Why am I NOT getting C4192 when importing msxml6? - c++

We been instructed to eliminate all level 3 warnings and have been specifically told to address C4192.
My code does fall into the "bad code" example that causes C4192
#import "msxml6.dll" named_guids
and the "good code" is easy enough to implement
#import "msxml6.dll" exclude("ISequentialStream","_FILETIME")named_guids
The only problem, is that I just do not get this warning. I'm importing version 6.30.7601.18431 of msxml6.dll, and no matter what I do, this warning just does not manifest.
I also imported it again, specifying the no_auto_exclude option and could find no reference to ISequentialStream or _FILETIME in the generated tli and tlh files.
I'm about to simply update to use the "good" code and go on, but I'd still like to know what is happening.

This is specifically an issue because new version of MSXML6.0 changed declarations , especially from Win10 OS onwards.
We already encountered this warning message with our legacy code base having 'bad code' , which you mentioned in your question.
In your case, your system is having older version of MSXML6.DLL (present in "C:\Windows\System32 or SysWow64").
Hope this calrifies your query.


There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly

Please leave the window-installer tag in - this Q/A is not for
C++ experts, but for people like me, who use C++ when they have to.
They may face this potential time-waster, and need a quick fix to get
msi.h or other includes operational quickly. VS2017 templates must
have changed quite a bit - I didn't see this issue before.
Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition with all available C++ components installed (perhaps this problem does not exist in the professional edition?).
File => New => Project... => Visual C++\Windows Desktop\Windows Console Application => OK.
Do a quick test build to verify there are no errors. Right click solution => Build. As stated no errors should show up.
Now add this include for msi.h directly below #include stdafx.h right above the main() function in the console appliation's CPP file:
#include <msi.h>
// And just to make things link:
#pragma comment(lib, "msi.lib")
A red error chevron should show up in the top left corner at the start of the first line comment saying on hover: "There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly, some of which may not be visible in the editor. PCH warning: an unknown error occurred. An IntelliSense PCH file was not generated."
Doing a build now should reveal numerous errors. In my case from wincrypt.h - and it got me thinking about WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN - see answer below. I thought such basics would already be included.
I keep seeing this problem in all new C++ Windows Console Application projects, but when I try in an older project created with Visual Studio 2013 it compiles correctly with msi.h included along with the link pragma.
Judging from the error message there must be something wrong with the precompiled header (PCH). This is what threw me off.
UPDATE: Others have asked about the same error message for other include files (not MSI related). I guess this is a generic problem that strikes every now and then - probably with classes that are in little use (or include Windows.h - perhaps)?
As a general suggestion this might be a hidden dependency problem (an include that is missing), or an incorrect order of the include files (you need to change the order of your includes for some technical reason that is not immediately obvious) or a incorrect or missing define (like seen in the answer below the line underneath). My take on it: get on github.com and search for similar sample code.
These issues can be quite clunky to work out for those of us who need C++ occasionally, and otherwise be "well known" for the C++ pros (who fix it in seconds as second nature). C++ pros: please keep in mind that issues such as these can kill a whole day's worth of productivity for those of us forced to clunk around with C++ when we need to - and have no C++ pros around to ask - terrible situation that! :-) - I hereby declare a "be nice to your C++ guru - if you got them - day!").
In stdafx.h, try adding this after #pragma once and before other includes:
// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>
Now try to rebuild your solution and see if the problem has disappeared.
Though simple, the strangeness of the error message (seen in the question above) can throw people off course trying to figure out what is wrong. Also, this behavior seems new in VS2017 - template change.
It looks like including <atlstr.h> will also work, so that probably makes my problem more obscure. Could have sworn I tried this though - maybe after I made project settings changes that made it fail still (exactly what I hope to help others avoid).
If only these basic includes could be present in the file but commented out so they could be enabled quickly in sequence for testing - without any fuss.

Xcode noob: Don't understand compiler error message

I'm fairly new to Xcode and have recently gotten an error message that is probably clear to anyone who knows what they're doing, but I am unsure how to react to this one.
I have a project that is mostly C++, with just a few C files in it. Everything was fine until I tried to add some code to find the computer's MAC address. Apple provides a project example (GetPrimaryMACAddress), and I downloaded, built, and tested that. It works just fine.
After that, I simply copied the C source from the Apple example project and included it into my code project. Then I started getting this error message:
I have tried including the IOKit framework explicitly via the linker; no help. I tried adding more #include statement to the Apple example code; no help. I think that I do not understand what the compiler message is telling me regarding importing from module 'Darwin.MacTypes'.
Clicking on the error message took me to a line in usr/include/MacTypes.h:
I'm not clear on how to Import Darwin.MacTypes. I don't really understand how the source code for GetMACAddress could compile so effortlessly in one project and not another. I didn't rearrange nor add nor delete any of the #include statements in the Apple-supplied C file.
I'll bet there is a simple answer that I am just not seeing. How should I react to this error message?
I had a similar problem with types like UInt16 and UInt32. I just included the MacTypes with the following include statement:
#include <MacTypes.h>
This solved all my type-problems for my example c-file.
Let me guess, when you want to compile C++ source, you should create a C++ source file
(On the toolbar: File > New > File.. > Source > C++ File)

Erroneous "Unable to resolve identifier" in Netbeans

My program compiles fine, but Netbeans tells me "Unable to resolve identifier to_string."
I tried everything in "Netbeans 7.2 shows "Unable to resolve identifier" , although build is successful" and I set the "C++ standard" to "C++11" in the code assistance options.
This is the only function giving this problem so far. It is however also the first C++11 feature I am using, which leads me to believe it has something to do with Netbeans not understanding that I am using C++11, although I specify it explicitly in the code assistance menu.
Minimal example:
#include <string>
int main() {
EDIT: the same problem arises where using nullptr
EDIT2: I suddenly realized it might be important to mention that I do not use a generated Makefile, but SCons.
I know this question is seven months old but since it came up as the second result to a google search I'll tell the answer I came up with. For Netbeans at least. Go to your project properties and make sure you have you "C Compiler"->"C Standard" set to C11, and your "C++ compiler"->"C++ Standard" set to C++11. You have to set BOTH or it will still give false errors!
This will solve the problem:
Right click on "Project".
Select "Code Assistance".
Clean C/C++ cache.
Restart IDE.
Autocomplete and sometimes even syntax highlighting are always faulty with C++. The more you go in depth with C++ and C++11, the more Eclipse and Netbeans will start underlining everything with a red wavy line. Some of my (correct and perfectly compiling) programs are a huge red wavy line. I suggest you disable error markers altogether and you keep autocomplete, but in many cases it just won't work and you have to make the best of it.
I had the same situation. This was occurred because I used .c file instead of .cpp
for Netbeans 8.2 (on Linux) only the following worked for me: Tools -> Options -> Code Assistance -> Macro Definitions:
for C++14
or to __cplusplus=201103L
for C++11
I did all the above but what did the trick for me was recognizing that the Makefile had g++ rather than g++ -std=c++11.
To resolve c++17 related 'Unable to resolve identifier' in latest netbeans 8.2 or 9 version, one may need to set the macro definition __cplusplus=201703L as the default C++14 standard macro definition unable to resolve those unexpected error messages appeared in the editor.

Build error referring to yvals.h in a cantata++ test project

I am testing c++ source codes using the tool cantata++. I created a project, built it and encounter the following error message.
error I9282: the global scope has no "_invalid_parameter" C:\LegacyApp\VisualStudio2005\VC\include\yvals.h 167
I find this error wierd, because yvals.h is not really a file in my source codes. What does this error message imply?
You'll find that yvals.h is probably included by one of the many system header files the Microsoft compiler includes, and you are only seeing it in the error message because the Cantata++ instrumenter is finding a problem with it. My guess would be that there is some problem with the settings in either Cantata++, your Visual Studio project or a mismatch between the two meaning they are not using the same settings.
In order to help diagnose the problem it would help to know a few things about the setup you have, and the code you are building when you get the error.
As Joachim Wuttke said, I would suggest you contact the Cantata Technical Support team directly if you are still having problems with this issue. They will be able to provide you with further information to help solve the problem.

ZXing Library: Errors in iOS: private field 'cached_y_' is not used

I am currently trying to use the ZXing Library for an iOS Project. However I can't even get the sample Projects to work.
The ScanTest Project, as well as the ones that I created myself throw the following error in the BinaryBitmap.cpp file.
In file included from /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Tim/Downloads/zxing-2.1/iphone/ZXingWidget/../../cpp/core/src/zxing/BinaryBitmap.cpp:20:
../../cpp/core/src/zxing/BinaryBitmap.h:33:7: error: private field 'cached_y_' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]
int cached_y_;
1 error generated.
I searched on Google and Stackoverflow, but have not found a solution for the problem.
I have tried it with both the current stable release of XCode and the beta.
I don't know if anybody else has got this problem too, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is clang, right? You can read about the relevant compiler options here.
The error message is telling you which compiler flags are relevant.
-Wunused-private-field means you get warnings about private member fields of classes (or structs, ...) that are not used anywhere. The warning is because you probably did mean to use them. This would not normally stop the compilation, but...
-Werror turns warnings into errors. A lot of people use this option to force themselves to write very clean code. Taking this one out should be enough.