How to make an alpha-beta search-based game engine non-deterministic? - minimax

I successfully implemented a negascout game engine, which works well, but deterministically. That means I can replay the same game over and over again, because for a given position, the game engine yields the same best move every time. This is unwanted in my case, because I want to compete with my algorithm in coding tournaments and with the deterministic behavior, an opponent can easily write program that wins by just replaying a sequence of winning moves against my program.
My question is, what is the most efficient and elegant way to make it less deterministic? I could add a random offset to my position evaluation, but I'm afraid this could worsen the evaluation quality. Is there a standard way to do this?

Just start from another random open position. Dont add randomness to your engine until you've worked out the bugs. If two or more moves are equal, you can randomise those in the move ordering.


Fastest method for determining the distance of all points from points with a certain attribute in landscape

I am currently brainstorming strategies on how to compute the distance in a 2D array, of all points from sets of points with specific attributes. A good example (and one of my likely uses) would be a landscape with pools of water on it. The idea would be to calculate the distance of all points in this landscape from water.
These are the criteria that I would like to abide to and their reasoning:
1) Execution speed is my greatest concern. The terrain is dynamic and the code will need to be run in a semi continuous manner. What I mean by that is that there are be periods of terrain updates which will require constant updates.
2) Memory overhead is not a major concern of mine. This will be run as the primary application.
3) It must be able to update dynamically. See #1 for the reasons behind this. These updates can be localized.
4) Multi-threading is a possibility. I am already make extensive use of multi-threading as my simulation is very CPU intensive. I'd prefer to avoid it since it would speed up development but I can do it if necessary.
I have come up with the following possible approach and am looking for feedback and/or alternative suggestions.
1) Iterate through the entire array and make a collection positions in a container class corresponding to points are next to those with the particular property. Assign a value of 1 to these points and 0 to the points with the property.
2) Use the positions to look up those points adjacent to them that are the next distance away, place them in a second container class.
3) Repeat this process till no points are left unsigned.
4) Save the list of points directly one unit away for future updates.
The idea is to basically flow outward from distance 0, and save computation by continually narrowing the list of points in the loop.
1) The only other way of doing this well, which I can think of, would be with the Cartesian distance formula, but your way seems like it would have less CPU time (since the Cartesian way must calculate to every point on each point).
2) Or, if I understand your desire correctly, you could iterate through once, saving all of the points with your special attribute in a container (point to them), and then iterate through one more time, only using the distance formula from each iteration to each of the saved points (then repeat). Please comment and ask about it if this explanation is unclear. It's late, and I am quite tired.
If you want to run this comparison in the background, you have no choice but to multi-thread the whole program. However, whether or not to multi-thread the functionality of this process is up to you. If you go with the second option I provided, I think you will have cut down enough CPU usage to forgo multi-threading the process in question. The more I think about it, the more I like the second option.

How could a minimax algorithm be more optimistic?

Minimax seems to do a great job of not losing, but it's very fatalistic in assuming the opponent won't make a mistake. Of course a lot of games are solved to a draw, but one should be playing for "Push as hard as possible for a win without risking losing", even when no forced wins are available.
That is, given two trees with the same (drawn) end position given optimal play, how could the algorithm be adjusted to prefer the one which is most likely to win if the opponent makes a sub-optimal move, or make the opponent more likely to slip up?
Using the simple example of Tic-Tac-Toe, a stronger player would often aim to set up forks and thereby guarantee wins. Even though the opponent could see such a trick coming and stop it beforehand, they're more likely to miss that than if you just put two Xs in an empty row and hope they momentarily forget what game they're playing. Similarly a strong player would tend to start in the centre or perhaps a corner, but in simple minimax there's no reason (since you can still force a draw) not to pick an edge square.
If I understand your question correctly, you're asking how to adjust the minimax algorithm so that it doesn't assume the opponent always makes the best move.
Look into the expectiminimax algorithm, a variation of minimax.
Essentially, instead of dealing with only min or max nodes, it introduces chance nodes which store a probability that the opponent will choose the current move.
To make it even simpler, you could assume the opponent selects each move (node) with equal probability.
In short, when its the opponents turn, instead of returning the minimum score, return the average score of their possible moves.
How about tweaking "min" nodes?
In regular minimax, when evaluating a position for the opponent, the score is the minimum score for each of his moves. Injecting some optimism (from the "max" player's pov) into the search could be done by using a different function than the minimum.
Some things that could be tried out:
-using the second worst score
-using a mix between the min and the average (or median)
Perhaps this should be tied to an optimism factor that increases with the depth of the node. This would avoid ignoring a very bad move by the opponent lower in the tree (which in most games would mean a more obvious move).

Setting a memory limit on my AI algorithm?

I am working on a Tetris AI implementation. It is a GUI application that plays the game by itself. The user can manipulate a few parameters that influence the decisions made by the AI. The basic algorithm goes as follows:
Start a new thread and clone the current game state to avoid excessive locking.
Generate a list of all possible future game states. These become child nodes of the current game state.
For each child node generate it's future game states.
Keep doing this recursively until a predefined depth has been reached.
Once the requested depth has been reached, find the best end node and recursively find it's parent node until you have the first level child.
Delete all child nodes that are not on the path between the child node and the end node.
This path is now the list of precalculated moves.
The main game executes the list of precalculated moves (with some fancy animation).
This is working pretty well up until search depth 4. After that I start to get memory problems. The number of possible game states can go from 9 to 34. So the worst case scenario for a level 4 search would be 34^4 game states. Windows XP seems unable to deal with level 5 searches (it hangs at 2+ GB).
So if I want to use deeper searches I'll need to use a strategy where I delete the non-promising branches and continue with the ones that will lead to a good score. But this makes it harder to estimate a maximum acceptable search depth. Therefore I think that I would be better to specify a memory limit instead of a depth limit.
I considering to use a memory pool and use "placement new" to create my objects on the pool's memory segments. However the game grid is implemented as a STL vector. So in order to allocate it on the pool I need to implement a custom allocator.
This seems quite a challenge and perhaps I'm overlooking a simpler solution. So I'd like your insights on how to best deal with this.
Can boost, or another library, provide me some of these facilities? (I already found Poco's MemoryPool.) Are there any good online resources to help me get going?
FYI: here's the source code and a sample binary for Windows.
You can create a memory pool, etc, but that won't really make it any easier or harder to count game state instances. You do need to make sure you don't go over a certain number of active states in your decision tree, with or without a pool. And Boost does have one:
It sounds like you're not really doing any pruning of the tree, which would allow you to get much deeper. Evaluate each future game state and drop ones unlikely to develop into anything useful, and don't waste your time going down that branch.
Despite the lack of context [what kind of search problem are you doing? Depth first, breadth first, A*?....] My suggestion is:
Use semaphores to limit the amount of processing that is done at one time, and then release it once the processing has been evaluated. I can't really recommend a specific library that includes Semaphores, as that threading is not built in to C++, however check with your framework's documentation.

Speed of QHash lookups using QStrings as keys

I need to draw a dynamic overlay on a QImage. The component parts of the overlay are defined in XML and parsed out to a QHash<QString, QPicture> where the QString is the name (such as "crosshairs") and the QPicture is the resolution independent drawing. I then draw components of the overlay as they are needed at a position determined during runtime.
Example: I have 10 pictures in my QHash composing every possible element in a HUD. During a particular frame of video I need to draw 6 of them at different positions on the image. During the next frame something has changed and now I only need to draw 4 of them but 2 of those positions have changed.
Now to my question: If I am trying to do this quickly, should I redefine my QHash as QHash<int, QPicture> and enumerate the keys to counteract the overhead caused by string comparisons; or are the comparisons not going to make a very big impact on performance? I can easily make the conversion to integer keys as the XML parser and overlay composer are completely separate classes; but I would like to use a consistent data structure across the application.
Should I overcome my desire for consistency and re-usability in order to increase performance? Will it even matter very much if I do?
Gareth has the right answer of course. I'd like to extend it a tiny bit.
Go for consistency and reusability
first. Try not introduce huge
performance bottlenecks too; it's
hard to strike the balance
Set realistic performance criteria. I'm guessing you are making something game-like, a reasonable criteria would be "sustaining 25 fps on my dev machine"
Is your application meeting the criteria? Yes? Enough optimizations, go to 5.
Profile your application, optimize the parts that take the most time. Go back to 3.
Back to your concrete question, if the number of elements in your hash table is less than or about a hundred, the key type probably won't matter at all.
The answer is that you should profile your app. Only if you find string comparisons to be a bottleneck should you implement an alternative strategy. Premature optimisation is likely to be a waste of time.
First, ensure the correctness of your program, i.e. make sure it passes all of its unit tests. (I'm assuming that correctness and performance are orthogonal - which is usually a reasonable assumption, unless you're programming a hard real-time application) Then, benchmark to find out whether the performance meets your requirements. Only if the benchmark shows that performance is too low should you optimise, and then, do so by following the guidance of your profiler. Any optimisations which you make can be checked for correctness by re-running the unit tests.

Making a game in C++ using parallel processing

I wanted to "emulate" a popular flash game, Chrontron, in C++ and needed some help getting started. (NOTE: Not for release, just practicing for myself)
Player has a time machine. On each iteration of using the time machine, a parallel state
is created, co-existing with a previous state. One of the states must complete all the
objectives of the level before ending the stage. In addition, all the stages must be able
to end the stage normally, without causing a state paradox (wherein they should have
been able to finish the stage normally but, due to the interactions of another state,
were not).
So, that sort of explains how the game works. You should play it a bit to really
understand what my problem is.
I'm thinking a good way to solve this would be to use linked lists to store each state,
which will probably either be a hash map, based on time, or a linked list that iterates
based on time. I'm still unsure.
Now that I have some rough specs, I need some help deciding on which data structures to use for this, and why. Also, I want to know what Graphics API/Layer I should use to do this: SDL, OpenGL, or DirectX (my current choice is SDL). And how would I go about implementing parallel states? With parallel threads?
EDIT (To clarify more):
OS -- Windows (since this is a hobby project, may do this in Linux later)
Graphics -- 2D
Language -- C++ (must be C++ -- this is practice for a course next semester)
Q-Unanswered: SDL : OpenGL : Direct X
Q-Answered: Avoid Parallel Processing
Q-Answered: Use STL to implement time-step actions.
So far from what people have said, I should:
1. Use STL to store actions.
2. Iterate through actions based on time-step.
3. Forget parallel processing -- period. (But I'd still like some pointers as to how it
could be used and in what cases it should be used, since this is for practice).
Appending to the question, I've mostly used C#, PHP, and Java before so I wouldn't describe myself as a hotshot programmer. What C++ specific knowledge would help make this project easier for me? (ie. Vectors?)
What you should do is first to read and understand the "fixed time-step" game loop (Here's a good explanation:
Then what you do is to keep a list of list of pairs of frame counter and action. STL example:
std::list<std::list<std::pair<unsigned long, Action> > > state;
Or maybe a vector of lists of pairs. To create the state, for every action (player interaction) you store the frame number and what action is performed, most likely you'd get the best results if action simply was "key <X> pressed" or "key <X> released":
state.back().push_back(std::make_pair(currentFrame, VK_LEFT | KEY_PRESSED));
To play back the previous states, you'd have to reset the frame counter every time the player activates the time machine and then iterate through the state list for each previous state and see if any matches the current frame. If there is, perform the action for that state.
To optimize you could keep a list of iterators to where you are in each previous state-list. Here's some pseudo-code for that:
typedef std::list<std::pair<unsigned long, Action> > StateList;
std::list<StateList::iterator> stateIteratorList;
foreach(it in stateIteratorList)
if(it->first == currentFrame)
I hope you get the idea...
Separate threads would simply complicate the matter greatly, this way you get the same result every time, which you cannot guarantee by using separate threads (can't really see how that would be implemented) or a non-fixed time-step game loop.
When it comes to graphics API, I'd go with SDL as it's probably the easiest thing to get you started. You can always use OpenGL from SDL later on if you want to go 3D.
This sounds very similar to Braid. You really don't want parallel processing for this - parallel programming is hard, and for something like this, performance should not be an issue.
Since the game state vector will grow very quickly (probably on the order of several kilobytes per second, depending on the frame rate and how much data you store), you don't want a linked list, which has a lot of overhead in terms of space (and can introduce big performance penalties due to cache misses if it is laid out poorly). For each parallel timeline, you want a vector data structure. You can store each parallel timeline in a linked list. Each timeline knows at what time it began.
To run the game, you iterate through all active timelines and perform one frame's worth of actions from each of them in lockstep. No need for parallel processing.
I have played this game before. I don't necessarily think parallel processing is the way to go. You have shared objects in the game (levers, boxes, elevators, etc) that will need to be shared between processes, possibly with every delta, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the parallelism.
I would personally just keep a list of actions, then for each subsequent iteration start interleaving them together. For example, if the list is in the format of <[iteration.action]> then the 3rd time thru would execute actions 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.3, etc.
After briefly glossing over the description, I think you have the right idea, I would have a state object that holds the state data, and place this into a linked list...I don't think you need parallel threads...
as far as the graphics API, I have only used opengl, and can say that it is pretty powerful and has a good C / C++ API, opengl would also be more cross platform as you can use the messa library on *Nix computers.
A very interesting game idea. I think you are right that parrellel computing would be benefical to this design, but no more then any other high resource program.
The question is a bit ambigous. I see that you are going to write this in C++ but what OS are you coding it for? Do you intend on it being cross platform and what kind of graphics would you like, ie 3D, 2D, high end, web based.
So basically we need a lot more information.
Parallel processing isn't the answer. You should simply "record" the players actions then play them back for the "previous actions"
So you create a vector (singly linked list) of vectors that holds the actions. Simply store the frame number that the action was taken (or the delta) and complete that action on the "dummy bot" that represents the player during that particular instance. You simply loop through the states and trigger them one after another.
You get a side effect of easily "breaking" the game when a state paradox happens simply because the next action fails.
Unless you're desperate to use C++ for your own education, you should definitely look at XNA for your game & graphics framework (it uses C#). It's completely free, it does a lot of things for you, and soon you'll be able to sell your game on Xbox Live.
To answer your main question, nothing that you can already do in Flash would ever need to use more than one thread. Just store a list of positions in an array and loop through with a different offset for each robot.