Pylint and dynamic changes to sys.path - python-2.7

I've a project in which a python script must get the path to some of its imports from an environment variable. I'm handling this with
sys.path.insert(0, os.environ["PYDIR"])
which works fine when I run the application.
Pylint (in my Vim editor) is flagging import errors on all the modules I import from "PYDIR". I hate to disable the error message in the module since it's usually useful. OTOH, I also hate the visual clutter in my editor.
I suspect there's no good solution since Pylint doesn't execute the code but thought I'd ask anyway.
EDIT: See my below comment on difference between this question and PyLint "Unable to import" error - how to set PYTHONPATH?

For my particular case, the following seems to work satisfactorily. (I'm developing on OS X, I start a customized Terminal shell when working on this project, and my editor is 'mvim' (MacVim))
Add to the Terminal startup shell command list:
source .myprojectshellenv;
where .myprojectshellenv contains:
export PYDIR=path-to-myproject-python-modules
alias pmvim="env PYTHONPATH=$PYDIR mvim"
Then all I need remember is to edit the files with pmvim instead of mvim. (If I forget the error indicators from pylint (via syntastic) make it immediately obvious)


VS Code + Pylance does not find venv-installed modules while venv is activated

I use VS Code Version: 1.74.3 on MacOS 13.2. python -V returns Python 3.11.1.
I get the following error message: Import "django.shortcuts" could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleScource).
As you can see in the screenshot, the correct venv is activated and includes Django.
I also tried or checked:
Import could not be resolved/could not be resolved from source Pylance in VS Code using Python 3.9.2 on Windows 10 but
the suggested solution with reloading the windows did not help.
reinstallation the virtual environment within VSCode and installing Django again
re-selecting the venv.
deleting all python-specific settings in user/settings.json as well as .vcode/settings.json.
Reinstallation python and associated extensions.
Using Debug I can safely run my Django-application without any import issues. What do I need to do that Pylance does not issues these problems?
My issue was a bug, fixed and closed.
For reference:
Try clicking on where it says "3.11.1 ('.venv': venv)" (near the bottom right).
It should bring up a little dialog sort of thing at the top where you can verify that the Python path is correct.
Check that it is using the correct Python path. It should be something like venv/bin/python3 or venv/bin/python assuming venv is situated at the root of youur project.

E0401:Unable to import 'django.db'

So i'm studying python crashcourse and after finishing the basics I jumped to the django project.
I created a virtual env, installed django and created an app with startapp command.
I use Visual Studio Code, and the problem is when I go to it gives an error that it's unable to find django.db module
unable to import error
Now I understand this is because of the file structure, which is as per my research the correct one, and I followed the book carefully, however i don't know how to fix this and I feel that i'm missing something.
This is my file structure for the virtual environment
file structure
Any idea how to fix it ? :)
Thanks in advance
Thank you Incognos !
To be more specific The solution was :
enter "code ." in the terminal and then a new VS opens.
Ctrl+Shift+P -> Select Interpreter
select the environment that starts with ./env or .\env
run Ctrl+Shift+` to activate it
VS is not seeing your virtualenv. You need to activate it for VS code so that it knows that django is installed in the virtualenv see
it happens because pylint is installed outside your virtual environment. So install pylint inside virtual environment with this command (pip install pylint).
Note: If you're using Visual Studio Code - Insiders you'll use code-insiders . instead of the code . command.
Then, a new window will open and you can set your virtual environment interpreter there.
in my case, the problem was solved by opening VS-Code in the directory where virtualenv is located.
Click Ctrl-shift-p to access the Command pallete, then search for Python: Select Interpreter. Click on it and then select on the one that has been recommended by the editor.

Why does Pycharm still refer to the old directories for my project

Am new to Flask development and am using an IDE like Pycharm for the first time, so please pardon the ignorance.
So while playing around with a project that I am working on to understand Flask, I created a virtual environment by the name venv. So the tree of my project would look something like :
To activate the virtual env, I used to do venv/bin/activate and my project would run as needed.
I came across virtualevnwrapper later and decided to use that. After installing it and setting it up, I moved over to the virtualenvwrapper way of working with virtual envs and completely removed(deleted) the venv directory from my project structure. The new project structure after deleting venv is as :
Everything works fine. The project runs as expected.
However, now after the venv directory was removed, when I open my project in Pycharm, for my import statements like :
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request, session, flash # , g
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchem
all the packages that I try importing gets underlined as error in the Pycharm IDE. I opened the Python console, in Pycharm, trying to debug the error and it gives the following error :
Error:Cannot run program "/Users/my_user_name/Desktop/some_parent_directory/my_project_directory/venv/bin/python" (in directory "/Users/my_user_name/Desktop/some_parent_directory/my_project_directory"): error=2, No such file or directory
Now I thought that apparently Pycharm is still using it's cache. So I tried invalidating the cache and restarting Pycharm as explained here, but the problem was still there.
Now I have 2 questions:
Why is Pycharm behaving this way? I removed the venv directory completely etc. Why is it still referencing the old (venv) location?
If it really is not able to resolve the dependencies, how exactly then is my project running all fine? Shouldn't it break the app?
Ok. After some further digging now, I was able to get the errors flagged in Pycharm rectified. I went to Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project: my_project_directory -> Project Interpreter & found that it was 'for some reason' still pointing to the older venv directory. From the drop down of the 'Project Interpreter:' section, I chose the path to my virtualenv created by virtualenvwrapper & saved the changes by Apply->Ok. This removed the error indications from the code in Pycharm. Although solved, the mystery of what/why was this happening is still unsolved for me. – qre0ct Jul 12 at 17:13
Moreover, I also removed the unused/deleted interpreters from the list of project interpreters by going to the 'more' section in the 'Project Interpreter' part and using the '-' at the bottom to remove the ones not needed.

How to use pdb.set_trace() in a Django unittest?

I want to debug a Django TestCase just like I would any other Python code: Simply call pdb.set_trace() and then drop into an interactive session. When I do that, I don't see anything, as the tests are run in a different process. I'm using django-discover-runner, but my guess is that this applies to the default Django test runner.
The question:
Is it possible to drop into a pdb session while using django-discover-runner a) on every error / fail, AND/OR b) only when I call pdb.set_trace() in my test code?
Some research:
This answer explains that Django creates another process, and suggests using a call to rpdb2 debugger, a part of winpdb, but I don't want to use winpdb, I'd rather use ipdb.
This answer solves the problem for django-nose by running the test command like this: ./ test -- -s, but that option's not available for django-discover-runner.
This answer shows that I can do this with ipython:
In [9]: %pdb
Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON
That seems like a potential option, but it seems a bit cumbersome to fire up ipython every time I run tests.
Finally, this answer shows that nose comes with a --pdb flag that drops into pdb on errors, which is what I want. Is my only option to switch to the django-nose test runner?
I don't see any options for this in the built-in help for django-discover-runner:
$ python help test --settings=settings.test
Usage: test [options] [appname ...]
Runs the test suite for the specified applications, or the entire site if no apps are specified.
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output,
2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings=SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g.
"myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be
A directory to add to the Python path, e.g.
--traceback Print traceback on exception
--noinput Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any
--failfast Tells Django to stop running the test suite after
first failed test.
Tells Django to use specified test runner class
instead of the one specified by the TEST_RUNNER
Overrides the default address where the live server
(used with LiveServerTestCase) is expected to run
from. The default value is localhost:8081.
-t TOP_LEVEL, --top-level-directory=TOP_LEVEL
Top level of project for unittest discovery.
-p PATTERN, --pattern=PATTERN
The test matching pattern. Defaults to test*.py.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Django does not run tests in a separate process; the linked answer claiming it does is simply wrong. (The closest is the LiveServerTestCase for Selenium tests, which starts up a separate thread to run the development server, but this is still not a separate process, and it doesn't prevent use of pdb). You should be able to insert import pdb; pdb.set_trace() anywhere in a test (or in the tested code) and get a usable pdb prompt. I've never had trouble with this, and I just verified it again in a fresh project with Django 1.5.1 and django-discover-runner 1.0. If this isn't working for you, it's due to something else in your project, not due to Django or django-discover-runner.
Nose captures all output by default, which breaks import pdb; pdb.set_trace(). The -s option turns off output capturing. This is not necessary with the stock Django test runner or django-discover-runner, since neither of them do output-capturing to begin with.
I don't know of any equivalent to nose's --pdb option if you're using django-discover-runner. There is a django-pdb project that provides this, but a quick perusal of its code suggests to me that it wouldn't play well with django-discover-runner; its code might give you some clues towards implementing this yourself, though.
FWIW, personally I use py.test with pytest-django rather than django-discover-runner or django-nose. And even though py.test provides a --pdb option like nose, I don't use it; I often want to break earlier than the actual point of error in order to step through execution prior to the error, so I usually just insert import pytest; pytest.set_trace() (importing set_trace from pytest does the equivalent of nose's -s option; it turns off py.test's output capturing before running pdb) where I want it in the code and then remove it when I'm done. I don't find this onerous; YMMV.
Try to use ipdb instead of pdb -
import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
or (works in case of nose test runner)
from import set_trace;set_trace()

Django Gramps no module named web.settings

I'm using Gramps 3.3.1 under Ubuntu 12.04 and trying to in Django Export/Import. The install is okay, but when I look at the installed addons, it says that it failed, with reason: "No module named web.settings".
I cann't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I'm assuming that it's this line in the python script:
import web.settings as default_settings
Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to get this data out and into a MySQL database, but I can't seem to.
When you run into an error where Python tells you "No module named blah" it really means it can't find "blah".
I would check your pythonpath and the filesystem permissions on the stuff in your path.
Your issue seems to be a known issue:
It's caused by not running Gramps from source, near as I can tell. It doesn't look like a Python Path issue, so much as the Gramps Django devs making assumptions where your Django settings would be (but I could be wrong).
As for Python Path, there's plenty of resources describing how to. The simplest way to check your Python path is to run echo $PYTHONPATH in a terminal. If you don't see it there, Python might not find it.