Facebook Messenger Chatbot Custom Event Tracking - facebook-graph-api

I am trying to log custom events with a Facebook Chatbot I have developed, however I cannot for the life of me find a reference for the custom_events types.
The example listed on their reference shows fb_mobile_purchase as a custom eventName. I don't want that, and I can't find anywhere that lists other types.
I want to be able to track when the chatbot sends the user a specific message, but just setting the eventName to anything results in an event name in the Analytics as Reserved5.
Is there a reference to eventNames anywhere within Facebook Documentation?

You could consider using Chatbase for bot analytics (free to use), which has a Custom Events API.

Currently the docs give this as an example request:
var request = require('request');
url : "https://graph.facebook.com/<app_id>/activities",
form: {
custom_events: JSON.stringify([{
_eventName: "fb_mobile_purchase",
_valueToSum: 55.22,
_fb_currency: 'USD'
advertiser_tracking_enabled: 0,
application_tracking_enabled: 0,
extinfo: JSON.stringify(['mb1']),
page_id: <page_id>,
page_scoped_user_id: recipientId
}, function(err,httpResponse,body){
So, when the bot is sending that specific message you want to keep an eye out for, fire that message but with a different _eventName, and if needed other parameters.
Keep in mind, by recipientId they mean the PSID of the user the bot is sending the message to.


Facebook not giving useful information in webhook

I have implemented Facebook webhook successfully by https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/webhooks/
I have subscribed to But it is missing useful information, It gives me following response
The JSON is for example:
But I want to track what actions happen on user's post which posted by my application. Here on every action it gives me feed in changed_fields. Its pretty useless for me
Basically I want to track like, comment and share of the posts for users in real time which shared from my software/app. I have subscribed to this reference https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/webhooks/reference/user/
I know for page it is working through webhook but how can I track user's post data with the webhook?
Can anyone suggest where I am doing wrong?

FB user button onClick event attend [duplicate]

I would like to make possibility for attending to event in Facebook feed view in my app. Is it possible by POST-request of Graph API?
IF it´s still possible, then by just doing a POST request to the attending endpoint. For example, with the JS SDK:
FB.api('/[event-id]/attending', 'POST', function(response){
Afaik it was possible earlier, and you would need the rsvp_event permission for this.
Edit: I just tried it in the API Explorer, it definitely works: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=POST&path=[event-id]%2Fattending&version=v2.5 (of course you need to replace the event ID)

Communicating over Messenger on behalf of another user's page

I want to make a Messenger bot with Messenger platform. But this bot needs to be connected to other Facebook users' pages, not my own page. I have a Facebook app with Messenger configured. I want to let other Facebook users who are page owners to give my application a permission to post on behalf of their pages through Messenger, as well as receive messages from their pages on my app's webhook.
The Messenger Platform docs only explain how to post on behalf of your own page.
Is is possible to make this through Graph API + Messenger Platform or something else? And maybe with a few pointers how?
This is how I send my messages:
uri: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages',
qs: { access_token: PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN },
method: 'POST',
json: messageData
So I think if you would just need them to supply you with their page access token, and then you could send messages as their page through your bot.
EDIT: I guess this only answers how to send messages as them. To receive messages too you'd need to somehow subscribe your webhook to their page, which I think you need to be an admin of to do, so I'm not sure receiving their pages messages is possible through a straightforward system like what I'm suggesting. There may be other more complex workarounds though.
EDIT2: Maybe you can give them your webhook URL and have them verify and subscribe it for you

Getting an Access Token Without User Login in Facebook Graph API?

I am working with facebook graph api rsvp_event. I am using javascript SDK. Everything works great when the user is logged in. But when the user is not logged in, it gives an error.
I need information about who is attending a public event. I now understand that I would need an access token to retrieve this information. So, my question is how do I get the access token if no user is logged in? Is it impossible or is there a workaround? Could it be done server side using app_id and client_secret?
I am developing a ColdFusion page, but I can use PHP if needed. I have support for both.
I have heard the term *offline_access_permission*. They have removed this feature. Could it be done when it was still available?
Could this be achieved by test user? Say, on server side I login via test user, get the event information (Just a "get" request to read who is attending an event) and then log off. On the client side I do the rest ( user login, rsvp to an event).
I don't know much about "test user" or its purpose. Can anyone confirm whether this can be achieved or not?
Thanks in advance.
Are you sure you actually need the user's access token? According to documentation here you may need:
- a generic access_token for public events (those whose privacy is set to OPEN)
- a user access_token for a user who can see the event for non-public events
- an app access_token (for non-public events, must be the app that created the event)
- a page access_token (for non-public events, must be the page that created the event)
You can get info on how to get those tokens here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/concepts/login/access-tokens-and-types/
A good idea could be to store the attending users (in the DB) when you have access to the event - when some user is logged in.
UPDATE for getting the data from FileContent.
I don't know what API response exactly you are referring to, but from my experience they are returning data:
- serialized using JSON - you need to use DeserializeJSON(), for example like this:
local.returnStruct = DeserializeJSON( local.requestResult.FileContent );
local.returnStruct = DeserializeJSON( local.requestResult.FileContent.toString() );
send as something similar to URI. I'm using a function to get that data:
function getStructFromQueryString( queryString ) {
var ret = StructNew();
var i = 0;
var key = '';
for(i=1; i LTE ListLen(arguments.queryString,'&'); i++) {
key = ListGetAt(arguments.queryString, i, '&');
ret[ListFirst(key,'=')] = URLDecode(ListLast(key,"="));
return ret;
Basically what you want is a refresh token that can get access tokens when the user is offline, unfortunately facebook does not provide them anymore as far as i know.
To learn more about oauth2 pleas play around with https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ its a very nice tool to understand the oauth2 process.

Getting notifications of managed page using Graph API

Is there any way to get notifications of a managed page just as it can be done for users?
For a user I'd trivially trigger a GET request to /me/notifications. I've tried doing the same for a managed page (using the access token provided by /me/accounts), that is triggering a GET to //notifications?access_token= but I get a "Unsupported get request" error message, which I guess means that the notifications connection is not available for pages.
Is there any way to get this via Graph? The web page has a notifications link/shortcut for each managed page.
Per the graph API Explorer, here are the connections you can access of the page, and unfortunately notifications is not currently on their list:
However, you could try fql?q=
SELECT notification_id, sender_id, title_html, body_html, href
FROM notification
WHERE recipient_id=me()
I used a valid PAGE access token and was able to get back data....
"data": [
"notification_id": "nnnnnnnnnnnn",
"sender_id": nnnnnnnnn,
"title_html": "xxxxxxx posted on Beer's timeline.",
"body_html": "",
"href": "http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=nnnnnnn&id=nnnnnnnn"