I searched for IsSpreadsheetFile on the internet and cannot find many results. The reason I'm interested with this function is due to an article posted by Raymond Camden: ColdFusion Sample Upload and Parse an Excel File
He uses IsSpreadsheetFile function to determine if a file is a spreadsheet or not. I tested it, it works when my file extension is .xls but it doesn't work when it is .xlsx.
I cannot find any more explanation on the IsSpreadsheetFile function in ColdFusion documentation other than from Raymond's blog. How can I validate a spreadsheet other than using the IsSpreadsheetFile function?
Here are portions of my code that leads to calling IsSpreadsheetFile function:
<CFIF MyFileExt NEQ "xls" AND MyFileExt NEQ "xlsx">
<CFLOCATION url="../index.cfm?p=home&err=Please upload excel only.">
<CFSET ExcelObj = cfcomponents.Val_EXCEL(session.groupname,load_year)>
<CFSET ValidationResult = ExcelObj.IsExcelFile('GL',InstDirPath,FileName)>
....... codes continue on here after calling IsExcelFile method...
Here is the IsExcelFile method:
<CFFUNCTION name="IsExcelFile" hint="Validate file.">
<cfargument name="AppName" type="String" required="TRUE">
<cfargument name="InstFileDir" type="String" required="TRUE">
<cfargument name="InstFileName" type="String" required="TRUE">
<cfset PathToExcelFile = "#Trim(arguments.InstFileDir)#/#Trim(arguments.InstFileName)#">
<cfdump var="#PathToExcelFile#"><br>
<cfdump var="#isSpreadsheetFile(PathToExcelFile)#"><br>
<cfoutput># isSpreadSheetObject(PathToExcelFile)# NOT an Object</cfoutput>
Note: The files definitely have .xlsx and .xls extensions. I created an .xls file by re-saving the .xlsx file to Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) from Excel Workbook (.xlsx).
For several years, I have used dropdowns to determine the requirements for a SQL query and have never needed to use dropdowns with ‘related selects’ until now. I found a sample on how to do this and I can create related selects (with static data) which works well, see below using my data relating to vehicles and makes.
However, when I come to apply this to my environment, and use dynamic SQL query data, I cannot get it to work. I am confident that all the pieces of code are working together (as it works perfectly for the static data), but if I try and build the data automatically and then create the string to pass to the queryNew function, it fails.
This is the working Content.cfc file with STATIC query strings/data array
<cfset tblMake = queryNew("name,id", "varchar,varchar", [{name:'RENAULT',id:'RENAULT'},{name:'RENAULT',id:'RENAULT'},{name:'RENAULT',id:'RENAULT'}])>
<cfset tblModel = queryNew("name,code,continent_id", "varchar,varchar,varchar", [{name:"TSERIES",code:"TSERIES",continent_id:"RENAULT"},{name:"MASTER",code:"MASTER",continent_id:"RENAULT"}])>
<cfset tblVoltage = queryNew("name,code", "varchar,varchar", [{name:"24 volt",code:"MASTER"},{name:"12 volt",code:"TSERIES"}])>
<cffunction name="getContent" access="remote" returntype="query" output="true">
<cfargument name="strTableName" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="strID" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="strName" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="intDistinct" type="numeric" required="false" default="0">
<cfargument name="selectedCol" type="string" required="false" default="0">
<cfargument name="selectedID" type="string" required="false" default="0">
<cfquery name="qryContent" dbtype="query">
<cfif arguments.intDistinct eq 1>distinct</cfif>
#arguments.strID# as theID,
#arguments.strName# as theValue
from #arguments.strTableName#
<cfif arguments.selectedID neq 0>
where #arguments.selectedCol# = '#arguments.selectedID#'
order by #arguments.strName#
<cfreturn qryContent />
When I try and create the query using this method, nothing appears to work. I am looping through the database (from a query) and then creating a string using the required structure and the passing it to the function.
<cfset XSTATIC = ""/>
<cfquery name="NOXVehicleModels" datasource="EBSNOX" >
FROM [dbo].[NOX-Master]
<cfloop query="NOXVehicleModels">
<cfset XSTATIC = XSTATIC & "{name:'" & #Trim(NOXVehicleModels.VehicleMake)# & "',id:'"& #Trim(NOXVehicleModels.VehicleMake)# & "'},"/>
<cfset XLEN=LEN(#XSTATIC#)/>
<cfset tblMake = queryNew("name,id", "varchar,varchar", [#XSTATIC#])>
I have created a separate cfoutput to test the string for structure etc and it appears to be correct, but it is just not passing to the querynew function. This is what the output looks like:-
What I have done so far:-
I have checked that the quotes are not important i.e. single/double.
I have tried to build the query outside of the tag.
Again, all appears (?) to be in order and I cannot understand that could be the problem. Possibly the structure is missing something before parsed to the function?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm currently attempting to migrate my site from Adobe Coldfusion 10 to Lucee 4.5.1.
I'm getting the following error: key [TITLE] doesn't exist.
The code I was using was:
<cfset variables.title = ress.title.welcome>
The code that I need to fix the issue seems to be:
<cfset variables.title = ress["title.welcome"]>
I'm using JavaRB and loading a properties file (onRequestStart()) and setting it to the variable ress.
<cfset ress = utilObj.getResourceBundle()>
Is there an alternative other than going through my code to fix all the references? Is there a setting in the server to exhibit the old behavior?
Update #1
Properties files looks like this:
# #comment
title.welcome=Content here
Update #2
This currently works on CF10 Developer on Windows 2008 R2 and CF10 on my shared host which is also Windows Server. I will also acknowledge that this is old code :)
JavaRB returns a structure from the content of the file:
var resourceBundle=structNew(); // structure to hold resource bundle
<cfreturn resourceBundle />
Partial CFC and method calls...
<cfcomponent name="utils" output="false">
<cfset this.ress = "">
<cffunction name="init">
this.ress = loadResourceBundle();
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="loadResourceBundle" access="public" output="true">
<!--- Get javaRB --->
<cfinvoke component="#application.cfcPath#.javaRB" method="init" returnvariable="rb">
rbFile = GetDirectoryFromPath(expandpath("/resources/")) & "mgs.properties";
<cfreturn rb.getResourceBundle("#rbFile#")>
<cfcomponent displayname="javaRB" output="no">
<cffunction access="public" name="init" output="No">
rB=createObject("java", "java.util.PropertyResourceBundle");
fis=createObject("java", "java.io.FileInputStream");
msgFormat=createObject("java", "java.text.MessageFormat");
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction access="public" name="getResourceBundle" output="No" returntype="struct" hint="reads and parses java resource bundle per locale">
<cfargument name="rbFile" required="Yes" type="string" />
<cfargument name="rbLocale" required="No" type="string" default="en_US" />
<cfargument name="markDebug" required="No" type="boolean" default="false" />
var isOk=false; // success flag
var keys=""; // var to hold rb keys
var resourceBundle=structNew(); // structure to hold resource bundle
var thisKey="";
var thisMSG="";
var thisLang=listFirst(arguments.rbLocale,"_");
var thisDir=GetDirectoryFromPath(arguments.rbFile);
var thisFile=getFileFromPath(arguments.rbFile);
var thisRBfile=thisDir & listFirst(thisFile,".") & "_"& arguments.rbLocale & "." & listLast(thisFile,".");
if (NOT fileExists(thisRBfile)) //try just the language
thisRBfile=thisDir & listFirst(thisFile,".") & "_"& thisLang & "." & listLast(thisFile,".");
if (NOT fileExists(thisRBfile))// still nothing? strip thisRBfile back to base rb
if (fileExists(thisRBFile)) { // final check, if this fails the file is not where it should be
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
if (arguments.markDebug)
<cfif isOK>
<cfreturn resourceBundle />
<cfthrow message="#e.message#" detail="#e.detail#" type="#e.type#" />
Update #3
FWIW, I used the Eclipse IDE and did a find replace using a regex and replaced it with a value...
regex: ((ress\.){1}(([a-z\.])+))
value: ress["$3"]
Update #4
So, using Lucee and MySQL, table names are case sensitive!?
Welcome to Adobe ColdFusion, where syntactical mistakes are not punished immediately.
<cfset ress = { "title.welcome": "Content here" }>
>> outputs "Content here" in Adobe ColdFusion
>> throws an exception in Lucee/Railo
The behavior in Adobe ColdFusion is misleading and plain wrong. "title.welcome" is a key that is supposed to be put in the struct ress. Instead the key is split into two structs with the keys "title" and "welcome", linked to each other and then put into the struct ress.
Your only chance to fix this issues is by adapting your getResourceBundle function. Here you need to refactor the lines with resourceBundle["#thisKEY#"] so that thisKEY creates a struct chain.
I have a web form which uses the action attribute to call a CFC like this:
<form action="mycfc.cfc?method=registeruser">
The CFC processes the data in the form and then I want it to return a variable telling the user if their form submission has been successful or not.
So within my CFC, I put this:
<cffunction name="registeruser" access="remote" hint="registers a new user" returnformat="JSON">
<cfset Msg = 'Success'>
<cfreturn Msg>
<cflocation url = "/registrationpage.cfm">
How do I display the Msg variable in the registrationpage.cfm page? My output is set to JSON so I guess I have to DeSerialize but I have no idea how to actually reference/access this output from the method.
My whole answer is for educationnal purposes only and I strongly advise you to use an existing framework rather than reinventing the Wheels. Have a look at Picking a ColdFusion MVC Framework
You can store the value in the session scope. A lot of frameworks does it using a flash memory concept, which is a temporary memory (implemented as a struct) that destroys members when accessed.
Have a look at http://cfwheels.org/docs/1-1/chapter/using-the-flash it's quite straight forward to implement an API that does this.
Client code could look like (depending on your implementation):
<cfset session.flash.set('importantMsg', 'some important msg')>
<cflocation ...>
Then from the other page:
<cfif session.flash.has('importantMsg')>
<!--- The following line should also destroy the 'importantMsg' key --->
Here's an implementation example (not that the implementation is not thread-safe):
<cffunction name="init" returntype="FlashMemory">
<cfset variables.instance = {flash = {}}>
<cffunction name="set" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="value" type="any" required="true">
<cfset variables.instance.flash[arguments.key] = arguments.value>
<cffunction name="get" returntype="any">
<cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
<cfset var v = variables.instance.flash[arguments.key]>
<cfset structDelete(variables.instance.flash, arguments.key)>
<cfreturn v>
<cffunction name="has" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
<cfreturn structKeyExists(variables.instance.flash, arguments.key)>
<cfset session.flash = new FlashMemory()>
Also please note that in your case, your remote CFC methods shouldn't return anything. You will use the flash memory to pass data around instead. That means when the method has finished it's work you can simply redirect the client.
You probably shouldn't use remote CFC methods in this particular case:
I have never really used remote CFC methods as stateful web services. The various advantages of remote CFC methods like their ability to spit out data in multiple data-interchange formats (JSON, WDDX...) is lost with your implementation.
You could simply do something like:
<cfset errors = session.flash.get('registrationErrors')>
<cfif arrayLen(errors)>
<!--- Display errors --->
<form method="post" action="register.cfm">
<cfset registration = new Registration(argumentcollection = form)>
<cfset validator = new RegistrationValidator(registration)>
<cfif validator.validate()>
<cfset application.userService.register(registration)>
<!--- You can also redirect to a page that represents the correct state --->
<cflocation url="registered.cfm" addtoken="no">
<!--- Store the errors collection in the flash memory --->
<cfset session.flash.set('registrationErrors', validator.errors())>
<!--- Redirect to the page the user came from --->
<cflocation url="#cgi.http_referer#" addtoken="no">
Take the cflocation tag out of your function. It will not execute anyway because it's after the cfreturn tag.
Also, post your form to a .cfm page, not the .cfc. From that .cfm page, do this:
<cfset MyObject = CreateObject(stuff for your cfc goes here)>
<cfset MessageFromFunction = MyObject.registeruser()>
I have a form where users are to upload at least three documents and up to seven. In its current state, I have all the error checking and validation functioning. What I want to happen is for the visitor's forms to get renamed a specified name once they are uploaded and placed into a specified directory. My code is here: http://pastebin.com/V5ThWe7M
I believe the issue occurs around line 456. I believe I need to have the file name stored in a variable then use the variable to process the renaming function. The first file gets uploaded but not the second as they are assigned the same names. I'm trying to figure out how to use the variables that store the individual file names and then use that variable to rename the file. I'd like to have another set of eyes check it out for me and point me in the right direction.
Thank you
As already mentioned, the CFFILE structure is overwritten each time you upload. So any values you wish to preserve, you must save to another variable. But since you are already saving the full file names to a variable, you could easily extract their extensions using list functions. For example:
<cfset nomExt = listLast(clientNominationLetter, ".")>
A few other observations
Consider a more unique naming scheme for your folders than "/firstName_lastName/". Otherwise, you may end up overwriting someone's files if you receive multiple submissions under the same name, like two different "John Smith's".
The cffile values are separated into two categories: cffile.serverXX and cffile.clientXX (ie user system). They are not interchangeable. So be sure you are using the correct variables and be consistent.
FILE is deprecated. Use CFFILE or the result attribute instead.
EDIT: Adding some new code into the mix... :)
Here's some functions, just slap these in the top of your page...
<cffunction name="uploadFile">
<cfargument name="formField" hint="Form field name that holds the file to be uploaded" required="yes">
<cfargument name="renameTo" hint="What to rename the file, ex: 01_nominationLetter" required="yes">
<cfargument name="uploadErrorMessage" required="no" default="Error uploading file"/>
<cfargument name="allowedExtensions" required="no" default="doc,docx,pdf,txt,rt">
<cfargument name="extensionErrorMessage" required="no" default="Only doc, docx, pdf, txt, and rtf file formats are accepted">
<cfset var dir = expandPath("./nominationUploads/#trim(form.fname)#_#trim(form.lname)#/")>
<cfparam name="request.filesUploaded" default="#arrayNew(1)#">
<cffile action="upload" filefield="#arguments.formField#" nameconflict="makeunique" destination="#dir#">
<cfcatch type="any"><cfset ArrayAppend(arrErrors, arguments.uploadErrorMessage )></cfcatch>
<cfif not listFindNoCase(arguments.allowedExtensions, cffile.ServerFileExt)>
<cfset ArrayAppend(arrErrors, arguments.extensionErrorMessage )>
<cffile action="rename" file="#dir##cffile.serverFile#" destination="#dir##renameTo#.#cffile.ServerFileExt#">
<cfset ArrayAppend(request.filesUploaded, dir & arguments.renameTo & "." & cffile.ServerFileExt )>
<cffunction name="removeFilesOnError">
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(request.filesUploaded)#" index="i">
<cftry><cffile action="delete" file="#request.filesUploaded[i]#"/><cfcatch type="any"></cfcatch></cftry>
Then in your existing validation script, get rid of all the file stuff, instead you'll only need to use those functions above, something like this :
<cfset uploadFile('myFileField', 'renameToThis' )>
<cfset uploadFile('myFileField2', 'renameToThat' , 'My custom upload error!')>
<cfset uploadFile('anotherFile', 'differentName', 'Another custom upload msg!', 'doc,docx', 'This one only lets you upload word docs!')>
<cfif arrayLen( arrErrors ) >
<cfset removeFilesOnError()>
I don't have time to test the above, but I believe it to be frighteningly close. If you encounter an issue, let me know and I'll help you debug it out. :)
Is there a a cfscript equivalent for cffile action="upload" in ColdFusion 9? Looking through the docs, there doesn't seem to be.
[Update] This was added in the 9.0.1 update
You can easily abstract it with a user defined function.
<cffunction name="fileuploader">
<cfargument name="formfield" required="yes" hint="form field that contains the uploaded file">
<cfargument name="dest" required="yes" hint="folder to save file. relative to web root">
<cfargument name="conflict" required="no" type="string" default="MakeUnique">
<cfargument name="mimeTypesList" required="no" type="string" hint="mime types allowed to be uploaded" default="image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,application/pdf,application/excel,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation,application/vnd.ms-excel,image/pjpeg">
<cffile action="upload" fileField="#arguments.formField#" destination="#arguments.dest#" accept="#arguments.mimeTypesList#" nameConflict="#arguments.conflict#">
<cfreturn cffile>
And then use it in cfscript:
// NOTE: because of how cffile works, put the form field with the file in quotes.
result = fileUploader("FORM.myfield", myDestPath);
Note: I would be very careful how you rename this function in case Adobe does include this functionality down the road.
Not sure when this was added but CF does support file uploads in CFSCRIPT. I have been using FileUpload() for a little while. I have checked it is not a function in my MVC framework and def seems to be something unique to CF 9.01.
However, Builder 2 does not seem to like it nor can I find reference on CF 9 Docs but it does works and it is part the lasted Adobe ColdFusion 9.01, Ralio I have not checked tho
examples used:
Nope, but it has been requested.