How to turn off showing whitespace characters in dev-c++? - dev-c++

I pressed something, maybe in the font or the editor, and my dev-c++ started showing paragraph symbol and space symbols.
like these
How can I remove that?

In the editor go into "Settings -> Editor Settings", and check "Show hidden smbols" checkBox (bottom left), than push OK button.
I know this because i was searching today how to enable it XD


How to automatically fill "go to everything" [ctrl + t] with current text selection

When I have text selected in a VS 2017 text edit window and then hit ctrl+t to do ReSharper's 2017 Ultimate's "go to everything", the selected text is not automatically placed into the "go to everything" search field.
As automatically pasting selected text into search dialogs is pretty standard functionality, I'm hoping there is a way to configure ReSharper to do this but have not been able to find one.
Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!
Try ticking the checkbox Remember last search on ReSharper | Options | Environment | Search & Navigation page. According to the WebHelp page, that should help
ReSharper can remember the last input that you used to find something
with Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go To File, and Go to Text actions.
When this option is selected, ReSharper will also use your current
selection in the editor as the initial search query. For example, you
can select a file name in a string and then press Ctrl+Shift+T to
search for files in your solution that match this name.

How to get spaces instead of tabs in eclipse

After doing a little research, I found out that eclipse hides its settings in multiple levels. So, I think, I got all the levels covered here.
Here I have set eclipse to insert spaces instead of tabs. And eclipse even acknowledges there that I have indeed set it up to insert 4 spaces instead of a tab (See the text under Tabulators: it says, "The current indentation size is 4, using spaces").
Then for the general text editor, I have also set it up to insert spaces instead of the tabs.
And eclipse couldn't have gotten things more wrong even if it had tried!
Unfortunately, despite all those settings, when I press tab, eclipse inserts 2 spaces. Then, I press tab again, and it inserts 2 spaces. Why 2 spaces? Are there still more hidden settings somewhere?
Anyways, this broken system works a bit, until I have one level more of indentation, for example, for a for-loop or an if-block. If I press, tab again, instead of adding 2 more spaces, it converts the 6 spaces into a tab.
And a tab which is not even 4 spaces wide, but instead a tab which looks like a 6- or 8-spaces wide tab.
Ctrl + I also adds tabs, not spaces.
The formatter is also setup as #Neuron suggested in his answer.
So, where else is eclipse hiding more settings?
I fixed it by going to..
Window ⟶ Preferences ⟶ C/C++ ⟶ Code Style ⟶ Formatter
There you need to edit the currently set profile. Click "Edit..." (top right-ish). Now go to Indentation (already open) ⟶ General Settings ⟶ Tab Policy and change this from "Tabs only" to "Spaces only".
If you still have the default profile, give your profile a new name.
Why is this so weird and convoluted? I don't know.

How to remove current line highlighting in WebStorm 11

How do I get rid of highlight of current line?
The color looks exactly like highlight text color.
I found something about "caret" but it didn't help.
OK so the correct thing is called "Caret Row"
Settings -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> General -> Editor -> Caret row
As the previous answers mentioned, just follow this image and unselect the background for the Caret row from the settings menu.

Visual Studio ctrl-H sometimes doesn't automatically select 'selection'

When I select text then hit Ctrl+H, the popup dialog doesn't always show "Selection". Sometimes it gets 'stuck' with "Current Document".
I'm seen this bug for every VS version of Professional and now Community over almost 10 years now...
I select some text, in Visual-C++, then click Ctrl+H.
The upper-right replace dialog pops up with "Selection". This is expected.
Smack Esc to hide it.
Now, place cursor at empty line.
Click Ctrl+H.
Dialog again pops up with "Current Document". This is expected.
Select the same text as in step 1.
Dialog again pops up, BUT with "Current Document" instead of "Selection."
and I have to manually use dialog's pull-down to set for "Selection."
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I want it to always set "Selection" if I select text then hit Ctrl+H.
You should select two or more lines to always get the Selection option by default on Find and Replace window, this is necessary if you previously opened the Find and Replace window with the Current Document option.

Eclipse dark theme highlight issue

I just switched from geany to eclipse and I have a little problem
How can I change that highlight color which is VERY annoying
As you can see, whenever I highlight anything and click somewhere else, it changes like this. How can fix this little bug?
Open Window>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations
Modify the color for "PHP elements 'read' occurrences" and "PHP elements 'write' occurrences". Obviously I'm using eclipse PHP but you should see similar options in the annotations list for non-PHP eclipse.
Here's what worked for me:
Open Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors ->
Select "Occurrences (PyDev)." The "Text as" drop down box on the right should read "Highlighted," and the color is very light.
Click the color button and change it to something easier on the eyes.
I found the best thing to do is to go into GWindows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations and change everything from Highlighted to Underlined and choose the underline color to suit.
If you are using Python in eclipse (using PyDev) than the above solution won't help.
Than you have to go to
"Open Windows>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors> Annotations"
and change the color of Breakpoints(PyDev).
Once you do that the color of all which are matching your current selection will be in the color you chose and not the annoying yellowish highlight color.
General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations preference
section. Look for C/C++ Occurrences and C/C++ Write Occurrences.
I had to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for an answer to this question. Here is a picture of the Preferences showing which selection is for changing the background color of text you have selected with your mouse in the editor. This is totally different from the Occurrences that people keep pointing out.
If you're using PyDev, use the following:
Open Window>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations
in the list of Annotation types there is the "Occurrences (PyDev)" Option, which is the one you'll want to change.
I found a blue highlight for dark mode works well in PyDev.
For me, this is what did it (seems it's different for everyone):
Open Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations
Under "Annotation Types":
select "Boot Dynamic Info", then uncheck the "Text as" checkbox on the right.
Using the answers above to set the colours, here are some that I found worked in RGB:
(65, 66, 36)
(83, 55, 55)
In my case, Spring Tool Suite 4.14.0 (202203), changing "LSP Read Occurrence" color under Windows -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations solved my problem.
I had the same issue with highlighted inactive code.
I was able to change it in Window>Preferences>C/C++(or other programming language)>Editor under "Appearance color options:" select "Inactive code highlight" and change to the desired color.
Similar post about inactive code in Eclipse.
Also check "Vwrapper Search" color setting if you are using that plugin
Under Open Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
For some reason it overrides other defaults. Tested with the Darkest Dark theme on Eclipse 2022-09.
Annotations is the setting you want to Change (whatever Eclipse you are using - example below is CDT):
annotations / Occurences in Eclipse preferences