All possible results of a C++ expression? - c++

According to 5/1 (the Standard):
An expression can result in a value and can cause side effects.
So obviously we have two possible options:
1) Expression results in a value and cause side effects
2) Expression results in a value and doesn't cause side effects
What are the other possible options? (For example are there any expressions which don't result in a value?)
I thought about throw-expressions and functions with void return type. Can we refer them to the first or second category (value of void type with possible side effects)?

What are the other possible options?
Expression doesn't result in a value and causes side effects
Expression doesn't result in a value and does not cause side effects
Expressions with void return type do not result in a value. Expressions in 4. do not affect the behaviour of the program.

Given that exit(0) is an expression, we must include the possibility that evaluating an expression ends the program.


When exactly the built-in postfix increment operator returns the result?

I know two things about the built-in postfix increment operator:
Firstly the result value is evaluated (i.e. prvalue copy of the operand is created).
Only after that the side effect (increment) is applied to the original object.
So when exactly this operator returns the result? I see three options here:
a) immediately after its evaluation
(i.e. after 1. In this case "returning the result" is equivalent to "evaluate the result")
b) in some moment between 1. and 2.
c) after completion of the side effect (after 2.)?
Which option is technically correct?
Edit: Maybe this question refers to more general question:
"returning the result of operator/expression" is the same thing as "evaluating the result of operator/expression" or not?
P.S. I know this is a stupid question but I didn't find answer to it. It bothers me because there are other operators (and expressions) with side effects which are completed after evaluating result.

Do parentheses force order of evaluation and make an undefined expression defined?

I was just going though my text book when I came across this question:
What would be the value of a after the following expression? Assume the initial value of a = 5. Mention the steps.
At first I thought this is undefined behaviour because a has been modified more than once. Then I read the question and it said "Mention the steps" so I probably thought this question is right.
Does applying parentheses make an undefined behaviour defined?
Is a sequence point created after evaluating a parentheses expression?
If it is defined,how do the parentheses matter since ++ and () have the same precedence?
No, applying parentheses doesn't make it a defined behaviour. It's still undefined. The C99 standard §6.5 ¶2 says
Between the previous and next sequence point an object shall have its
stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression.
Furthermore, the prior value shall be read only to determine the value
to be stored.
Putting a sub-expression in parentheses may force the order of evaluation of sub-expressions but it does not create a sequence point. Therefore, it does not guarantee when the side effects of the sub-expressions, if they produce any, will take place. Quoting the C99 standard again §¶2
Evaluation of an expression may produce side effects. At certain
specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points, all
side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side
effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place.
For the sake of completeness, following are sequence points laid down by the C99 standard in Annex C.
The call to a function, after the arguments have been evaluated.
The end of the first operand of the following operators: logical AND &&; logical OR ||; conditional ?; comma ,.
The end of a full declarator.
The end of a full expression; the expression in an expression statement; the controlling expression of a selection statement (if
or switch); the controlling expression of a while or do
statement; each of the expressions of a for statement; the
expression in a return statement.
Immediately before a library function returns.
After the actions associated with each formatted input/output function conversion specifier.
Immediately before and immediately after each call to a comparison function, and also between any call to a comparison function and any
movement of the objects passed as arguments to that call.
Adding parenthesis does not create a sequence point and in the more modern standards it does not create a sequenced before relationship with respect to side effects which is the problem with the expression that you have unless noted the rest of this will be with respect to C++11. Parenthesis are a primary expression covered in section 5.1 Primary expressions, which has the following grammar (emphasis mine going forward):
( expression )
and in paragraph 6 it says:
A parenthesized expression is a primary expression whose type and value are identical to those of the enclosed expression. The presence of parentheses does not affect whether the expression is an lvalue. The parenthesized expression can be used in exactly the same contexts as those where the enclosed expression can be used, and with the same meaning, except as otherwise indicated.
The postfix ++ is problematic since we can not determine when the side effect of updating a will happen pre C++11 and in C this applies to both the postfix ++ and prefix ++ operations. With respect to how undefined behavior changed for prefix ++ in C++11 see Assignment operator sequencing in C11 expressions.
The += operation is problematic since:
[...]E1 op = E2 is equivalent to E1 = E1 op E2 except that E1 is
evaluated only once[...]
So in C++11 the following went from undefined to defined:
a = ++a + 1 ;
but this remains undefined:
a = a++ + 1 ;
and both of the above are undefined pre C++11 and in both C99 and C11.
From the draft C++11 standard section 1.9 Program execution paragraph 15 says:
Except where noted, evaluations of operands of individual operators and of subexpressions of individual expressions are unsequenced. [ Note: In an expression that is evaluated more than once during the execution of a program, unsequenced and indeterminately sequenced evaluations of its subexpressions need not be performed consistently in different evaluations. —end note ] The value computations of the operands of an operator are sequenced before the value computation of the result of the operator. If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either another side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, the behavior is undefined.

C++ ternary operator execution conditions

I am unsure about the guarantees of execution for the C / C++ ternary operator.
For instance if I am given an address and a boolean that tells if that address is good for reading I can easily avoid bad reads using if/else:
int foo(const bool addressGood, const int* ptr) {
if (addressGood) { return ptr[0]; }
else { return 0; }
However can a ternary operator (?:) guarantee that ptr won't be accessed unless addressGood is true? Or could an optimizing compiler generate code that accesses ptr in any case (possibly crashing the program), stores the value in an intermediate register and use conditional assignment to implement the ternary operator?
int foo(const bool addressGood, const int* ptr) {
// Not sure about ptr access conditions here.
return (addressGood) ? ptr[0] : 0;
Yes, the standard guarantees that ptr is only accessed if addressGood is true. See this answer on the subject, which quotes the standard:
Conditional expressions group right-to-left. The first expression is contextually converted to bool (Clause 4). It is evaluated and if it is true, the result of the conditional expression is the value of the second expression, otherwise that of the third expression. Only one of the second and third expressions is evaluated. Every value computation and side effect associated with the first expression is sequenced before every value computation and side effect associated with the second or third expression.
(C++11 standard, paragraph 5.16/1)
I would say, in addition to the answer that "yes, it's guaranteed by the C++ standard":
Please use the first form. It's MUCH clearer what you are trying to achieve.
I can almost guarantee that any sane compiler (with minimal amount of optimisation) generates exactly the same code for both examples anyway.
So whilst it's useful to know that both of these forms achieve the same "protection", it is definitely preferred to use the form that is most readable.
It also means you don't need to write a comment explaining that it is safe because of paragraph such and such in the C++ standard, thus making both take up the same amount of code-space - because if you didn't know it before, then you can rely on someone else ALSO not knowing that this is safe, and then spending the next half hour finding the answer via google, and either running into this thread, or asking the question again!
The conditional (ternary) operator guarantees to only evaluate the second operand if the first operand compares unequal to 0, and only evaluate the third operand if the first operand compares equal to 0. This means that your code is safe.
There is also a sequence point after the evaluation of the first operand.
By the way, you don't need the parantheses - addressGood ? ptr[0] : 0 is fine too.
Conditional expressions group right-to-left. The first expression is
contextually converted to bool (Clause 4).
It is evaluated and if it is true, the result of the conditional expression is the value of the second expression,
otherwise that of the third expression. Only one of the second and third expressions is evaluated. Every value
computation and side effect associated with the first expression is sequenced before every value computation
and side effect associated with the second or third expression.

Difference between sequence points and operator precedence? 0_o

Let me present a example :
a = ++a;
The above statement is said to have undefined behaviors ( I already read the article on UB on SO)
but according precedence rule operator prefix ++ has higher precedence than assignment operator =
so a should be incremented first then assigned back to a. so every evaluation is known, so why it is UB ?
The important thing to understand here is that operators can produce values and can also have side effects.
For example ++a produces (evaluates to) a + 1, but it also has the side effect of incrementing a. The same goes for a = 5 (evaluates to 5, also sets the value of a to 5).
So what you have here is two side effects which change the value of a, both happening between sequence points (the visible semicolon and the end of the previous statement).
It does not matter that due to operator precedence the order in which the two operators are evaluated is well-defined, because the order in which their side effects are processed is still undefined.
Hence the UB.
Precedence is a consequence of the grammar rules for parsing expressions. The fact that ++ has higher precedence than = only means that ++ binds to its operand "tighter" than =. In fact, in your example, there is only one way to parse the expression because of the order in which the operators appear. In an example such as a = b++ the grammar rules or precedence guarantee that this means the same as a = (b++) and not (a = b)++.
Precedence has very little to do with the order of evaluation of expression or the order in which the side-effects of expressions are applied. (Obviously, if an operator operates on another expression according to the grammar rules - or precedence - then the value of that expression has to be calculated before the operator can be applied but most independent sub-expressions can be calculated in any order and side-effects also processed in any order.)
why it is UB ?
Because it is an attempt to change the variable a two times before one sequence point:
Sequence point evaluation #6: At the end of an initializer; for example, after the evaluation of 5 in the declaration int a = 5;. from Wikipedia.
You're trying to change the same variable, a, twice. ++a changes it, and assignment (=) changes it. But the sequence point isn't complete until the end of the assignment. So, while it makes complete sense to us - it's not guaranteed by the standard to give the right behavior as the standard says not to change something more than once in a sequence point (to put it simply).
It's kind of subtle, but it could be interpreted as one of the following (and the compiler doesn't know which:
This is because of some ambiguity in the grammar.

Sequence points and partial order

A few days back there was a discussion here about whether the expression
i = ++i + 1
invokes UB
(Undefined Behavior) or not.
Finally the conclusion was made that it invokes UB as the value of 'i' is changing more than once between two sequence points.
I was involved in a discussion with Johannes Schaub in that same thread. According to him
i=(i,i++,i)+1 ------ (1) /* invokes UB as well */
I said (1) does not invoke UB because the side effects of the previous subexpressions are cleared by the comma operator ',' between i and i++ and between i++ and i.
Then he gave the following explanation:
"Yes the sequence point after i++ completes all side effects before it, but there is nothing that stops the assignment side effect overlapping with the side effect of i++.The underlying problem is that the side effect of an assignment is not specified to happen after or before the evaluation of both operands of the assignment, and so sequence points cannot do anything with regard to protecting this: Sequence points induce a partial order: Just because there is a sequence point after and before i++ doesn't mean all side effects are sequenced with regard to i.
Also, notice that merely a sequence point means nothing: The order of evaluations isn't dictated by the form of code. It's dictated by semantic rules. In this case, there is no semantic rule saying when the assignment side effect happens with regard to evaluating both of its operands or subexpressions of those operands".
The statement written in "bold" confused me. As far as I know:
"At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points,all side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place."
Since,comma operators also specify execution order the side effect of i++ have been cancelled when we reach the last i.He(Johannes) would have been right had the order of evaluation been not specified(but in case of comma operator it is well specified).
So I just want to know whether (1) invokes UB or not?. Can someone give another valid explanation?
The C standard says this about assignment operators (C90 6.3.16 or C99 6.5.16 Assignment operators):
The side effect of updating the stored value of the left operand shall occur between the previous and the next sequence point.
It seems to me that in the statement:
the sequence point 'previous' to the assignment operator would be the second comma operator and the 'next' sequence point would be the end of the expression. So I'd say that the expression doesn't invoke undefined behavior.
However, this expression:
*(some_ptr + i) = (i,i++,i)+1;
would have undefined behavior because the order of evaluation of the 2 operands of the assignment operator is undefined, and in this case instead of the problem being when the assignment operator's side effect takes place, the problem is you don't know whether the value of i used in the left handle operand will be evaluated before or after the right hand side. This order of evaluation problem doesn't occur in the first example because in that expression the value of i isn't actually used in the left-hand side - all that the assignment operator is interested in is the "lvalue-ness" of i.
But I also think that all this is sketchy enough (and my understanding of the nuances involved are sketchy enough) that I wouldn't be surprised if someone can convince me otherwise (on either count).
i=(i,i++,i)+1 ------ (1) /* invokes UB as well */
It does not invoke undefined behaviour. The side effect of i++ will take place before the evaluation of the next sequence point, which is denoted by the comma following it, and also before the assignment.
Nice language sudoku, though. :-)
edit: There's a more elaborate explanation here.
I believe that the following expression definitely has undefined behaviour.
i + ((i, i++, i) + 1)
The reason is that the comma operator specifies sequence points between the subexpressions in parentheses but does not specify where in that sequence the evaluation of the left hand operand of + occurs. One possibility is between the sequence points surrounding i++ and this violates the 5/4 as i is written to between two sequence points but is also read twice between the same sequence points and not just to determine the value to be stored but also to determine the value of the first operand to the + operator.
This also has undefined behaviour.
i += (i, i++, i) + 1;
Now, I am not so sure about this statement.
i = (i, i++, i) + 1;
Although the same principals apply, i must be "evaluated" as a modifiable lvalue and can be done so at any time, but I'm not convinced that its value is ever read as part of this. (Or is there another restriction that the expression violates to cause UB?)
The sub-expression (i, i++, i) happens as part of determining the value to be stored and that sub-expression contains a sequence point after the storage of a value to i. I don't see any way that this wouldn't require the side effect of i++ to be complete before the determination of the value to be stored and hence the earliest possible point that the assignment side effect could occur.
After this sequnce point i's value is read at most once and only to determine the value that will be stored back to i, so this last part is fine.