Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process class not working, not others works - wmi

I'm trying to get CPU usage data with WMI. For this purpose I'm using the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process class. When I run below code, I do not get any result.
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2","SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process");
var data = searcher.Get();
Until here there is no any error, if I try to use data object, app waiting until I close it.
I made some research, but found nothing useful.
NOTE: Other WMI class queries work fine. And I need to use WMI (not performance counters).

Please take a look at registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PerfProc\Performance and here the value of "Disable Performance Counters". It should be set to "0" for this Class to work.


DCMTK Understand the "DIMSE No valid Presentation Context ID" error

I'm currently developing a simple application for querying/retrieving data on a PACS. I use DCMTK for this purpose, and a DCM4CHEE PACS as test server.
My goal is to implement simple C-FIND queries, and a C-MOVE retrieving system (coupled with a custom SCP to actually download the data).
To do so, I've created a CustomSCU class, that inherits the DCMTK DcmSCU class.
I first implemented a C-ECHO message, that worked great.
Then, I tried to implement C-FIND requesting, but I got the error "DIMSE No valid Presentation Context ID" (more on that in the next paragraph) from my application, but no other log from DCM4CHEE. I've then used the command tool findscu (from dcmtk) to see if there was some configuration issue but the tool just worked fine. So in order to implement my C-FIND request, I've read the source of findscu (here) and adapted it in my code (meaning that i'm not using DcmSCU::sendCFindRequest but the class DcmFindSU).
But now, i'm facing the same problem with C-MOVE request. My code is pretty straight-forward :
//transfer syntaxes
OFList<OFString> ts;
//sop class
OFString pc = UID_MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel;
addPresentationContext(pc, ts);
DcmDataset query;
query.putAndInsertOFStringArray(DCM_QueryRetrieveLevel, "PATIENT");
query.putAndInsertOFStringArray(DCM_PatientID, <ThePatientId>);
OFCondition condition = sendMOVERequest(findPresentationContextID(pc, ""), getAETitle(), &query, nullptr);
return condition.good();
I've also tried using UID_MOVEStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel instead of UID_MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel, with the same result : my application shows the error
DIMSE No valid Presentation Context ID
As I understand, a presentation context is concatenation of one or more transfer syntax and one SOP class. I read that the problem could come from the PACS that won't accept my presentation contexts. To be sure, I used the movescu tool (from DCMTK). It worked, and I saw this in the logs from de server DCM4CHEE :
received AAssociatedRQ
pc-1 : as=<numbers>/Patient Root Q/R InfoModel = FIND
ts=<numbers>/Explicit VR Little Endian
ts=<numbers>/Explicit VR Big Endian
ts=<numbers>/Implicit VR Little Endian
That means that the movescu tool does a find before attempting an actual move ?
Therefore, I changed my application context creation with :
OFList<OFString> ts;
OFString pc1 = UID_FINDPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel;
OFString pc = UID_MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel;
addPresentationContext(pc1, ts);
addPresentationContext(pc, ts);
(also tried study root)
But this didn't do the trick.
The problem seems to lie on the client side, as findPresentationContextID(pc, ""); alwasy return 0, no matter what.
I don't feel like it's possible to adapt the code of the movescu tool, as it appears to be very complex and not adequat for simple retrieve operations.
I don't know what to try. I hope someone can help me understand what's going on. That's the last part of my application, as the storage SCP already works.
It looks like you are not negotiating the association with the PACS.
After adding the presentation contexts and before sending any command, the SCU must connect to the PACS and negotiate the PresentationContexts with DcmSCU::initNetwork and then DcmSCU::negotiateAssociation.

How do I hide the GPU from one tf::Session() in a multi-session scenario?

I have a C++ program that makes use of two different classifiers running in separate tensorflow::Sessions. One of these models needs to run on the GPU, while the second is very small and I'd like for it to run on the CPU.
I tried creating the sessions using:
auto options = tensorflow::SessionOptions();
but this seems only to trigger the default "hog the GPU" behaviour.
I also tried playing around with options.config.mutable_gpu_options()->set_visible_device_list("-1") but there is a specific check in the TF code for invalid devices in the list that raises an error.
Setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 in the environment before running the program is of course not an option because the GPU should be visible for the session that needs it.
Does anyone know how to forbid just one one session to use the GPU?
An easy workaround would be to temporarily set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 using putenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1"); and reset it after creating the session.
std::string str_tmp = "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=";
str_tmp += getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES");
#Create session
#Reset environment variable
However, there might be a cleaner way to do it without changing your environment variables.

C++ use Stored Procedure to return results

For the past couple years, I've been maintaining a large C++ application (v100) that utilizes some form of non-ADO database connections, but it works great.
During this time, getting a resultset from the database is quite simple. I instantiate the return class, with the database object, then Open a query.
CUpdates cUpdates(GetDatabase());
CString strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Updates";
cUpdates.Open(-1, strQuery);
Just that simple, cUpdates is filled with records.
NOW however, we want to execute a stored procedure, and return the results from it. But no matter what I try, even changing 'EXEC' to 'CALL', the call fails. Is there a similar simple method for executing a stored procedure, and returning the results, without having to totally rewrite how the application handles the database connection and returning of data?
strQuery.Format("EXEC dbo.[GetUpdates_ComputerName] '%s', %d, %d", GetWorkstationName(), m_bRetainUpdates, m_bScheduleUpdate);
cUpdates.Open(-1, strQuery); //FAILS ON EXEC
(I have tested the EXEC statement in SSMS, and it works fine)
We do also use another sql command, for strictly executing statements, but I see no way of returning data with it. Maybe there is a similar command I don't know of?
note: for the record, I am C# developer (since 1.0 beta). My only experience in c++ has been learning on the fly over the past 2 years, occasionally maintaining a few of our massive systems.
It would seem that CRecordset cannot handle an EXEC statement inside of it. So we converted the new stored procedure to a Tabular Function, so I can use a SELECT instead... which works properly. (though I'd rather use the stored procedure)

C++ Poco ODBC Transactions - AutoCommit mode

I am currently attempting to use transactions in my C++ app, but I have a problem with the ODBC's auto commit mode.
I am using the POCO libaries to create a connection to a PostgreSQL database on the same machine. Currently, I can send data to this database as single statements, but I cannot get my head around how to use Poco's transaction libraries to be able to send this data more quickly.
As I have several thousand records to insert, and so continuing to use single insert statements is extrememly slow and inpractical - So I am trying to use Poco's transaction to speed this up a bit (a fair bit).
The error I am encountering is a theoretically a simple one - Poco is throwing the following error:
'Invalid access: Session is in auto commit mode.'
I understand, as a result of this, I should somehow set "auto commit" to false - as it only allows me to commit data to the database line by line, rather than as a single transaction.
The problem is how I set this.
Currently, I have a session created from Session.h, that looks alot like this:
session = new Poco::Data::Session(
Where connection data is a simple stringstream with the login information, password, database, server and "Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI};" to tell ODBC to utilize PostgreSQL's driver.
I have tried just setting a property "autocommit" to false through the session's setFeature or setProperty settings, this, of course, was to no avail. (it was more of a ditch attempt at this point).
session->setFeature("AUTOCOMMIT", false);
Looking around, I saw a possible alternative method by creating a ODBC sessionImpl directly from ODBC/session/SessionImpl.h instead of using this generic method above, and then creating a new session object from this.
The benefits of this are that ODBC's sessionImpl has references to autocommit mode in the header, which would suggest it would be able to handle this:
void autoCommit(const std::string&, bool val);
/// Sets autocommit property for the session.
However, having not used sessionImpl before, I cannot garuntee if this will work or if can can get this to work with the limited documentation available.
I am using C++ 03 (Not 11), with Visual Studio 2015
Poco 1.7.5
Boost (Where needed)
Would any one know the correct way of setting this feature (above) or a alternative method to achieving this?
edit: Looking at the source of poco, at:
The property seems be named autoCommit, and looking at
the case of the property names seem to matter. So, does it help if you use session->setFeature("autoCommit", false);?
Cant you just call session->begin(); and session->end(); on the corresponding Session object?
What is returned by session->canTransact()?
According to the doc begin() will start a new transaction, the doc does not mention any property that needs to be set before or after.
Also faced a similar issue.
First of all before begin() need:
m_ses.setFeature("autoCommit", false);
And the second issue is that this feature stays "autoCommit" in false for all other sessions. So don't forget for the next session call
session.setFeature("autoCommit", true);

3.3.0.M1 : Properties on RelationShipEntity not saved when using CypherRestGraphDatabase?

I've run into a snag with 3.3.0.M1 - I was much thrilled with the speed increase for the REST remoting, but it seems the relation properties aren't saved properly to the remote DB?
BTW; this worked "as advertised" in 3.2.1.RELEASE :-/
I've got a JUnit test that works beautifully using an Embedded instance, but will fail to retrieve relation properties when using a remoted DB.
Indeed, inspecting the database using the webconsole shows the relations have no saved properties.
Obfuscated code follows:
My #NodeEntity has:
private Set<MyRelationalEntity> links = Sets.newHashSet();
And MyRelationalEntity is defined thus:
public class MyRelationalEntity {
private Long graphId;
#Fetch #StartNode
private TheEntity left;
#Fetch #EndNode
private TheEntity right;
private String scope;
Again, when stored in an embedded instance the scope property is stored and retrieved fine, but via the remoted database there is no data :-(
edit: However, it seems the __type__ property is set correctly on the relation
This might be a known issue, but I don't see any filed issues at
But I'm thinking perhaps GitHub isn't used as the ALM?
Edit 2: After a bit of debugging, I wonded if line 192 in EntityStateHandler might be the culprit?
The empty map seems to propagate down to the RestRelationShip class?
Found this:
Guess that explains things ;-)
Presumably all will be excellent in 3.3.0.RELEASE - until then I'll prefer slow operation over missing functionality :-)
But, still : great work from the spring-data-neo4j team!