I have a module in GNU Radio that has a sampling rate of 50 samples per second. I am feeding that to a QT Time Sink to visualise it in real time. In a single window, I want 200 samples to be displayed but I want the update to be done every 50 samples. This means that at each instance, I need to display 150 past samples in addition to the 50 current samples.
Are there any options in the Time Sink block to achieve that?
No, there's no such options in the Qt Time Sink.
What you can do, however, is split your sample path into one delayed and one undelayed path, and then use a "patterned interleaver block" to repeat parts of your sample stream.
50 S/s is very low. You'll have a hard time working with this like you probably expect it to work – GNU Radio is a buffer architecture with relatively large pseudo-circular buffers (I wrote about how these work in a blog post), but the takeaway is that GNU Radio will tend to accumulate 4096 or 8192 (depending on the size of the individual sample) and process these at once (see the blog post). Which means that it might happen that you get one "burst" of samples every 80 seconds, then nothing for 80 seconds, then another burst.
I am currently working on an application (Qt) which needs to deal with a (for me) huge data stream. I have 3 sensors which each provide 3 measurement values (+ a timestamp) at about 25 kHz. Im pretty sure, that there will be more sensors in the future.
The application should run 24/7.
The task is now to
collect the data from the sensors
convert the measurement values
save them to a file
and visualize the converted values.
Part 1 and 2 are working. For part 3 I do have a simple ofstream doing its task well.
For part 4 I am currently unsure how to deal with the high storage amount the whole application will need. I need to visualize different parts of the measurements, sometimes the whole period (with low resolution), but sometimes also only a short period with nearly full resolution.
I´m actually storing all the values in a QVector and drawing the requested period in my custom QQuickItem which will then be shown via qml.
This concept does have 2 major problems:
the performance
the limited QVector size
Are there any other qt containers/concepts which will perform better?
Or do I need to use something like a time-series databases? If so, any recommendations for a free one working (offline) under Windows (with Qt)?
I am currently working on a big dataset (approximately a billion data points) and I have decided to use C++ over R in particular for convenience in memory allocation.
However, there does not seem to exist an equivalent to R Studio for C++ in order to "store" the data set and avoid to have to read the data every time I run the program, which is extremely time consuming...
What kind of techniques do C++ users use for big data in order to read the data "once for all" ?
Thanks for your help!
If I understand what you are trying to achieve, i.e. load some data into memory once and use the same data (in memory) with multiple runs of your code, with possible modifications to that code, there is no such IDE, as IDE are not ment to store any data.
What you can do is first load your data into some in-memory database and write your c++ program to read data from that database instead of reading it directly from data-source in C++.
how avoid multiple reads of big data set.
What kind of techniques do C++ users use for big data in order to read
the data "once for all" ?
I do not know of any C++ tool with such capabilities, but I doubt that I have ever searched for one ... seems like something you might do. Keywords appear to be 'data frame' and 'statistical analysis' (and C++).
If you know the 'data set' format, and wish to process raw data no more than one time, you might consider using Posix shared memory.
I can imagine that (a) the 'extremely time consuming' effort could (read and) transform the 'raw' data, and write into a 'data set' (a file) suitable for future efforts (i.e. 'once and for all').
Then (b) future efforts can 'simply' "map" the created 'data set' (a file) into the program's memory space, all ready for use with no (or at least much reduced) time consuming effort.
Expanding the memory map of your program is about using 'Posix' access to shared memory. (Ubuntu 17.10 has it, I have 'gently' used it in C++) Terminology includes, shm_open, mmap, munmap, shm_unlink, and a few others.
From 'man mmap':
mmap() creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the
calling process. The starting address for
the new mapping is specified in ...
how avoid multiple reads of big data set. What kind of techniques do
C++ users use for big data in order to read the data "once for all" ?
I recently retried my hand at measuring std::thread context switch duration (on my Ubuntu 17.10, 64 bit desktop). My app captured <30 million entries over 10 seconds of measurement time. I also experimented with longer measurement times, and with larger captures.
As part of debugging info capture, I decided to write intermediate results to a text file, for a review of what would be input to the analysis.
The code spent only about 2.3 seconds to save this info to the capture text file. My original software would then proceed with analysis.
But this delay to get on with testing the analysis results (> 12 sec = 10 + 2.3) quickly became tedious.
I found the analysis effort otherwise challenging, and recognized I might save time by capturing intermediate data, and thus avoiding most (but not all) of the data measurement and capture effort. So the debug capture to intermediate file became a convenient split to the overall effort.
Part 2 of the split app reads the <30 million byte intermediate file in somewhat less 0.5 seconds, very much reducing the analysis development cycle (edit-compile-link-run-evaluate), which was was (usually) no longer burdened with the 12+ second measure and data gen.
While 28 M Bytes is not BIG data, I valued the time savings for my analysis code development effort.
FYI - My intermediate file contained a single letter for each 'thread entry into the critical section event'. With 10 threads, the letters were 'A', 'B', ... 'J'. (reminds me of dna encoding)
For each thread, my analysis supported splitting counts per thread. Where vxWorks would 'balance' the threads blocked at a semaphore, Linux does NOT ... which was new to me.
Each thread ran a different number of times through the single critical section, but each thread got about 10% of the opportunities.
Technique: simple encoded text file with captured information ready to be analyzed.
Note: I was expecting to test piping the output of app part 1 into app part 2. Still could, I guess. WIP.
How I can get loudness level from raw data received from microphone in DirectShow?
IMediaSample keep data in bytes. And how I can read this bytes and get something?
Loudness is an aural quality, not a physic formula. There are many many definitions for it.
It's a also a temporal value. As a consequence, this value changes during the time.
The simplest implementation I remember I had seen some years ago, was simply putting a time out on the maximum value of the amplitude. But the log of the amplitude is surely better to approximate the ear sensitivity much closer.
You can also consider the power of the signal ( signal * signal ... but there are also more definitions that takes into account the frequency spectrum components...).
It's kitchen recipes. Choose the simplest.
Edit: it seems my answer was too fast and fuzzy, I probably mistake Volume and Loudness. this wikipedia article states there are units for measuring loudness. Sone and Phon.
You need to process data to calculate loudness out of raw bytes. One of the method is defined in BS.1770 : Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level specification and describes the algorithm involved.
I've seen some similar questions out of which I have made a system which works for me but I need to optimize it because this program alone is taking up a lot of CPU load.
Here is the problem exactly.
I have an incoming signal/stream of data which I need to plot in real time. I only want a limited number of points to be displayed at a time (Say 1024 points) so I plot the data points along the y axis against an index from 0-1024 on the x-axis. The values of the incoming data range from 0-1023.
What I do currently (This is all in C++) is I put the data into a circular loop as it comes and each time the data gets updated (Or every second/third data point), I write out to a file and using a pipe, I plot the data from that file with gnuplot.
While this works almost perfectly, it causes a fair bit of load (Depending on the input data rate, I saw even 70% usage on both my cores of my Core 2 Duo). I'll need to be running some processor intensive code along with this short program so I feel that it is almost necessary to optimize it.
What I was hoping could be done is this: Can I only plot the differences between the current plot and the new data (Or plot each point as it comes in without replotting the whole graph such that the old item at that x index is removed).
I have a fixed number of points on the graph so replot wouldn't work. I want the old point at that x location to be removed.
Unfortunately, what you're trying to accomplish can't be done. You can mark a datafile as volatile or use the refresh keyword, but those only update the plot without re-reading the data. You want to re-read the data and then only update the differences.
There are a few things that might be helpful though. 1) your eye can only register ~26 frames per second. So, if you have a way to make sure that you only send data 26x per second to gnuplot, that might help. 2) How are you writing the datafiles? Are you dumping as ascii or binary? Doing a binary dump might be faster (both for writing and for gnuplot to read). You'll have to experiment.
There is one hack which will probably not make your script go faster, but you can try it (if you know a reasonable yrange to set, and are using points to plot the data)...
#set up code:
set style line 1 lc rgb "blue"
set xrange [0:1023]
set yrange [0:1]
plot NaN notitle #Only need to do this once.
for [i=0:1023] set label i+1 at i,0 point ls 1 #Labels must have tags > 0 :-(
#this part gets repeated by your C code.
#you could move a few points at a time to make it more responsive.
set label 401 at 400,0.8 #move point number 400 to a different y value
refresh #show it at it's new location.
You can use gnuplot to do dynamic plotting of data as explained in their FAQ, using the reread function. It seems to run at quite a low load and automatically scrolls the graph when it reaches the end. To run at low load I found I had to add a ; sleep 1 after the awk command (in their example file dyn-ping-loop.gp) otherwise it spends too much CPU on looping on the awk processing.
I'm going to write a program that plots data from a sensor connected to the computer. The sensor value is going to be plotted as a function of the time (sensor value on the y-axis, time on the x-axis). I want to be able to add new values to the plot in real time. What would be best to do this with in C++?
Edit: And by the way, the program will be running on a Linux machine
Are you particularly concerned about the C++ aspect? I've done 10Hz or so rate data without breaking a sweat by putting gnuplot into a read/plot/refresh loop or with LiveGraph with no issues.
Write a function that can plot a std::deque in a way you like, then .push_back() values from the sensor onto the queue as they come available, and .pop_front() values from the queue if it becomes too long for nice plotting.
The exact nature of your plotting function depends on your platform, needs, sense of esthetics, etc.
You can use ring buffers. In such buffer you have read position and write position. This way one thread can write to buffer and other read and plot a graph. For efficiency you usually end up writing your own framework.
Size of such buffer can be estimated using eg.: data delivery speed from sensor (40KHz?), size of one probe and time span you would like to keep for plotting purposes.
It also depends whether you would like to store such data uncompressed, store rendered plot - all for further offline analysis. In non-RTOS environment your "real-time" depends on processing speed: how fast you can retrieve/store/process and plot data. Usually it is near-real time efficiency.
You might want to check out RRDtool to see whether it meets your requirements.
RRDtool is a high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.
I did a similar thing for a device that had a permeability sensor attached via RS232.
package bytes received from sensor into packets
use a collection (mainly a list) to store them
prevent the collection to go over a fixed size by trashing least recent values before new ones arrive
find a suitable graphics library to draw with (maybe SDL if you wanna keep it easy and cross-platform), but this choice depends on what kind of graph you need (ncurses may be enough)
last but not least: since you are using a sensor I suppose your approach will be multi-threaded so think about it and use a synchronized collection or a collection that allows adding values when other threads are retrieving them (so forgot iterators, maybe an array is enough)
Btw I think there are so many libraries, just search for them:
I assume that you will deploy this application on a RTOS. But, what will be the data rate and what are real-time requirements! Therefore, as written above, a simple solution may be more than enough. But, if you have hard-real time constraints everything changes drastically. A multi-threaded design with data pipes may solve your real-time problems.