visual studio call stack windows does not display filename - c++

I'm debugging a program in Visual Studio and I'm wondering why my program passes next to a function in a particular unit (source code file).
I thought that the call stack would show this, but this seems not to be the case. Moreover the list of showable entries does not even mention the filename:
Show Module Names
Show Parameter Types
Show Parameter Names
Show Parameter Values
Show Line Numbers
Show Byte Offsets
=> no "Show Filenames", although the presence of "Show Line Numbers" means that the filename should be known.
I'm working with Visual Studio Professional 2017 for Windows Desktop.
Is this a configuration issue, is this not present in my Visual Studio installation (if so, which version has this feature) or is this not foreseen in Visual Studio at all?
For a good understanding, my call stack looks like the following:
<product>.dll!<first_class>::<first_class>(double dFy, double dFx) Line 102 C++
<product>.dll!<subfunction>(double dFv, double dFh) Line 1450 C++
<product>.dll!<subsubfunction>(double dFv, double dFh, int number) Line 1672 C++
While I'd like to see something like:
<product>.dll!<first_class>::<first_class>(double dFy, double dFx) File <file1.c> Line 102 C++
<product>.dll!<subfunction>(double dFv, double dFh) File <file2.c> Line 1450 C++
<product>.dll!<subsubfunction>(double dFv, double dFh, int number) File <file2.c> Line 1672 C++
As I'm particularly interested in the difference between central source files and project specific source files, I'd like to see the whole path in the filename.

You can stop looking, the option is simply not available.
Hard to guess why Microsoft decided to not provide it, but it is the only debug info that is ambiguous. Something that the softies need to deal with every day, the programs they debug are generally built on a build server from source code that is not located in the same directories.
I'd like to browse through the own files, without needing to open all included individual central files...
That is not necessary, simply double-click the specific entry in the stack trace that you are interested in. If the debugger knows the source file then it will automatically open and position the caret at the statement. Hovering the editor tab displays the path of the file. If the debugger can't find the source file then you'll get a dialog to navigate to the correct directory.

From what I know there is no such option (in any version of Visual Studio). Only thing you can do would be to right-click on call stack and press go to source file. Then you would see source-code and hopefully you will know which version of a file it is. As far as I know there are also no plugins for what you are trying to accomplish.

The "Copy With Source Paths" Context Menu option exists in VS17 (15.9.45), VS19 (16.11.11), and VS22. Unfortunately, there is no documented option in the command window.


compile single c++ source file in 1 project in visual studio

i know a lot of people asked this question, but i can't find how to do it. Is there
a way to build only one source file in visual studio 2017? without new project, i'm learning c++, so i can't make huge thing now, just focus to code(now i'm learn data structure and algorithm),most of my exercise is about <200 code lines, so it great to compile new file without whole project, sometimes i need a few lines of code to test my algorithm,please help me, thanks all you guy, because v.s is very good ide so i want to stick with it.
If you just have one file and want to build it without waiting 1-2 minutes for the IDE to pop up,
Find the Developer Command Prompt in your list of applications - it is under the Visual Studio directory in the Application menu.
cd /d to your directory. cd will take you here if you are on the same drive as visual studio. If you are on a different drive, use cd /d.
Use your favourite editor (notepad, vim, geany, notepad++, nano, microemacs etc) to create the file.
cl sourcefile
Run the excutable.
Unlike what visual studio does, you executable will now be in the same directory as your source. Editors like geany have a build button (the brick icon). All you need to do is fill in how to build: in this case, the cl command.
If you want a one file project, just follow these steps.
Create New Project - File -> New -> Project
Fill in filename, select Win32 Console Application. Note the directory - if it is not where you want it, change it. Click OK
Application Wizard pops up, click Next
Application settings - select Empty project, click Finish
Open Solution Explorer. Right click Source Files. Menu pops up, select Add -> New Item
Add new item dialog pops up, fill in your filename.
If you don't know how to create a new project and a new solution, it will be good to learn those basic concepts and use them to write, test, and debug your code.
You can use one Visual Studio project to do all the learning.
Let's say you want to test "algorithm 1". Then,
Create a header file for it and a source file for it -- call them "test-algorithm-1.hpp" and "test-algorithm-1.cpp".
Add them to the project.
#include the header file in the main .cpp file of the project.
Call the function to test "algorithm 1" from main.
#include "test-algorithm-1.hpp"
int main()
When you are ready for testing "algorithm 2", repeat the above steps. The main .cpp file can now be.
#include "test-algorithm-1.hpp"
#include "test-algorithm-2.hpp"
int main()
If you want to avoid testing "algorithm 1" while testing "algorithm 2", simply comment out the corresponding line in main.
int main()
// test_algorithm_1();
On the source file you don't want to be included in the project, simply right click, select Properties. There you will find in General a field 'Excluded From Build'. Type true/yes there and the source file will be deactivated.

Configuration of Visual Studio Code

So recently I started switching from sublime text 3 to Visual Studio Code, and there are a few things which bother me, so I was wondering if its possible to change/configure this:
When selecting "Open with Visual Studio Code" from the Windows Explorer on a file which is already opened, visual studio will still reopen the file in a new window.
For my C++ code, some inline method definitions are in files ending with .I (I am unable to change this). I already configured VS Code to detect those as C++ files, however Alt+O does not switch between the .I and .h / .cpp file. (It does fine between .h/.cpp)
Is there something like a hex view for binary files? Right now I am unable to edit them with VS Code.
I added some files to my exclude list in search.exclude and files.watcherExclude. Those are properly ignored in the quick-change bar, but they are still shown in the file-hierarchy on the left. Is it possible to hide them there as well? Found it: its files.exclude
When creating and saving a new file, the save dialog always starts at the project directory. Is it possible to change this, so that it defaults to the path of the last-opened file, just like in sublime text?
Is there an option/extension to have a code-minimap next to the scrollbar, like in sublime text?
Regarding 6.)
put something like this in your settings.json:
"editor.minimap.enabled": true,
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 200,
"editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false

How do you in Visual Studio generate a PDB file with a random outputted name?

I want to be able to dynamically load and unload DLL projects at runtime. For this to work I have to make sure that each time I rebuild my project in Visual Studio the .pbd file generated has a pseudo-random generated name as (random file-path valid string).pbd.
This is because the debugger forces me to abort debugging before rebuilding otherwise.
I first tried creating a custom pre build tool that ran a .bat file that created a system enviroment variable like this:
set TIMESTAMP=%DATE:/=-%#%TIME::=-%
setx buildrandomvar %TIMESTAMP%
And that worked fine, I checked the registry. But no matter what I did I just could not reference "buildrandomvar" as a part of the .pdb file name. The result was just an empty ".pbd".
My Program Database File Name setting is: $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(buildrandomvar).pdb
I would really appreciate any help at all with this issue because I just can't get this to work.
I found the answer and I'll just put it here in case anyone ever needs it.
In Visual Studio, right click your project, go to Properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Program Database File and enter
This should generate your pdb with a timestamp in the file name which is technically pseudo-random.

How to generate CHM with Doxygen and HTML Help Compiler?

The short story: I can generate a CHM file with Doxygen. Launching the CHM file, I observe that the Contents and Index tabs do list the pages, namespaces, classes, and members of those classes. However, clicking on the items in those Contents and Index lists do not display any content.
I am on a computer using Windows 7 Professional SP1, 64-bit.
I use Doxywizard to run Doxygen version on my code. It correctly generates the HTML output; the pages, namespaces, classes, and members appear in the documentation.
I then further want to convert the HTML into a compressed HTML (CHM) file.
I downloaded the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop version 1.31 (i.e., htmlhelp.exe version 4.74.8703 ) from the Microsoft website ( ). I ran the installer. As the installer was proceeding, a popup message appeared:
This computer already has a newer version of HTML Help.
However, installation completed successfully. And, the hhc.exe program is there where I told it to install.
I now specify these relevant Doxygen settings:
Wizard --> Output:
HTML is checked
"prepare for compressed HTML (.chm)" option is selected.
Expert --> HTML:
CHM_FILE = Foo.chm
HHC_LOCATION = C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe
When I run Doxygen again, it reports an error:
error: failed to run html help compiler on index.hhp
The Foo.chm file is generated where expected. But, as described above, it is missing a lot of content.
I tried running hhc.exe manually on the HHP file generated by Doxygen. It does not indicate any errors.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\HTML Help Workshop>hhc c:\test\html\index.hhp
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\test\html\Foo.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 3 seconds
292 Topics
3,855 Local links
83 Internet links
0 Graphics
Created c:\test\html\Foo.chm, 259,580 bytes
Compression decreased file by 1,077,915 bytes.
However, the result is the same: a Foo.chm file that is missing content.
I subsequently found that I had another installation of the HTML Help Workshop on my computer. But, the hhc.exe was the exact same version. So, that is not likely the problem.
Can you suggest what else I can try to get all the documentation content to display in the CHM file?
When I have seen this problem (the html exists and the chm has content but that content is not visible), it has been because windows security has "blocked" the chm file. To see if this is what you are encountering try the following:
From windows explorer, Right click the generated .chm file and select properties.
On the General tab, if you see an Unblock button, click it.
Close the dialog and open the .chm file.
(I have not encountered this problem with locally generated doxygen .chm files, but I am hopeful from your description that this may fix your problem.)
The essential problem was that the CHM file was on a mapped network drive.
When I copied the CHM file to a physical drive on my computer, all the content displays.
In your doxyfile, put the path to hhc.exe in double quotes, since it contains spaces.
Or even better, do not use paths with spaces.

How do I open a file in c++ (other than notepad)

I was wondering how to open a file other than notepad... Our prof gave us an example:
s = "notepad.exe test.txt";
That will open a file type of "notepad.exe" and the file name of "test.txt"
Main Question:
Now, I was wondering if there was a way to open other type of files, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Visual Studio, or 7zip.
My attempt opened something in a new cmd.exe (because of the START keyword):
fileNeededtoBeOpened = "START \"New Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet.xlsx\"";
(This code is slightly different from my original, where I'm trying to open a file from a vector...) but all I really need to know is instead of "notepad.exe" or "START" is there a different command to open different file types that aren't .txt
Also, a side note, I was reading on the internet that it wasn't safe to use system() to open files, is this correct?
I found the answer by myself... for those who are curious, here an the answers:
To open a text file: system(notepad)
To open an excel file: system(start excel)
To open a word doc file: system(start winword)
To open a 7z file: system(start 7zFM)
To open a visual studio file: system(start devenv)
I think you're confused.
System executes a command as you would on the command line (type cmd into the run prompt under start menu to get that).
So, when you type notepad.exe test.txt it's saying:
Open the program notepad.exe which is on the system path (so the
command line can find it to execute that program), and pass the
parameter test.txt to it.
Notepad itself decides what to do with test.txt, in this case it opens it.
So, you can tell it to run any command (program/executable) and pass any parameters to it in reality. If excel's on your system path, you can probably just type excel.exe to open it from your system command. Otherwise, find the location excel is installed in, and refer to it with the whole path to excel.exe and it will work fine.
For example, on my computer, executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" would open excel from the command line. I can pass further parameters to it by having more information (like filenames) after the Excel.exe" portion, just as you did in your notepad example. Using your system command should have equivilent behavior when that line is executed.
If you are only targeting Windows systems you can use the ShellExecuteEx function (part of the Win32 API). You can just pass a filename to it and it will launch what ever program is registered to handle that file type (just as if you opened the file from windows explorer). Documentation is available on MSDN:
There is some examples on Launching Applications (ShellExecute, ShellExecuteEx, SHELLEXECUTEINFO) MSDN article and lots more elsewhere around the internet.
AS the other guys mentioned , the System function only executes a cmd command, .. notepad.exe is in the system's path by default so it works directly
but for example for me if I want to open a zip file on my desktop , I'd type something like
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" Desktop\
that's when I'm currently at the my user's directory [by default] , or
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" C:\Users\JiMMaR\Desktop\
[where JiMMaR is my user name on windows 7]
note that this certain command works only on windows , if you are using another OS this won't work as it is
try doing a
fileNeededtoBeOpened = "\"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe\" C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Desktop\";
and see if that executes or not
if you cannot escape the space , then try this one
fileNeededtoBeOpened = "C:\Program~1\7-Zip\7zFM.exe C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Desktop\";
Ok, firstly - system - is a function that starts a separate process to your program. Much the same as in a command window when you type the command. The command lines you provide will be dependent on the applications you want to launch.
Now, I was wondering if there was a way to open other type of files,
such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Visual Studio, or 7zip.
Yes I would be pretty shocked if there wasn't a command line parameter you could specify to load a document in these apps at start up. (Ok not shocked, but it is pretty standard)
Does this have anything to do with c++ - not really - you need to look at references for the applications you mention and see what the command lines parameters are for them. Then craft a string and system(...) to your hearts content.