How to ignore null objects when writing JSON with JsonCpp - c++

According to the Google JSON style guide, it is advisable to remove empty or null values.
When using JsonCpp, how can empty or null values be removed, either from the object structure or when writing to a stream?
I want the following code:
#include <json/json.h>
#include <json/writer.h>
Json::Value json;
json["id"] = 4;
// The "name" property is an empty array.
json["name"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
Json::FastWriter fw;
std::cout << fw.write(json) << std::endl;
to produce:
"id": 4,

You may add a pre-process to remove empty members, something like:
void RemoveNullMember(Json::Value& node)
switch (node.type())
case Json::ValueType::nullValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::intValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::uintValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::realValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::stringValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::booleanValue: return;
case Json::ValueType::arrayValue:
for (auto &child : node)
case Json::ValueType::objectValue:
for (const auto& key : node.getMemberNames())
auto& child = node[key]
if (child.empty()) // Possibly restrict to any of
// nullValue, arrayValue, objectValue
And so finally:
Json::Value json;
json["id"] = 4;
json["name"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); // The "name" property is an empty array.
RemoveNullMember(json); // Or make a copy before.
Json::FastWriter fw;
std::cout << fw.write(json) << std::endl;

Personally I'd prefer an option in the writer which allows to filter out empty/null properties when writing. Thereby, one could define an own class like class MyFastWriter : public FastWriter, override printValue for handling type objectValue accordingly and call FastWriter::writeValue for the rest. Unfortunately, JsonCpp API has defined member function printValue as private, such that you cannot override it (and not even call it) from a custom derived class.
Hence, I see only three principal ways to achieve what you want: (1) Adapting the json value before writing, (2) defining an own writer class and copying a lot of code from FastWriter, or (3) change the source code of FastWriter.
There is already a proper answer for option (1) provided by Jarod42.
Option (2) and (3) share the major drawback that you copy or alter implementation details which might change in future versions of JsonCpp; But still, if one is very aware of the drawbacks coming with altering or copying a library's source code, it might be an option. A situation might be that the json value at hand shall keep empty properties, is very large, and has to be written rather often; then it becomes unhandy to copy the value, altering it just for writing, and writing it then again and again.
I'm for sure not a friend of altering source code; Anyway, see the following adapted version of FastWriter::writeValue which achieves the output you want:
void FastWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
switch (value.type()) {
// cases handling the other value.types remain as is...
// case handling objectValue is adapted:
case objectValue: {
Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
document_ += '{';
// inserted flag indicating that the first element is to be written:
bool isFirst = true;
for (Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end();
++it) {
const std::string& name = *it;
// inserted to skip empty/null property values
if(value[name].empty() || value[name].isNull())
// Replaced: necessary because the first written entry is not necessarily members.begin:
// if (it != members.begin())
// document_ += ',';
if (!isFirst)
document_ += ',';
isFirst = false;
// Kept as is...
document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(, static_cast<unsigned>(name.length()));
document_ += yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ ? ": " : ":";
document_ += '}';
} break;

I'm assuming that the values you're setting are not constant values and you're saving data from a class or some other data structure. In this case, you can simply check the data in C++ side and skip json["varName"] part completely.
Whatever you put in a JSON file is going to be in the final JSON because you're setting that field in the JSON file to something. As you said, it is advisable to not include NULL / empty values but it's not a must. NULL, empty or default values are still values that some people might want in their JSON file specifically to show that particular entity doesn't have that entry but it is still a field in that data.
I'd use the empty array as is for the name field in your JSON file, this way the reader can say that "Oh ok, this object doesn't have any name values to it" and if that wasn't supposed to happen or if it feels odd, even non-technical clients would be able to guide you through it and debugging would be much simpler. Unless this is a part of a networking code and you need to have the fastest response times. Otherwise, just include it.
Golden rule of debugging: Thich files save lives.


C++ - Pointer to local variable within the function

I know this can look like a rookie question already asked a thousand time. But I searched for the exact answer and I haven't found one...
I'm working on a code that, to sum up, fill an XML with different data.
I'm trying to optimize a part of it. The "naïve" code is the following:
xml << "<Node>";
for(auto& input : object.m_vec)
if(input == "Something")
xml << input;
xml << "</Node>";
for(auto& input : object.m_vec)
if(input == "SomethingElse")
xml << "<OtherNode>";
xml << input;
xml << "</OtherNode>";
The important thing is, while more than one input fit in <Node></Node>, only one fit in <OtherNode></OtherNode> (explaining the break;) and it may not exist either (explaining the xml << in-between the if statement).
I think I could optimize it such like:
std::vector<std::string>* VecPointer;
xml << "<Node>";
for(auto& input : object.m_vec)
if(input == "Something")
xml << input;
else if(input == "SomethingElse")
VecPointer = &input;
xml << "</Node>";
xml << "<OtherNode>"
<< *VecPointer
<< "</OtherNode>";
The point for me here is that there is no extra memory needed and no extra loop. But the pointer to the local variable bothers me. With my beginner's eyes I can't see a case where it can lead to something wrong.
Is this okay? Why? Do you see a better way to do it?
You need to make sure your compairson also looks for an existing value within the VecPointer, since your original second loop only cares about the first value it comes across.
else if(VecPointer && input == "SomethingElse")
Don't look for ->empty(), as that's accessing the pointer and asking whether the pointed to vector is empty. If there's nothing to point to in the first place, you're going to have a bad time at the -> stage of the statement. Instead, if against it, since it's a pointer.
Finally, you're using a Vector to save that one value from m_vec, which from other code I'm assuming is not a vector<vector<string>> but a vector<string> - in the latter case, your VecPointer should be std::string*
std::string* VecPointer = nullptr;
I'm trying to optimize a part of it.
Is this okay?
Maybe not! This may already be a poor use of your time. Are you sure that this is what's hurting your performance? Or that there's a performance problem at all?
Remember Don Knuth's old adage: Premature optimization is the root of all evil...
Do you see a better way to do it?
Consider profiling your program to see which parts actually take up the most time.
On an unrelated note, you could use standard library algorithms to simplify your (unoptimized) code. For example:
if (std::ranges::find(std::begin(object.m_vec) std::end(object.m_vec), "SomethingElse"s )
!= std::end(object.m_vec))
xml << "<OtherNode>" << whatever << "</OtherNode>";

RemoveAt from StructArray Ue4

I struggle a bit with deleting struct from my TArray of structs.My struct contains AudioComponent and float.I was using Array.RemoveAt(index), but what i got from this was only removing half of my struct, which is AudioComponent.
Why is that? My function Removing elements looks like this:
void RemoveArrayElement( UAudioComponent AudioComponent )
for( int i=0; i<Array.Num(); i++ )
if( AudioComponent == Array[i].AudioComponent )
Array.RemoveAt( i );
What i want to achieve is completely deleting index, AudioComponent with it's float.
There are few issues with your code. As others mentioned in comments, you should use pointers. And if I'm not mistaken, you aren't allowed to use construction like this:
TArray<UAudioComponent> invalidArray;
You should use UPROPERTY macro, otherwise your properties could and probably will be garbage collected. UPROPERTY wiki.
Next thing is that you are changing array over which you are iterating. I wrote few approaches, let's look at them:
void RemoveArrayElement(UAudioComponent* AudioComponent)
TArray<UAudioComponent*> audioArray; // array will be initialized somewhere else, this is for demo purpose.
// you always should check your pointers for validity
if (!AudioComponent || !AudioComponent->IsValidLowLevel() || AudioComponent->IsPendingKill())
// Correct approach 1 (multiple):
TQueue<UAudioComponent*> toDelete;
for (int i = 0; i < audioArray.Num(); i++)
auto item = audioArray[i];
if (AudioComponent == item || true) // we simulate another condition for multiselect
// better approach for iteration:
for (auto item : audioArray)
if (item == AudioComponent || true) // we simulate another condition for multiselect
// finalize deletion in approach 1
UAudioComponent* deleteItem;
while (toDelete.Dequeue(deleteItem))
// almost correct approach 2 (single) :
UAudioComponent* foundItem;
for (auto item : audioArray)
if (item == AudioComponent)
foundItem = item;
break; // we can skip rest - but we must be sure, that items were added to collection using AddUnique(...)
if (foundItem)
// correct and the best - approach 3 (single)
First keep in mind that comparing two objects does not necessarily lead to the expected result of equality. Using the == operator means executing a function (bool operator==(L, R);) that specifies what should happen. So if you did not overload the == operator then you don't know what using it would result to unless you look at the source code where it's defined. Since you want to remove the exact audio component and not an instance of it that looks the same, you want to use pointers in your array. That also helps performance since your are not copying the whole component when calling RemoveArrayElement(...); but a single pointer. Also when there are two identical audio components stored in the array and they are at index a and a+1, then removing the audio component at index a the next iteration would skip your second audio component since all upper indexes are decremented by one.

Continue a while loop until EOF (Qt)

I'm working on a program to create a list from a large QStringList. So basically after a string match, a while loop will start to add the next strings into a list. This part is working fine. The only problem I have is that the program quits unexpectedly because I don't know how I should add the EOF mechanism.
Update with a more detailed code
Sorry for not providing with enough details about my code. This is how my code looks now. So after the first time the string "PACKAGE TYPE" is detected, I use the function storeLines() function to store the next strings into one of three lists dependent. And this will continue until the next "PACKAGE TYPE" match or EOF. The only thing that is not working correctly now is when the iterator is on the last string of the QStringList. It somehow doesn't detect that the next is inputline.end()
void storeLines(QString department, QStringList::iterator current_line, QStringList::iterator endline){
while(QString::compare(*(current_line + 1),"PACKAGE TYPE") && (++current_line != endline)){ //this is not working
if(!QString::compare(department, "MDA")) mda_list.push_back(*current_line);
else if(!QString::compare(department, "SDA")) sda_list.push_back(*current_line);
else mix_list.push_back(*current_line);
void void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(){
QString input = ui->listinput->toPlainText().toLatin1();
QStringList inputline = input.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
for(QStringList::iterator pkg_header(inputline.begin()); pkg_header != inputline.end(); ++pkg_header){
if(!QString::compare(*pkg_header,"PACKAGE TYPE")){
if(!QString::compare(*pkg_header,"Department-mda:")) storeLines("MDA", pkg_header, inputline.end());
else if(!QString::compare(*pkg_header,"Department-sda:")) storeLines("SDA", pkg_header, inputline.end());
else storeLines("MIX", pkg_header, inputline.end());
Thanks in advance!
You're writing a parser - it's often simplest to write it like you'd usually write one, by making the states explicit and iterating in sequence over every element of the input stream. You won't make any off-by-one iterator errors that way.
This code matches the intent in your question, and makes it obvious that you've missed a case: when you expect a department, you don't react to the PACKAGE TYPE being present. You could signal an error, or stay in the DEPARTMENT state, but I presume you should handle it and not just ignore it.
QStringList mda_list, sda_list, mix_list;
void parse(const QString & input) {
enum {
} state = TYPE;
auto list = &mix_list;
auto const kPackageType = QStringLiteral("PACKAGE TYPE");
for (auto const element : input.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) {
switch (state) {
case TYPE:
if (element == kPackageType)
if (element == QStringLiteral("Department-mda:"))
list = &mda_list;
else if (element == QStringLiteral("Department-sda:"))
list = &sda_list;
state = ITEMS;
case ITEMS:
if (element == kPackageType)
*list << element;
The use of QStringLiteral gives you compile-time-built string instances to compare against. The code would work about just as well if you removed the QStringLiteral(...) wrappers, at a cost due to inevitable premature pessimization though.
Your apparent intent is to find the string "PACKAGE TYPE" in the existing list, and then copy the remaining elements in the list to a new list.
If that's the case, then why not do exactly that?
for(QStringList::iterator current_line(inputline.begin()); current_line != inputline.end(); ++current_line){
if(!QString::compare(*current_line,"PACKAGE TYPE"){
list.insert(list.end(), ++current_line, inputline.end());

Is the returned string from a recursive function going out of scope?

Giving as simple of a background context as I possibly can, which I don't think is necessary for what I'm trying to figure out at the moment, I'm trying to implement a graph representation via adjacency list, in my case being an unordered map that has a string key to a struct value that contains Vertex object pointers (the object that is identified by the key), and a vector of its dependencies. The goal is to output a critical path via a sort of DAG resolution algorithm.
So when I need to output a critical path, I'm trying to use a recursive solution I implemented. Basically it looks for a base case (if a job has no dependencies), return a print out of its id, start time and length. Otherwise, find the longest running (in terms of time length) job in its dependency list and call the function on that until you find a job with no dependencies. There can be more than one critical path, and I don't have to print out all of them.
MY QUESTION: I'm debugging this at the moment, and it has no problem printing out a job's properties when its a base case. If it has to recurse through though, the string always comes back as empty (""). Is the recursive call making my string go out of scope by the time it comes back to the caller? Here is the code structure for it. All of the functions below are public members of the same Graph class.
string recurseDeps(unordered_map<string, Dependencies>& umcopy, string key) {
if (umcopy[key].deps.empty()) {
string depPath = " ";
string idarg, starg, larg, deparg;
idarg = key;
starg = " " + to_string(umcopy[key].jobatKey->getStart());
larg = " " + to_string(umcopy[key].jobatKey->getStart() + umcopy[key].jobatKey->getLength());
return depPath + idarg + starg + larg;
else {
string lengthiestDep = umcopy[key].deps[0];
for (auto i = begin(umcopy[key].deps); i != end(umcopy[key].deps); i++) {
if (umcopy[*i].jobatKey->getLength() >
umcopy[lengthiestDep].jobatKey->getLength()) {
lengthiestDep = *i;
recurseDeps(umcopy, lengthiestDep);
string criticalPath(unordered_map<string, Dependencies>& um, vector<Vertex*> aj) {
unordered_map<string, Dependencies> alCopy = um;
string path = aj[0]->getId();
for (auto i = begin(aj); i != end(aj); i++) {
if (um[(*i)->getId()].jobatKey->getLength() >
um[path].jobatKey->getLength()) {
path = (*i)->getId();
return recurseDeps(alCopy, path);
Later on down in the class members, a function called readStream() calls the functions like so:
cout << time << criticalPath(adjList, activeJobs) << endl;
You're not returning the value when you recurse. You're making the recursive call, but discarding the value and just falling off the end of the function. You need to do:
return recurseDeps(umcopy, lengthiestDep);
First of all, to answer your question, since you return by value the string is copied so no need to worry about variables going out of scope.
Secondly, and a much bigger problem, is that not all paths of your recursive function actually returns a value, which will lead to undefined behavior. If your compiler doesn't already warn you about this, you should enable more warnings.

Checking lists and running handlers

I find myself writing code that looks like this a lot:
set<int> affected_items;
while (string code = GetKeyCodeFromSomewhere())
if (code == "some constant" || code == "some other constant") {
} else if (code == "yet another constant" || code == "the constant I didn't mention yet") {
} // else if etc...
for (set<int>::iterator it = affected_items.begin(); it != affected_items.end(); it++)
case some_constant_id:
RunSomeFunction(with, these, params);
case some_other_constant_id:
RunSomeOtherFunction(with, these, other, params);
// etc...
The reason I end up writing this code is that I need to only run the functions in the second loop once even if I've received multiple key codes that might cause them to run.
This just doesn't seem like the best way to do it. Is there a neater way?
One approach is to maintain a map from strings to booleans. The main logic can start with something like:
done[code] = true;
Then you can perform the appropriate action as soon as you identify the code.
Another approach is to store something executable (object, function pointer, whatever) into a sort of "to do list." For example:
while (string code = GetKeyCodeFromSomewhere())
todo[code] = codefor[code];
Initialize codefor to contain the appropriate function pointer, or object subclassed from a common base class, for each code value. If the same code shows up more than once, the appropriate entry in todo will just get overwritten with the same value that it already had. At the end, iterate over todo and run all of its members.
Since you don't seem to care about the actual values in the set you could replace it with setting bits in an int. You can also replace the linear time search logic with log time search logic. Here's the final code:
// Ahead of time you build a static map from your strings to bit values.
std::map< std::string, int > codesToValues;
codesToValues[ "some constant" ] = 1;
codesToValues[ "some other constant" ] = 1;
codesToValues[ "yet another constant" ] = 2;
codesToValues[ "the constant I didn't mention yet" ] = 2;
// When you want to do your work
int affected_items = 0;
while (string code = GetKeyCodeFromSomewhere())
affected_items |= codesToValues[ code ];
if( affected_items & 1 )
RunSomeFunction(with, these, params);
if( affected_items & 2 )
RunSomeOtherFunction(with, these, other, params);
// etc...
Its certainly not neater, but you could maintain a set of flags that say whether you've called that specific function or not. That way you avoid having to save things off in a set, you just have the flags.
Since there is (presumably from the way it is written), a fixed at compile time number of different if/else blocks, you can do this pretty easily with a bitset.
Obviously, it will depend on the specific circumstances, but it might be better to have the functions that you call keep track of whether they've already been run and exit early if required.