Finding sublists with a specified sum - list

I'm working on a function in Haskell where it receives a list of Ints and an Int.
sublistSum :: [Ints] -> Int -> [[Ints]]
What it returns is a sublist containing lists of numbers in the original list that adds up to the Int.
For example:
sublistSums [1, 5, -2, 4, 3, 2] 2
What I worked up to:
sublistSums [] num = []
sublistSums (x:xs) num
| findSum x xs num == num = findSum x xs num 0 : sublistSums (x:xs) num
| otherwise = sublistSums xs num
findSum x [] num count = []
findSum x (y:ys) num count
| ...
so findSum is a helper function I made that should return a list of such numbers (that add up to the number).
I'm a bit confused up to this point. How can I mark it so that findSum doesn't repeatedly give me the same list of numbers over and over again?

You could first produce a list of all possible sublists using the function subsequences from Data.List. Then it is just a matter of filtering the list by their sum.
import Data.List
sublistSum :: [Int] -> Int -> [[Int]]
sublistSum list target =
filter (\x -> sum x == target) $ subsequences list


Haskell: List all common factors

I am learning Haskell and am currently creating a program that finds all common divisors from 3 different Int:s.
I have a working program but the evaluation time is very long on big numbers. I want advice on how to optimize it.
EXAMPLE: combineDivisors 234944 246744 144456 == [1,2,4,8]
As said I am very new to this so any help is appreciated.
import Data.List
combineDivisors :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
combineDivisors n1 n2 n3 =
mergeSort list
where list = getTrips concList
concList = isDivisor n1 ++ isDivisor n2 ++ isDivisor n3
isDivisor n = [x | x <- [1..n], mod n x == 0]
getTriplets :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
getTriplets = map head . filter (\l -> length l > 2) . group . sort
--Merge sort--
split :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
split xs =
l = length xs `div` 2
(take l xs, drop l xs)
merge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| y < x = y : merge (x:xs) ys
| otherwise = x : merge xs (y:ys)
mergeSort :: [Int] -> [Int]
mergeSort [] = []
mergeSort [x] = [x]
mergeSort xs =
(xs1,xs2) = split xs
merge (mergeSort xs1) (mergeSort xs2)
If you don't care too much about memory usage, you can just use Data.IntSet and a function to find all factors given a number to do this.
First, let's make a function that returns an IntSet of all factors of a number-
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
factors :: Int -> IntSet.IntSet
factors n = IntSet.fromList . f $ 1 -- Convert the list of factors into a set
-- Actual function that returns the list of factors
f :: Int -> [Int]
f i
-- Exit when i has surpassed square root of n
| i * i > n = []
| otherwise = if n `mod` i == 0
-- n is divisible by i - add i and n / i to the list
then i : n `div` i : f (i + 1)
-- n is not divisible by i - continue to the next
else f (i + 1)
Now, once you have the IntSet corresponding to each number, you just have to do a intersection on them to get the result
commonFactors :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
commonFactors n1 n2 n3 = IntSet.toList $ IntSet.intersection (factors n3) $ IntSet.intersection (factors n1) $ factors n2
That works but is a bit ugly. How about making an intersections function that can take multiple IntSets and produce a final intersection result.
intersections :: [IntSet.IntSet] -> IntSet.IntSet
intersections [] = IntSet.empty
intersections (t:ts) = foldl IntSet.intersection t ts
That should fold on a list of IntSets to find the final intersection
Now you can refactor commonFactors to-
commonFactors :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
commonFactors n1 n2 n3 = IntSet.toList . intersections $ [factors n1, factors n2, factors n3]
Better? I'd think so. How about one last improvement, a general commonFactors function for n amount of ints
commonFactors :: [Int] -> [Int]
commonFactors = IntSet.toList . intersections . map factors
Note that this is using an IntSet, so it is naturally limited to Ints. If you want to use Integer instead - just replace IntSet with a regular Set Integer
> commonFactors [234944, 246744, 144456]
You should use the standard algorithm where you prime factorize their GCD:
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-- infinite list of primes
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2:3:filter
(\n -> not $ any
(\p -> n `mod` p == 0)
(takeWhile (\p -> p * p <= n) primes))
-- prime factorizing a number
primeFactorize :: Integer -> [Integer]
primeFactorize n
| n <= 1 = []
-- we search up to the square root to find a prime factor
-- if we find one then add it to the list, divide and recurse
| Just p <- find
(\p -> n `mod` p == 0)
(takeWhile (\p -> p * p <= n) primes) = p:primeFactorize (n `div` p)
-- if we don't then the number has to be prime so we're done
| otherwise = [n]
-- count the number of each element in a list
-- e.g.
-- getCounts [1, 2, 2, 3, 4] == fromList [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 1)]
getCounts :: (Ord a) => [a] -> M.Map a Int
getCounts [] = M.empty
getCounts (x:xs) = M.insertWith (const (+1)) x 1 m
where m = getCounts xs
-- get all possible combinations from a map of counts
-- e.g. getCombos (M.fromList [('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('c', 2)])
-- == ["","c","cc","b","bc","bcc","a","ac","acc","ab","abc","abcc","aa","aac","aacc","aab","aabc","aabcc"]
getCombos :: M.Map a Int -> [[a]]
getCombos m = allFactors
list = M.toList m
factors = fst <$> list
counts = snd <$> list
possible = (\n -> [0..n]) <$> counts
allCounts = sequence possible
allFactors = (\count -> concat $ zipWith replicate count factors) <$> allCounts
-- get the common factors of a list of numbers
commonFactorsList :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
commonFactorsList [] = []
commonFactorsList l = sort factors
totalGcd = foldl1 gcd l
-- then get the combinations them and take their products to get the factor
factors = map product . getCombos . getCounts . primeFactorize $ totalGcd
-- helper function for 3 numbers
commonFactors3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
commonFactors3 a b c = commonFactorsList [a, b, c]

Haskell - Sum up the first n elements of a list

I´m new to Haskell.
Let´s say I want to sum up the first n elements of a list with a generated function on my own. I don´t know how to do this with Haskell. I just know how to sum up a whole given list, e.g.
sumList :: [Int] -> Int
sumList [] = 0
sumList (x:xs) = x + sumList xs
In order to sum up the first n elements of a list, for example
take the first 5 numbers from [1..10], which is 1+2+3+4+5 = 15
I thought I could do something like this:
sumList :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumList take [] = 0
sumList take (x:xs) = x + take $ sumList xs
But it doesn´t work... What´s wrong?
So you know how to sum up the numbers in a list,
sumList :: [Int] -> Int
sumList [] = 0
sumList (x:xs) = x + sumList xs
and if that list has no more than 5 elements in it, this function will even return the correct result if you indeed intended to sum no more than 5 elements in an argument list. Let's make our expectations explicit by renaming this function,
sumUpToFiveElements :: [Int] -> Int
sumUpToFiveElements [] = 0
sumUpToFiveElements (x:xs) = x + sumUpToFiveElements xs
it won't return the correct result for lists longer than five, but at least the name is right.
Can we fix that? Can we count up to 5? Can we count up to 5 while also advancing along the input list as we do?
sumUpToFiveElements :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumUpToFiveElements counter [] = 0
sumUpToFiveElements counter (x:xs) = x + sumUpToFiveElements (counter + 1) xs
This still isn't right of course. We do now count, but for some reason we ignore the counter. What is the right time to react to the counter, if we want no more than 5 elements? Let's try counter == 5:
sumUpToFiveElements :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumUpToFiveElements 5 [] = 0
sumUpToFiveElements counter [] = 0
sumUpToFiveElements counter (x:xs) = x + sumUpToFiveElements (counter + 1) xs
But why do we demand the list to also be empty when 5 is reached? Let's not do that:
sumUpToFiveElements :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumUpToFiveElements 5 _ = 0 -- the wildcard `_` matches *anything*
sumUpToFiveElements counter [] = 0
sumUpToFiveElements counter (x:xs) = x + sumUpToFiveElements (counter + 1) xs
Success! We now stop counting when 5 is reached! More, we also stop the summation!!
Wait, but what was the initial value of counter? We didn't specify it, so it's easy for a user of our function (that would be ourselves) to err and use an incorrect initial value. And by the way, what is the correct initial value?
Okay, so let's do this:
sumUpToFiveElements :: [Int] -> Int
sumUpToFiveElements xs = go 1 xs -- is 1 the correct value here?
go counter _ | counter == 5 = 0
go counter [] = 0
go counter (x:xs) = x + go (counter + 1) xs
Now we don't have that extraneous argument that made our definition so brittle, so prone to a user error.
And now for the punchline:
Generalize! (by replacing an example value with a symbolic one; changing 5 to n).
sumUpToNElements :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumUpToNElements n xs = .......
One more word of advice: don't use $ while at the very beginning of your learning Haskell. Use explicit parens.
sumList take (x:xs) = x + take $ sumList xs
is parsed as
sumList take (x:xs) = (x + take) (sumList xs)
This adds together two unrelated numbers, and then uses the result as a function to be called with (sumList xs) as an argument (in other words it's an error).
You probably wouldn't write it that way if you were using explicit parens.
Well you should limit the number of values with a parameter (preferably not take, since
that is a function from the Prelude), and thus limit the numbers.
This limiting in your code is apparently take $ sumList xs which is very strange: in your function take is an Int, and $ will basically write your statement to (x + take) (sumList xs). You thus apparently want to perform a function application with (x + take) (an Int) as function, and sumList xs as argument. But an Int is not a function, so it does not typecheck, nor does it include any logic to limit the numbers.
So basically we should consider three cases:
the empty list in which case the sum is 0;
the number of elements to take is less than or equal to zero, in that case the sum is 0; and
the number of elements to take is greater than 0, in that case we add the head to the sum of taking one element less from the tail.
So a straightforward mapping is:
sumTakeList :: (Integral i, Num n) => i -> [n] -> n
sumTakeList _ [] = 0
sumTakeList t (x:xs) | t <= 0 = 0
| otherwise = x + sumTakeList (t-1) xs
But you do not need to write such logic yourself, you can combine the take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] builtin with the sum :: Num a => [a] -> a functions:
sumTakeList :: Num n => Int -> [n] -> n
sumTakeList t = sum . take t
Now if you need to sum the first five elements, we can make that a special case:
subList5 :: Num n => [n] -> n
sumList5 = sumTakeList 5
A great resource to see what functions are available and how they work is Hoogle. Here is its page on take and the documentation for the function you want.
As you can see, the name take is taken, but it is a function you can use to implement this.
Note that your sumList needs another argument, the number of elements to sum. the syntax you want is something like:
sumList :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumList n xs = _ $ take n xs
Where the _ are blanks you can fill in yourself. It's a function in the Prelude, but the type signature is a little too complicated to get into right now.
Or you could write it recursively, with two base cases and a third accumulating parameter (by means of a helper function):
sumList :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumList n xs = sumList' n xs 0 where
sumList' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumList' 0 _ a = _ -- A base case.
sumList' _ [] a = _ -- The other base case.
sumList' m (y:ys) a = sumList' _ _ _ -- The recursive case.
Here, the _ symbols on the left of the equals signs should stay there, and mean that the pattern guard ignores that parameter, but the _ symbols on the right are blanks for you to fill in yourself. Again, GHC will tell you the type you need to fill the holes with.
This kind of tail-recursive function is a very common pattern in Haskell; you want to make sure that each recursive call brings you one step closer to the base case. Often, that will mean calling itself with 1 subtracted from a count parameter, or calling itself with the tail of the list parameter as the new list parameter. here, you want to do both. Don't forget to update your running sum, a, when you have the function call itself recursively.
Here's a short-but-sweet answer. You're really close. Consider the following:
The take parameter tells you how many elements you need to sum up, so if you do sumList 0 anything you should always get 0 since you take no elements.
If you want the first n elements, you add the first element to your total and compute the sum of the next n-1 elements.
sumList 0 anything = 0
sumList n [] = 0
sumList n (e:es) = e + sumList (n-1) e

Haskell. Trouble with list of lists

I have list of lists of Int and I need to add an Int value to the last list from the list of lists. How can I do this? My attempt is below
f :: [[Int]] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
f xs [] cur done total = [[]]
f xs xs2 cur done total = do
if total >= length xs2 then
if done == fib cur then
f (xs ++ [[]]) xs2 (cur + 1) 0 total
f ((last xs) ++ [[xs2!!total]]) xs2 cur (done + 1) (total + 1)
The problem is:
We have a list A of Int
And we need to slpit it on N lists B_1 ,..., B_n , length of B_i is i-th Fibonacci number.
If we have list [1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7] (xs2 in my code)
The result should be [[1] , [2] , [3 , 4] , [5 , 6 , 7]]
The easy way to deal with problems like this is to separate the problem into sub-problems. In this case, you want to change the last item in a list. The way you want to change it is by adding an item to it.
First let's tackle changing the last item of a list. We'll do this by applying a function to the last item, but not to any other items.
onLast :: [a] -> (a -> a) -> [a]
onLast xs f = go xs
go [] = []
go [x] = [f x]
go (x:xs) = x:go xs
You want to change the last item in the list by adding an additional value, which you can do with (++ [value]).
Combining the two with the value you want to add (xs2!!total) we get
(onLast xs (++ [xs2!!total]))
f :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [[Int]]
f [] _ = []
f xs i = (take n xs) ++ [[x + i | x <- last xs]]
where n = (length xs) - 1
last = head . (drop n)
For example,
*Main> f [[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 5, 6]] 5
*Main> f [[1, 2, 3]] 5
*Main> f [] 3
You approach uses a do block, this is kind of weird since do blocks are usually used for monads. Furthermore it is rather unclear what cur, done and total are doing. Furthermore you use (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a and length :: [a] -> Int. The problem with these functions is that these run in O(n), so it makes the code inefficient as well.
Based on changed specifications, you want to split the list in buckets with length the Fibonacci numbers. In that case the signature should be:
f :: [a] -> [[a]]
because as input you give a list of numbers, and as output, you return a list of numbers. We can then implement that as:
f :: [a] -> [[a]]
f = g 0 1
where g _ _ [] = []
g a b xs = xa : g b (a+b) xb
where (xa,xb) = splitAt b xs
This generates:
*Main> f [1,2,3,4,5,6]
*Main> f [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
*Main> f [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
*Main> f [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
The code works as follows: we state that f = g 0 1 so we pass the arguments of f to g, but g also gets an 0 and a 1 (the first Fibonacci numbers).
Each iteration g checks whether we reached the end of the list. If so, we return an empty list as well. Otherwise we determine the last Fibonacci number that far (b), and use a splitAt to obtain the first b elements of the list we process, as well as the remainder. We then emit the first part as head of the list, and for the tail we calculate the next Fibonacci number and pass that to g with the tail of splitAt.

Counting even number haskell with list comprehension?

I implemented a function that can count a list of numbers and produces how many even numbers in the list, I implemented using recursion, but I need this time with list comprehension.
I did try using list comprehension, but once I executed the function its just hang and it gives me nothing. Here is my code:
countEven :: (Integral t, Num a) => [t] -> a
countEven [] = 0
countEven (x:xs)
| ev == True = 1 + (countEven xs )
| otherwise = countEven xs
where ev = even x
This is my attempt using list comprehension :
evenList :: (Integral t, Num a) => [t] -> a
evenList xs = countEven [x | x <- [1..]]
List comprehensions can be used to produce other lists, but not counts. Thus, you need to combine a list comprehension with something else, e.g.
countEvens :: [Int] -> Int
countEvens l = length [ x | x <- l, even x ]
Here, the list comprehension just produces a sublist with all the even numbers, and length finishes the job.

Sum the squares of the even numbers from a list in Haskell

I want to sum ​​the squares of the even numbers from a list. I try this but show an error.
sumaDeCuadrados :: [Int] -> Int
sumaDeCuadrados (x:xs) = sumaListAux (map f l) 0
where l = filter even (x:xs)
f = x * x
sumaDeCuadrados _ = 0
and sumaListAux is a function defined as ..
sumaListAux :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumaListAux [] r = r
sumaListAux (x:xs) r = x + sumaListAux xs r
sum ​​the squares of the even numbers from a list.
Haskell is a declarative language in some ways, so you can just declare what these things mean.
-- declare a list
> let list = [1..10]
-- declare what the even elements of a lsit are
> let evens xs = filter even xs
-- declare what the squares of a list are
> let squares xs = map (^2) xs
and the sum is already there, sum. So now your sentence:
sum ​​the squares of the even numbers
can be transposed to:
> sum . squares . evens $ list
The actual problem is, map expects the first argument to be a function, which accepts an integer and returning an integer, but you are passing it an integer. That is why you are getting an error message like this
Couldn't match expected type `Int -> Int' with actual type `Int'
In the first argument of `map', namely `f'
In the first argument of `sumaListAux', namely `(map f l)'
In the expression: sumaListAux (map f l) 0
So, you need to define f as a separate function, so that map can apply that function to l. I would recommend naming the function with something appropriate, like squarer
squarer :: Int -> Int
squarer x = x * x
sumaDeCuadrados xs = sumaListAux (map squarer (filter even xs)) 0
And then you can call it like this
main = print $ sumaDeCuadrados [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-- 20
Building on the answers above, it's possible to do this entirely using higher order functions.
sumEvenSquares :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sumEvenSquares xs = sum(map(^2)(filter even xs))
In this case, you're able to filter the list using the even predicate, and map the function (^2) onto it. From this returned list, you're then able to sum it.