Update newly created record on client after successfully processing the Create request on server - infragistics

Please, consider following scenario:
IgniteUI 16.1 igGrid powered with igGridUpdating feature and RESTDataSource
User creates a new record through modal dialog
Post request is initiated with form data
Server processes the create request and returns an object, populated with correct ID
In success handler on the client side, the newly added in the grid row has to be found and updated with correct ID returned from the server.
The ID column serves as a grid's primary key and it's hidden
What happens when a new row is adding?
We are watching infragistics.lob-16.1.js
In _dialogOpening(), row 68167, _originalValues are computed via $.extend(this._originalValues, values, this._originalValues), where values = _getDefaultValues() or with other words values.id = this._pkVal. And _pkVal is a counter that is incremented each time when a new row appears.
Keeping that in mind, later, _endEditDialog() is called, where newValues, representing the entered data by the user, are merged with default values of the input form: newValues = this._getNewValuesForRow(colElements) followed by newValues = $.extend({}, prevValues, newValues) and prevValues are the same _originalValues from above.
Then an _addRow() is called, which calls on its run grid.dataSource.addRow() and a transaction is created.
My point here is the updating feature generates ID automatically for the new row and ID = CurrentRowsCount + 1.
So, if the grid contains 8 records, then newly created record will automatically be assigned with ID = 9. And imagine, if one of existing records has an ID = 9, then igGridUpdating's updateRow(rowId, values) will update both rows, existing and the new one. And I realy want to call this method in order to update the row with the data, returned from the server.
How could I intervene in the whole picture and accomplish the update of the new row?

The auto-generated primary keys are only meant to cover the most basic scenarios. If your app supports row deletion you should change them with something that will keep them unique using the generatePrimaryKeyValue event.
Using updateRow after receiving the permanent keys from the server is the way to go, however, remember to pop the transaction from the allTransactions array so the update doesn't go to the server on the next saveChanges call.


Google Cloud Datastore - get after insert in one request

I am trying to retrieve an entity immediately after it was saved. When debugging, I insert the entity, and check entities in google cloud console, I see it was created.
Key key = datastore.put(fullEntity)
After that, I continue with getting the entity with
, but nothing is returned. How do I retrieve the saved entity within one request?
I've read this question Missing entities after insertion in Google Cloud DataStore
but I am only saving 1 entity, not tens of thousands like in that question
I am using Java 11 and google datastore (com.google.cloud.datastore. package)*
edit: added code how entity was created
public Key create.... {
// creating the entity inside a method
Transaction txn = this.datastore.newTransaction();
this.datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
Builder<IncompleteKey> builder = newBuilder(entitykey);
setLongOrNull(builder, "price", purchase.getPrice());
setTimestampOrNull(builder, "validFrom", of(purchase.getValidFrom()));
setStringOrNull(builder, "invoiceNumber", purchase.getInvoiceNumber());
setBooleanOrNull(builder, "paidByCard", purchase.getPaidByCard());
newPurchase = entityToObject(this.datastore.put(builder.build()));
if (newPurchase != null && purchase.getItems() != null && purchase.getItems().size() > 0) {
for (Item item : purchase.getItems()) {
newPurchase.getItems().add(this.itemDao.save(item, newPurchase));
return newPurchase.getKey();
after that, I am trying to retrieve the created entity
Key key = create(...);
Entity e = datastore.get(key)
I believe that there are a few issues with your code, but since we are unable to see the logic behind many of your methods, here comes my guess.
First of all, as you can see on the documentation, it's possible to save and retrieve an entity on the same code, so this is not a problem.
It seems like you are using a transaction which is right to perform multiple operations in a single action, but it doesn't seem like you are using it properly. This is because you only instantiate it and close it, but you don't put any operation on it. Furthermore, you are using this.datastore to save to the database, which completely neglects the transaction.
So you either save the object when it has all of its items already added or you create a transaction to save all the entities at once.
And I believe you should use the entityKey in order to fetch the added purchase afterwards, but don't mix it.
Also you are creating the Transaction object from this.datastore before instantiating the latter, but I assume this is a copy-paste error.
Since you're creating a transaction for this operation, the entity put should happen inside the transaction:
Also, the operations inside the loop where you add the purchase.getItems() to the newPurchase object should also be done in the context of the same transaction.
Let me know if this resolves the issue.

EmberJS client side record management (ember-data)

I have just started trying to use ember-data. I have an ember app for which I need to produce all the data on the client side and then save it all at once. So my object graph has a "Project" as the root object, then a project can have many "Sections" and then each section can have many "Items".
I am up to the stage where I am trying to create Item records on the client side and add them to the correct Section. When I am ready to save the data I just want to use project.save() and have it go and save the object graph instead of saving every time the model changes.
I am trying to look up the section to place the items in by name using store.filter({name:"section1"}) but ember keeps trying to go to the server to look them up. I see this in the console: GET http://localhost:4200/sections?name=Section1 404 (Not Found).
This is what I am trying to do:
store.filter('section', {name:'Section1'}, function(section) {
return section;
var record;
//create a record
You are doing server side filtering and you want client side filtering.
Please read this article carefully.
In short, you should do
store.filter('section', function(section) {
return section.get('name') == 'Section1';

Sitecore 7 Analytics increase engagement value programatically

I am working on implementing sitecore DMS in 7.2 and I'm having one main issue for which I seem to be having a hard time finding an answer. I have some goals and events set up and I am attempting to set one off through the Analytics API. The event is being logged as being set off in the PageEventId database, but what I am trying to do is add Engagement Value to the current visit/visitor.
I'm looking to update the Value field in the Visits database for the current visit. Here is what I am currently using:
public static void triggerGoal(ID goal)
if (Tracker.IsActive && Tracker.CurrentPage != null)
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item goalToTrigger = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(goal);
if (goalToTrigger != null)
Sitecore.Analytics.Data.Items.PageEventItem reg = new Sitecore.Analytics.Data.Items.PageEventItem(goalToTrigger);
Sitecore.Analytics.Data.DataAccess.DataSets.VisitorDataSet.PageEventsRow eventData =
eventData.Data = goalToTrigger["Description"];
This updates the PageEventId database properly, noting that the event has been triggered, but this adds no Engagement Value to the Visits database, regardless of how many engagement points are assigned to the Goad that is being triggered.
I've tried various ways of getting the API to update this field, but nothing has worked for me so far. Here are a bunch of the different things I've tried:
Tracker.CurrentVisit.Value += 3; //look up value here instead of hardcoding. Create new PageEventItem class to get field ID.
Tracker.CurrentPage.Visit.Value += 3;
Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Value += 3;
Tracker.CurrentVisit.CurrentPage.Visit.Value += 3;
Tracker.CurrentVisit.CurrentPage.VisitorsRow.Value += 3;
I've used different combinations of using the AcceptChanges() and BeginEdit() EndEdit() and Load() functions, as I'm not completely sure what they each do, but either way, none of them update the Value field.
I am trying to avoid doing a custom SQL query to update this field, I'm trying to figure out how to do it through the built-in Sitecore Analytics API. Can anyone help me figure out how to update this field?
The following works fine for me, are you waiting long enough to see the value written for the visit?
if (Tracker.IsActive)
Tracker.CurrentVisit.Value += 3;
No need to BeginEdit, AcceptChanges, EndEdit, etc.
What you've done should work so long as you have set up your goal correctly in Sitecore. I like to mirror sitecore's default goals, and create goals of the "Page Event" template. Make sure that you've assigned the goal to your content item Analyze Tab -> Goals -> [select your goal from checkbox list]. If you're going to set the CurrentVisit value, I suggest using the line below to prevent hardcoding the engagement point values.
//This line will add points specified in Content Editor
Tracker.CurrentVisit.Value += int.Parse(reg.Points);
This document explains how to set up your goals the correct way. And if you follow it, your code will work the way you have it, reporting the value specified in the Content Editor without setting CurrentVisit.Value.
Sitecore SDN - Marketing Operations Cookbook

How to make ArrayController ignore DS.Store's transient record

I have a list of clients displayed through a ClientsController, its content is set to the Client.find() i.e. a RecordArray. User creates a new client through a ClientController whose content is set to Client.createRecord() in the route handler.
All works fine, however, while the user fills up the client's creation form, the clients list gets updated with the new client record, the one created in the route handler.
What's the best way to make RecordArray/Store only aware of the new record until the record is saved ?
I ended up filtering the list based on the object status
{{#unless item.isNew}} Display the list {{/unless}}
Here's an alternative way using filter, however the store has to be loaded first through the find method, App.Client.find().filter() doesn't seem to behave the way the two methods behave when called separately.
// Load the store first
var clients = App.Client.filter(function(client){
console.info(client.get('name') + ' ' + client.get('isNew'));
return !client.get('isNew');
Few ways to go about this:
First, it's very messy for a route/state that deals with a list of clients to have to go out of its way to filter out junk left over from another unrelated state (i.e. the newClient state). I think it'd be way better for you to delete the junk record before leaving the newClient state, a la
if(client.get("isNew")) {
This will make sure it doesn't creep into the clientIndex route, or any other client list route that shouldn't have to put in extra work to filter out junk records. This code would ideally sit in the exit function of your newClient route so it can delete the record before the router transitions to another state that'll called Client.find()
But there's an even better, idiomatic solution: https://gist.github.com/4512271
(not sure which version of the router you're using but this is applicable to both)
The solution is to use transactions: instead of calling createRecord() directly on Client, call createRecord() on the transaction, so that the new client record is associated with that transaction, and then all you need to do is call transaction.rollback() in exit -- you don't even need to call isNew on anything, if the client record was saved, it obviously won't be rolled back.
This is also a useful pattern for editing records: 1) create a transaction on enter state and add the record to it, e.g.
enter: function(router, client) {
this.tx = router.get("store").transaction();
then the same sort of thing on the exit state:
exit: function(router, client) {
This way, if the user completes the form and submits to the server, rollback will correctly/conveniently do nothing. And if the user edits some of the form fields but then backs out halfway through, your exit callback will revert the unsaved changes, so that you don't end up with some dirty zombie client popping up in your clientIndex routes display it's unsaved changes.
Not 100% sure, could you try to set the content of ClientsController with
return !client.get('isNew'));
EDIT: In order to make this work, you have to first load the store with Client.find().

SharePoint List item BRIEFLY appears as edited by 'System Account' after item.update

I have a shopping cart like application running on SharePoint 2007.
I'm running a very standard update procedure on a list item:
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList list = web.Lists["Quotes"];
SPListItem item = list.GetItemById(_id);
item["Title"] = _quotename;
item["RecipientName"] = _quotename;
item["RecipientEmail"] = recipientemail;
item["IsActive"] = true;
This item updates properly, however it briefly appears as modified by System Account. If I wait a second and refresh the page, it shows up again as modified by CurrentUser.
This is an issue because on Page_Load I am retrieving the item that is marked as Active AND is listed as Modified By the CurrentUser. This means as a user updates his list, when the PostBack finishes, it shows he has no active items.
Is it the web.AllowUnsafeUpdates? This is necessary because I was getting a security error before.
What am I missing?
First off, it's not AllowUnsafeUpdates. This simply allows modifying of items from your code.
It's a bit hard to tell what's going on without understanding more of the flow of your application. I would suggest though that using Modified By to associate an item to a user may not be a great idea. This means, as you have discovered, that any modification by the system or even potentially an administrator will break that link.
I would store the current user in a custom field. That should solve your problem and would be a safer design choice.
There could be some other code running in Event Receivers and updating the item. Because event recievers runs in context of system user account, and if you update item from event reciever, the modified field will show just that: the system account has modified the item.