Copy List Item to Folder in Seperate List - list

I have two lists, List A and List B. I have folders in List B. Can I set up a workflow that copies list items from List A to a specific folder in List B?

Yes but it does'nt seem the most appropriate.
You could use a custom action available in the ribbon or in the edit control block.
When you select a folder, you click on this custom action and launch a javascript function or a postback. And then, you program your copy.
Custom action :
Code example to move folder:
Moving a SharePoint folder and contents to different location in same Document Library


Create Type of Region Plug-In based on "List" Type of Region

I need to create a Type of Region Plug-In based on List Type of Region.
Standard List gets a List Navigation Shared Component and creates, for example, Card elements as a HTML tags with some href defined in the chosen Shared Component: List. But I need the ability to redefine all a elements as button elements and give them custom CSS classes and HTML attributes for each child element of a List region (for each button), not the List region itself. For example, to create a Menu Popup Card in the similar way as for a button (as described in this tutorial).
But I could not find any way to create a Plug-In with List settings by default but with ability to edit and add custom settings for my plug-in. Neither I found any existing plug-ins in community.
How to do it? Am I missing something?
No need to create a plug-in. If you need a custom Cards template for a region with List type, then go to Shared Components > User Interface > Templates and create it there as copy of Cards, then edit.
Damn it, why APEX is so hard to google? :D

Configuring Global Toolbar on Siebel CRM

I have a requirement to remove some Global Tool Bar Item such as Apply Target List and Save Target List on Siebel CRM. Other Toolbar such as sitemap and query should stay.
But I cant figure the configuration. I have tried the following Object Definitions
1. Menu
2. Toolbar
3. Class.
I can't find Apply target list and Save Target List.
Although I did find apply target list and save target list under
Menu> Generic Web> Menu Items object definition.
I inactivated and compiled.
But the two Icons still appear on the Global tool bar.
Under Toolbar->HIMain-> ApplyTargetList & SaveTargetList are items. Did you try disabling them ?
Also , please look under Class [CSSSWEFrameList]
If you still cannot remove the Items and are using OpenUI, it could be possible to add a simple CSS rule to hide the entry in the menu list.

SharePoint - List of Folders

I'm trying to implement a list where the only item type is a folder. If someone click "New" they are brought to a form that allows them to enter a folder name, description, and select either "Active" or "Inactive" from a drop-down menu. Inside the folder I want a simple list with only 2 columns.
I tried making a custom Folder content type with the columns I needed and making it the default content type. This seems to work to make the list of folders. Once I go inside the folder and try to change the internal view/list setting (I don't want to use the custom folder content type inside the folder...i just need 2 simple columns) it changes the settings for the list of folders as well. Is there any way for the internal list to have different settings than its parent?
I don't know if this issue is still relevant, but maybe someone else will find my answer useful.
I used to implement a list that contains only folders in the root, which in order can contain few item based content types.
There was two event receivers for FeatureActivated and ItemAdded events, which changes UniqueContentTypeOrder property (the list of content types available for user to create) of the lists root folder and a folder being created respectively. Like this:
List<SPContentType> ctl = new List<SPContentType>();
foreach (SPContentType ct in lst.ContentTypes) if (ct.Id.IsChildOf(SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Folder)) ctl.Add(ct);
lst.RootFolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = ctl;
Also, I designated different available list views for root folder and the folders it contains, by specifying ContentTypeID attribute for a View definition.
Unfortunately, no. Since SharePoint is Lists are not relational data, the only options to you are allowing several Content Types. If a content type is available to the list, it's available to the entire list (root, and sub-folders).
One possibility to model what you are trying to accomplish relies on SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. Infopath allows you to customize the New Item Form for a List. It might be possible to edit the form such that it only allows Folders on the Top Level, and List Items within a folder, but I don't know for sure - it's been a while since I customized a List Form with Infopath.

Moving items between folders in a SharePoint 2010 list

Is there a way to move items or folders around in a SharePoint 2010 list? Either in Designer or SharePoint? I have a single list, with multiple levels of folders and items within those folders. Can I move an item and/or folder containing items to a different folder within that list without being required to delete the items and/or folder and manually recreate the item/folder in the new desired location? It seems like that would be desirable functionality for list maintenance.
Open your list in Windows Explorer. In the Ribbon on the Libary tab in "Connect & Export" - "Open with Explorer. I than add it to my favoirites so I do not have to go into SharePoint
Have you tried using the Manage Content and Structure tool:
If possible, you can try some third-part tools such as BoostSolutions list transfer, hope it can help you to solve this issue.

Do I Have To Recreate Custom List Forms If I Recreate The List?

I had made a list and created a custom list form (Insert -> Sharepoint Controls -> Custom List Form). Then, I completely deleted the list (but copied the custom list form) and then recreated it, having changed a few fields. There is only one field I'm concerned with on my custom list form and it hasn't changed in name or datatype and the list name hasn't changed either. Do I need to regenerate (and then customize) the Custom List Form or can I just use the copy I made and cut/paste it back into the list folder?
Well, no one answered and I have a solution that works well enough. I just don't know if it's optimal:
Copy the old/current list GUID.
Delete and recreate the list.
Copy the new list GUID.
For each custom list form, find and replace the old list GUID with the new list GUID.
Remove/Update any references to the data parameters near the beginning of the list form web part.
Remove/Update any references to the parameters in the actual fields.