swi-prolog Combination of lists whose heads are unique - list

I tried to modify this combination predicate:
comb(N,[X|T],[X|Comb]):-N>0,N1 is N-1,comb(N1,T,Comb).
To make it include only lists with unique heads so that when I run this:
?- comb(2, [[1,2],[1,3],[2,4]], L].
I should get:
L= [[1,2],[2,4]];
L= [[1,3],[2,4]].
I tried something like this but since I can't get current CombinationList, I can't restrict it by this way:
N>0, N1 is N-1,
+ X = [H|_],
+ % H is not head of any of the current CombinationList's items,
I may be thinking unnecessarily procedural, but here it is. It would be also fine if you propose a whole different solution instead of modifying my given predicate.


Finding two max in list

How do I find two max value in a list and sum up, not using rec, only can use List.fold_left or right and List.map?
I used filter, but it's not allowed, anyways I can replace the filter?
let max a b =
if b = 0 then a
else if a > b then a
else b;;
let maxl2 lst =
match lst with
| [] -> 0
| h::t ->
let acc = h in
List.fold_left max acc lst +
max acc
(List.filter (fun x -> (x mod List.fold_left max acc lst) != 0) lst);;
List.fold_left is very powerful and can be used to implement List.filter, List.map, List.rev and so on. So it's not much of a restriction. I would assume the purpose of the exercise is for you to learn about the folds and what they can do.
If your solution with List.filter actually works, you should be able to replace List.filter by one you wrote yourself using List.fold_left. The basic idea of a fold is that it builds up a result (of any type you choose) by looking at one element of the list at a time. For filter, you would add the current element to the result if it passes the test.
However I have to wonder whether your solution will work even with List.filter. I don't see why you're using mod. It doesn't make a lot of sense. You seem to need an equality test (= in OCaml). You can't use mod as an equality test. For example 28 mod 7 = 0 but 28 <> 7.
Also your idea of filtering out the largest value doesn't seem like it would work if the two largest values were equal.
My advice is to use List.fold_left to maintain the two largest values you've seen so far. Then add them up at the end.
To build on what Jeffrey has said, List.fold_left looks at one element in a list at a time and an accumulator. Let's consider a list [1; 3; 7; 0; 6; 2]. An accumulator that makes sense is a tuple with the first element being the largest and the second element representing the second largest. We can initially populate these with the first two elements.
The first two elements of this list are [1; 3]. Finding the max of that we can turn this into the tuple (3, 1). The remainder of the list is [7; 0; 6; 2].
First we consider 7. It's bigger than 3, so we change the accumulator to (7, 3). Next we consider 0. This is smaller than both elements of the accumulator, so we make no changes. Next: 6. This is bigger than 3 but smaller than 7, so we updated the accumulator to (7, 6). Next: 2 which is smaller than both, so no change. The resulting accumulator is (7, 6).
Actually writing the code for this is your job.
Often, functions called by fold use an accumulator that is simple enough to be stored as an anonymous tuple. But this can become hard to understand when you are dealing with complex behaviors: you have to consider different corner cases, like what is the initial accumulator value? what is the regular behavior of the function, ie. when the accumulator has encountered enough values? what happens before that?
For example here you have to keep track of two maximal values (the general case), but your code has a build-up phase where there is only one element being visited in the list, and starts with initially no known max value. This kind of intermediate states is IMO the hardest part of using fold (the more pleasant cases are when the accumulator and list elements are of the same type).
I'd recommend making it very clear what type the accumulator is, and write as many helper functions as possible to clear things up.
To that effect, let's define the accumulator type as follows, with all different cases treated explicitly:
type max_of_acc =
| SortedPair of int * int (* invariant: fst <= snd *)
| Single of int
| Empty
Note that this isn't the only way to do it, you could keep a list of maximum values, initially empty, always sorted, and of size at most N, for some N (and then you would solve a more general case, ie. a list of N highest values). But as an exercise, it helps to cover the different cases as above.
For example, at some point you will need to compute the sum of the max values.
let sum_max_of m = match m with
| Empty -> 0
| Single v -> v
| SortedPair (u,v) -> u+v;;
I would also define the following helper function:
let sorted_pair u v = if u <= v then SortedPair (u,v) else SortedPair (v, u)
Finally, your function would look like this:
let fold_max_of acc w = match acc with
| Empty -> ...
| Single v -> ...
| SortedPair (u, v) -> ...
And could be used in the following way:
# List.fold_left fold_max_of Empty [1;2;3;5;4];;
- : max_of = SortedPair (4, 5)

Member of a list, sum previous members list prolog

I want to verify if a member of list, is the sum of the previous numbers.
Example: [0,1,3,4,18,19]. This is TRUE because 0+1+3 = 4
sum_([X|XS],R):- suma(XS,R1), R is X + R1.
I am stuck here. Any idea? Thanks.
Why append(A,[X|B],L),append(A,B,C),sum_(C,X)? In this way you want the sum of all elements except X to be equal to X.
It is not clear what the arguments of existsSum should be. Supposing existsSum(InputList, SubList, Element):
existsSum(L,A,X) :- append(A,[X|_B],L), sum_(A,X).
With your example produces these results:
?- existsSum([0,1,3,4,18,19], Sublist, Element).
Sublist = [],
Element = 0 ;
Sublist = [0, 1, 3],
Element = 4 ;
Note: also [] and 0 is a solution because of how you defined the sum_ predicate, i.e. the sum of [] is 0.
If you change the sum_ predicate in this way:
sum_([X|XS],R):- sum_(XS,R1),R is X + R1.
it is defined only for non-empty lists, and in this case you get only one result from your example:
?- existsSum([0,1,3,4,18,19], Sublist, Element).
Sublist = [0, 1, 3],
Element = 4 ;
I think your problem is ill-stated (or your example should not start with zero) because I think you basically have two ways you can process the list: either you process the entire list every time (and your example fails because 0+1+3+4+18 != 19) or you stop as soon as your expected value matches the head of the list, in which case [0] is already successful.
In the end, there aren't that many ways to process a list. You have to make a decision when you have an element, and you have to make a decision when you are out of elements. Suppose we want to succeed as soon as we have reached a value that matches the sum-so-far. We can model that fairly simply like this:
exists_sum(List) :- exists_sum(0, List).
exists_sum(RunningTotal, [RunningTotal|_]).
exists_sum(RunningTotal, [H|T]) :-
NewRunningTotal is RunningTotal + H,
exists_sum(NewRunningTotal, T).
Note that with this formulation, [0|_] is already successful. Also note that I have no empty list case: if I make it to the end of a list without having succeeded already, there is no solution there, so there's nothing to say about it.
The other formulation would be to require that the entire list is processed, which would basically be to replace the first exists_sum/2 clause with this:
exists_sum(Total, [Total]).
This will fail to unify exists_sum(4, [4|_]) which is the case you outline in the question where [0,1,3,4...] succeeds.
There may be other formulations that are more complex than these, but I don't see them. I really think there are only a couple ways to go with this that make sense.

Prolog finding a integer complement in a list

Given a sorted, no duplicates list L I would like to find out if it has at least one pair of complementary integers (i.e. <-1,1>, <-2,2>, etc.)
I am puzzled how to structure this one functionally in prolog. Essentially what I want to do is iterate through each negative number one by one and check if its complement (positive number digit) exists in the list. Normally this would be a double loop in other languages but how could I do this in Prolog?
Here's what I have so far but I am curious if there is a more elegant solution without using a control statement...
findint(X,[_|Tail]) :- findint(X,Tail).
findpair([X|Tail]) :- X < 0, Y is -1*X, (findint(Y,Tail) -> true ; findpair(Tail)).
a 'trick of the trade': use member/2 instead of iteration
complement_integers(L, I1,I2) :-
I1 =:= -I2.

Finding Length of List in Prolog

I'm running Prolog and trying to write a small function returning the length of a list:
len([XS], Y) :-
len([X|XS], M),
Y is M+1.
My logic is that the recursive call should include the tail of the list (XS) and increase 1 to the previous length (Y is M+1.)
This always returns false.
Any thoughts?
Here is a general methodology for debugging and testing Prolog predicates:
Start with the most general query!
Think of it: In Prolog you do not need to make up some test data. You don't even need to understand a predicate at all: Just hand in free variables! That is always a professional move!
So in your case, that's
?- len(L,N).
L = [], N = 0
; loops.
Your definition is not that bad as you claim: At least, it is true for the empty list.
Now, maybe look at the compiler warnings you probably received:
Warning: user://1:11:
Singleton variables: [X]
Next read the recursive rule in the direction of the arrow :- that is, right-to-left:
Provided len([X|Xs], M) is true and Y is M+1 is true, provided all that is true, we can conclude that
len([XS], Y) is true as well. So you are always concluding something about a list of length 1 ([Xs]).
You need to reformulate this to len([X|Xs], M) :- len(Xs, N), Y is M+1.
And here is another strategy:
Generalize your program
By removing goals, we can generalize a program1. Here is my favorite way to do it. By adding a predicate (*)/1 like so:
:- op(950,fy, *).
Now, let's remove all goals from your program:
len([XS], Y) :-
* len([X|XS], M),
* Y is M+1.
What we have now is a generalization. Once again, we will look at the answers of the most general query:
?- len(L, N).
L = [], N = 0
; L = [_].
What? len/2 is only true for lists of length 0 and 1. That means, even len([1,2], N) fails! So now we know for sure: something in the visible remaining part of the program has to be fixed. In fact, [XS] just describes lists of length 1. So this has to be removed...
Fine print:
1 Certain restrictions apply. Essentially, your program has to be a pure, monotonic program.

Easily replicate an element in Prolog :)

I am working on a longer problem that has me duplicate an element N times in list form, and I believe that using append is the right way to go for this. The tiny predicate should theoretically act like this:
?- repl(x,5,L).
L = [x, x, x, x, x] ;
I cannot seem to find any tips for this online, the replication of a single element, but I believe we need to use append, but no recursive solution. I come from more of a Haskell background, where this problem would be much easier to perform. Can someone help get me started on this? :)
Mine so far:
repl(E, N, R) :-
N > 0, append([E], [], R), writeln(R), repl(E, N-1, R), fail.
Which gives me:
?- repl(x,5,L).
Close but not quite!
A recursive approach would be straight-forward and would work. I recommend figuring that one out. But here's a fun alternative:
repl(X, N, L) :-
length(L, N),
maplist(=(X), L).
If N is instantiated, then length(L, N) will generate a list of length N of just "blanks" (don't care terms). Then maplist(=(X), L) will unify each element of L with the variable X.
This gives a nice, relational approach and yields sensible results in the general case:
| ?- repl(X, N, L).
L = []
N = 0 ? ;
L = [X]
N = 1 ? ;
L = [X,X]
N = 2 ? ;
| ?- repl(X, N, [x,x,x]).
N = 3
X = x
To figure out a recursive case, think about what your base case looks like (it would be repl with a count of 0 - what does the list look like then?). In the recursive case, think in terms of:
repl(X, N, [X|T]) :- ...
Meaning: The list [X|T] is the element X repeated N times if.... Figure out if what? If your base case is length 0, then your recursion is probably going to describe the repl of a list of length N in terms of the repl of a list of length N-1. Don't forget in this recursive rule to ensure N > 0 to avoid infinite recursion on backtracking. If you don't need the predicate to be purely relational and assume N is instantiated, then it can be fairly simple.
If you make a simple recursive version, you can "wrap" it in this predicate to make it work with variable N:
repl(X, N, L) :-
length(L, N),
simple_recursive_repl(X, N, L).
Because length/2 is relational, it is much more useful than just providing the length o a given list. When N and L are not instantiated, it becomes a generator of variable lists, starting at length 0. Type, length(L, N). at the Prolog prompt and see what happens.
You give the following example of the predicate you envision:
?- repl(x,5,L).
L = [x, x, x, x, x] ;
Notice that the ; is not very productive here. If you want to repeat x 5 times, then this can be done in exactly one way. I would therefore specify this predicate as deterministic not nondeterministic as you are doing.
Repeating list
Your code is actually quite far off a working solution, despite the output looking quite close in spirit to the envisioned result. You try to define the base case and the recursive case at the same time, which will not work.
Here is a simple (but less fun than #lurker gave :-)) implementation of the base and recursive case:
repeating_list(_, 0, []):- !.
repeating_list(H, Reps1, [H|T]):-
Reps2 is Reps1 - 1,
repeating_list(H, Reps2, T).
In a sense #lurker's implementation is simpler, and it is surely shorter.
Some extensions
In real-world/production code you would like to catch type errors and treat different instantiations with the same predicate. The second clause checks whether a given list consists of repeating elements (and if so, which one and how many occurrences there are).
%! repeating_list(+Term:term, +Repeats:integer, -List:list(term)) is det.
%! repeating_list(?Term:term, ?Repeats:integer, +List:list(term)) is det.
repeating_list(_, 0, []):- !.
% The term and number of repetitions are known given the list.
repeating_list(H, Reps, L):-
nonvar(L), !,
L = [H|T],
member(X, T),
% ==/2, since `[a,X]` does not contain 2 repetitions of `a`.
X == H
length([H|T], Reps).
% Repetitions is given, then we generate the list.
repeating_list(H, Reps1, [H|T]):-
must_be(nonneg, Reps1), !,
Reps2 is Reps1 - 1,
repeating_list(H, Reps2, T).
% Repetitions is not `nonneg`.
repeating_list(_, Reps, _):-
domain_error(nonneg, Reps).
Notice that I throw a domain error in case the number of repetitions is negative. This uses library error in SWI-Prolog. If your Prolog does not support this feature, then you may leave the last clause out.
PS: Comparison to Haskell
The combination of your statement that you do not know how to solve this problem in Prolog and your statement that this problem can be solved much easier in Haskell seems a little strange to me. I think you can only compare the difficulty of two implementations once you know how both of them look like.
I do prefer findall/3 to build lists, and between/3 to work with ranges:
repl(E, N, L) :- findall(E, between(1, N, _), L).