Coldfusion Form.getPartsArray function - coldfusion

These two links reference the ability, in ColdFusion, to get the name of an uploaded file using form.getPartsArray(). However I can not find ColdFusion documentation on it. I would like to use this but not if it has been deprecated or will be. Does anyone have more information on the origin and fate of this function?
ColdFusion: get the name of a file before uploading

ColdFusion: get the name of a file before uploading
Ignoring the main question for a moment, can you elaborate on why you want to use it? Reason for asking is the title of the first question might give you a mistaken impression about what that method actually does. Form.getPartsArray() does not provide access to file information before the file is uploaded. The file is already on the server at that point, so in later versions of CF (with additional functionality) it does not necessarily buy you much over just using cffile action=upload.
Does anyone have more information on the origin and fate of this
However, to answer your other question - it is an undocumented feature last I checked. (It was more useful in earlier versions of CF, which lacked some of the newer features relating to form fields and uploads.)
Internally, most form data can be handled using standard request objects, ie HttpServletRequest. However, those do not support multipart requests, ie file uploads. So a special handler is needed. Macromedia/Adobe chose to use the com.oreilly.servlet library for their internal implementation. That is what you are accessing when using FORM.getPartsArray().
The O'Reilly stuff has been bundled with CF since (at least) CF8, which is a good indicator. However, using any internal feature always comes with the risk the implementation will change and break your application. Also, if you move to another engine, the code may not be supported/compatible. So "You pays your money, you takes your choice".
CF8 / Form Scope


How can I compile my ColdFusion code for sourceless distribution, and have it be unreadable?

I've been tasked with creating a deployable version of a ColdFusion web app to be installed on a clients server. I'm trying to find a way to give them a compiled version of our code, and my first inclination was to use the CFCompile utility that I found here. However, after running CFCompile, most of the code in the CFM files is still readable. The only thing that appears to be obfuscated at all is the actual ColdFusion code - all of the SQL Queries are still perfectly readable. (Example in the screenshot below)
The HTML and JavaScript are also still readable in the compiled code, but that doesn't matter as those can be seen in a web browser anyways.
Is there another way to distribute my source code in a format that is completely unreadable to the user? I'm guessing that for whatever method I choose, there will be some way of decompiling the code. That's not an issue, I just need to find a way to make it more difficult than opening the file and seeing the queries.
Hostek has a pretty good write up on the subject over on their site - How to Encrypt or Compile ColdFusion Files.
Basically, from that article:
Using cfcompile.bat
The cfcompile.bat utility will compile all .cfm and .cfc files within a given directory into Java bytecode. This has the effect of making your source code unreadable, and it also prevents ColdFusion from having to compile your ColdFusion files on first use which provides a small performance enhancement.
More details about using cfcompile.bat can be found in ColdFusion's Documentation
Using cfencode.exe
The cfencode.exe utility will apply basic encryption to a specific file or directory. If used to encrypt a directory, it will apply encryption to ALL files in the directory which can break any JS, CSS, images, or other non-ColdFusion files.
They do also include this note at the bottom:
Note: Encrypting your site files with cfencode does not guarantee absolute security of your source code, but it does add a layer of obfuscation to help prevent unauthorized individuals from viewing the source.
The article goes on to give basic instructions on how to use each.
Adobe has this note on their site regarding cfencode:
Note: You can also use the cfencode utility, located in the cf_root/bin directory, to obscure ColdFusion pages that you distribute. Although this technique cannot prevent persistent hackers from determining the contents of your pages, it does prevent inspection of the pages. The cfencode utility is not available on OS X.
I would also add that it will be trivial for anyone familiar with ColdFusion to decode anything encoded with this utility because they also provide the decoder.

application.cfc contains encrypted code

I've just inherited a rather antiquated ColdFusion system (from the Allaire days) which has an application.cfc containing what looks like encrypted code, as follows.
Allaire Cold Fusion Template
Header Size: New VersionÏ{£ z¦7¦¶¸¶ähqؤä8X°É¿Ìò©‰P^qvßNÊÒ‡ùFÍû'ÉÊE´Žå¿ˆpcíå†óΔ7Žä]±Ï÷f?¼û=Ò“šüù>eÐ×åR™”ÎÓ’Íf#®ëâéÃYЦ]ÝišE𧵤ˮðÐ4~¿xî)ä˜âÂã&ăXDÂ2e".´§ábðyNN6¡I¨´eiÈ"³zñ¤îu ÍP†7ü#›™ú! ØþFtðêt-IÏY¤ae~®ç×7,Ä£oâÿPé ;b7é{”_)UM‚ýó#g£Ä'žê
I've never seen this before in an application file. Has anybody? And if it's encoded, how would one un-encode it?
Yes, I've seen this before. Your .cfm and .cfc files were encoded/encrypted using the cfencode.exe utility. Luckily someone wrote a decryption utility for it (my coworker needed it several years ago). Unfortunately I don't know where he downloaded it or obtained a copy, but from doing some online searches, it appears that the utility is called cfdecrypt 2.0.
You can search for it and download it. Hopefully this points you in the right direction and gives a good starting point.

Best practice for creating an unalterable report file in c++

I am currently developping a windows application who test railroad equipments to find any defaults.
Utility A => OK
Utility B => NOK
This application will check the given equipment and generate a report.
This report needs to be written once, and no further modifications are allowed since this file can be used as working proof for the equipment.
My first idea was ta use pdf files (haru lib looks great), but pdf can also be modified.
I told myself that I could obsfuscate the report, and implement a homemade reader inside my application, but whatever way I store it, the file would always be possibly accessed and modified right?
So I'm running out of ideas.
Sorry if my approach and my problem appear naive but it's an intership.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: I could also add checksums for files after I generated them, and keep a "checksums record file", and implement a checksums comparison tool for verification? just thought about this.
I believe the answer to your question is to use any format whatosever, and use a digital signature anybody can verify, e.g., create a gnupg, get that key signed by the people who require to check your documents, upload it to one of the key servers, and use it to sign the documents. You can publish the documents, and have a link to your public key available for verification; for critical cases someone verifying must be trust your signature (i.e., trust somebody who signed your key).
People's lives depend on the state of train inspections. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that someone expects you to solve this problem only using free-as-in-beer components.
Adobe supports a strong digital signature model. If you buy into their technology base, you can create PDF's that are digitally signed, and are therefore tamper-evident, as the consumer can check for the signature.
You can, as someone else pointed out, use GNUpg, or for that matter OpenSSL, to implement your own signature scheme, but railroad regulators are somewhat less likely to figure out how to work with it.
I would store reports in an encrypted/protected datastore.
When a user accesses a report (requests a copy, the original is of course always in the database and cannot be modified), it includes the text "Report #XXXXX". If you want to validate the report, retrive a new copy from the system using the Report ID.

Is there any browsers that sends multipart/form-data sub-parts?

I am writing a webserver in C++. I am looking at the POST documentation on w3:
I see that a POST is supposed to support the full multi-parts scheme: parts and sub-parts (and obviously, sub-sub-parts...) just like for email attachments.
Is there any browser and/or tool that do that on a normal basis? In other words, is it really important for a server to support parts and sub-parts?
The obvious problem with that is the fact that it could mean that two files are uploaded under the same name. That's quite a problem if you ask me. Also, from what I can see in PHP it is not supported at all in that realm. Am I correct?
Ah! I guess I should have searched a little more and to tell you the truth I had not thought of looking at HTML5 for the answer.
The following paragraph actually includes the answer:
Note: In particular, this means that multiple files submitted as
part of a single element will
result in each file having its own field; the "sets of
files" feature ("multipart/mixed") of RFC 2388 is not used.
So it is clear that sub-parts (multipart/mixed) are not to be supported.

Custom client app - need ability to control where documents are saved

Okay SO. I need some guidance. I apologize for the length of this post, but I need to provide some details:
I've got someone who is interested in me to do a small project for them. The application in general is a fairly straightforward employee record keeping / documentation app, but it makes pretty heavy use templated Word and Lotus documents. The idea is you select the employee “event” such as commendation, promotion, discipline, etc., and it loads the appropriate template doc and you fill it in from there, and later you can select an employee, view all the “events,” and view the individual documents associated with each one.
Thus, the app must know where the .docs are saved when the user is done.
The client actually has a v1 of this app (it doesn’t do any management of the files or anything, just launches Word/Lotus with the document you wanted to view in a new instance, presumably via a system() call.) We’ve not gotten into a detailed requirements phase, but the client and I agree that for this to really work, some kind of control over where the user saves the .doc’s to is going to be critical , because otherwise the app provides them with the new copy of the template doc, they "Save as" somewhere else, and the app is pointing to the blank copy it provided them with.
Obviously, I can’t think of a way to achieve “Save as” restriction/control in any way via just launching a new instance of Word. The client has the idea of an embedded Word/Lotus instance in the app with the template doc when you choose one, but I’ve few reservations with that:
I’ve dug around online and I’ve read that whichever version of Word I borrow MSWORD.OLB from will be the one the end user would require?
I’ve tried to do the MSDN example of embedding a Word doc from here, but as I’ve come to get used to, the MSDN example doesn’t even compile.
Even if I CAN figure out how to embed a .doc file into their application, I don’t know that I could control the use of “Save as…”
All of this STILL hasn’t touched on Lotus (!)
So… instinctively, I feel the embedded Word/Lotus thing has to be more work than it’s worth in the end.
So I’ve had a few other ideas brewing around.
One is looking into using Office XML (and if there’s a lotus equivalent), and get the user’s “inputs” separately and generate the document on the fly each time. I’m not particularly thrilled with that idea, but I think it COULD work, provided I just use old features to try and stay far backwards compatible.
Get user’s “inputs” separately and generate a document in HTML. Meh. Works, very cross platform and easily parsed and understood, but not good if you want to be able to email it to someone (who emails a .html? Works, yes, very unconventional which to the average user will throw them off) and even worse if you need to email it to someone for revisions…
Perhaps some kind of editable PDF? I know there are PDF libraries out there, and the more I stew on it, the more this sounds like the best option, though I’ve not done much work with PDFs and I don’t know how easily embeddable they are / what options one has when creating them. I know they can be save-disabled, I’ve had that with my bloody state taxes before.
I need some input here. Here’s the TLDR questions:
Is launching a new instance of Word for each .doc as bad as I feel, given user can “Save as” document wherever and then application is left pointing to a blank document?
Is trying to support embedded Word as big of a trouble as I feel like it is / more work than it’s worth / likely to cause problems with supporting multiple versions of Word? (Forward compatibility as well as currently released versions?)
What are thoughts on the PDF plan?
Any other good ideas?
Word does allow for programming some "Save" and "Save As" control via its object model. Any subroutines coded in VBA and placed into your Word template will be copied into all documents generated from that template. Additionally, most menu and Ribbon commands can be intercepted by creating a module containing subroutines named for the intercepted commands. So, for example, if a module contains a sub named FileSaveAs(), any code in that sub will be executed instead of the standard File|Save As command. Lastly, this code will replace Save As commands executed via keystroke, toolbar, menu, or Ribbon.
The code below will launch a dialog box to a predetermined path whenever a "Save" or "Save As" command is executed:
Sub FileSave()
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
End Sub
Sub ControlSaveLocation()
Dim Directory As String
Directory = "C:\Documents\"
With Application.Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
.Name = Directory
End With
End Sub
Hope this helps.