Facebook Graph API in workplace: group post with mentioning users - facebook-graph-api

How do I mention a user in a post in the 2.8 version Graph API in Facebook Workplace?
params: message=test

Parameters: message=test and tag=userid of the person you want to tag.


How to post a photo to a page with a tagged Product via Graph API v12.0?

We have a Facebook Shop and a Business Page, and are using Facebook Graph API to create Photo posts on the Business Page using the Javascript SDK running in a browser. How do you include the tagged Product in the Create Photo request?
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/photo/ mentions a tags field you can pass which is described as "Tags on this photo", however it has a tag_uid "The user_id of the tagged person". Is this tags field how you are supposed to tag a product?
A similar question from 2017 was not answered and is so old I thought I'd post a new one: Publish new facebook post with tagged product
What we've tried so far
To get a list of our products, we can use GET ${businessId}/owned_product_catalogs to retrieve a list of catalogs, and then GET ${productCatId/products with a filter: '{"custom_label_0":{"eq":"something_to_match"}}' to get a specific product in the catalog. So now we have the ID of a product we want to tag e.g. "4378279312278116". (we happen to use custom_label_x fields meaningfully, of course the filter could have been something else but this works for us)
To create the photo post, we can POST /${account.id}/photos with a payload like:
{ caption: 'Test caption',
url: image_url,
access_token: account.access_token,
tags: [
tag_uid: "4378279312278116",
tag_text: 'Test tag',
x: 10, y: 10
This request completes OK and does post the photo, but nothing is tagged on it when we view it on our page.
Trying to read the photo with GET ${photo_id} only returns basic infomation fields created_time, id, name. I can't see how to read further fields on the photo object to check if the tags data was associated with it correctly.
Any advice please?

How to get Facebook ad permalink using Facebook APi

When using ads manager, you can preview ad. There is also a hyperlink which goes View post permalink with comments. Is there any way to get that link using API
First you must get the creative that's targeted by the ad.
$ad = new Ad($ad_id);
Then get the info from the creative.
$creative = new AdCreative($ad->creative['id']);
Then $creative->effective_object_story_id will contain an ID that would look like xxxxxxxxxxxxx_yyyyyyyyyyyyy, where x is the ID of the page, and y is the id of the post/video/etc.
If you just go to https://facebook.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxx_yyyyyyyyyyyyy it should redirect you to the correct post
Hope this helps someone.

Available fields in Facebook Graph API when POST'ing to feed?

It's possible to both query (GET) or create (POST) a post on a users timeline/feed. But as far as I can see, the documentation only lists the possible fields you get back when querying - not which of those fields it's possible to set when doing a POST.
Can anybody link to a complete list of fields that I can set during a POST to https://graph.facebook.com/arjun/feed
See the posts connection on the User object. Required is only message or link.
As found at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ under
Publishing section:
Method: /PROFILE_ID/feed
Description: Publish a new post on the given profile's feed/wall
Arguments: message, picture, link, name, caption, description, source, place, tags

Graph API equivalent for sharing photo?

Trying to create a wall post with photo attached. Photo is a Facebook-hosted photo within some album.
Problem here - Facebook won't allow including facebook-hosted content in posts ((#100) FBCDN image is not allowed in stream )
From the Web UI, it's possible to "Share" a photo on my wall - that's almost what i need but i don't know the Graph API equivalent for that operation (if there's any)
Any help appreciated.
The answer is "me/links"
passing http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=** as a link
With the Graph API you can share the photo as a link.
this is the documentation:
You need send a POST request to me/feed/. And indeed send the link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=[the id of the photo]
Make sure the publish_stream permission is allowed for the access_token.
with Jquery this is an example:
link: 'http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=[THE_PHOTO_ID],
access_token: [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
function(result) { console.log('shared'); },

Login with Facebook API

I have successfully created login with Facebook API, when user logins auth token is returned. But how can I get user details from Facebook API? What kind of query I have to make to Facebook API to get logged in users name etc. details ?
Simply use 'me' to denote the logged in user and use the access_token to access all permitted resources like:
Also you can access all permitted fields using below:
Friends: https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=...
News feed: https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token=...
Profile feed (Wall): https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=...
Likes: https://graph.facebook.com/me/likes?access_token=...
Movies: https://graph.facebook.com/me/movies?access_token=...
Music: https://graph.facebook.com/me/music?access_token=...
Books: https://graph.facebook.com/me/books?access_token=...
Notes: https://graph.facebook.com/me/notes?access_token=...
Permissions: https://graph.facebook.com/me/permissions?access_token=...
Photo Tags: https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos?access_token=...
Photo Albums: https://graph.facebook.com/me/albums?access_token=...
Video Tags: https://graph.facebook.com/me/videos?access_token=...
Video Uploads: https://graph.facebook.com/me/videos/uploaded?access_token=...
Events: https://graph.facebook.com/me/events?access_token=...
Groups: https://graph.facebook.com/me/groups?access_token=...
Checkins: https://graph.facebook.com/me/checkins?access_token=...
Full information is here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/