Sorry, we're having trouble reaching the server - sharepoint-2013

We have restore site from dev machine to staging. We have list in our site with people picker which is working fine on dev, but on staging it is showing message "Sorry, we're having trouble reaching the server.".
I have try to create one more people picker column in list(Stag), but new column also giving same error.
If i create new list on new column to other list(stag), it is working fine.
Can any one please help me in that.

We are facing this issue due to SP.js file is available on NewForm.aspx page with other js files.
There is some discrepancy while loading the page and error occurs. It is working for us when we removed the reference of SP.js file.

This worked for me
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication https://<web adderss>
$newdomain = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPeoplePickerSearchActiveDirectoryDomain
$newdomain.DomainName ='<Domain Name like>';
$newdomain.ShortDomainName ='<net bios name (optional)>';
$newdomain.LoginName ='domain\Farm Account'
To verify


Coldfusion per application mapping randomly fails

In my application.cfc file I have the following code:
this.mappings["/includes"] = "#expandPath('../../priv/inc/')#";
and then on a page I have the following CF include set up:
<cfinclude template="/includes/imageOptimise-thumbnail.cfm">
For the majority of the time when the page is submitted the imageOptimise-thumbnail page runs without any issue but occasionally it will error saying that it can't find the imageOptimise-thumbnail.cfm. If I resubmit the page, chances are it will work but the question is, why is it sometimes not being able to find the page?
I had a look in the CF Admin and I can't see anything in the logs saying that there was an error but it is clearly showing a Coldfusion 'template not found' error message when it fails.
Anyone got any ideas?
I think your issues stem from the fact that the path used for the mapping is relative.
According to advice in ColdFusion Mappings and Relative Paths,
the moral of the story is to NEVER use expandPath() to create a
mapping that’s relative to the webroot.
Try to make the webroot static as the blog suggests
<cfset this.mappings["/myapplication"] =getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())
and navigate to /priv/inc/ from the webroot

POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

I am new to opencart. Some how I managed to create a website after reading online tutorial.
The website was worked well, but since two day the add to cart button is not working. Its showing some error on console. I tried different browser but same result.
Here I attached the screenshot.
The website is
Any tips or hint is appreciated :)
I also having the similar issue, please check your
For my case, I installed a new extension, and it shows and error
2017-06-25 9:49:03 - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: checkCart in /Users/Shiro/Sites/opencart/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_controller_checkout_cart.php on line 724
When I check ajax response, it does not show the error, it is due to production display error off, so finally, I manage to find out it is just a PHP Notice can break the system.
Once I fix the undefined variable notice, my ajax no more error. Everything back to normal. I hope this solution is helped.

opencart: I can edit order but cannot delete it. (with Error log)

I use opencart version
Everytime I click admin > sales > order, it will pop up "error undefined." By closing that popup window, I can still edit order but cannot delete order (no response).
In my log, there is:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: order_id in
/var/www/html/opencart2101/system/storage/modification/admin/view/template/sale/order_list.tpl on line 821
The line 821 is:
url: 'index.php?route=extension/openbay/addorderinfo&token=<?php echo $token; ?>&order_id=<?php echo $order_id; ?>&status_id=' + status_id,
However, I haven't installed any openbay related module. Also, line 821 is inside <!-- --> mark. It should have no effect.
Although this is now an older version of opencart, I still see this being reported a lot around and about.
The problem occurs due to the store front adding the http url rather than the https url to the order. So firstly you need to fix that. If you dont want to read all of my explanation, you can just hit up the bold points :)
Either way BACKUP EVERYTHING actually not really, back up the file you are going to edit and backup your whole database.
catalog/controller/checkout/confirm.php at around line 100
$order_data['store_url'] = HTTP_SERVER;
Change to:
$order_data['store_url'] = HTTPS_SERVER;
Now you will want to fix your database because for reasons I cannot fathom, the domain name is placed in the order along with the stores id. and when editing orders it is the usage of that directly within your admin order page that throws up the undefined notice. Basically the browser blocks the request because its trying to make an insecure request from a secure page.
Crack open phpmyadmin or whatever database tool you have on hand.
locate the table, default is oc_orders
Browsing the table, look for the column that contains your store url (i cant remember the name off hand, i think its just store_url but it will be obvious anyway. if you are multi store you will need to run the query for each
I am sure somebody can come up with a clever way to automatically convert just the http into https with a single use sql query on the one column, but this works for me.
Run SQL: adjust as appropriate
UPDATE `oc_orders` SET `store_url` = '' WHERE store_id = 0;

cfdocument tag suddenly throwing "This function should be called while holding treeLock." error

I have an application that contains a form which, until recently, I was able to save as a PDF using cfdocument. A few weeks ago we swapped out a server. The old server was running CF 9.0.1. The new server is CF 10. Since then, I've been getting this error when I try to save this particular form as a PDF.
An exception occurred when performing document processing. The cause
of this exception was that:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: This function should be called while
holding treeLock.
I have another page in the application that saves PDFs just fine. It's just this page that's throwing the error. I can't find anything about TreeLock anywhere on the web (at least, nothing that pertains to ColdFusion).
Has anyone else run into this, and if so, how did you fix it? Thanks!
I started getting the error upon promoting a new version. Rendered the content in HTML. Found I had forgotten to promote an image (got the dreaded X for image). Promoted the image, cfdocument pdf works again. (I'm using localUrl="yes")
In other words, you can debug CF errors that halt the process but cfdocument pdf blithely assumes HTML content you supply is correct and complete.
I had the same problem and by process of elimination found that cfdocument doesn't like textarea elements within the form. It is fine with input type=text, but whenever I tried to add textarea elements it fell over with this error. Hope this helps someone

opencart category parent Undefined variable: entry_parent

Im really stressing out on this one, unable to get a fix. Just installed opencart in a sub-folder/ sub-directory and wordpress in the root. Got everything to run fine, currently sharing the same DB. I know its not wise, however im testing. I hit a problem when editing categories, no matter what i try i cannot remove this error when trying to add a category parent under
admin panel->catalog->categories-> data
you should see a nested dropdown table. However instead im greeted with a terrible error in place of this much needed function. Please could somebody assist thats preferably an opencart guru or php whiz.
Here is my error message:
Notice: Undefined variable: entry_parent in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 54