Does SendAsyncCancel cancel SendMailAsync? - smtpclient

In the SmtpClient class, does SendAsyncCancel cancel the SendMailAsync method?
I see a few code examples on the www which imply it does.
However MSDN says,
Use the SendAsyncCancel method to cancel a pending SendAsync operation. If there is mail waiting to be sent, this method releases resources used to store the mail. If there is no mail waiting to be sent, this method does nothing.
... which implies that it cancels SendAsync but not SendMailAsync.
Is there a way to cancel SendMailAsync? If not, why not?
If you want to cancel an asynchronous send (therefore use the old SendAsync instead of the newer SendMailAsync), what are any other disadvantages of using SendAsync instead of SendMailAsync?

I tried to invoke SendMailAsync from a post-back handler of an ASP web page, and it threw an exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context. Page starting an asynchronous operation has to have the Async attribute set to true and an asynchronous operation can only be started on a page prior to PreRenderComplete event.
at System.Web.LegacyAspNetSynchronizationContext.OperationStarted()
at System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation.CreateOperation(Object userSuppliedState, SynchronizationContext syncContext)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendAsync(MailMessage message, Object userToken)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendAsync(MailMessage message, Object userToken)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailAsync(MailMessage message)
at MyWebSite.AdminTest.TestEmail.<sendAsynchronous>d__9.MoveNext()
From this I deduce two things:
SendMailAsync is indeed implemented using SendAsync (you can see it on the call-stack of the exception). SendAsyncCancel therefore will presumably work for SendMailAsync too.
You can't call SendMailAsync from an ASP unless you want to deal with the "Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context" problem. That's discussed here and looks like it might be messy. Whereas I guess that calling SendAsync probably doesn't have this problem (because I'm using HttpClient.SendAsync and ContinueWith elsewhere, with a CountdownEvent.Wait at the end to wait for the operation to complete, without seeing this exception being thrown).
SendMailAsync can be used when it's invoked via HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem.


GRPC C++ Async Server How differentiate between WritesDone and broken connection

When developing an Async C++ GRPC Server, how can I differentiate between the client being done with writing and the connection being broken ?
I am Streaming data from the client to the server and once the client is done it will call WritesDone to let the server know it should finish storing the file. If I have a sync server I can differentiate between the client calling WritesDone and the connection being broken by calling context->IsCancelled() but in async mode you can not call IsCancelled until you get the tag specified in AsyncNotifyWhenDone.
In both cases (WritesDone and Call done) the Read tag gets returned with ok set to false. However, the AsyncNotifyWhenDone tag, which would allow me to differentiate arrives after the read tag.
I will know after I try to call finish (it will also return false) but I need to know before I call finish as my final processing might fail and I can't return the error anymore if I already called finish.
There's no way to distinguish until the AsyncNotifyWhenDone tag returns. It may come after the Read in which case you may need to buffer it up. In the sync API you can check IsCancelled() anytime (and you can also do that in the Callback API which should be available for general use soon).

OpenSSL 1.1.1d - Async use of SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback?

Certificate validation in general requires asynchronous operations such as: OCSP/CRL fetch.
On the other hand, the callback from SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback expects a synchronous result:
1 (success) / 0 (failure). (reference).
I find it kind of odd that any validation of this type is expected to be synchronous.
Is there an alternative API for certificate chain validation that supports asynchronous operations?
In theory I think you should be able to use the OpenSSL ASYNC API to do this. Normally this is used by asynchronous capable engines, but I don't see why it wouldn't also work in applications.
Firstly you would need to put your SSL object into ASYNC mode using the function call SSL_set_mode() and specifying SSL_MODE_ASYNC. You can also do this at the SSL_CTX level using SSL_CTX_set_mode(). See:
Once that is done you need to ensure your application is prepared to handle the return value SSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNC from any call to SSL_get_error(). See:
Your application can then implement a callback in the normal way via SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback. If it needs to temporarily pause operation to wait for some asynchronous operation to complete then the callback should call ASYNC_pause_job(). See:
This will have the effect of control returning to your main application and SSL_get_error() will return SSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNC. You will need to implement some mechanism for your application to know when asynchronous processing is complete. When it is, then simply retry the SSL I/O call that was previously paused. Note: this must occur on the same thread that the original call was made from. Your callback will then resume from the point at which it previously paused.

How to invoke CefV8Context::Eval() method in browser process?

I want to invoke CefV8Context::Eval function and get the returned value in browser process's UI thread. But the CEF3 C++ API Docs states that V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. Is that means I should use the inter-process communication (CefProcessMessage) to invoke that method and get the return value? If so, how to do this in synchronous mode?
Short answer: CefFrame::ExecuteJavaScript for simple requests will work. For more complex ones, you have to give up one level of synchronousness or use a custom message loop.
What I understand you want to do is to execute some Javascript code as part of your native App's UI Thread. There are two possibilities:
It's generic JS code, doesn't really access any variables or functions in your JS, and as such has not context. This means Cef can just spin up a new V8 context and execute your code - see CefFrame::ExecuteJavaScript(). To quote the examples on CEF's JS Integration link:
CefRefPtr browser = ...;
CefRefPtr frame = browser->GetMainFrame();
frame->ExecuteJavaScript("alert('ExecuteJavaScript works!');",
frame->GetURL(), 0);
It's JS code with a context. In this case, read on.
Yes - CEF is designed such that only the RenderProcess has access to the V8 engine, you'll have to use a CefProcessMessage to head over to the Browser and do the evaluation there. You sound like you already know how to do that. I'll link an answer of mine for others who don't and may stumble upon this later: Background process on the native function at Chromium Embedded Framework
The CEFProcessMessage from Browser to Render processes is one place where the request has to be synchronized.
So after your send your logic over to the render process, you'll need to do the actual execution of the javascript code. That, thankfully, is quite easy - the same JS integration link goes on to say:
Native code can execute JS functions by using the ExecuteFunction()
and ExecuteFunctionWithContext() methods
The best part - the execution seems to be synchronous (I say seems to, since I can't find concrete docs on this). The usage in the examples illustrates this:
if (callback_func_->ExecuteFunctionWithContext(callback_context_, NULL, args, retval, exception, false)) {
if (exception.get()) {
// Execution threw an exception.
} else {
// Execution succeeded.
You'll notice that the second line assumes that the first has finished execution and that the results of said execution are available to it. So, The CefV8Value::ExecuteFunction() call is by nature synchronous.
So the question boils down to - How do I post a CefProcessMessage from Browser to Renderer process synchronously?. Unfortunately, the class itself is not set up to do that. What's more, the IPC Wiki Page explicitly disallows it:
Some messages should be synchronous from the renderer's perspective.
This happens mostly when there is a WebKit call to us that is supposed
to return something, but that we must do in the browser. Examples of
this type of messages are spell-checking and getting the cookies for
JavaScript. Synchronous browser-to-renderer IPC is disallowed to
prevent blocking the user-interface on a potentially flaky renderer.
Is this such a big deal? Well, I don't really know since I've not come across this need - to me, it's ok since the Browser's message loop will keep spinning away waiting for something to do, and receive nothing till your renderer sends a process message with the results of JS. The only way the browser gets something else to do is when some interaction happens, which can't since the renderer is blocking.
If you really definitely need synchronousness, I'd recommend that you use your custom MessageLoop which calls CefDoMessageLoopWork() on every iteration. That way, you can set a flag to suspend loop work until your message is received from renderer. Note that CefDoMessageLoopWork() and CefRunMessageLoop() are mutually exclusive and cannot work with each other - you either manage the loop yourself, or let CEF do it for you.
That was long, and covers most of what you might want to do - hope it helps!

Change GUI in thread

I have an operation which ends in about 20 seconds. To avoid freezing, I want to create a thread and update a label text in it every second. I searched a lot, since everyone has different opinion, I couldn't decide which method to use.
I tried SendMessage and it works but some people believe that using SendMessage is not safe and I should use PostMessage instead. But PostMessage fails with ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY (1159).
char text[20] = "test text";
SendMessage(label_hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, text);
I searched about this and I think it's because of using pointers in PostMessage which is not allowed. That's why it fails.
So, what should I do? I'm confused. What do you suggest? Is this method is good for change UI elements in other thread?
The documentation for ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY says:
The message can be used only with synchronous operations.
This means that you can use synchronous message delivery, i.e. SendMessage and similar, but you cannot use asynchronous message delivery, i.e. PostMessage.
The reason is that WM_SETTEXT is a message whose parameters include a reference. The parameters cannot be copied by value. If you could deliver WM_SETTEXT asynchronously then how would the system guarantee that the pointer that the recipient window received was still valid?
So the system simply rejects your attempt to send this message, and indeed any other message that has parameters that are references.
It is reasonable for you to use SendMessage here. That will certainly work.
However, you are forcing your worker thread to block on the UI. It may take the UI some time to update the caption's text. The alternative is to post a custom message to the UI thread that instructs the UI thread to update the UI. Then your worker thread thread can continue its tasks and let the UI thread update in parallel, without blocking the worker thread.
In order for that to work you need a way for the UI thread to get the progress information from the worker thread. If the progress is as simple as a percentage then all you need to do is have the worker thread write to, and the UI thread read from, a shared variable.
Well, the error says it all. The message cannot be sent asynchronously. The thing about PostMessage is that it posts the message to the listening thread's queue and returns immediately, without waiting for the result of message processing. SendMessage on the other hand, waits until the window procedure finishes processing the message and only then it returns.
The risk of using PostMessage in your case is that before window procedure processes the message you may have deallocated the string buffer. So it is safer to use SendMessage in this instance and that's what MS developers probably thought about when they decided not to allow asynchronous posting of this particular message.
EDIT: Just to be clear, of course this doesn't eliminate the risk of passing a naked pointer totally.
If you send a message in the range below WM_USER to the asynchronous message functions (PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, and SendMessageCallback), its message parameters cannot include pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail.
The asynch PostMessage() alternative requires that the lifetime of the data passed in the parameters is extended beyond the message originator function. The 'classic' way of doing that is to heap-allocate the data, PostMessage a pointer to it, handle the data in the message-handler in the usual way and then delete it, (or handle it in some other way such that it does not leak). In other words, 'fire and forget' - you must not touch the data in the originating thread after the PostMessage has been issued.
The upside is that PostMessage() allows the originating thread to run on 'immediately' and so do further work, (maybe posting more messages). SendMessage() and such synchronous comms can get held up if the GUI is busy, imacting overall throughput.
The downside is that a thread may generate mesages faster than the GUI can process them. This usually manifests to the by laggy GUI responses, especially when performing GUI-intenisve work like moving/resizing windows and updating TreeViews. Eventually, the PostMessage call will fail when 10,000+ messages are queued up. If this is found to be a problem, additional flow-control may have to be added, so further complicating the comms, ( I usually do that by using a fixed-size object pool to block/throttle the originating thread if all available objects are stuck 'in transit' in posted, but unhandled, messages.
I think you can use SendMessage safely here. Then you don't need to worry about memory persistence for your string and other issues.
SendMessage is not safe when you send messages from another message handler or send message to blocked GUI thread, but if in your case you know it is safe - just use it
This is not a problem with the PostMessagebut a problem with the message you are sending - WM_SETTEXT. First a common misconception is that if you SendMessage() to a control from a thread, it is different from calling GUI API, it is in fact NOT. When you call a GUI API (from anywhere) for example to set text, windows implement this in the form of SendMessage() call. So when you are sending the same message, it is essentially same as calling the API. Although directly GUI access like this works in many ways it is not recommended. For this reason, I would beg to disagree with the accepted answer by #David.
The correct way is (code on the fly)
char* text = new char[20]
strcpy_s(text, "test text");
PostMessage(label_hwnd, IDM_MY_MSG_UPDATE_TEXT, NULL, text);
you will updated the text in your own message IDM_MY_MSG_UPDATE_TEXT handler function and delete the memory.

How do I get the SOAP response when there was an exception?

I made a call to a third party web service and get back an ESOAPHTTPException with a message in this format:
Cryptic message here - URL: http://webserviceurl - SOAPAction: performWithArgList
Now the support personnel for this web service has asked for the full SOAP response. Normally, I would attach an event handler to THTTPRIO.OnAfterExecute and simply store the content of the stream I receive as parameter.
But since Delphi raises the exception, that event handler doesn't execute. I understand that the exception may in fact mean that the service had failed in some catastrophic way, but there should still be some kind of response (not a timeout error).
Is there some other method I can use to trap the response before Delphi turns it into an exception?
For an ERemotableException-based exception you'd want to look at the OnAfterExecute event as it represents a fault sent back by the Service... but for ESOAPHTTPException (your case) you'll want to handle the OnWinInetError event (
D2010 introduced a bug in the SOAP HTTP handling. The typical symptom is that it would miss HTTP failures (such as when the Server is busy). So maybe that's not the issue you're running into but without knowing the exact error code or message you're seeing, one cannot tell. You can find more details here:
For example, if you're getting the error about 'Handle is in the wrong state', the issue mentioned above is the culprit. It means that the 'Send' failed but the runtime happily proceeded to read a response. You can find out more about that one from this thread:
So you should handle OnWinInetError and grab the error code (LastError param). That's probably key to understanding the failure.
Yes, you can use the RIO event to examine the response before it is deserialized.
You'll get the response as a stream, which you can convert to a string. Then you can examine for bad things like exceptions, beign totally empty, or starting with '', which usually (in my case) indicates that the service isn't up.
I would open the source for SOAPHTTPTrans and put a break point inside THTTPReqResp.Check(), just inside the "if error". When you hit the breakpoint, you'll have more of an idea what's wrong. Look at the call stack to see how you got here. It's probably something going wrong with your reqest being created and sent. If it's during the send, then it's likely not ever going out on the network so you won't see it with WireShark, Fiddler, or SoapUI.
IMO, functions like Check() should have an extra parameter for CallerLocation, so that instead of calling this:
Check(not Assigned(Request), False);
you'd call this:
Check(not Assigned(Request), False, 'THTTPReqResp.SendGet');
and Check would append CallerLocation to the error message, and you'd know (a lot) more about what's going on.