Using `this` keyword in plain C - c++

I am used to program in C++. I like the Object Oriented stuff and the like the language provides.
But now I have to program in plain C, since I have to use an embedded system without support for C++ compiler, only plain C.
I want to keep usign "Object Oriented" functions, thus I usually write my modules like this:
//Maybe hidden with PIMPL...
typedef struct myModuleData_
myModuleData* moduleCreate();
void moduleFree(myModuleData *this_);
void moduleSetSomething(myModuleData *this_, int something);
Now my question is: can I replace this_ with this (without the final underscore)? Will the usage of this in plain C interfere in the future with C++ if I use this module in C++ by using it with extern "C"?

No, you can't do that since this is a reserved word in C++. It cannot be used as the name of an ordinary argument.
You can remove the name from the header and keep it in the C file, but that of course means making the header slightly worse since it no longer contains the hint what that argument is meant for.


Is it possible to create a user-defined datatype in a language like C/C++(or maybe any) from a string as user input or from file

Well this might be a very weird question but my curiosity has striken pretty hard on this. So here it goes...
NOTE: Lets take the language C into consideration here.
As programmers we usually define a user-defined datatype(say struct) in the source code with the appropriate name.
Suppose I have a program in which I have a structure defined as:
struct Animal {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
And also I have started the execution of this program.
Now, my question here is;
What if I want to define a new structure called "Plant" just like "Animal" mentioned above in my program, without writing its definition in the source code itself(which is obviously impossible currently) but rather from a user input string(or a file input) during runtime.
Lets say my program takes input string from a text file named file1.txt whose content is:
struct Plant {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
What I want now is to have a new structure named "Plant" in my program which is already in execution. The program should read the file content and create a structure as written in the file and attach it to itself on-the-go.
I have checked out a solution for C++ in the discussion Declaring a data type dynamically in C++ but it doesnt seem to have a very convincing solution.
The solution I am looking for is at the compiler-linker-loader level rather than from the language itself.I would be very pleased and thankful if anyone is looking forward to sharing their ideas on this.
What you're asking about is basically "can we implement C as a scripting language?", since this is the only way code can be executed after compilation.
I'm aware that people have been writing (mostly in the comments) that it's possible in other languages but isn't possible in C, since C is a compiled language (hence data types should be defined during compile time).
However, to the best of my knowledge it's actually possible (and might not be as hard as one would imagine).
There are many possible approaches (machine code emulation (VM), JIT compilation, etc').
One approach will use a C compiler to compile the C script as an external dynamic library (.dll on windows, .so on linux, etc') and than "load" the compiled library and execute the code (this is pretty much the JIT compilation approach, for lazy people).
As mentioned in the comments, by using this approach, the new type is loaded as part of an external library.
The original code won't know about this new type, only the new code (or library) will be "aware" of this new type and able to properly use it.
On the other hand, I'm not sure why you're insisting on the need to use static types and a compiler-linker-loader level solution.
The language itself (the C language) can manage this task dynamically (during execution time).
Consider Ruby MRI, for example. The Ruby language supports dynamic types that can be defined during runtime...
...However, this is implemented in C and it's possible to use the code from within C to define new modules and classes. These aren't static types that can be tested during compilation (type creation and identification is performed during runtime).
This is a perfect example showing that C (as a language) can dynamically define "types".
However, this is also a poor example because Ruby's approach is slow. A custom approved can be far faster since it would avoid the huge overhead related to functionality you might not need (such as inheritance).

Call a cocoa/obj-c method from a C++ dylib in MAC OS X

Since I am fairly new to Objective-C programming language, I'm facing a huge problem: how can I call a method of my application (made in Objective-C) from my dynamically loaded library (made in C++), by passing it some parameters?
I've been digging the web for a couple of days with no luck. The only thing I found is about IMP, but I'm not sure if that's what I need.
You actually have a plethora of options here.
If the dylib is one of your own, you can compile it as Objective-C++ for Mac OS X and #ifdef the objective-C calls (or not if you are only targeting Mac OS)
Both Obj-C and C++ can make use of C interfaces, so you could write an adapter layer in C (remember Obj-c is a strict superset of C) and expose it for the dylib to call the C functions which then call the Obj-C code.
You can use Blocks, which work in C, C++, and of course Obj-C
you can include the objective-c runtime (see documentation) and muck with that (This is where you would use the *IMP thing you mentioned).
Yet another option might be to use Objective C++ from the Cocoa side to setup C++ objects and expose those to the dylib. How you would go about this really depends on what the library is and how it is used etc; we need to know more about the dylib and how it is being used to elaborate on this.
Since you specifically mention using an IMP lets talk a bit more in depth about that. The declaration is typedef void (*IMP)(id self, SEL _cmd, ...); which you can see takes a pointer to an Obj-C objects, and a SEL (selector), which is just a special C-String representation of the method. You can read more about both SEL and IMP in the documentation.
You can also make use of the runtime's C functions such as objc_msgSend to call a method by passing a pointer to the object and a SEL just like with IMP.
This should be enough information to get you started. Thanks for this question BTW, I never really sat down and thought about all the possible ways to combine C++ with Objective-C before. Odds are I even missed something ;)
You can use objective c runtime
include <objc/runtime.h>
objc_msgSend(id, SEL, arg0, ...)
id - is the object where you want to send message
SEL - is struct pointer, describing message you send.
arg0,... are the arguments that you pass to selector.
For more understanding of runtime, see the source code
Also you can cast IMP address, and call the function.
int(* foo)(id, SEL, arg) = IMP;
foo(someObject, #selector(someMessage), arg);

Is the python C API entirely compatible with C++?

As I understand the relationship between C and C++, the latter is essentially an extension of the former and retains a certain degree of backwards compatibility. Is it safe to assume that the python C API can be called with C++ code?
More to the point, I notice that the official python documentation bundles C and C++ extensions together on the same page. Nowhere am I able to find a C++ API. This leads me to believe that the same API is safe to use in both languages.
Can someone confirm or deny this?
I think I made my question much more complicated than it needs to be. The question is this: what must I do in order to write a python module in C++? Do I just follow the same directions as listed here, substituting C code for C++? Is there a separate API?
I can confirm that the same Python C API is safe to be used in both languages, C and C++.
However, it is difficult to provide you with more detailed answer, unless you will ask more specific question. There are numerous caveats and issues you should be aware of. For example, your Python extensions are defined as C types struct, not as C++, so don't expect to have their constructor/destructor implicitly defined and called.
For example, taking the sample code from Defining New Types in the Python manual, it can be written in C++ way and you can even blend-in C++ types:
// noddy.cpp
namespace {
struct noddy_NoddyObject
// Type-specific fields go here.
std::shared_ptr<int> value; // WARNING
PyObject* Noddy_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
try {
Noddy *self = (Noddy *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self) {
self->value = std::make_shared(7);
// or more complex operations that may throw
// or extract complex initialisation as Noddy_init function
return self;
catch (...) {
// do something, log, etc.
return 0;
PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType =
// ...
} // unnamed namespace
But, neither constructor nor destructor of the std::shared_ptr will be called.
So, remember to define dealloc function for your noddy_NoddyType where you will reset the value with nullptr. Why even bother with having value defined as shared_ptr, you may ask. It is useful if you use your Python extension in C++, with exceptions, to avoid type conversions and casts, to have more seamless integration inside definitions of your implementation, error handling based on exception may be easier then, etc.
And in spite of the fact that your objects of the noddy_NoddyType are managed by machinery implemented in pure C, thanks to dealloc function the value will be released according to well-known RAII rules.
Here you can find interesting example of nearly seamless integration of Python C API with the C++ language: How To catch Python stdout in c++ code
Python C API can be called within C++ code.
Python C++ extensions are written using the same C API as C extensions use, or using some 3rd party API, such as boost::python.

wrap a c++ library in c? (don't "extern c")

is it possible to wrap a c++ library into c?
how could i do this?
are there any existing tools?
(need to get access to a existing c++ library but only with C)
You can write object-oriented code in C, so if it's an object-oriented C++ library, it's possible to wrap it in a C interface. However, doing so can be very tedious, especially if you need to support inheritance, virtual functions and such stuff.
If the C++ library employs Generic Programming (templates), it might get really hairy (you'd need to provide all needed instances of a template) and quickly approaches the point where it's just not worth doing it.
Assuming it's OO, here's a basic sketch of how you can do OO in C:
C++ class:
class cpp {
cpp(int i);
void f();
C interface:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void* c_handle;
c_handle c_create(int i)
return new cpp(i);
void c_f(c_handle hdl)
void c_destroy(c_handle hdl)
delete static_cast<cpp*>(hdl);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Depending on your requirements, you could amend that. For example, if this is going to be a public C interface to a private C++ API, handing out real pointers as handles might make it vulnerable. In that case you would hand out handles that are, essentially, integers, store the pointers in a handle-to-pointer map, and replace the cast by a lookup.
Having functions returning strings and other dynamically sized resources can also become quite elaborate. You would need the C caller provide the buffer, but it can't know the size before-hand. Some APIs (like parts of the WIn32 API) then allow the caller to call such a function with a buffer of the length 0, in which case they return the length of the buffer required. Doing so, however, can make calling through the API horribly inefficient. (If you only know the length of the required buffer after the algorithm executed, it needs to be executed twice.)
One thing I've done in the past is to hand out handles (similar to the handle in the above code) to internally stored strings and provide an API to ask for the required buffer size, retrieve the string providing the buffer, and destroy the handle (which deletes the internally stored string).
That's a real PITA to use, but such is C.
Write a c++ wrapper that does an extern c, compile that with c++, and call your wrapper.
(don't “extern c”)
extern C only helps you to have a names in dll like you see them.
You can use
dumpbin /EXPORTS your.dll
to see what happens with names with extern C or without it.
To answer your question... It depends... But it is highly unlikely that you can use it without wrappings. If this C++ library uses just a simple functions and types you can just use it. If this C++ library uses a complex classes structure - probably you will be unable to use it from C without wrapping. It is because the internal of classes may be structured one way or another depending on many conditions (using inference with virtual tables or abstracting. Or in example complex C++ library may have its own object creation mechanisms so you HAVE to use it in the way it is designed or you will get unpredictable behavior).
So, I think, you have to prepare yourself for doing dome wrappings.
And here is a good article about wrapping C++ classes. It the article the Author tells about wrapping C++ classes to C# but he uses C at first step.
If the C++ library is written which can be compiled with C compiler with slight editting (such as changing bool to int, false to 0 and true to 1 etc), then that can be done.
But not all C++ code can be wrapped in C. Template is one feature in C++ that cannot be wrapped, or its nearly impossible.
Wrap it in C++ cpp that calls that dll, and "extern C" in that file you made.

LLVM automatic C++ linking

In some of the LLVM tutorials I'm seen where it's fairly easy to bind C function into a custom language based on LLVM. LLVM hands the programmer a pointer to the function that can be then be mixed in with the code being generated by LLVM.
What's the best method to do this with C++ libraries. Let's say I have a fairly complex library like Qt or Boost that I want to bind to my custom language. Do I need to create a stub library (like Python or Lua require), or does LLVM offer some sort of foreign function interface (FFI)?
In my LLVM code, I create extern "C" wrapper functions for this, and insert LLVM function declarations into the module in order to call them. Then, a good way to make LLVM know about the functions is not to let it use dlopen and search for the function name in the executing binary (this is a pain in the ass, since the function names need to be in the .dynsym section, and it is slow too), but to do the mapping manually, using ExecutionEngine::addGlobalMapping.
Just get the llvm::Function* of that declaration and the address of the function as given in C++ by &functionname converted to void* and pass these two things along to LLVM. The JIT executing your stuff will then know where to find the function.
For example, if you wanted to wrap QString you could create several functions that create, destroy and call functions of such an object
extern "C" void createQString(void *p, char const*v) {
new (p) QString(v); // placement-new
extern "C" int32_t countQString(void *p) {
QString *q = static_cast<QString*>(p);
return q->count();
extern "C" void destroyQString(void *p) {
QString *q = static_cast<QString*>(p);
And create proper declarations and a mapping. Then you can call these functions, passing along a memory region suitably aligned and sized for QString (possibly alloca'ed) and a i8* pointing to the C string data for initialization.
If you compile some code in C++ and some in another language to LLVM bitcode, it should be perfectly possible to link these together and let one call the other... in theory.
In practice, you will need glue code to convert between the different language's types (e.g. there is no equivalent to a Python string in C++ unless you use CPython, so for void reverse(std::string s) to be callable with a str you need a conversion - worse, the whole object model is very different). And Qt specifically has a lot of magic that may require much more effort to expose after compilations. Also, there may be further potential problems I'm not aware of.
And even if that works, it's potentially very ugly to use. There are still get* and set* functions all over PyQt despite Python's very convenient descriptors - and much effort went into PyQt, they didn't just create some stubs.