how to handle millions of smaller s3 files with apache spark - amazon-web-services

so this problem has been driving me nuts, and it is starting to feel like spark with s3 is not the right tool for this specific job. Basically, I have millions of smaller files in an s3 bucket. For reasons I can't necessarily get into, these files cannot be consolidated (one they are unique encrypted transcripts). I have seen similar questions as this one, and every single solution has not produced good results. First thing I tried was wild cards:
sc.wholeTextFiles(s3aPath + "/*/*/*/*.txt").count();
Note: the count was more debugging on how long it would take to process the files. This job almost took an entire day with over 10 instances but still failed with the error posted at the bottom of the listing. I then found this link, where it basically said this isn't optimal:
Then, I decided to try another solution that I can't find at the moment, which said load all of the paths, then union all of the rdds
ObjectListing objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(bucket);
List<JavaPairRDD<String, String>> rdds = new ArrayList<>();
List<JavaPairRDD<String, String>> tempMeta = new ArrayList<>();
//initializes objectListing
.filter(item -> item != null && item.getMediaType().equalsIgnoreCase("transcript"))
.map(item -> SparkConfig.getSparkContext().wholeTextFiles("s3a://" + bucket + "/" + item.getFileName()))
while(objectListing.isTruncated()) {
objectListing = s3Client.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);
.filter(item -> item != null && item.getMediaType().equalsIgnoreCase("transcript"))
.map(item -> SparkConfig.getSparkContext().wholeTextFiles("s3a://" + bucket + "/" + item.getFileName()))
if (tempMeta.size() > 5000) {
tempMeta = new ArrayList<>();
if (!tempMeta.isEmpty()){
return SparkConfig.getSparkContext().union(rdds.get(0), rdds.subList(1, rdds.size()));
Then, even when I set set the emrfs-site config to:
"Classification": "emrfs-site",
"Properties": {
"fs.s3.consistent.retryPolicyType": "fixed",
"fs.s3.consistent.retryPeriodSeconds": "15",
"fs.s3.consistent.retryCount": "20",
"fs.s3.enableServerSideEncryption": "true",
"fs.s3.consistent": "false"
I got this error within 6 hours of every time I tried running the job:
17/02/15 19:15:41 INFO AmazonHttpClient: Unable to execute HTTP request: failed to respond
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: failed to respond
So first, is there a way to use smaller files with spark from s3? I don't care if the solution is suboptimal, I just want to try and get something working. I thought about trying spark streaming, since its internals are a little different with loading all of the files. I would then use fileStream and set newFiles to false. Then I could batch process them. However, that is not what spark streaming was built for, so I am conflicted in going that route.
As a side note, I generated millions of small files into hdfs, and tried the same job, and it finished within an hour. This makes me feel like it is s3 specific. Also, I am using s3a, not the ordinary s3.

If you are using amazon EMR, then you need to use s3:// URLs; the s3a:// ones are for the ASF releases.
A big issue is just how long it takes to list directory trees in s3, especially that recursive tree walk. The spark code assumes its a fast filesystem where listing dirs and stating files is low cost, whereas in fact each operation takes 1-4 HTTPS requests, which, even on reused HTTP/1.1 connections, hurts. It can be so slow you can see the pauses in the log.
Where this really hurts is that it is the up front partitioning where a lot of the delay happens, so it's the serialized bit of work which is being brought to its knees.
Although there's some speedup in treewalking on S3a coming in Hadoop 2.8 as part of the S3a phase II work, wildcard scans of //*.txt form aren't going to get any speedup. My recommendation is to try to flatten your directory structure so that you move from a deep tree to something shallow, maybe even all in the same directory, so that it can be scanned without the walk, at a cost of 1 HTTP request per 5000 entries.
Bear in mind that many small file are pretty expensive anyway, including in HDFS, where they use up storage. There's a special aggregate format, HAR files, which are like tar files except that hadoop, hive and spark can all work inside the file itself. That may help, though I've not seen any actual performance test figures there.


Can S3 ListObjectsV2 return the keys sorted newest to oldest?

I have AWS S3 buckets with hundreds of top-level prefixes (folders). Each prefix contains somewhere between five thousand and a few million files in each prefix - most growing at rate of 10-100k per year. 99% of the time, all I care about are the newest 1-2000 or so in each folder...
Using ListObjectV2 returns me 1000 files and that is the max (setting "MaxKeys" to a higher value still truncates the list at 1000). This would be reasonably fine, however (per the documentation) it's returning me the file list in ascending alphabetical order (which, given my keys/filenames have the date in them effectively results in a oldest->newest sort) ... which is considerably less useful than if it returned me the NEWEST files (or reverse-alphabetical).
One option is to do a continuation allowing me to pull the entire prefix, then use the tail end of the entire array of keys as needed... but that would be (most importantly) slow for large 'folders'. A prefix with 2 million files would require 2,000 separate API calls, just to get the newest few-hundred filenames. (not to mention the costs incurred by pulling the entire bucket list even though I'm only really interested in the newest 1-2000 files.)
Is there a way to have the ListObjectV2 call (or any other s3 call) give me the list of the newest (or reverse-alphabetical) files? New files come in every few minutes - and the most important file is THE most recent file, so doing an S3 Inventory doesn't seem like it would do the trick.
(or, perhaps, a call that gives me filenames in a created-by date range...?)
Using javascript - but I'm sure every language has more-or-less the same features when it comes to trying to list objects from an S3 bucket.
Edit: weird idea: If AWS doesn't offer a 'sort' option on a basic API call for one of it's most popular services... Would it make sense to document all the filenames/keys in a dynamo table and query that instead?
No. The ListObjectsV2() will always return up to 1000 objects alphabetically in the requested Prefix.
You could use Amazon S3 Inventory, which can provide a daily or weekly CSV file listing all objects.
If you need real-time or fairly fast access to a list of all available objects, your other option would be to trigger an AWS Lambda function whenever objects are created/deleted. The Lambda function would store/update information in a database (eg DynamoDB) that can provide very fast access to the list of objects. You would need to code this solution.

AWS S3 - SlowDown: Please reduce your request rate

There is enough similar questions and answers on SO. However little said about prefixes.
First, randomization of prefixes is not needed anymore, see here
This S3 request rate performance increase removes any previous
guidance to randomize object prefixes to achieve faster performance.
That means you can now use logical or sequential naming patterns in S3
object naming without any performance implications.
Now back to my problem. I still get "SlowDown" and I dont get why.
All my objects distributed as following:
Each node has its own prefix, then it is followed by a "folder" name, then a "file" name. There is about 40 "files" in each "folder". Lets say I have ~20 nodes, about 200 "folders" under each node and 40 "files" under each folder. In this case, the prefix consists of common part "/foo/bar/baz", the node and the folder, so even if I upload all 40 files in parallel the pressure on single prefix is 40, right? And even if I upload 40 files to each and every "folder" from all nodes, the pressure still 40 per prefix. Is that correct? If yes, how come I get the "SlowDown"? If no how I supposed to take care of it? Custom RetryStrategy? How come DefaultRetryStrategy which employs exponential backoff does not solve this problem?
Here the explanation what prefix means
Ok, after a month with AWS support team with assistance from S3 engineering team the short answer is, randomize prefixes the old fashion way.
The long answer, they indeed improved the performance of S3 as stated in the link in the original question, however, you always can bring the S3 to knees. The point is that internally they partition all objects sored in bucket, the partitioning works on the bucket prefixes and it organizes it in the lexicographical order of prefixes , so, no matter what, when you put a lot of files in different "folders" it still put the pressure on the outer part of prefix and then it tries to partition the outer part and this is the moment you will get the "SlowDown". Well, you can exponentially back off with retries, but in my case, 5 minute backoff didnt make the trick, then the last resort is to prepend the prefix with some random token, which, ideally distributed evenly. Thats it.
In less aggressive cases, the S3 engineering team can check your usage and manually partition your bucket (done on bucket level). Didnt work in our case.
And no, no money can buy more requests per prefix, since, I guess there is no entity that can pay Amazon for rewriting the S3 backend.
2020 UPDATE: Well, after implementing randomization for S3 prefixes I can say just one thing, if you try hard, no randomization would help. We are still getting SlowDown but not as frequent as before. There is no other mean to solve this problem except rescheduling the failed operation for later execution.
YET ANOTHER 2020 UPDATE: Hehe, number of LIST request you are doing to your bucket prevents us from partitioning the bucket properly. LOL

Analysis of Log with Spark Streaming

I recently did analysis on a static log file with Spark SQL (find out stuff like the ip addresses which appear more than ten times). The problem was from this site. But I used my own implementation for it. I read the log into an RDD, turned that RDD to a DataFrame (with the help of a POJO) and used DataFrame operations.
Now I'm supposed to do a similar analysis using Spark Streaming for a streaming log file for a window of 30 mins as well as aggregated results for a day. The solution can again be found here but I want to do it another way. So what I've done is this
Use Flume to write data from the log file to an HDFS directory
Use JavaDStream to read the .txt files from HDFS
Then I can't figure out how to proceed. Here's the code I use
Long slide = 10000L; //new batch every 10 seconds
Long window = 1800000L; //30 mins
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("StreamLogAnalyzer");
JavaStreamingContext streamingContext = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, new Duration(slide));
JavaDStream<String> dStream = streamingContext.textFileStream(hdfsPath).window(new Duration(window), new Duration(slide));
Now I can't seem to decide if I should turn each batch to a DataFrame and do what I previously did with the static log file. Or is this way time consuming and overkill.
I'm an absolute noob to Streaming as well as Flume. Could someone please guide me with this?
Using DataFrame (and Dataset) in Spark is most promoted way in latest versions of Spark, so it's a right choice to go with. I think that some obscurity appears because of non-explicit nature of stream, when you move files into HDFS rather than read from any event log.
Main point here is to choose correct batch time size (or slide size as in your snippet), so application would process data it loaded under that time slot and there would not be batch queue.

Spark Dataframe loading 500k files on EMR

I am running pyspark job on EMR ( 5.5.1 ) with Spark 2.1.0, Hadoop 2.7.3, Hive 2.1.1, Sqoop 1.4.6 and Ganglia 3.7.2 which is loading data from s3. There are multiple buckets that contain input files so I have a function which uses boto to traverse through them and filter them out according to some pattern.
Cluster Size: Master => r4.xlarge , Workers => 3 x r4.4xlarge
The function getFilePaths returns a list of s3 paths which is directly fed to spark dataframe load method.
Using Dataframe
file_list = getFilePaths() # ['s3://some_bucket/log.json.gz','s3://some_bucket/log2.json.gz']
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
df ='json').load(file_list, schema=schema)
Using RDD
master_rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext.union(
map(lambda file: sparkSession.sparkContext.textFile(file), file_list)
df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(master_rdd, schema=schema)
The file_list can be a huge list ( max 500k files ) due to large amount of data & files. Calculation of these paths only takes 5-20mins but when trying to load them as dataframe with spark, spark UI remains inactive for hours i.e. not processing anything at all. The inactivity period for processing 500k files is above 9hrs while for 100k files it is around 1.5hrs.
Viewing Gangilla metrics shows that only driver is running/processing while workers are idle. There are no logs generated until the spark job has finished and I haven't got any success with 500k files.
I have tried s3, s3n connectors but no success.
Figure out the root cause of this delay?
How can I debug it properly ?
In general, Spark/Hadoop prefer to have large files they can split instead of huge numbers of small files. One approach you might try though would be to parallelize your file list and then load the data in a map call.
I don't have the resources right now to test this out, but it should be something similar to this:
file_list = getFilePaths()
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
paths_rdd = sc.parallelize(file_list)
def get_data(path):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, path)
data = obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
return [json.loads(r) for r in data.split('\n')]
rows_rdd = rdd.flatMap(get_data)
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows_rdd, schema=schema)
You could also make this a little more efficient by using mapPartition instead so you don't need to recreate the s3 object each time.
EDIT 6/14/18:
With regards to handling the gzip data, you can decompress a stream of gzip data using python as detailed in this answer: . Basically just pass in obj.get()['Body'].read() into the function defined in that answer.
There's two performance issues surfacing
reading the files: gzip files can't be split to have their workload shared across workers, though with 50 MB files, there's little benefit in splitting things up
The way the S3 connectors spark uses mimic a directory structure is a real performance killer for complex directory trees.
Issue #2 is what slows up partitioning: the initial code to decide what to do, which is done before any of the computation.
How would I go about trying to deal with this? Well, there's no magic switch here. But
have fewer, bigger files; as noted, Avro is good, so are Parquet and ORC later.
use a very shallow directory tree. Are these files all in one single directory? Or in a deep directory tree? The latter is worse.
Coalesce the files first.
I'd also avoid any kind of schema inference; it sounds like you aren't doing that (good!), but for anyone else reading this answer: know that for CSV and presumably JSON, schema inference means "read through all the data once just to work out the schema"

Reading many small files from S3 very slow

Loading many small files (>200000, 4kbyte) from a S3 Bucket into HDFS via Hive or Pig on AWS EMR is extremely slow. It seems that only one mapper is used to get the data, though I cannot exactly figure out where the bottleneck is.
Pig Code Sample
data = load 's3://data-bucket/' USING PigStorage(',') AS (line:chararray)
Hive Code Sample
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE data (value STRING) LOCATION 's3://data-bucket/';
Are there any known settings that speed up the process or increase the number of mappers used to fetch the data?
I tried the following without any noticeable effects:
Increase #Task Nodes
set hive.optimize.s3.query=true
manually set #mappers
Increase instance type from medium up to xlarge
I know that s3distcp would speed up the process, but I could only get better performance by doing a lot of tweaking including setting #workerThreads and would prefer changing parameters directly in my PIG/Hive scripts.
You can either :
use distcp to merge the file before your job starts :
have a pig script that will do it for you, once.
If you want to do it through PIG, you need to know how many mappers are spawned. You can play with the following parameters :
// to set mapper = nb block size. Set to true for one per file.
SET pig.noSplitCombination false;
// set size to have SUM(size) / X = wanted number of mappers
SET pig.maxCombinedSplitSize 250000000;
Please provide metrics for thoses cases