CMake add library with subdirectories - c++

Using CMake, how can I include subdirectories into a library such that they can be included without referencing the directories they reside?
In attempt to be brief and speak in higher level ideas of what and how, I have removed everything that I consider to be unnecessary details. I will make edits if need be. As such, this is a brief synopsis of my project structure.
as it currently stands, I have a library defined by the CMakeLists in the src directory. As such, I can include src files in main by #include as apposed to #include "src/file.h" I would like to be able to do the same for my headers that exist within the subdirectories of src.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
add_executable(Project ${SOURCE_FILES} main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Project Library) # Engine Libraries
add_library(Library STATIC ${SOURCE_FILES} ${HEADER_FILES})
#include <source.h> // this works
#include <entity.h> // this does not work but I want it to
#include <entities/entity.h> // this works but I don't want this
int main() {}
I am not sure how to do this exactly. I have tried to GLOB_RECURSE, add_subdirectory(entities), etc. I have also tried creating a library called Entities inside the src/entities/CMakeLists.txt and linking that with link_libraries. None of these have been successful. What is the proper way to accomplish this, because I think I am probably approaching this completely wrong.

You need that path in your compilers header search path, which is achieved with include_directories() call. You can amend your existing include_directories(src) call to be:
include_directories(src src/entities)
Also, this SO post is related and worth reading: Recursive CMake search for header and source files. There is an excerpt there from the CMake website itself recommending against the usage of file(GLOB ...), which lends to recommending against recursive solutions in general. As a heavy user of CMake, I agree with the arguments made against it.

You just need to add:
In each CMakeLists.txt in your your hierarchy.
CMake in itself doesn't compile your project, it only calls your toolchain and passes parameters to it, and your toolchain doesn't 'know' that it is being called by CMake, or the structure of your project. As such, you need to tell the toolchain where to locate include files.
While it is commonplace to have a CMakeLists.txt in every subdirectory, this is by no means a requirement. The CMakeLists.txt in your src directory could contain all instructions necessary to generate a build. Generally, CMakeLists.txt are put at each level to make the structure easier to manage, eg. each directory only needs to know what it needs to do (presumably, with the files in that directory).


Facing problems in my first time handling CMake, Third party(header only) libraries

I want to use the following library
It's documentation says that it's a header-only library, and that I should "directly integrate it into my source files with #include <caterpillar/caterpillar.h>." It also depends on a few other libraries, one of which I need to use directly as well.
So far I have done the following:
create cmake project to make an 'executable' (with the vscode extension)
created a 'lib' folder, inside which I did
git clone
Then, I did include_directories(lib) in my cmake file.
But #include <caterpillar/caterpillar.h> doesn't quite work in my singular main.cpp file.
I played around with various CMake functions, and it either gave the error "No such file or directory" regarding caterpillar/caterpillar.h itself, or it gave "cannot open source file... dependent of caterpillar/caterpillar.h" depending on how I messed with the cmake file.
For reference:
cat ~/project/main.cpp
#include <caterpillar/caterpillar.hpp>
#include <lorina/lorina.hpp> //how do I include this ? it's in the lib folder of caterpillar itself, or do I need to have a copy of it in my lib folder too
int main()
// stuff in lorina:: namespace
// stuff in caterpillar:: namespace
return 0;
cat ~/project/CMakeLists.txt
//... rest is stuff like CXX standard, etc etc
tree ~/project
cmake generated stuff
Firstly, modern cmake recommends target_include_directories() instead of old include_directories() for better scope management.
Actually <caterpillar/caterpillar.hpp> is not in $PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR/lib directory. That's why your code not works.
CMakeLists example:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
add_executable(my_project main.cpp)
target_include_directories(my_project PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/caterpillar/include)
# project_src_dir/lib/catepillar/include/ is the directory where you find the headers like <catepillar/catepillar.hpp>
target_include_directories(my_project PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/caterpillar/lib/lorina)
caterpillar's document describes how to include their headers in a traditional style, assuming the readers could understand this and decide where to put the headers themselves. (which means you don't need the whole git repo but only the "include" dir.)
For this specific problem, the library has provided a detailed CMakeLists.txt for users to include:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
# this works because "project_src_dir/lib/catepillar/CMakeLists.txt" exists.
add_executable(my_project main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_project PRIVATE caterpillar)
# you need to tell cmake to add all catepillar settings into your project

How to make cmake find a shared library in a subfolder

I'm trying to learn how to make a shared library. And the following seems to work (please comment if you have some feedback to this method, I basically have no idea what I'm doing).
In my library project, I've put the header files into a folder named "include", and the source files into "src".
My library's CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.0)
# Find source files
file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.cpp)
# Include header files
# Create shared library
# Install library
# Install library headers
file(GLOB HEADERS include/*.h)
My application's CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.0)
# Find source files
file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.cpp)
# Create executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES})
# Find and link library
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MYCUSTOMLIB})
And this is working. The problem is that I want to put both the headers and the library into subfolders (specifically: /usr/local/include/mycustomlib/ for the headers, and /usr/local/lib/mycustomlib/ for the library).
So this is my attempt:
My library's new CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.0)
# Find source files
file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.cpp)
# Include header files
# Create shared library
# Install library
# Install library headers
file(GLOB HEADERS include/*.h)
My application's new CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.0)
# Find source files
file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.cpp)
# Create executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES})
# Find and link library
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib/mycustomlib)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MYCUSTOMLIB})
And this is not working. Now, I'm forced to specify the .so file of the library like this:
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib/
How come?
I'll deal with your actual problem first and offer additional comments after that. Technically speaking, you are asking CMake to find a library named mycustomlib/mycustomlib, but what you really want to say is you want find mycustomlib and it can be found in a subdirectory called mycustomlib. A couple of alternative ways to call find_library() to achieve this for your second case would be:
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib PATH_SUFFIXES mycustomlib)
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib PATHS /usr/local/lib/mycustomlib)
The latter is making more assumptions than it should about where you have the library installed, so I'd favour the first option. The first option assumes CMake would already find libraries in /usr/local/lib, which it seems it is from your question. You can influence where CMake looks for libraries by modifying CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. I'd expect either of the above options to make your second case work.
Now to other observations. You've requested a very old minimum CMake version in the first line of each of your CMakeLists.txt files. You probably want to consider at the very least making this 2.8 (personally, I'd suggest more like 3.2 or later, but it depends on what your project needs to support).
You have used file globbing to obtain your list of sources and headers. This is not robust and should generally be avoided (see a discussion of this here). You will see plenty of example code use method this for simplicity, but it is not recommended for real world projects (the CMake documentation even says not to use it). Explicitly list out your source and header files individually if you want robust builds.
If you are happy to require CMake 2.8.11 or later (and you should be these days), rather than calling include_directories() which makes everything pick up the header search path you specified, you should prefer to attach the search path requirement to the target that needs it. You do this with target_include_directories(). The equivalent of your code above would be:
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC include)
This gives much better control of your inter-target dependencies as your project grows in size and complexity. For a more in-depth discussion of this topic, see this article and perhaps also this one (disclosure: I wrote both articles).
Are your library and program totally separate source code repositories? Can they be built in the same project? You can build multiple targets in one CMakeLists.txt file. The project name doesn't have to have any relationship to the names of any of the targets (you often see the PROJECT_NAME variable re-used for the target name in simple examples, which is unfortunate since it suggests a relationship between the two, but for all but simple projects this won't be the case). If they are in the same repository, building them together would be a much simpler build since you wouldn't have to install the library for the executable to find it and link to it.
If they must be built in separate projects, then something like the following for the application's project should get you close:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)
# List your program's sources here explicitly
add_executable(myprogram src/foo.cpp src/bar.cpp)
# Find and link library
find_library(MYCUSTOMLIB mycustomlib PATH_SUFFIXES mycustomlib)
target_link_libraries(myprogram PUBLIC ${MYCUSTOMLIB})
# Find library's headers and add it as a search path.
# Provide the name of one header file you know should
# be present in mycustomlib's include dir.
find_path(MCL_HEADER_PATH mycustomlib.h PATH_SUFFIXES mycustomlib)
target_include_directories(myprogram PUBLIC ${MCL_HEADER_PATH})
For extra points, you could try to confirm that the header path is in the same area as the library by checking the common path prefix, or you could just derive
the MCL_HEADER_PATH from the MYCUSTOMLIB path by assuming a directory structure. Both approaches have advantages and drawbacks. If you want to explore the latter, the get_filename_component() command will be your friend.
Hopefully that points you in the right direction.

CMake with gmock

I just want to make sure that my understanding about CMakeLists.txt is correct. My dummy project structure:
|-+ dummy
|-+ CMakeLists.txt
|-+ src
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Converter.cpp
|-- Converter.hpp
|-- main.cpp
|-+ tests
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Converter_ut.cpp
|-+ thirdparty
|-+ gmock-1.7.0
My goal is to create build process with CMake. This is my first attempt so I assume that there are some mistakes. It works but I am not sure if I understand everything correctly and I would be thankful if you could share with some comments / suggestions.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.11)
project (SUB)
add_subdirectory (src)
add_subdirectory (tests)
cmake_minimum_required is pretty self-explanatory,
project (SUB) sets project variables like ${SUB_SOURCE_DIR} and ${SUB_BINARY_DIR},
add_subdirectory, tells CMake to go and process CMakeLists.txt in the following directories
add_library (Sub
target_include_directories (Sub PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
# Executable
add_executable (converter
target_link_libraries (converter Sub)
add_library, creates library called "Sub" from two source files,
target_include_directories, tells the compiler where are the header files for "Sub" library (is that "PUBLIC" really needed here?),
add_executable, creates "converter" executable from Converter.cpp (why main.cpp is not needed here?),
target_link_libraries, links "Sub" library with "converter" executable
set (GMOCK_DIR "../thirdparty/gmock-1.7.0")
add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${GMOCK_DIR}/include ${GMOCK_DIR}/gtest/include)
# Executable
add_executable (tests
target_link_libraries (tests gmock_main Sub)
set (GMOCK_DIR ...), sets local variable "GMOCK_DIR" with my gmock folder location,
add_subdirectory, tells CMake to jump into gmock location and run their CMakeLists.txt, what is the second argument? {CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock?
add_executable, creates second executable file
target_link_libraries, links gmock_main library with second executable, "Sub" library is needed here because Converter_ut.cpp
needs to include "Converter.hpp" from src directory
Thank you in advance. I have read plenty of sites / tutorials already but I am still not sure about that.
One more thing - I cannot really imagine project with plenty of source files. Isn't there a better way to add source files to add_library and add_executable functions than listing it manually? Something like "take all *.cpp files from current directory"?
Cmake is not properly a programming language supporting a full paradigm, so use it, but if possible never start creating "a framework with it" (it would be cumbersome without proper syntactic sugar), it is intended to make small scripts not to write thousand lines of code (and despite few good frameworks exists, I tend to not use them: "If I cannot code it in few lines, then it's not job for CMAKE").
The important parts are (not that it is slightly different, I copy-pasted the improved version i still have to commit):
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8)
project( Infectorpp2)
# find additional cmake scripts (I'm driving away from this)
# create list of files from a glob
# create list of files from a glob
# or just "add_executable" the dollar "${}" just expand the list
add_library( libInfectorpp2 STATIC
If you are not using 3rd party libraries, then you do not need to add target_include_directories because for your own application relative paths suffice.
For the testing part you are mostly ok to me, but I would do:
## details omitted...
# create list of files from a glob
# Executable
add_executable (tests
target_link_libraries (tests gmock_main Sub)
add_test(tests tests)
Also note that CMAKE is the only reason why I find useful having different extensions for C++ files, because of GLOBS, if you want to exclude some file you have to change its extension (to cc, c++, cxx or what your prefer).
You can do mostly anything following the same pattern, note that with GLOB you have to re-configure CMake to detect newly added files, however still better than adding them manually to build script (and anyway that will not cause a whole recompilation, CMake keep track of data and will avoid to re-compile old files)
Some people find useful adding files manually to CMake scripts because "I can keep old file there". Don't do that, move old files into an "old" folder, or just let your subversion system keep memory of them for you.
You will catch most errors earlier, and you will have a "ready to ship" project (you won't accidentally left wrong files that users will attempt to compile)
Another important point:
Do out of source builds, from your script I guess you are still not doing that.

CMake: Build Multiple Executables in one Project with Static Library

I'm working on a project that consists of 3 server executables and one library for shared code. I want it to be cross-platform, so I'm using CMake (since Xcode is being a pain anyway) to handle the build process. I'm having trouble with setting up the CMakeLists so that I can include the library from a directory at the same level when I'm building the executable.
Here's the directory structure (and the CMake files):
My top-level CMake (tethealla2.0/CMakeLists.txt, only includes the sub-project that should compile):
project(tethealla CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
tethealla2.0/libtethealla/CMakeLists.txt, which generates a static library:
project(Libtethealla C)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
set(ENC_DR encryption/)
add_library(tethealla STATIC ${ENCRYPTION_SOURCES})
tethealla2.0/patch_server/CMakeLists.txt thus far:
project(patch_server CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
target_link_libraries(server tethealla)
So it makes more sense if I build it from the top level since tethealla2.0/CMakeLists.txt will inherit the targets from each of the subdirectories and the one in patch_server will have access to the tethealla library. However what I want is to be able to build from within these subdirectories to generate Xcode projects so that I can work on/recompile them individually. To do so I need to be able to get to the libtethealla/build directory (where CMake outputs) to access the libtethealla.a library from patch_server. Is this possible?
On kind of another note, even in building from the top-level directory my source in patch_server can't include "encryption.h", the header file for the library in encryption. Which seems to be building fine. Any thoughts on that are also greatly appreciated!
My solution is to use add_subdirectory with relative patch to shared_lib directory. I don't think that this is a perfect solution it has its caveats:
Logic very similar to a header guard must be added to library CMakeLists.txt to prevent from defining targets multiple times.
Each CMakeList.txt file must know the relative path to the library, if one want to move library all CMakeLists must be updated.
Let's assume that the directory structure looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
I have decided that shared_lib/CMakeLists.txt will export a variable named SHARED_DIR_INCLUDE_DIR. This approach helps to decouple things a little bit.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
add_subdirectory(./../shared_lib shared_lib)
set(SRCS main.c)
add_executable(exec1 ${SRCS})
target_link_libraries(exec1 shared_lib)
if() in the fourth line solves the issue with target's multiple definition in case the CMakeLists file is added multiple times. The second and the third lines exports the include directory for library in SHARED_LIB_INCLUDE_DIR
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
if(TARGET shared_lib)
message("shared_lib is already defined")
set(LIB_SRCS ./src/foo.c)
add_library(shared_lib STATIC ${LIB_SRCS})

CMake header recognition:

I'm currently using CMake to build a project, and I have the following problem:
I have a library, say 'C', that the files for an executable 'L' need to use (the files in L call on headers from the library in C)
Both the library and the executable have to be built in the same project, and though they both go through CMake fine, the files in L can't seem to see the headers provided by the library C. I'm having to specify relative paths to the exact destination in the header files, which isn't nice at all since some file hierarchy might change at some point of time.
I'm not sure what type of a command to use to make the L files be directly be able to see the C headers, so that I can say something like
#include "display.h"
directly in L. I don't want to have to copy headers all over the place since I have many files like L.
My Cmake files are as shown:
For the library C (which is closer to the top of the folder heirarchy):
and for the executable L:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(RotateSS RotateSideToSide.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(RotateSS vtkRendering cranioLib vtkHybrid vtkGraphics)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(RotateST RotateSideTwist.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(RotateST vtkRendering cranioLib vtkHybrid vtkGraphics)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(RotateUD RotateUpDown.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(RotateUD vtkRendering cranioLib vtkHybrid vtkGraphics)
Note that these files don't completely do the job - I need some help in nailing the 'include' features of CMake, wasn't able to get anything else online that would do the trick for me.
Both the library and the executable have to be built in the same project, and though they both go through CMake fine, the files in L can't seem to see the headers provided by the library C. I'm having to specify relative paths to the exact destination in the header files, which isn't nice at all since some file hierarchy might change at some point of time.
In my own projects, one line has always been sufficient:
(Where include is relative to the directory the CMakeLists.txt file resides in.) And all of my source files in src can find their headers in include. Specifying the full current source path has never been necessary.
Edit: For example, let's say you've got a project with this layout:
And in proj/, you have a CMakeLists.txt file that references your source files like so:
SET(SOURCES src/file1.cpp src/file2.cpp)
This is the only line you need to use both include and somelibrary/include:
include_directories(include somelibrary/include)
Or, if CMakeLists.txt is in src, like this:
include_directories(../include ../somelibrary/include)