Assess synchronization for Asynchronous loader - c++

I'd like to receive advice how to solve the following problem.
// Asynchronous loader
class AsyncLoader
void SendRequest()
// send some request
void OnSendRequest()
TSomeType GetCachedValue()
TSomeType ret = cachedValue;
return ret;
TSomeType cachedValue;
Mutex mutex;
Also have client who sends requests using AsyncLoader to update cachedValue from backend. Sometimes I don't need to send request , I can ask AsyncLoader the cached value by calling GetCachedValue().
Sometimes I have synchronization problem when one client sends request to update data, but other client calls GetCachedValue() to receive cached value.
It is clear that I should use mutex to synchronize assess - but I'm confused by fact, that I should lock mutex in SendRequest() and call unlock in other function OnSendRequest(). It seems to me such solution is potential dead lock if something happened during request and OnSendRequest() will not be called.
Other idea was to have real cached value to copying value from previous request - but I'd like to minimize memory usage.
P.S: Maybe even here I can talk about the problem - the use of an object only when it is fully initialized. If object is not initialized yet I should wait it.
Best regards, Roman.


asio::async_write incredibly difficult to synchronize on a high volume stream

I am currently using the Asio C++ library and wrote a client wrapper around it. My original approach was very basic and only needed to stream in a single direction. Requirements have changed and I've switched over to using all asynchronous calls. Most of the migration has been easy except for the asio::async_write(...). I have used a few different approaches and inevitably run into a deadlock with each one.
The application streams data at a high volume continuously. I have stayed away from strands because they do not block and can lead to memory issues especially when the server is under heavy load. Jobs will back up and the applications heap indefinitely grows.
So I created a blocking queue only to find out the hard way that using locks across callbacks and or blocking events leads to unknown behavior.
The wrapper is a very large class, so I will try to explain my landscape in its current state and hopefully get some good suggestions:
I have an asio::steady_timer that runs on a fixed schedule to push a heartbeat message directly into the blocking queue.
A thread dedicated to reading events and pushing them to the blocking queue
A thread dedicated to consumption of the blocking queue
For example, in my queue I have a queue::block() and queue::unblock() that are just wrappers for the condition variable / mutex.
std::thread consumer([this]() {
std::string message_buffer;
while (queue.pop(message_buffer)) {
asio::async_write(*socket, asio::buffer(message_buffer), std::bind(&networking::handle_write, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void networking::handle_write(const std::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) {
When the socket backs up and the server can no longer accept data because of the current load, the queue fills up and leads to a deadlock where handle_write(...) is never called.
The other approach eliminates the consumer thread entirely and relies on handle_write(...) to pop the queue. Like so:
void networking::write(const std::string& data) {
if (!queue.closed()) {
std::stringstream stream_buffer;
stream_buffer << data << std::endl;
spdlog::get("console")->debug("pushing to queue {}", queue.size());
if (queue.size() == 1) {
spdlog::get("console")->debug("handle_write: {}", stream_buffer.str());
asio::async_write(*socket, asio::buffer(stream_buffer.str()), std::bind(&networking::handle_write, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void networking::handle_write(const std::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) {
std::string message;
if (!queue.closed() && !queue.empty()) {
std::string front = queue.front();
asio::async_write(*socket, asio::buffer(queue.front()), std::bind(&networking::handle_write, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
This also resulted in a deadlock and obviously results in other race problems. When I disabled my heartbeat callback, I had absolutely no issues. However, the heartbeat is a requirement.
What am I doing wrong? What is a better approach?
It appears all my pain derived from the heartbeat entirely. Disabling the heartbeat in each variation of my asynchronous write operations seem to cure my problems, so this lead me to believe that this could be a result of using the built in asio::async_wait(...) and the asio::steady_timer.
Asio synchronizes its work internally and waits for jobs to complete before executing the next job. Using the asio::async_wait(...) to construct my heartbeat functionality was my design flaw because it operated on the same thread that waited on pending jobs. It created a deadlock with Asio when the heartbeat waited on queue::push(...). This would explain why asio::async_write(...) completion handler never executed in my first example.
The solution was to put the heartbeat on its own thread and let it work independently from Asio. I am still using my blocking queue to synchronize calls to asio::async_write(...) but have modified my consumer thread to use std::future and std::promise. This synchronizes the callback with my consumer thread cleanly.
std::thread networking::heartbeat_worker() {
return std::thread([&]() {
while (socket_opened) {
spdlog::get("console")->trace("heartbeat pending");
spdlog::get("console")->trace("heartbeat sent");
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
socket_closed_event.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(heartbeat_interval), [&]() {
return !socket_opened;
spdlog::get("console")->trace("heartbeat thread exited gracefully");

Check for data with timing?

Is there a way to check for data for a certain time in asio?
I have a client with an asio socket which has a Method
bool ASIOClient::hasData()
return m_socket->available();
And i'd like to have some kind of delay here so it checks for data for like 1 second max and returns more ealy. Moreover i don't want to poll it for obvious reason that it meight take a second. The reaseon why i use this is, that i do send data to a client and wait for the respond. If he doesnt respond in a certain time i'd close the socket. Thats what the hasData is mentioned for.
I know that it is nativ possible with an select and an fd_set.
The asio Client is created in an Accept method of the server socket class and later used to handle requests and send back data to the one who connected here.
int ASIOServer::accept(const bool& blocking)
auto l_sock = std::make_shared<asio::ip::tcp::socket>(m_io_service);
auto l_client = std::make_shared<ASIOClient>(l_sock);
return 0;
You just need to attempt to read.
The usual approach is to define deadlines for all asynchronous operations that could take "long" (or even indefinitely long).
This is quite natural in asynchronous executions:
Just add a deadline timer:
boost::asio::deadline_timer tim(svc);
tim.async_wait([](error_code ec) {
if (!ec) // timer was not canceled, so it expired
socket_.cancel(); // cancel pending async operation
If you want to use it with synchronous calls, you can with judicious use of poll() instead of run(). See this answer: boost::asio + std::future - Access violation after closing socket which implements a helper await_operation that runs a single operations synchronously but under a timeout.

Checking if a boost timed thread has completed

I have been reading the boost thread documentation, and cannot find an example of what I need.
I need to run a method in a timed thread, and if it has not completed within a number of milliseconds,
then raise a timeout error.
So I have a method called invokeWithTimeOut() that looks like this:
// Method to invoke a request with a timeout.
bool devices::server::CDeviceServer::invokeWithTimeout(CDeviceClientRequest& request,
CDeviceServerResponse& response)
// Retrieve the timeout from the device.
int timeout = getTimeout();
timeout += 100; // Add 100ms to cover invocation time.
// TODO: insert code here.
// Invoke the request on the device.
invoke(request, response);
// Return success.
return true;
I need to call invoke(request, response), and if it has not completed within timeout, the method needs to return false.
Can someone supple a quick boost::thread example of how to do this please.
Note: The timeout is in milliseconds. Both getTimeout() and invoke() are pure-virtual functions, that have been implemented on the device sub-classes.
Simplest solution: Launch invoke in a separate thread and use a future to indicate when invoke finishes:
boost::promise<void> p;
boost::future<void> f = p.get_future();
boost::thread t([&]() { invoke(request, response); p.set_value(); });
bool did_finish = (f.wait_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(timeout)) == boost::future_status::ready)
did_finish will be true if and only if the invoke finished before the timeout.
The interesting question is what to do if that is not the case. You still need to shutdown the thread t gracefully, so you will need some mechanism to cancel the pending invoke and do a proper join before destroying the thread. While in theory you could simply detach the thread, that is a very bad idea in practice as you lose all means of interacting with the thread and could for example end up with hundreds of deadlocked threads without noticing.

Synchronous and ASynchronous APIs

I am developing a library, which provides some time consuming services. I need to have two versions of each API, one for synchronous function call and the other for asynchronous.
Library user should decide which version to use, a service result might be crucial for continue of system operation (synch call). The same operation might be needed to be done in different worker thread as it result is not needed to continue (asynch call).
What are the problems of this approach?
Is there any better way?
Are there popular libraries which provides both sync/async for the same API (Without using external events or threads) ?
Here is an example of what I am going to provide:
enum StuffStatus
class IServiceCallback
void lengthyStuffCallback(StuffStatus status);
class MyServiceClass
StuffStatus doSomeLengthStuff(IServiceCallback* callback)
if( callback == NULL ) // user wants sync. call
// do all operations in caller context
return SUCCEED;
// save the callback, queue the request in a separate worker thread.
// and after the worker thread finishes the job it calls callback->lengthyStuffCallback(SUCCEED) from its context.
As ' Matthieu M.' mentioned, In my service I need asynchronous with Continuation Passing Style (callback after API finish).
You might want to consider to provide only the synchronous operation and advise users to use std::future<...> (or a similar facility if you can't use C++ 2011) if they want an asynchronous version of the call!
std::future<StuffStatus> async(std::async(&MyServiceClass::doSomeLengthyStuff,
// do other stuff
StuffStatus status = async.get(); // get the result, possibly using a blocking wait

Boost Asio callback doesn't get called

I'm using Boost.Asio for network operations, they have to (and actually, can, there's no complex data structures or anything) remain pretty low level since I can't afford the luxury of serialization overhead (and the libs I found that did offer well enough performance seemed to be badly suited for my case).
The problem is with an async write I'm doing from the client (in QT, but that should probably be irrelevant here). The callback specified in the async_write doesn't get called, ever, and I'm at a complete loss as to why. The code is:
void SpikingMatrixClient::addMatrix() {
std::cout << "entered add matrix" << std::endl;
int action = protocol::Actions::AddMatrix;
int matrixSize = this->ui->editNetworkSize->text().toInt();
std::ostream out(&buf);
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&action), sizeof(action));
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&matrixSize), sizeof(matrixSize));
boost::bind(&SpikingMatrixClient::onAddMatrix, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
which calls the first write. The callback is
void SpikingMatrixClient::onAddMatrix(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) {
std::cout << "entered onAddMatrix" << std::endl;
if (!error) {
} else {
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
The callback never gets called, even though the server receives all the data. Can anyone think of any reason why it might be doing that?
P.S. There was a wrapper for that connection, and yes there will probably be one again. Ditched it a day or two ago because I couldn't find the problem with this callback.
As suggested, posting a solution I found to be the most suitable (at least for now).
The client application is [being] written in QT, and I need the IO to be async. For the most part, the client receives calculation data from the server application and has to render various graphical representations of them.
Now, there's some key aspects to consider:
The GUI has to be responsive, it should not be blocked by the IO.
The client can be connected / disconnected.
The traffic is pretty intense, data gets sent / refreshed to the client every few secs and it has to remain responsive (as per item 1.).
As per the Boost.Asio documentation,
Multiple threads may call io_service::run() to set up a pool of
threads from which completion handlers may be invoked.
Note that all threads that have joined an io_service's pool are considered equivalent, and the io_service may distribute work across them in an arbitrary fashion.
Note that blocks until the io_service runs out of work.
With this in mind, the clear solution is to run from another thread. The relevant code snippets are
void SpikingMatrixClient::connect() {
Ui::ConnectDialog ui;
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog;
if (dialog->exec()) {
QString host = ui.lineEditHost->text();
QString port = ui.lineEditPort->text();
connection = TcpConnection::create(io);
boost::system::error_code error = connection->connect(host, port);
if (!error) {
io = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service>(new boost::asio::io_service);
work = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work>(new boost::asio::io_service::work(*io));
io_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&SpikingMatrixClient::runIo, this, io));
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
for connecting & starting IO, where:
work is a private boost::shared_ptr to the boost::asio::io_service::work object it was passed,
io is a private boost::shared_ptr to a boost::asio::io_service,
connection is a boost::shared_ptr to my connection wrapper class, and the connect() call uses a resolver etc. to connect the socket, there's plenty examples of that around
and io_threads is a private boost::thread_group.
Surely it could be shortened with some typedefs if needed.
TcpConnection is my own connection wrapper implementation, which sortof lacks functionality for now, and I suppose I could move the whole thread thing into it when it gets reinstated. This snippet should be enough to get the idea anyway...
The disconnecting part goes like this:
void SpikingMatrixClient::disconnect() {
boost::system::error_code error = connection->disconnect();
if (!error) {
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
the work object is destroyed, so that the io_service can run out of work eventually,
the threads are joined, meaning that all work gets finished before disconnecting, thus data shouldn't get corrupted,
the disconnect() calls shutdown() and close() on the socket behind the scenes, and if there's no error, destroys the connection pointer.
Note, that there's no error handling in case of an error while disconnecting in this snippet, but it could very well be done, either by checking the error code (which seems more C-like), or throwing from the disconnect() if the error code within it represents an error after trying to disconnect.
I encountered a similar problem (callbacks not fired) but the circumstances are different from this question (io_service had jobs but still would not fire the handlers ). I will post this anyway and maybe it will help someone.
In my program, I set up an async_connect() then followed by, which blocks as expected.
async_connect() goes to on_connect_handler() as expected, which in turn fires async_write().
on_write_complete_handler() does not fire, even though the other end of the connection has received all the data and has even sent back a response.
I discovered that it is caused by me placing program logic in on_connect_handler(). Specifically, after the connection was established and after I called async_write(), I entered an infinite loop to perform arbitrary logic, not allowing on_connect_handler() to exit. I assume this causes the io_service to not be able to execute other handlers, even if their conditions are met because it is stuck here. ( I had many misconceptions, and thought that io_service would automagically spawn threads for each async_x() call )
Hope that helps.