How to translate certain string from lib? - django

django-registration is missing some translations for german.
See github Search for "". Translations are were but "broken".
I don't want to fork or change localization files localy.
Is it possible to provide translation for some strings in my app/project?

You just mention the 2 methods that are candidates for the translation of a string. If you do not want to fork the project nor change the localized files then I believe there is no other way of translating it.
Last resort method: Make an identical file of django-registration that includes the to-be-translated string and add translations there.
IMO the only way is to fork the project, run ./ makemessages and voila! Translations are there. Another thing you can do is to try to contribute to this package by fork it first and then make a pull request! That's the beauty of open sourcing!


Missing Django core translations

I am trying to translate django contrib strings which for my language are untranslated in the original .po file. When I add them to my own .po file and translate them, the system works fine. The problem comes every time I use the makemessages command, since the generator interprets that those text strings have been deleted and comments them in the .po file. Can I hand generate a file that contains the translations and is not affected by the makemessages command? On the other hand, is it possible to tell him not to comment on the deleted lines?
The most effective would be probably to contribute directly to the Django project to provide those translations so they are included in the next version!
See "Localizing Django" for details.

How to properly embed Qt 5.15 localizations in an iOS application

Qt 5.15 introduces (at least I believe it is new to 5.15) .ts files, to allow for properly handling multi-locale text in an application. I'm updating an iOS Qt app from 5.X, where X knows nothing about .ts files. On startup, I'm getting a warning that indicates that there is an app-specific translation set (which is true), but that there is no translation for Qt's own text (things like warning text and dialog prompts). The documentation says, that these translations are in the Qt5 source directory (currently usually /tqtc-qt5) in the qtttranslations folder. Thus sayeth this doc Examples show only app-unique text translations, not Qt's "built-in" text. So real quick, I'm going list my assumptions, so that they can be corrected or confirmed.
Qt has always had embedded text of its own, but 5.15 introduces a way to ensure that your multi-locale ready app has all the correctly translated "built-in" text available.
Only the app-writer knows what modules they are using, so it is the app-writer's responsibility to specify which set of translations are added to the app's resources for handling different locales. (per this document -
According to the above two docs, for example, if I use basic Qt functionality and QML, AND I have a single app with tier-one language support for, say, English, German, and French, it appears that my app's .pro file should include something like
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtbase_en.ts
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtbase_de.ts
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtbase_fr.ts
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtdeclarative_en.ts
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtdeclarative_de.ts
TRANSLATIONS += <path_to_qt5>/qttranslations/qtdeclarative_fr.ts
CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations
I've traced though the Qt source in the debugger to the point where it is complaining about the missing translations. It is looking for qt*_*.qm, where the first wildcard is your module ("base", "declarative", etc) and the second is your two-letter language code. So, should I be explicitly adding .qm files as resources in my iOS bundle, or is TRANSLATIONS += foo_ln.ts implicitly doing this embedding in response to CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations. One things is certain: right now, my naive porting of an older .pro file does nothing with respect the TRANSLATIONS property AND Qt is cranky about the missing .qm files in my bundle. It's a warning, not a critical fail, so I assume in a pinch, it would put up US english text, which seems to be the baseline for translations and is embedded in the source (not the bundle) by default. Do my example additions to the .pro file in point 3 above seem sufficient, or is there more to do? Or is there less to do? Is there a .pro directive that I've missed in the docs that says "do the right thing with international translations of Qt-inherent strings"? There is in a addition to the listed .ts files a "qt_*.ts" file set. Is this just everything whether I need it or not, for lazy people who don't care about lugging around a few extra strings? Finally, there is also EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS which is like TRANSLATIONS, only it does not go through the lupdate during the build. Now I'm pretty unclear on the function of lupdate relative to lrelease, but is it the case that one is for "stock" Qt strings, and the other for App-specific translations (because they may be "updated" due to changes during development)? The semantics just don't make sense to me right now, nor do my responsibilities to handle these matters in the "right" way.
I'd like to answer my own question because it turns out many of the above assumptions were just wrong, and it took deeper dives into the source code and the debugger to get my head straight, but now I have Wisdom. The documents I was reading was about how to include raw translation files "(.ts files)" into an app being built with qmake. As is typical with Qt, building with qmake or Qt Creator solves most of your problems automatically, with your part being to provide only the small amount of specification needed to execute your app. The app I'm working on however is monstrously huge, old, and overly-complicated, so I spend a lot of time hunting down the most obscure Qt and CMake features to cobble this Frankenstein's monster of an app together. The problem I was trying to solve is simply providing to Qt its own text localization files for a multi-locale app. The app-specific ones were fine, but Qt was wagging its finger at me and complaining that it couldn't find its own. So the .ts files it turns out are not a thing for this kind of task - they are simply part of the pipeline of getting data from a translation house in a consumable form. During Qt's own configure and build (yes we build Qt from source), it handles the compiling of raw .ts files into .qm files, suitable for use by the framework's translator objects. Those are all just sitting in qtbase/translations ready to be integrated into the app installation. The problem was that we (the group who developed this app long ago and which I am now reviving) didn't handle the iOS case. This is a special case that requires some choices. You can put translation files in the app's bundle at a specific path, you can home-brew some exotic URL resolution whereby you feed the translator the contents of the .qm files on demand, or you can compile them all into a .qrc file and position them in your resource tree. That last is what we did with the app-specific translations, so I mimicked it for Qt's, filtering the total set of .qm files for the modules we use and for the locales in our tier-one localization target languages. This involved a complicated python script, and a few extra lines of Cmake, including one very elusive one (QINIT_RESOURCES) that gated everything until I realized it was needed for this platform. I'm only wrapping this up, so if anyone else is confused enough to find this question, that there are some general comments to set things straight.

Django localisation path separator Windows (\) vs macOS (/)

We've been maintaining a Django website with a few Mac and Linux users (through GitHub), but now a Windows-only person joined the team.
We've come to one annoying little difference concerning the creation of .po localisation files.
So far, we've always had paths with forward slashes: #: core/templates/home.html:8, but the Windows user generates paths with backslashes: #: .\core\templates\home.html:8.
This makes it much more difficult to spot changes, since 750+ lines change everytime, rather than only the new or changed text & translations.
I tried myself on a Windows computer and have the same result.
What can we do to unify this?
Edit: to clarify, we're a small team without dedicated (external) translators. Whoever changes or adds stuff, generally should also add and update the localisation files.
You can create your own makemessages command (, based on the original. All you need to do is subclass BuildFile, overriding postprocess_messages to replace the slashes.
Then you subclass Command to use your own BuildFile subclass (it's just a class attribute build_file_class).

What's wrong with this user ignore file for Mercurial?

A little retrospective now that I've settled into Mercurial. Forget forget files combined with hg remove. It's crazy and bass-ackwards. You can use hg remove once you've established that something is in a forget file that isn't forgetting because the item in question was tracked before the original repo was created. Note that hg remove effectively clears tracked status but it also schedules the file for deletion in anything that gets changes from your repo. If ignored, however the tracking deactivation still happens but that delete-me change set won't ever reach another repo and for some reason will never delete in yours which IMO is counter-intuitive. It is a very sure sign that somebody and I don't know these guys, is UNWILLING TO COMPROMISE ON DUH DESIGN PROBLEMS. The important thing to understand is that you don't determine what's important, Mercurial does. Except when you're merging on a pull of course. It's entirely reasonable then. But I digress...
Ignore-file/remove is a good combo for already-tracked but very specific files you want forgotten but if you're dealing with a larger quantity of built files determined with broader patterns it's not worth the risk. Just go with a double-repo and pull -u from the remote repo to your syncing repo and then pull -u commits from your working repo and merge in a repo whose sole purpose is to merge changes and pass them on in a place where your not-quite tracked or untracked files (behavior is different when pulling rather than pushing of course because hey, why be consistent?) won't cause frustration. Trust me. The idea that you should have to have two repos just to get 'er done offends for good reason AND THAT SO MANY OF US ARE DOING IT should suggest a serioush !##$ing design problem, but it's much less painful than all the other awful things that will make you regret seeking a sensible alternative.
And use hg help. It's actually Mercurial's best feature and often better than the internet (which I don't fault for confusion on the matter of all things hg) for getting answers to everything that is confusing and counter-intuitive in this VCS.
# switch to regexp syntax.
syntax: regexp
#Config Files
#and more of the same following
And in my mercurial.ini at the root of my user directory
username = ereppen
merge = bcomp
ignore = C:\<path to user ignore file>\.hgignore-config
I wrote an auto-config utility in node. I just want changes to the files it changes to get ignored. We have two teams and both aren't on the same page with making this a universal thing so it needs to be user-specific for now.
The config file is in place and pointed at by my ini file. I clone. I run the config utility and change the files and stat reveals a list of every single file with an M next to it. I thought it was the utf-8 thing and explicitly set the file to utf-16 little endian. I don't think I'm doing with the regEx that any modern flavor of regEx worth actually calling regEx wouldn't support.
The .hgignore file has no effect for files that are tracked. Its function is to stop you from seeing files you want ignored listed as "untracked". If you're seeing "M" then they're already added (you got them with the clone) so .hgignore does nothing.
The usual way config files that differ from machine to machine are handled is to put a app.config.sample in source control, have app.config in .hgignore and have people do a copy when they're making their config edits.
Alternately if your config files allow for includes and overrides you end them with include app-local.config and override any settings in a app-local.config which you don't add and do include in .hgignore.

Translated strings not showing up when i switch languages in Django site

I have a reasonably simple Django (1.1) site where i need some basic interface and other texts to be translated between two languages. I've created the po files using makemessages, translated them (using poedit), and compiled the mo files using compilemessages as outlined in the i18n docs for Django.
But the problem is; most strings still show up in the original language...
i checked that the po files actually contain all strings
i checked that the mo files were freshly generated after the last translation effort
the language does actually change when i switch using the getlang() method
a few strings -do- end up being translated when i switch
but most don't...
Not really sure where else to look... Is there any app that i can use to check whether the compiled mo files are valid & complete for instance? Could these strings be cached? (i'm not using any caching middleware)
Found it!! While pulling out hair trying to figure out what was causing my woes i commented out django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware from my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and refreshed the page in an attempt to try everything. Obviously that just turned off translation all together but when i turned it back on again, all my fine translated strings were showing up as they should have been all along.
So i'm guessing something, somewhere get's compiled/cached when you turn on the locale middleware and the only way to refresh it is to turn it off and on. Restarting the server didn't help so this a bit counter intuitive, but who cares it works! :)