boost::property_tree passing subtree including <xmlattr> - c++

I'm trying to pass elements of a boost::property_tree::ptree to a function.
In detail, I have to following XML code from which a ptree is initialised:
<Master Name='gamma'>
<Par1 Name='name1'>
<Par2 Name='name2'>
I would like to pass part of it to a function. Basically I want to pass:
<Par2 Name='name2'>
The function could look like this:
void processTree( which_type_do_I_put_here element ){
std::string n = element.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.Name");
double val = element.get<double>("Value");
In general I could pass a subtree using ptree::get_child("par2"). This has the disadvantage that the function has no access to <xmlattr> of this node.
How can I pass this part of the tree with access to <xmlattr>?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

The type is a ptree.
In general I could pass a subtree using ptree::get_child("par2").
This has the disadvantage that the function has no access to of this node
That's not right:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
std::string const sample = R"(
<Master Name='gamma'>
<Par1 Name='name1'>
<Par2 Name='name2'>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
void processTree(ptree const& element) {
std::string n = element.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.Name");
double val = element.get<double>("Value");
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": n=" << n << " val=" << val << "\n";
int main() {
ptree pt;
std::istringstream iss(sample);
read_xml(iss, pt);
Which prints:
processTree: n=name2 val=0


Check for Element Existence in TinyXML

I have been looking through the API for TinyXML and I can't find a way to check if an element exists before I try and get it by name. I have commented what I am looking for below:
#include <iostream>
#include "tinyxml.h"
int main()
const char* exampleText = "<test>\
<field1>Test Me</field1>\
<field2>And Me</field2>\
TiXmlDocument exampleDoc;
// exampleDoc.hasChildElement("field1") { // Which doesn't exist
std::string result = exampleDoc.FirstChildElement("test")
// }
std::cout << "The result is: " << result << std::endl;
The FirstChildElement function will return a pointer, so that pointer can be used in the if-statement like so.
#include <iostream>
#include "tinyxml.h"
int main()
const char* exampleText = "<test>\
<field1>Test Me</field1>\
<field2>And Me</field2>\
TiXmlDocument exampleDoc;
TiXmlElement* field1 = exampleDoc.FirstChildElement("test")
if (field1) {
std::string result = field1->GetText();
std::cout << "The result is: " << result << std::endl;

Recursively adding subtrees to boost property tree

I want to write a parameter server in C++ where I can recursively dump a tree of parameters into a property tree and then write it to a JSON file.
The dump function looks like this:
void Params::dump(string filename) {
// Create a root
pt::ptree root;
// Fill the root with parameters
mapToPt(curParams, root);
// Write to cout
pt::write_json(cout, root);
mapToPt is supposed to recursively go through the hierarchy of my parameter server and fill the property tree while doing so:
void Params::mapToPt(boost::shared_ptr<Params> curParams, pt::ptree &root) {
// Fill current root with parameters from curParams ParameterMap
map<string, boost::shared_ptr<Param> >::iterator it;
for ( it = curParams->getParamMap().begin(); it != curParams-getParamMap().end(); it++ ) {
root.put(it->first, it->second->getValue());
cout << "Add Parameter: \n";
cout << "Parameter name: " << it->first << "\n";
cout << "Parameter value: " << it->second->getValue() << "\n";
// Recursively go through all children to do the same to them
if(curParams->hasChildren()) { //ERROR LINE
map<string, boost::shared_ptr<Params> >::iterator it;
for ( it = curParams->getChildren().begin(); it != curParams-getChildren().end(); it++ ) {
pt::ptree new_tree;
root.add_child(it->second->getName(), new_tree);
cout << "Add Child: \n";
cout << "Child name: " << it->second->getName() << "\n";
mapToPt(it->second, new_tree);
My problem is that as soon as I go into recursion, errors occur at random lines that can not be the cause of the error. "basic_string::_M_construct null not valid" is the error message. I believe that I might access deleted content and that it might be due to the way I iterate through the property tree children.
Is my way of doing that wrong or is there another way to do it?
Thank you.
Why is mapToPt a member when it also expects a pointer to a Params instance?
Anyhoops, there's quite a bit of confusion.
At a design level, your Params type looks like it cannot decide whether it's a leaf node or not. Moreover, it suffers from "Quasi Classes" design, where getters essentially guarantee that there is no class invariant possible. In such cases, prefer to just have a struct with member fields.
Note, if you fail to return by reference from getParamMap() and getChildren() then you already have Undefined Behaviour in both loops, because the iterators then point into non-existent copies of containers.
You should check this. Also, see my working demo below
At the implementation level, this is causing you problems:
pt::ptree new_tree;
root.add_child(it->second->getName(), new_tree);
add_child inserts a copy of new_tree. Any future modification to new_tree has no effect. Instead, write:
pt::ptree& new_tree = root.add_child(it->second->getName(), {});
Here, new_tree becomes a reference to the actually added tree.
Attempted Fix
The style is still below my expectations. Personally I'd closely review the use of shared_ptr at all in this piece of code.
But this will probably help you along:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
struct Param {
std::string getValue() const { return "42"; }
struct Params {
using ParamMap = std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Param> >;
using Children = std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Params> >;
Params(std::string name = "") : _name(name) {}
std::string getName() const { return _name; }
ParamMap& getParamMap() { return _map; }
ParamMap const& getParamMap() const { return _map; }
bool hasChildren() const { return !_children.empty(); }
Children& getChildren() { return _children; }
Children const& getChildren() const { return _children; }
static void mapToPt(boost::shared_ptr<Params> curParams, pt::ptree &root);
std::string _name;
ParamMap _map;
Children _children;
void Params::mapToPt(boost::shared_ptr<Params> curParams, pt::ptree &root) {
// Fill current root with parameters from curParams ParameterMap
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Param> >::iterator it;
for (it = curParams->getParamMap().begin(); it != curParams->getParamMap().end(); it++) {
root.put(it->first, it->second->getValue());
//std::cout << "Add Parameter: \n";
//std::cout << "Parameter name: " << it->first << "\n";
//std::cout << "Parameter value: " << it->second->getValue() << "\n";
// Recursively go through all children to do the same to them
if (curParams->hasChildren()) {
for (auto it = curParams->getChildren().begin(); it != curParams->getChildren().end(); it++) {
pt::ptree& new_tree = root.add_child(it->second->getName(), {});
//std::cout << "Add Child: \n";
//std::cout << "Child name: " << it->second->getName() << "\n";
mapToPt(it->second, new_tree);
int main() {
auto a = boost::make_shared<Params>("rootparams");
a->getParamMap().emplace("one", boost::make_shared<Param>());
a->getParamMap().emplace("two", boost::make_shared<Param>());
a->getParamMap().emplace("three", boost::make_shared<Param>());
a->getChildren().emplace("child1", boost::make_shared<Params>("child1-name"))
.first->second->getParamMap().emplace("four", boost::make_shared<Param>());
a->getChildren().emplace("child2", boost::make_shared<Params>("child2-name"))
.first->second->getParamMap().emplace("five", boost::make_shared<Param>());
pt::ptree root;
a->mapToPt(a, root);
write_json(std::cout, root);
"one": "42",
"three": "42",
"two": "42",
"child1-name": {
"four": "42"
"child2-name": {
"five": "42"

boost ptree access first element with no path name

I am using boost library to manipulate a JSON string and I would like to access to a first element.
I was wondering if there where some convenient way to access a first element of ptree with no path name.
I do this, but I got no value :
namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
pt::ptree pt2;
string json = "\"ok\"";
istringstream is(json);
pt::read_json(is, pt2);
cout << pt2.get_child("").equal_range("").first-> << endl;
catch (std::exception const& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
replace cout << pt2.get_child("").equal_range("").first-> << endl;
by cout << pt2.get_value<std::string>() << endl;
Firstly, Property Tree is not a JSON library.
Secondly, the input is not in the subset of JSON supported by the library (e.g.).
Thirdly, since the input results in a tree that has no child nodes, you should use the value of the root node itself.
Lastly, if you had wanted the first node, use ordered_begin()->second:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
void broken_input() {
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
std::istringstream is("\"ok\"");
read_json(is, pt);
std::cout << "Root value is " << pt.get_value<std::string>() << std::endl;
void normal_tree() {
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
pt.put("first", "hello");
pt.put("second", "world");
pt.put("third", "bye");
std::cout << pt.ordered_begin()->second.get_value<std::string>() << std::endl;
write_json(std::cout, pt);
int main() {
try {
catch (std::exception const& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Root value is ok
"first": "hello",
"second": "world",
"third": "bye"
I would like to access to a first element.
It is impossible in general case, since JSON elements are not place-fixed by definition. The current first element can change its place after JSON transformations and a resulting JSON will be the same, although elements are reordered. Thus such API is not provided by BOOST.

How to change value of item in stl list?

I have a question about changing or replacing elements in a list. I have a class:
class Node{
elType type; // enum
string name;
Node(elType type, string name);
void printNodeInfo();
and a list:
std::list <Node * > someList;
Now how can i replace a value (for eaxmple change type) in such element.
I've tried this:
std::list<Node * >::iterator it = someList.end();
while(*it)->name) != 0)
(*it)->type = otherType;
But it does not seem to work, the type stays the same. I'd be grateful for any help.
I updated the list so now I have:
std::list <Node> someList;
and changed the replacing to:
it->type = otherType;
I also tried:
std::list<Node >::iterator it2 = someList.erase(it);
Node temp(otherType, openName);
someList.insert(it2, temp);
after this for both cases a simple method for printing :
outputs nothing.
I don't know what is your problem exactly, but here is your solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class Node{
int type; // enum
string name;
Node(int type, string name) : type(type), name(name) {}
void printNodeInfo() const {cout << type << ", " << name << endl;}
void replace(list<Node> &l, const string &nameSearch, int typeReplace) {
for (auto it = l.rbegin(); it != l.rend(); it++) {
if (it->name == nameSearch) {
it->type = typeReplace;
/* To stop searching */
/* Nothing replaced, error message? */
int main() {
list<Node> l;
l.push_back(Node(0, "World"));
replace(l, "World", 42);
for (const auto &el: l) {
return 0;
I wonder why you use Node * instead of Node. Consider using list<Node> instead of list<Node *> unless you can give a reason why not.
I assume a list<Node> for now.
To find an element use find from the STL. You can use it like that find(someList.begin(), someList.end(), value); value would be of type elType in your case.
You also have to provide a comparison operator that compares a node's name to a give name.
Not having enough information I made a simplified example of yours. Maybe that gets you corrected/closer to what you want to achieve.
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
enum elType { red, green, blue };
using namespace std;
class Node{
elType type; // enum
string name;
Node(elType type, string name);
Node::Node(elType type, string name) {
this->type = type;
this->name = name;
// ensure that name can be found using find of STL
bool operator==(Node &n, string name) {
return == name;
int main() {
// Create nodes
Node n1(elType::red, "Node 1");
Node n2(elType::green, "Node 2");
Node n3(elType::blue, "Node 3");
// Output node names and types
cout << << " : " << n1.type << endl;
cout << << " : " << n2.type << endl;
cout << << " : " << n3.type << endl;
// Create list of nodes
list<Node> someList{ n1, n2, n3 };
// find node with name "Node 3"
auto it = find(someList.begin(), someList.end(), "Node 3");
// if a node was found change its type to red
if ( it != someList.end() ) {
it->type = elType::red;
// output nodes in list
cout << endl;
for ( auto node: someList ) {
cout << << " : " << node.type << endl;
return 0;
You can, as mentioned by other users, also use the reverse iterator.
In that case simple replace begin() and end() by rbegin() and rend() like so:
// find node with type "blue" and change type to "red"
auto it = find(someList.begin(), someList.end(), "Node 3");
// if a node was found change its type
if ( it != someList.end() ) {
it->type = elType::red;

Parsing XML Attributes with Boost

I would like to share with you an issue I'm having while trying to process some attributes from XML elements in C++ with Boost libraries (version 1.52.0). Given the following code:
#define ATTR_SET ".<xmlattr>"
#define XML_PATH1 "./pets.xml"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::property_tree;
const ptree& empty_ptree(){
static ptree t;
return t;
int main() {
ptree tree;
read_xml(XML_PATH1, tree);
const ptree & formats = tree.get_child("pets", empty_ptree());
BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & f, formats){
string at = f.first + ATTR_SET;
const ptree & attributes = formats.get_child(at, empty_ptree());
cout << "Extracting attributes from " << at << ":" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, attributes){
cout << "First: " << << " Second: " << << endl;
Let's say I have the following XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cat name="Garfield" weight="4Kg">
<dog name="Milu" weight="7Kg">
<bird name="Tweety" weight="0.1Kg">
Therefore, the console output I'll get will be the next:
Extracting attributes from cat.<xmlattr>:
First: name Second: Garfield
First: weight Second: 4Kg
Extracting attributes from dog.<xmlattr>:
First: name Second: Milu
First: weight Second: 7Kg
Extracting attributes from bird.<xmlattr>:
First: name Second: Tweety
First: weight Second: 0.1Kg
However, if I decide to use a common structure for every single element laying down from the root node (in order to identify them from their specific attributes), the result will completely change. This may be the XML file in such case:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<pet type="cat" name="Garfield" weight="4Kg">
<pet type="dog" name="Milu" weight="7Kg">
<pet type="bird" name="Tweety" weight="0.1Kg">
And the output would be the following:
Extracting attributes from pet.<xmlattr>:
First: type Second: cat
First: name Second: Garfield
First: weight Second: 4Kg
Extracting attributes from pet.<xmlattr>:
First: type Second: cat
First: name Second: Garfield
First: weight Second: 4Kg
Extracting attributes from pet.<xmlattr>:
First: type Second: cat
First: name Second: Garfield
First: weight Second: 4Kg
It seems the number of elements hanging from the root node is being properly recognized since three sets of attributes have been printed. Nevertheless, all of them refer to the attributes of the very first element...
I'm not an expert in C++ and really new to Boost, so this might be something I'm missing with respect to hash mapping processing or so... Any advice will be much appreciated.
The problem with your program is located in this line:
const ptree & attributes = formats.get_child(at, empty_ptree());
With this line you are asking to get the child pet.<xmlattr> from pets and you do this 3 times independently of whichever f you are traversing. Following this article I'd guess that what you need to use is:
const ptree & attributes = f.second.get_child("<xmlattr>", empty_ptree());
The full code, that works with both your xml files, is:
#define ATTR_SET ".<xmlattr>"
#define XML_PATH1 "./pets.xml"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::property_tree;
const ptree& empty_ptree(){
static ptree t;
return t;
int main() {
ptree tree;
read_xml(XML_PATH1, tree);
const ptree & formats = tree.get_child("pets", empty_ptree());
BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & f, formats){
string at = f.first + ATTR_SET;
const ptree & attributes = f.second.get_child("<xmlattr>", empty_ptree());
cout << "Extracting attributes from " << at << ":" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, attributes){
cout << "First: " << << " Second: " << << endl;
Without ever using this feature so far, I would suspect that boost::property_tree XML parser isn't a common XML parser, but expects a certain schema, where you have exactly one specific tag for one specific property.
You might prefer to use other XML parsers that provides parsing any XML schema, if you want to work with XML beyond the boost::property_tree capabilities. Have a look at e.g. Xerces C++ or Poco XML.
File to be parsed, pets.xml
<pet type="cat" name="Garfield" weight="4Kg">
<something name="test" value="*"/>
<something name="demo" value="#"/>
<pet type="dog" name="Milu" weight="7Kg">
<something name="test1" value="$"/>
<birds type="parrot">
<bird name="african grey parrot"/>
<bird name="amazon parrot"/>
// DemoPropertyTree.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//Prerequisite boost library
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::property_tree;
void processPet(ptree subtree)
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type petChild,subtree.get_child(""))
//processing attributes of element pet
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type petAttr,petChild.second.get_child(""))
//processing child element of pet(something)
else if(petChild.first=="something")
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type somethingChild,petChild.second.get_child(""))
//processing attributes of element something
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type somethingAttr,somethingChild.second.get_child(""))
void processBirds(ptree subtree)
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type birdsChild,subtree.get_child(""))
//processing attributes of element birds
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type birdsAttr,birdsChild.second.get_child(""))
//processing child element of birds(bird)
else if(birdsChild.first=="bird")
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type birdChild,birdsChild.second.get_child(""))
//processing attributes of element bird
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type birdAttr,birdChild.second.get_child(""))
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
const std::string XML_PATH1 = "C:/Users/10871/Desktop/pets.xml";
ptree pt1;
boost::property_tree::read_xml( XML_PATH1, pt1 );
BOOST_FOREACH( ptree::value_type const& topNodeChild, pt1.get_child( "pets" ) )
ptree subtree = topNodeChild.second;
if( topNodeChild.first == "pet" )
else if(topNodeChild.first=="birds")
return 0;
The output is shown here: