how to initialize GLUT in a premade window - opengl

I was wondering if I can initialize glut in a window I made before in visual c++ , because I tried to initialize openGl using the pixel format descriptor and failed multiple times , so my question is how to initialize GLUT in a specific size in a large window
Because I want to put some buttons and text boxes near the glut viewport

By using (Free)GLUT, you have essentially given up control over the specifics of things like window creation. GLUT has no mechanism to "adopt" a window provided by the user.
So if you want to create the window yourself, you have to also have to manage it yourself, with all the OpenGL context creation stuff that entails.


Can I clip DirectX viewport into a single win32 control and use it together with other controls?

I was drawing triangles in D3D.
Doing that, I noticed that I always used the whole window for rendering and what if I want to create editor for something or 2D game engine or similar that requires GUI controls? Should I put separated dialog boxes that contain that controls (as shown on this image) or I should just clip this viewport into certain place on window or control such as on this example:
I tried to use static control handle for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC::OutputWindow instead of main window handle and program crashed. And this made me very confused.
I didn't provide code because there are identical examples of initializing DirectX.

How to make an existing X11 window OpenGL ready?

I can't seem to find an example of creating an OpenGL context off of an existing X11 Window. Every example I find creates a window that is already OpenGL ready by providing the necessary visual attributes (via glXChooseVisual or glXChooseFBConfig). What if I already have an existing window (referenced via Display* and Window) and want to change the Colormap and XVisualInfo for the Window for OpenGL rendering? Think ChoosePixelFormat and SetPixelFormat on Windows when creating an OpenGL context. Is this even possible in X11? Do I have to create a Window that's already ready for OpenGL?

disable window resize in opengl c++

Is it possible to disable a window resize created with opengl using c++? I'm looking for this because I'm trying to draw a graph and the letters in the scale (or title) will have their position changed after a resize.
That can't be done in OpenGL without a windowing API. Using GLUT, you can call glutReshapeWindow in the reshape callback to reset the size when the user tries to change it. Alternatively, if you don't need it windowed, go fullscreen via glutFullScreen to stop the user from reshaping the window.
As far as I know that's the only portable way to do it.
Hope this helps.

Creating a program that creates a full screen overlay

I want to write a program that would create a transparent overlay filling the entire screen in Windows 7, preferably with C++ and OpenGL. Though, if there is an API written in another language that makes this super easy, I would be more than willing to use that too. In general, I assume I would have to be able to read the pixels that are already on the screen somehow.
Using the same method screen capture software uses to get the pixels from the screen and then redrawing them would work initially, but the problem would then be if the screen updates. My program would then have to minimize/close and reappear in order for me to be able to read the underlying pixels.
Windows Vista introduced a new flag into the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR: PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION. If the OpenGL context is created with an alpha channel, i.e. AlphaBits of the PFD is nonzero, the alpha channel of the OpenGL framebuffer is respected by the Windows compositor.
Then by creating a full screen, borderless, undecorated window you get this exakt kind of overlay you desire. However this window will still receive all input events, so you'll have to do some grunt work and pass on all input events to the underlying windows manually.

Can I make an X11 window OpenGL capable after it has been created?

I want to be able to render to an X Window given just its id.
In this case I have a window created in python by gtk.
I can get the window ID of a gtk.Drawable and pass it into my C python module, but can I then make OpenGL calls render to it?
I am aware of gtkglext, but would rather not use it if possible.
Update 1:
Ok, so (rather obviously now that I see it) You just do an XCreateWindow with a parent of the Window id that you get from gtk.window.xid, using the correct flags for an opengl window, and hey presto.
The only problem is I can't get it to work if there are not multiple widgets in the window, otherwise it seems that the xid represents a window that covers the entire toplevel window. Not sure how to rectify this.
Update 2:
It turns out that if you have a gl window that is the same size as the toplevel then the toplevel window will not get expose events until the gl window has its buffers swapped. You just have to keep swapping the buffers and things wil be fine.
Update 3:
To answer #babele's comment:
This page in the python gtk docs say how to make a gtk window from an existing xid. After that you just have to remeber to keep calling glXSwapBuffers for that window (if it is an opengl buffered window, otherwise it should just work when you use window_foreign_new).
So the process goes:
Create a gtk widget that will contain your OpenGL window (a DrawingArea is a good choice - you can't use eg a label as it won't have its own xid)
Get the widget's gtk.gdk.Window (docs)
Get the xid from the gtk.gdk.Window (call this window W1)
Pass it to your C/C++ code
Create the opengl capable window (W2) as a child of W1
Pass the xid of W2 back to python
Use window_foreign_new with W2's xid to create the new gtk.gdk.window object
Each time you call glXSwapBuffers on W2 gtk should then be able to react to expose events.
One bit that really threw me is that if W2 covers the whole of W1 then W1 won't receive events until W2's buffers get swapped. This is particularly confusing if W1 is a top-level window as it can be that nothing appears on your screen at all (the window is there but it looks like whatever is behind it until it gets painted to, which won't happen until it gets an expose event).
Also note that you'll have to manually manage the resizing of W2 by connecting to the gtk resize events. You can do this by connecting to this signal, then calling this function in the handler and passing the results to your c/c++ module where you can resize W2 appropriately. Its a good idea to request a minimum size.
You don't need to create a new window, you pass an existing window to glXMakeCurrent().
In your current setup you'd need to:
XGetWindowAttributes() to retrieve the visual the window was created with
glXCreateContext() using this visual
glXMakeCurrent() using this context and the window id
However, this is doing it backwards, forcing OpenGL to use the visual used for CreateWindow. This often works because the default visual has sane GLX properties, but a correct application will glXChooseVisual with desired GLX properties, then use that visual to create the window.