can athena table be created for s3 bucket sub-directories? - amazon-athena

Our s3 buckets generally have a number of sub-directories, so that the path to a bucket is something like s3:top-level-function-group/more-specific-folder/org-tenant-company-id/entityid/actual-data
We're looking into Athena to be able to query against data on that /actual-data level, but within the org-tenant-company-id, so that would have to be passed as some kind of parameter.
Or would that org-tenant-company-id be a partition?
is it possible to create an athena table that queries against this structure? And what would the s3 location be on the create table wizard? I tried it with s3:top-level-function-group/more-specific-folder/ but when it ran, I think it said something like '0 Kb data read'.

You can create a partitioned table as follows, where the partition keys are defined only in the PARTITIONED BY clause, not in the list of table fields:
id int,
stuff string,
orgtenantcompanyid string
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/top-level-function-group/more-specific-folder/';
After creating the table, you can then load individual partitions:
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD PARTITION (orgtenantcompanyid='org1')
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/top-level-function-group/more-specific-folder/org1';
Result rows will contain the partition fields like orgtenantcompanyid.

Yes, it is possible to create tables that only use contents of a specific subdirectory.
It's normal that after creating your table you see 0kb read. That's because no data is read when you CREATE a table.
To check whether you can acutally query the data do something like:
SELECT * FROM <table_name> LIMIT 10
Partitioning only makes sense if the data structure is identical in all the different directories so that the table definition applies to all the data under the location.
And yes, it's possible to use the path structure to create partitions. However, not automatically if it's not in the right format /key=value/. You can use the path as an attribute, though, as explained here: How to get input file name as column in AWS Athena external tables


Renaming AWS glue table column name without changing underlying parquet files

I am having a parquet file with the below structure
I am crawling this file to a table in AWS glue, however in the schema table I want the table structure as below without changing anything in parquet files
I tried updating table structure using boto3
col_list = js['Table']['StorageDescriptor']['Columns']
for x in col_list:
if isinstance(x, dict):
x.update({'Name': x['Name'].replace('column_name_old', 'column_name_new')})
And it works as I can see the table structure updated in Glue catalog, but when I query the table using the new column name I don't get any data as it seems the mapping between the table structure and partition files is lost.
Is this approach even possible or I must change the parquet files itself? If it's possible what I am doing wrong?
You can create a view of the column name mapped to other value.
I believe a change in the column name will break the meta catalogue.

Is it possible delete entire table stored in S3 buckets from athena query?

I want a table to store the history of a object for a week and then replace the same with history of next week. What would be the best way to achieve this in aws?
The data is stored in json format in s3 is a weekly dump. The pipeline runs the script weekly once and dumps data into s3 for analysis. For the next run of the script i do not need the previous week-1 data, so this needs to be replaced with new week-2 data. The schema of the table remains constant but the data keeps changing every week.
I would recommend to use data partitioning to solve your issue without deleting underlying S3 files from previous weeks (which is not possible via an Athena query).
Thus, the idea is to use a partition key based on the date, and then use this partition key in the WHERE clause of your Athena request, which will cause Athena to ignore previous files (which are not under the last partition).
For example, if you use the file dump date as partition key (let's say we chose to name it dump_key), your files will have to be stored in subfolders like
Then, during your data processing, you'll first need to create your table and specify a partition key with the PARTITIONED BY option.
Then, you'll have to make sure you added a new partition using the PARTITION ADD command every time it's necessary for your use case:
ALTER TABLE your_table ADD PARTITION (dump_key='2021-01-07-13-00') location 's3://your-bucket/subfolder/dump_key=2021-01-07-13-00/'
Then you'll be able to query your table by filtering previous data using the right WHERE clause:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE dump_key >= 2021-01-05-00-00
This will cause Athena to ignore files in previous partitions when querying your table.
Documentation here:

Moving a partitioned table across regions (from US to EU)

I'm trying to move a partitioned table over from the US to the EU region but whenever I manage to do so, It doesn't partition the table on the correct column.
The current process that I'm taking is:
Create a Storage bucket in the region that I want the partitioned table to be in
Export the partitioned table over via CSV to the original bucket (within the old region)
Transfer the table across buckets (from the original bucket to the new one)
Create a new table using the CSV from the new bucket (auto-detect schema is on)
bq --location=eu load --autodetect --source_format=CSV table_test_set.test_table [project ID/test_table]
I expect that the column to be partitioned on the DATE column but instead it's partitioned on the column PARTITIONTIME
Also a note that I'm currently doing this with CLI commands. This will need to be redone multiple times and so having reusable code is a must.
When I migrate data from 1 table to another one, I follow this process
I extract the data to GCS (CSV or other format)
I extract the schema to the source table with this command bq show --schema <dataset>.<table>
I create via the GUI the destination table with the edit as text schema and I paste it. I define manually the partition field that I want to use from the schema;
I load the data from GCS to the destination table.
This process has 2 advantages:
When you import a CSV format, you define the REAL type that you want. Remember, in schema autodetect, Bigquery look about 10 or 20 lines and deduce the schema. Often, string fields are set as INTEGER but the first line of my file doesn't contains letter, only numbers (in serial number for example)
You can define your partition fields properly
The process is quite easy to script. I use the GUI for creating destination table, but bq command lines are great for doing the same thing.
After some more digging I managed to find out the solution. By using "--time_partitioning_field [column name]" you are able to partition by a specific column. So the command would look like this:
bq --location=eu --schema [where your JSON schema file is] load --time_partitioning_field [column name] --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON table_test_set.test_table [project ID/test_table]
I also found that using JSON files to make things easier.

Duplicate Table in AWS Glue using AWS Athena

I have a table in AWS Glue which uses an S3 bucket for it's data location. I want to execute an Athena query on that existing table and use the query results to create a new Glue table.
I have tried creating a new Glue table, pointing it to a new location in S3, and piping the Athena query results to that S3 location. This almost accomplishes what I want, but
a .csv.metadata file is put in this location along with the actual .csv output (which is read by the Glue table as it reads all files in the specified s3 location).
The csv file places double quotes around each field, which ruins any fieldSchema defined in the Glue Table that uses numbers
These services are all designed to work together, so there must be a proper way to accomplish this. Any advice would be much appreciated :)
The way to do that is by using CTAS query statements.
A CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) query creates a new table in Athena from the results of a SELECT statement from another query. Athena stores data files created by the CTAS statement in a specified location in Amazon S3.
For example:
CREATE TABLE new_table
external_location = 's3://my_athena_results/new_table_files/'
) AS (
-- Here goes your normal query
There are some limitations though. However, for your case the most important are:
The destination location for storing CTAS query results in Amazon S3 must be empty.
The same applies to the name of new table, i.e. it shouldn't exist in AWS Glue Data Catalog.
In general, you don't have explicit control of how many files will be created as a result of CTAS query, since Athena is a distributed system.
However, can try this to use "this workaround" which uses bucketed_by and bucket_count fields within WITH clause
CREATE TABLE new_table
external_location = 's3://my_athena_results/new_table_files/',
) AS (
-- Here goes your normal query
Apart from creating a new files and defining a table associated with you can also convert your data to a different file formats, e.g. Parquet, JSON etc.
I guess you have to change ur ser-de. If you are querying csv data either opencsvserde or lazysimple serde should work for you.

Amazon Athena not able to read data from partition

I am working on partition in athena. I have a directory in s3 where date wise files are placed. I am trying to create a date partitioned table and set the location of each partition to the file of that date. Although the set location query for partition is running successfully, I am not able to see data in that partition through select query.
After executing below query i can see the data :
alter table tbl_name partition (date='2018-05-28') set location 's3://bucket_name//test/'
But not after executing this :
alter table tbl_name partition (date='2018-05-28') set location 's3://bucket_name//test/test.csv'
Thus if i set location to a directory it is able to pick data but not when setting location to a file.
But I need to set the location of a partition to a file name. This is working prefectly in Hive. Need Help for athena.
If your have the folder structure like this,
Then you can create partition like,
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD
PARTITION (YEAR = '2018', MONTH='04', day='02') LOCATION 'S3://bucket/myfodler/logs/2018/04/02'
In your case,
s3://bucket_name//test/test.csv -is not a proper structure to create the partition.
If you share your s3 folder structure, then I can try to help you on this.
For more about Athena partition: Read Here