Unrecognized error occurred in the Windows Web Services framework - c++

I'm trying to build and run a simple project in Visual Studio 2017 (C++) in x64 using the Local Windows Debugger. However every time I try to run it using the debugger I get this error.
This error doesn't show up when I change it from x64 to x86, but I need it to compile to x64. This has happened on both computers that I've tried it on, and seems to happen in every one of my projects. I've tried reinstalling Visual Studio already and nothing's changed. I've tried adding 'devenv.exe' as an exception to the Windows Firewall but no changes there either, even when I disabled the firewall completely. My antivirus isn't affecting it at all either: still happens when I disable it.
The application runs fine when I find it in the explorer and run it manually but then I don't have any debugging tools.
What am I doing wrong here, how do I make it build and run my project as x64?

I get this error every time I have an active VPN connection. If you use a VPN, try disconnect and see if the error disappears.

If you want to use a VPN, the solution (assuming you have Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7 or later) is as follows:
Go to the Windows Start Menu and launch the “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 Preview”
Run: "%DevEnvDir%vsregedit.exe" set "%VSINSTALLDIR:~0,-1%" HKCU Debugger UseAnonymousPipes dword 1
Restart VS if it is already running
That solution is from this link to Microsoft.


How to make Visual studio Remote debugger 2017 and 2019 both work on a same computer?

VS2017 remote debugger had been working well until some developer replaced it with VS2019 version.
I know them can both work on the same computers since they use different ports (4022 and 4024).
On this computer I already shut down the remote debugger 2019, and ran debugger 2017. It prompts such message:
Unable to configure this computer to allow remote debugging. The
system cann't find the path specified.
I don't know why.
Just turning-off the firewall solved the problem.

Visual Studio 2017 debugger fails connected to a ClearCase mapped drive

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 with a ClearCase dynamic view connected to a mapped drive.
Starting a debugger session fails with:
Unable to start program filename.exe.
Operation is not supported.
Unknown error: 0x80070057.
Using a ClearCase snapshot view, the debugging session works as expected, without error message.
Visual Studio 2013 works perfectly fine with a snapshot or dynamic view.
Any help would be appreciated.
It depends on your exact ClearCase version, as seen in this PI45450 (project issue, similar but not identical to your case)
Running the executable by specifying its fully qualified UNC
pathname may work, such as
In your case, with Windows:
See if the full path (M:\...\<application>.exe) works better with Visual Studio 2017.
Or try and upgrade ClearCase if possible (
There is a new ClearCase APAR for this behavior, because it was initially reported only if the CC VS 2017 integration was installed. It actually doesn't need the integration, at least not on Windows 10 with UAC on. The APAR is PI86014, but it may not be visible yet as it's really new.
The issue is specific to Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2015 will open and start the debug session fine, and the debug executables load just fine from a dynamic view.
The integration released in the technote seems to be a little buggy. Perhaps the one in and will behave better.

Visual Studio Debugger and Windows 10

I recently updated my system from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Before I did this, my Visual Studio C++ compiler (2013) and debugger was working fine but when I ran the debugger, I would occasionally get the following message:
The Visual Studio 2015 Remote Debugger (MSVMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remove computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remove computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging.
When I got the message, I would restart the debugger and the message would go away. After upgrading to Windows 10, every time I run the debugger, I get this message. Then the debugger does not run. So, I upgraded to Visual Studio C++ 2015 hoping it would fix the problem. It does not. I also use ZoneAlarm as my firewall. I thought that might be the problem. So I turned off ZoneAlarm but that did not help.
What am I doing wrong?

IntelliSense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects

In Visual Studio trying to create a blank C++ project Win32 Console Application my app Settings are
Console application
Check empty project
Precompiled headers is unchecked
Visual Studio tries to set it all up and then gives me the follow error:
Everything works except project has zero IntelliSense.
Here is what I tried so far:
I tried to install latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 it keeps telling me the version you are trying to install is an older version and the one I have - is the latest.
There was something about Fallback Location setting it to true, tried that still the same.
Tried to run VS in admin mode, the same error.
Maybe someone had similar problem?
I have had the same problem too. I figured out my problem by install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop. The link is https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?displaylang=en&id=5783
May it can help you with your problem. good luck
I just had the same problem and solved it by starting Visual Studio as administrator.
The problem appeared, because I had previously started Visual Studio as admin, and the Debug Folder it created wasn't writable then for the normal user.
Otherwise: deletion of the Debug folder would presumably also have fixed the problem.

Debugging x64 programs locally without being administrator

For the past several years I have been logging into my PC as a limited user and debugging applications this way. Now that I'm making the move to x64 bit applications, I'm unable to do this and get a dialog error as shown below. Of course this is not the real problem as the service is running just fine. If I log off and log in as admin I can debug normally just like I do for a 32 bit process.
Since x64 debugging is currently making use of remote debugging techniques, does anyone know a way to do this without being administrator?
VS2008 Error:
Unable to start program
Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) failed
to start. Verify that the remote
debugger is properly installed.
!!! EDIT !!!
Sorry, I found the error. I use a very secure environment, LUA + SRP, and for some reason an additinal rule must be added for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe" All is good now.
Sorry, I found the error. I use a very secure environment, LUA + SRP, and for some reason an additional rule must be added for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe" All is good now.
It's a strong possibility that the x64 program was not installed for "all users". When performing the installation, sometimes you see this option before installing the files. This is likely not related to x64 architecture but instead a file permissions error.
When installing applications it's best to install as the ADMIN and enable it for all users first. Then as a limited user there are no file permission errors.