph API for getting insights of the page. For that I am using link like :
This link gives me last three days of json object which is ok, but I want to specify date range in insights. I found end_date in documentation but not found start date.
Did any one know how I specify date range in this.
You can use the since and until parameters. For example:
The only limitation is that you the range you specify cannot include be longer than about 35 days, otherwise you'll get this exception:
(#604) The specified date range cannot exceed 3024000 seconds"
Also see FB's own description of this using these parameters here: