Create enums or identifiers at runtime (potentially from JSON) - c++

I wasn't sure how best to phrase my question here.
As part of a college assignment, I need to make a generic game component that has minimal impact on the client's codebase. I'm doing a quest management system, which relies heavily on type definition (quest/task/event types) that can then be used by the system. To give some important background info, the client will also need to define how these types are linked (i.e what events unlock a quest, which tasks make up a quest, etc.).
My dilemma is one of both performance and usability. Normally type identifiers are resolved using enum, however I can't expect this (potentially large) list of definitions to exist in the client's code, not to mention the other data that needs to be specified.
My first thoughts were to define these types as strings in external JSON files, but aside from the additional performance hit this incurs over enum, it means that the client developer must also verify that the string types they write match how they defined them. When using enum it is possible to bring up a list of them, as shown in image below, which gives the developer piece of mind that the type does in fact exist.
My initial solution was to have string types and data in JSON files, and using macro functions, populate identifiers into a namespace with integer values (i.e mimic enums) and stringify the identifier so that it could be be linked with the JSON data.
// Creating identifier and stringifying it
#define ADD_QUEST(identifier) namespace QUEST_TYPES { int identifier = nextNumber(#identifier, 0); }
// Creating the quest identifiers
// Using the identifiers
This solution is actually what's being shown in the image above, but it neglects the above rule of 'minimizing impact on the client's codebase.' As such it was turned down by my lecturer.
So I guess my question is, is there any way to populate enums/identifiers at runtime (possibly from, but not restricted to, JSON) or am I stuck with using string type identifiers for all my types?


How could you recreate UE4 serialization of user-defined types?

The problem
The Unreal Engine 4 Editor allows you to add objects of your own types to the scene.
Doing so requires minimal work from the user - to make a class visible in the editor you only need to add some macros, like UCLASS()
class MyInputComponent: public UInputComponent //you can instantiate it in the editor!
bool IsSomethingEnabled;
This is enough to allow the editor to serialize the created-in-editor object's data (remember: the class is user-defined but the user doesn't have to hardcode loading specific fields. Also note that the UPROPERTY variable can be of user-defined type as well). It is then deserialized while loading the actual game. So how is it handled so painlessly?
My attempt - hardcoded loading for every new class
class Component //abstract class
virtual void LoadFromStream(std::stringstream& str) = 0;
//virtual void SaveIntoStream(std::stringstream& str) = 0;
class UserCreatedComponent: public Component
std::string Name;
int SomeInteger;
vec3 SomeVector; //example of user-defined type
virtual void LoadFromStream(std::stringstream& str) override //you have to write a function like this every time you create a new class
str >> Name >> SomeInteger >> SomeVector.x >> SomeVector.y >> SomeVector.z;
std::vector<Component*> ComponentsFromStream(std::stringstream& str)
std::vector<Component*> components;
std::string type;
while (str >> type)
if (type == "UserCreatedComponent") //do this for every user-defined type...
components.push_back(new UserCreatedComponent);
return components;
Example of an UserCreatedComponent object stream representation:
UserCreatedComponent MyComponent 5 0.707 0.707 0.707
The engine user has to do these things every time he creates a new class:
1. Modify ComponentsFromStream by adding another if
2. Add two methods, one which loads from stream and another which saves to stream.
We want to simplify it so the user only has to use a macro like UPROPERTY.
Our goal is to free the user from all this work and create a more extensible solution, like UE4's (described above).
Attempt at simplifying 1: Using type-int mapping
This section is based on the following:
The idea is that for every new class we map an integer, so when we create an object we can just pass the integer given in the stream to the factory.
Example of an UserCreatedComponent object stream representation:
1 MyComponent 5 0.707 0.707 0.707
This solves the problem of working out the type of created object but also seems to create two new problems:
How should we map classes to integers? What would happen if we include two libraries containing classes that map themselves to the same number?
What will initializing e.g. components that need vectors for construction look like? We don't always use strings and ints for object construction (and streams give us pretty much only that).
So how is it handled so painlessly?
C++ language does not provide features which would allow to implement such simple de/serialization of class instances as it works in the Unreal Engine. There are various ways how to workaround the language limitations, the Unreal uses a code generator.
The general idea is following:
When you start project compilation, a code generator is executed.
The code generator parses your header files and searches for macros which has special meaning, like UCLASS, USTRUCT, UENUM, UPROPERTY, etc.
Based on collected data, it generates not only code for de/serialization, but also for other purposes, like reflection (ability to iterate certain members), information about inheritance, etc.
After that, your code is finally compiled along with the generated code.
Note: this is also why you have to include "MyClass.generated.h" in all header files which declare UCLASS, USTRUCT and similar.
In other words, someone must write the de/serialization code in some form. The Unreal solution is that the author of such code is an application.
If you want to implement such system yourself, be aware that it's lots of work. I'm no expert in this field, so I'll just provide general information:
The primary idea of code-generators is to automatize repetitive work, nothing more - in other words, there's no other special magic. That means that "how objects are de/serialized" (how they're transformed from memory to file) and "how the code which de/serializes is created" (whether it's written by a person or generated by an application) are two separate topics.
First, it should be established how objects are de/serialized. For example, std::stringstream can be used, or objects can be de/serialized from/to generally known formats like XML, json, bson, yaml, etc., or a custom solution can be defined.
Establish what's the source of data for generated de/serialization code. In case of Unreal Engine, it's user code itself. But it's not the only way - for example Protobuffers use a simple language which is used only to define data structure and the generator creates code which you can include and use.
If the source of data should be C++ code itself, do not write you own C++ parser! (The only exceptions to this rule are: educational purpose or if you want to spend rest of your life with working on the parser.) Luckily, there are projects which you can use - for example there's clang AST.
How should we map classes to integers? What would happen if we include two libraries containing classes that map themselves to the same number?
There's one fundamental problem with mapping classes to integers: it's not possible to uniquely map every possible class name to an integer.
Proof: create classes named Foo_[integer] and map it to the [integer], i.e. Foo_0 -> 0, Foo_1 -> 1, Foo_2 -> 2, etc. After you use biggest integer value, how do you map Bar_0?
You can start assigning the numbers sequentially as they're added to a project, but as you correctly pin-pointed, what if you include new library? You could start counting from some big number, like 1.000.000, but how do you determine what should be first number for each library? It doesn't have a clear solution.
Some of solutions to this problem are:
Define clear subset of classes which can be de/serialized and assign sequential integers to these classes. The subset can be, for example, "only classes in my project, no library support".
Identify classes with two integers - one for class, one for library. This means you have to have some central register which assigns library integers uniquely (e.g. in order they're registered).
Use string which uniquely identifies the class including library name. This is what Unreal uses.
Generate a hash from class and library name. There's risk of hash collision - the better hash you use, the lower risk there is. For example git (the version control application) uses SHA-1 (which is considered unsafe today) to identify it's objects (files, directories, commits) and the program is used worldwide without bigger issues.
Generate UUID, a 128-bit random number (with special rules). There's also risk of collision, but it's generally considered highly improbable. Used by Java and Unity the game engine.
What would happen if we include two libraries containing classes that map themselves to the same number?
That's called a collision. How it's handled depends on design of de/serialization code, there are mainly two approaches to this problem:
Detect that. For example if your class identifier contains library identifier, don't allow loading/registering library with ID which is already identified. In case of ID which doesn't include library ID (e.g. hash/UUID variant), don't allow registering such classes. Throw an exception or exit the application.
Assume there's no collision. If actual collision happens, it's so-called UB, an undefined behaviour. The application will probably crash or act weirdly. It might corrupt stored data.
What will initializing e.g. components that need vectors for construction look like? We don't always use strings and ints for object construction (and streams give us pretty much only that).
This depends on what it's required from de/serializing code.
The simplest solution is actually to use string of values separated by space.
For example, let's define following structure:
struct Person
std::string Name;
float Age;
A vector of Person instances could look like: 3 Adam 22.2 Bob 34.5 Cecil 19.0 (i.e. first serialize number of items (vector size), then individual items).
However, what if you add, remove or rename a member? The serialized data would become unreadable. If you want more robust solution, it might be better to use more structured data, for example YAML:
- name: Adam
age: 22.2
- name: Bob
age: 34.5
- name: Cecil
age: 19.0
Final notes
The problem of de/serializing objects (in C++) is actually big, various systems uses various solutions. That's why this answer is so generic and it doesn't provide exact code - there's not single silver bullet. Every solution has it's advantages and disadvantages. Even detailed description of just Unreal Engine's serialization system would become a book.
So this answer assumes that reader is able to search for various mentioned topic, like yaml file format, Protobuffers, UUID, etc.
Every mentioned solution to a sub-problem has lots of it's own problems which weren't explored. For example de/serialization of string with spaces or new lines from/to simple string stream. If it's needed to solve such problems, it's recommended to first search for more specialized questions or write one if there's nothing to be found.
Also, C++ is constantly evolving. For example, better support for reflection is added, which might, one day, provide enough features to implement high-quality de/serializer. However, if it should be done in compile-time, it would heavily depend on templates which slow down compilation process significantly and decrease code readibility. That's why code generators might be still considered a better choice.

How to log user defined POD struct in C++

I need to add logging to a legacy c++ project, which contains hundreds of user defined structs/classes. These structs only contain primary types as int, float, char[], enum.
Content of objects need to be logged ,preferred in human readable way , but not a must, as long as the object could be reconstructed.
Instead of writing different serialization methods for each class, is there any alternative method?
What you want is a Program Transformation System (PTS). These are tools that can read source code, build compiler data structures (usually ASTs) that represent the source code, and allow you to modify the ASTs and regenerate source code from the modified AST.
These are useful because they "step outside" the language, and thus have no language-imposed limitations on what you can analyze or transform. So it doesn't matter if your langauge doesn't have reflection for everything; a good PTS will give you full access to every detail of the language, including such arcana as comments and radix on numeric literals.
Some PTSes are specific to a targeted language (e.g, "Jackpot" is only usuable for Java). A really good PTS is provided a description of an arbitrary programming langauge, and can then manipulate that language. That description has to enable the PTS to parse the code, analyze it (build symbol tables at least) and prettyprint the parsed/modified result.
Good PTSes will allow you write the modifications you want to make using source-to-source transformations. These are rules specifying changes written in roughly the following form:
if you see *this*, replace it by *that* when *condition*
where this and that are patterns using the syntax of the target language being processed, and condition is a predicate (test) that must be true to enable the rule to be applied. The patterns represent well-formed code fragmens, and typically allow metavariables to represent placeholders for arbitrary subfragments.
You can use PTSes for a huge variety of program manipulation tasks. For OP's case, what he wants is to enumerate all the structs in the program, pick out the subset of interest, and then generate a serializer for each selected struct as a modification to the original program.
To be practical for this particular task, the PTS must be able to parse and name resolve (build symbol tables) C++. There are very few tools that can do this: Clang, our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, and the Rose compiler.
A solution using DMS looks something like this:
domain Cpp~GCC5; -- specify the language and specific dialect to process
pattern log_members( m: member_declarations ): statements = TAG;
-- declares a marker we can place on a subtree of struct member declarations
rule serialize_typedef_struct(s: statement, m: member_declarations, i: identifier):
= "typedef struct { \m } \i;" ->
"typedef struct { \m } \i;
void \make_derived_name\(serialize,\i) ( *\i argument, s: stream )
{ s << "logging" << \toString\(\i\);
if selected(i); -- make sure we want to serialize this one
rule generate_member_log_list(m: member_declarations, t: type_specification, n: identifier): statements -> statements
" \log_members\(\t \n; \m\)" -> " s << \n; \log_members\(\m\) ";
rule generate_member_log_base(t: type_specification, n: identifier): statements -> statements
" \log_members\(\t \n; \)" -> " s << \n; ";
ruleset generate_logging {
serialize_typedef struct,
The domain declaration tells DMS which specific language front-end to use. Yes, GCC5 as a dialect is different than VisualStudio2013, and DMS can handle either.
The pattern log_members is used as a kind of transformational pointer, to remember that there is some work to do. It wraps a sequence of struct member_declarations as an agenda (tag). What the rules do is first mark structs of interest with log_members to establish the need to generate the logging code, and then generate the member logging actions. The log_members pattern acts as a list; it is processed one element at a time until a final element is processed, and then the log_members tag vanishes, having served its purpose.
The rule serialize_typedef_struct is essentially used to scan the code looking for suitable structs to serialize. When it finds a typedef for a struct, it checks that struct is one that OP wants serialized (otherwise one can just leave off the if conditional). The meta-function selected is custom-coded (not shown here) to recognize the names of structs of interest. When a suitable typedef statement is found, it is replaced by the typedef (thus preserving it), and by the shell of a serializing routine containing the agenda item log_members holding the entire list of members of the struct. (If the code declares structs in some other way, e.g., as a class, you will need additional rules to recognize the syntax of those cases). Processing the agenda item by rewriting it repeatedly produces the log actions for the individual members.
The rules are written in DMS rule-syntax; the C++ patterns are written inside metaquotes " ... " to enable DMS to distinguish rule syntax from C++ syntax. Placeholder variables v are declared in the rule header according thier syntactic categories, and show up in the meta-quoted patterns using an escape notation \v. [Note the unescaped i in the selected function call: it isn't inside metaquotes]. Similarly, meta-functions and patterns references inside the metaquotes are similarly escaped, thus initially odd looking \log\( ... \) including the escaped pattern name, and escaped meta-parentheses.
The two rules generate_member_log_xxx hand the general and final cases of log generation. The general case handles one member with more members to do; the final case handles the last member. (A slight variant would be to process an empty members list by rewriting to the trivial null statement ;). This is essentially walking down a list until you fall off the end. We "cheat" and write rather simple logging code, counting on overloading of stream writes to handle the different datatypes that OP claims he has. If he has more complex types requiring special treatment (e.g., pointer to...) he may want to write specialized rules that recognize those cases and produce different code.
The ruleset generate_logging packages these rules up into a neat bundle. You can trivially ask DMS to run this ruleset over entire files, applying rules until no rules can be further applied. The serialize_typdef_structure rule finds the structs of interest, generating the serializing function shell and the log_members agenda item, which are repeatedly re-written to produce the serialization of the members.
This is the basic idea. I haven't tested this code, and there is usually some surprising syntax variations you end up having to handle which means writing a few more rules along the same line.
But once implemented, you can run this rule over the code to get serialized results. (One might implement selected to reject named structs that already have a serialization routine, or alternatively, add rules that replace any existing serialization code with newly generated code, ensuring that the serialization procedures always match the struct definition). There's the obvious extension to generating a serialized struct reader.
You can arguably implement these same ideas with Clang and/or the Rose Compiler. However, those systems do not offer you source-to-source rewrite rules, so you have to write procedural code to climb up and down trees, inspect individual nodes, etc. It is IMHO a lot more work and a lot less readable.
And when you run into your next "C++ doesn't reflect that", you can tackle the problem with the same tool :-}
Since C++ does not have reflection there is no way for you to dynamically inspect the members of an object at runtime. Thus it follows that you need to write a specific serialization/streaming/logging function for each type.
If all the different types had members of the same name, then you could write a template function to handle them, but I assume that is not the case.
As C++ does not have reflection this is not that easy.
If you want to avoid a verbose solution you can use a variadic template.
`class MyStruct {
int a;
float f;
void log()
log_fields(a, f);
where log_fields() is the variadic template. It would need to be specialized for all the basic types found on those user defined types and also for a recursive case.

Where should the user-defined parameters of a framework be ?

I am kind of a newbie and I am creating a framework to evolve objects in C++ with an evolutionary algorithm.
An evolutionary algorithm evolves objects and tests them to get the best solution (for example, evolve the weights neural network and test it on sample data, so that in the end you get a network which has a good accuracy, without having trained it).
My problem is that there are lots of parameters for the algorithm (type of selection/crossover/mutation, probabilities for each of them...) and since it is a framework, the user should be able to easily access and modify them.
For now, I created a header file parameters.h of this form:
//mutation type
#define FLIP 1
static const int TYPE_OF_MUTATION = FLIP;
The user modifies the static variables TYPE_OF_MUTATION and then my mutation function tests what the value of TYPE_OF_MUTATION is and calls the right mutation function.
This works well, but it has a few drawbacks:
when I change a parameter in this header and then call "make", no change is taken into account, I have to call "make clean" then "make". From what I saw, it is not a problem in the makefile but it is how building works. Even if it did re-build when I change a parameter, it would mean re-compile the whole project as these parameters are used everywhere; it is definitely not efficient.
if you want to run the genetic algorithm several times with different parameters, you have to run it a first time then save the results, change the parameters then run it a second time etc.
I thought about taking these parameters as arguments of the top-level function. The problem is that the function would then take 20 arguments or so, it doesn't seem really readable...
What I mean about the top-level function is that for now, the evolutionary algorithm is run simply by doing this:
PopulationManager myPop;
If I defined the parameters as arguments, we would have something like:
PopulationManager myPop;
You can see how hellish it may be to always define parameters in the right order !
The frameworks I know make you build your algorithm yourself from pre-defined functions, but the user shouldn't have to go through all the code to change parameters one by one.
It may be useful to indicate that this framework will be used internally, for a definite set of projects.
Any input about the best way to define these parameters is welcome !
If the options do not change I usually use a struct for this:
enum class MutationType {
struct Options {
// Documentation for mutation_type.
MutationType mutation_type = MutationType::Flip;
// Documentation for integer option.
int integer_option = 10;
And then provide a constructor that takes these options.
Options options;
options.mutation_type = MutationType::AddConnection;
PopulationManager population(options);
C++11 makes this really easy, because it allows specifying defaults for the options, so a user only needs to set the options that need to be different from the default.
Also note that I used an enum for the options, this ensures that the user can only use correct values.
This is a classic example of polymorphism. In your proposed implementation you're doing a switch on constant to decide which polymorphic mutation algorithm you will choose to decide how to mutate the parameter. In C++, the corresponding mechanisms are templates (static polymorphism) or virtual functions (dynamic polymorphism) to select the appropriate mutating algorithm to apply to the parameter.
The templates way has the advantage that everything is resolvable at compile time and the resulting mutating algorithm could be inlined entirely, depending on the implementation. What you give up is the ability to dynamically select parameter mutation algorithms at runtime.
The virtual function way has the advantage that you can defer the choice of mutation algorithm until runtime, allowing this to vary based on input from the user or whatnot. The disadvantage is that the mutation algorithm can no longer be inlined and you pay the cost of a virtual function call (an extra level of indirection) when you mutate the parameter.
If you want to see a real example of how "algorithmic mutation" can work, look at evolve.cpp in my Iterated Dynamics repository on github. This is C code converted to C++ so it is neither using templates nor using virtual functions. Instead it uses function pointers and a switch-on-constant to select the appropriate code. However, the idea is the same.
My recommendation would be to see if you can use static polymorphism (templates) first. From your initial description you were fixing the mutation at compile-time anyway, so you're not giving anything up.
If that was just a prototyping phase and you intended to support switching of mutation algorithms at runtime, then look at virtual functions. As the other answer recommended, please shun C-style coding like #define constants and instead use proper enums.
To solve the "long parameter list smell", the idea of packing all the parameters into a structure is a good one. You can achieve more readability on top of that by using the builder pattern to build up the structure of parameters in a more readable way than just assigning a bunch of values into a struct. In this blog post, I applied the builder pattern to the resource description structures in Direct3D. That allowed me to more directly express these "bags of data" with reasonable defaults and directly reveal my intent to override or replace default values with special values when necessary.

Is there a way to create a constrained data type in Clojure?

As an example, a string that contains only a valid email address, as defined by some regex.
If a field of this type would be a part of a more complex data structure, or would be used as a function parameter, or used in any other context, the client code would be able to assume the field is a string containing a valid email address. Thus, no checks like "valid?" should be ever necessary, so approach of domaintypes would not work.
In Haskell this could be accomplished by a smart constructor (section 1.2) and in Java by ensuring the type is immutable (all setters private) and by adding a check in the constructor that throws a RuntimeException if the string used to create the type doesn't contain a valid email address.
If this is impossible in plain Clojure, I would like to see an example implementation in some well known extensions of the language, like Typed Clojure.
Ok, maybe, I understand now a question and I formulate in the comment my thoughts not really well. So I try to suggest an admissible solution to your question and then I try to explain some ideas I tried to tell in the comment.
1) There is a gen-class that generates compiled bytecode for a class and you can set constructor for the class there.
2) You can create a record with defrecord in some namespace that is private by convention in your project, then you
create another namespace with public api and define your factory function here. So the user of your public namespace will be able to call only public functions of your public namespace. (Of course, he can call also private ones, but with some another code)
3) You can just define a function like make-email that will return a map.
So you didn't specify your data structure anywhere.
4) You can just document your code where you will warn people to use the factory function for construction.
But! In Java if your code requires some interface, then it's user problem to give to your code the valid interface implementation. So if you write even a little bit general code in Java you already has lost the property of the valid email string. This stuff with interfaces is because Java is statically typed language.
Clojure is, in general, dynamically typed, so the user, in general, should be able to pass arbitrary data structure to arbitrary function without any type problems in compile time and it's his fault if he pass the wrong data. That makes, for example, this thing possible: You create a record and create a factory (constructor) function. And you expect a record to be passed in your code. But the user can pass a map with the same keys as your record fields names and the code will work.
So, in general, if you want the user of your code to be responsible for passing a required typed in dynamically typed language, then it cost nothing for user to be responsible for constructing it in a correct way that you provide to him.
Another solutions are: User just write tests. You can specify in your api functions :pre and :post conditions to check the structure. You can use typed clojure with the ideas I wrote above. And you can use some additional declarative libraries, like that was mentioned in the first comment of #Thumbnail.
P.S. I'm not a clojure professional, so I could easily miss some better solutions.

Tcl: Interpreter creates copy of traced object whet it goes changed

#include <tcl.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char* myTraceProc(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* name1, const char* name2, int flags) {
cout << "myTraceProc" << endl;
//changing the object
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
Tcl_TraceVar(interp, "database", TCL_TRACE_WRITES, myTraceProc, 0);
return 0;
This is a part of my c++/tcl program. In fact it doesn't show the problem but I'll try to explain it.
The variable database has custom type. It is registrated using Tcl_RegisterObjType proc. The problem is that when I do a change with traced object in the myTraceProc proc, interpreter duplicates the object (Tcl_DupInternalRepProc is called). This is not desired behavior of the program. It would be great if clone doesn't be created and all charges be done with the exact object. I have looked Tcl_TraceVar documentation but didn't find an way to disable it.
First off, Tcl's type system is very different to that used in C++ (and many other languages besides) in that:
Types attach explicitly to values, not to variables.
Values can be mutated between types. (This can be done by serialisation to a string and then parsing that string, or it can be done via a more efficient mechanism; the details are very specific to the exact example.)
Secondly, Tcl_RegisterObjType() has no special relationship to any other API except for Tcl_GetObjType(), which does the lookup in the table that T_RegisterObjType makes an entry in. Tcl itself does not call Tcl_GetObjType anywhere; you gain no advantage from registering the type other than to allow another extension package to get hold of the type if it wishes. We also don't document what types there are. Not all of Tcl's internal types are registered — the set of types is not even guaranteed between patch versions — and there's no public guarantee of what the effect of operations are on the types of arguments (though some are currently pretty easy to guess, such as with list and dictionary operations).
Because of these points, you need to change the approach you are using. Instead of putting a database handle directly in the value, instead put a human-readable string that you can use to look up the real handle in a hash table. This is pretty easy to get right, and requires significantly less tricky coding. The only downside is that you end up having to use manual disposal of the handle; typically you'd do this by having a closeDatabase $handle operation, or by setting an unset trace on a variable such that you can just do unset handle (or just to from a procedure, in the case of a local variable) to have the deletion happen. This is a classic approach that has been written about a lot, so I won't go into all the details here. (You might also find this code interesting which I wrote rather a long time ago.)
A more sophisticated approach is to bind the handle into a TclOO object. The TclOO C API has a mechanism to allow you to register the handle as a hidden internal value on the instance object which you can retrieve easily from your TclOO methods (provided they're using the TclOO C API, instead of being scripted) and you then get to benefit from the lifetime management code used in TclOO (well-defined constructors and destructors, callbacks when the containing entity is deleted, etc.). This is how many of TDBC's database drivers work (e.g., tdbc::odbc does exactly this under the hood).
Finally, if this is a real database you're talking to, use an existing database extension (TDBC-compliant is recommended). Why? Because then you're not having to maintain a large body of code to do the connection management; you can delegate that all to scripts (easy to write) and extensions maintained by other people. Your calls to access the database from C++ can then just become invocations of (self-provided) Tcl commands, probably via Tcl_EvalObjv as that is the most efficient public command invocation function.