How can I to remove OTRS-module? - otrs

Few minutes ago, i have made a simplest OTRS module, according this article:
Writing a new OTRS frontend module
All is ok. But now, i need to move out this module from OTRS.
How can i do this?

All you need to do is to delete the files that you have created and than rebuild the config.
In OTRS 5.0.x you can do it by:
bin/ Maint::Config::Rebuild
For older versions:


Update custom synonyms package version on AWS Elasticsearch domain

We're using AWS's elasticsearch service. We have a custom synonyms package associated with the elasticsearch domain. The file lives in an s3 bucket, when the file is updated it triggers a lambda that updates the package version in AWS. We followed the documentation at and so far that all works great for uploading and updating a new version of the package. However, the way aws elasticsearch custom packages work, each domain that uses the custom package stores its own copy of the file as well. To keep search behavior predictable, domains continue to use their current package version until you explicitly update them.
The problem is that I can't find any way to programmatically tell the domain to use the new version of the package. It's like 2 clicks in the console, but I cannot for the life of me find a way to do it from my automation code. The update_package method just updates the package version, it doesn't tell the associated domains to use the new version.
We're looking for a way to programatically tell an AWL elasticsearch domain to update the version of an associated custom synonyms file.
So after banging my head on this for days and I finally figured it out 5 minutes after posting this question. You just need to call the associate_package method again after you update the package. I had actually tried that previously and it failed, but it turns out it fails if there is no new version of the package available. I think I was calling associate_package again before the update_package method was completed, so the new version wasn't available yet.
Anyway, hope this helps someone in the future.
Correct, you have to specifically call associate_package to link to the latest version of that package

Apache airflow vs puckle airflow image

I am currently using puckel airflow but now the apache airflow image is also available.
Which one is better and reliable. And given I need to start from scratch, which option would be better?
Official. Puckel is no longer updated
I started with puckel airlfow but as Javier mentioned its no longer updated. Last updated version was 1.10.9. Its easier to start with this image and following updates and mimicking required behaviours from official docker image you can build on it.

How do I know when a service was added to boto3?

I have a tool which requires boto3's direct connect functionality. However I cannot tell from which version onwards boto3 includes this functionality.
Is there any way to obtain the older version of the docs to see at which point direct connects were added?
At this point in time the latest is 1.4.4.
boto3 development is an open source initiative. So you can always checkout botocre development repository for the release notes, or ask question there.
changelog.rst will show a brief list of changes.
Then use following command to switch to specify tag version and look for the date of commit.
git checkout tags/<version_name>

Hibernate spatial is offline - anyone got more information

Since a few days is offline, along with the mailing lists and Maven repositories. Has anyone got news on that?
It's online now, and pointing interested parties at Hibernate's own site since the project is being brought into the Hibernate fold.
I ran into this same issue ( has been offline for days). I was able to resolve it by uploading the artifacts to our internal repo and then setting hibernate to timeout almost immediately Maven dependency timeout settings.
The ideal solution would be to upgrade to a 5.0.x version that is on maven central

Configure processing server role with config patches

The Sitecore documentation provides some pretty clear instructions on how to configure a Sitecore instance as a processing server:
However, many of those steps require enabling/disabling of files manually on the installed server. Has anybody seen or built a patch file (similar to SwitchMasterToWeb) that can disable/enable the appropriate functionality as a patch? I would rather not touch the default Sitecore install and instead rely on automated deployment of configuration patches.
I haven't seen this as a patch and not sure if its possible to do this with just one patch (would love to be proved wrong), but for something like this I've used a Powershell script.
I set up Octopus Deploy to run a Powershell script step after deploy to disable files and change settings if patch files can't do the job.
I can highly recommend the Powercore tools for this kind of thing.
If anybody else winds up looking for this, I've posted some work up on GitHub for patch files for a variety of versions for 8.0:
The patches there will do the 'disable/enable/change' for authoring, delivery, or processing. I don't have one for the reporting server.
Sitecore has evaluated POC for same. At this point of time applciable for Sitecore CMS 8.1 rev. 160302 (Update-2). See here-