Programmatic access to old and new values of a watchpoint in gdb - gdb

What I'm really doing is trying to set a watchpoint on the setting or clearing of a single bit. I do that by setting a watchpoint on the word containing the bit, then making it conditional on *word & mask (for setting, or (~*word) & mask for clearing.)
The problem is that some other bit in the same word may be modified, and the condition may happen to already match. If I had the old and new values, I could set a condition of (($old ^ $new) & mask).
I looked at the python gdb.Breakpoint class, but it doesn't seem to receive this information either.
I suppose I could go crazy and set a command list that records the current value whenever the value of *word changes, and use that as $old. But half the time I'm using this, I'm actually using it through rr, so I might be going backwards.

There's no direct way to get these values in gdb; it's been a wish-list bug (with your exact case as the example...) for years.. The information is stored in the old_val field of the struct bpstats object associated with the breakpoint; but this is only used to print the old value and not exposed elsewhere.
One option might be to change gdb to expose this value via a convenience variable or via Python.
I suppose I could go crazy and set a command list that records the current value whenever the value of *word changes, and use that as $old. But half the time I'm using this, I'm actually using it through rr, so I might be going backwards.
This seems doable. Your script could check the current execution direction. The main difficulty is remembering to reset the saved value when making this watchpoint, or after disabling and then re-enabling it.


In DynamoDB, how do I conditionally update a parameter if less than a value, but also execute if it does not yet exist?

I have a value I am trying to increment by 1 in a DynamoDB row. The first time this is executed, the parameter does not exist, so it would be set to one. However, I want it to fail if it gets up to a specific value so it can only be updated so many times.
I am using the correct Expected syntax, but I can't seem to figure out a way to allow this currently without a double update: One to update if it's not there, and one do it if it is there and below the threshold. Is this possible in a single update command?
Please note, this is not the same thing as simply wanting a value to be set to 1 or add up from there as suggested in the comments below, but instead, this single expression must handle the property being there or a number, and then continue to add up a certain threshold, and then fail and not allow an update once the threshold is met.
Ok, I believe that this is possible, but only if you switch the whole update command over to using expressions instead of using the "Expected" and "AttributeUpdates" field. This does make it much harder to use, but then you should be able to make compound conditions such as
params.ConditionExpression = 'attribute_not_exists(#A) OR #A < ' + maxValue.toString();

Is there any way to get value from specified position From List variable Automation Anywhere?

I want to get a value from particular location from list variable. Right now what i see is it only uses loop to iterate over in Automation anywhere.
SO is there any way to get value from a specified location?
For now, this is your only option to get a value from a specific location/index on a list.
I hope that Automation Anywhere includes a command/option to do that in the next release(s).
Unfortunately you'll have to loop over the list, and have a counter variable to get the item on the position you want.
After that you exit the loop. Not very efficient, but I just had to do it today :(
You can directly access the list elements, you can modify and delete them directly much easier and quicker in G1ANT software, even without executing the loop.
Here is the sample code:
♥list = Adam❚Eva❚John❚Mary
♥list⟦1⟧ = Peter
dialog ♥list
♥list⟦⟧ = 200
♥list⟦5⟧ = ♥list⟦5⟧+10
dialog ♥list

Apply a function to a range of cells in a spreadsheet

The answers in topics with similar titles haven't given me much of a resolution to my particular problem, but possibly I am not asking the right question. It might help knowing I'm an absolute noob when it comes to spreadsheets, so finding my way around is next to nil.
Currently I can set a basic function in the first cell A1 =ROW()
Simple right? Well now here comes the complication. If I click on the bottom right of the cell and start dragging I can then apply that very same function to a whole range of cells. Let's say I apply it from A1:A10. Every cell within this group now has the same function.
Hooray! We did it, right? I applied a function to a range of cells each with their own output. But wait, if I then go back to the original cell and change its formula none of the other cells change with it. GRRRRR!!!!
There are a couple of fixes I've come up with but don't necessarily know how to implement. The first is to have every cell link back to the original cell and reference its function. This would be useful if I wanted to randomly scatter dependent cells about the document. The other would be much more useful in an orderly group where you know the exact dimensions by specifying in the original cell the size of the array you want to apply the function to.
With that said, let me hear your thoughts.
The closest I've come to an answer is to use FORMULA() which returns the formula used by a cell as text. Unfortunately all answers on evaluating the text resort to scripting. How strange! I thought something like this would be common. Might as well get to scripting.
Hold on, I may have spoke too soon. An array can be made with =MUNIT(), but it's only square. Drats!
Ok... I'm hoping the zebra stripes will eventually become its own answer unless someone else beats me to it. So a simple array can be made with ={1,2;3,4} where commas separate values by column and semicolons for values by row except to generate it you have to press Control+Shift+Enter (because reasons?). I'm thinking now that I'll need to have functions that can generate lists of values based on a single function for each row, and pray that it'll work. So, back to looking. (Wow this is taking forever)
The way I was hypothesizing can't even generate a 1x1, e.g., ={ROW()} returns Err:512 which is a formula overflow.
Alright, in summary so far I've narrowed down the two options,
1) link every cell to the original formula
2) populate an array with a single formula
each with their own incomplete answer,
a) use FORMULA() to return the formula of a cell as text
b) create a hypothetical array like so ={LIST_OF_VALUES()}
These both require a strange form of the nonexistent EVALUATE() function to 'function' correctly. Isn't that fun?
Google Sheets handles case b by allowing ={ROW()}Control+Shift+Enter to generate =ArrayFormula({ROW()}). Working with the general case of any sized array being filled with a single function doesn't exist in the world of spreadsheets it seems. That's very saddening because I can't think of a much better tool for what I want to do. Copy paste it is until I need to use macros.
Depending on your specific use case, creating a user-defined function may help:
use the Basic IDE to create your function;
apply it to any cells on any sheet;
modifying the Basic code will affect all cells where the function is used.
I've elaborated the steps in an answer on superuser.
Sure, you could write some complex code to update functions, but wouldn't the easy way be just to drag it to the same range of cells the same way you did before? It should properly overwrite the existing code in there, and if it doesn't, you can just as easily delete the outdated code and drag the new code in.
Probably the best approach is to simply drag the amended formula over the range of cells (as advised by OldBunny2800). This is less error prone and easier to maintain than a custom macro.
Another option would be to use an array function. Then you only have to edit the function once, and the same edit will be automatically applied to the whole range of cells in that array function.

Quick code advice for beginner

I am a beginner and I want to know whats wrong with this code. I want to count the number of times the push button is being pushed in portA. Then show this values using the LEDS in portC. Thanks
You need braces around a multi-statement block, if you want to use it as the body of an if (or for or whatever) statement:
else if (PORTA.RA2==1) {
count = count+1;
PORTC = count;
otherwise only the first statement is conditional; so your code executes PORTC = count; every time, whatever the result of the if tests.
I like to put braces around all such blocks, even there's only a single statement, so I can't forget to add them if I add more statements later.
Also, main must return int not void, and you should take more care formatting your code to match its logical structure.
UPDATE: Also, you never initialise count, so it has an arbitrary floating-point value. You want a small integer type, since it's only supposed to take integer values from 0 to 16, and you need to initialise it:
char count = 0;
If you're setting TRISA to 1 that means the only input on that port is RA0, but you are trying to use RA2. Be sure to clear the ANSELA0 bit. Make sure you set the config bits properly or else your code might not run.
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Making an index-creating class

I'm busy with programming a class that creates an index out of a text-file ASCII/BINARY.
My problem is that I don't really know how to start. I already had some tries but none really worked well for me.
I do NOT need to find the address of the file via the MFT. Just loading the file and finding stuff much faster by searching for the key in the index-file and going in the text-file to the address it shows.
The index-file should be built up as follows:
. .
. .
We have a text-file with the following example value:
1, 8752 FW,
I hope that this explains my question a bit better.
It seems to me that all your class needs to do is store an array of pointers or file start offsets to the key locations in the file.
It really depends on what your Key locations represent.
I would suggest that you access the file through your class using some public methods. You can then more easily tie in Key locations with the data written.
For example, your Key locations may be where each new data block written into the file starts from. e.g. first block 1000 bytes, key location 0; second block 2500 bytes, key location 1000; third block 550 bytes; key location 3500; the next block will be 4050 all assuming that 0 is the first byte.
Store the Key values in a variable length array and then you can easily retrieve the starting point for a data block.
If your Key point is signified by some key character then you can use the same class, but with a slight change to store where the Key value is stored. The simplest way is to step through the data until the key character is located, counting the number of characters checked as you go. The count is then used to produce your key location.
Your code snippet isn't so much of an idea as it is the functionality you wish to have in the end.
Recognize that "indexing" merely means "remembering" where things are located. You can accomplish this using any data structure you wish... B-Tree, Red/Black tree, BST, or more advanced structures like suffix trees/suffix arrays.
I recommend you look into such data structures.
with the new information, I would suggest making your own key/value lookup. Build an array of keys, and associate their values somehow. this may mean building a class or struct that contains both the key and the value, or instead contains the key and a pointer to a struct or class with a value, etc.
Once you have done this, sort the key array. Now, you have the ability to do a binary search on the keys to find the appropriate value for a given key.
You could build a hash table in a similar manner. you could build a BST or similar structure like i mentioned earlier.
I still don't really understand the question (work on your question asking skillz), but as far as I can tell the algorithm will be:
scan the file linearly, the first value up to the first comma (',') is a key, probably. All other keys occur wherever a ';' occurs, up to the next ',' (you might need to skip linebreaks here). If it's a homework assignment, just use scanf() or something to read the key.
print out the key and byte position you found it at to your index file
AFAIUI that's the algorithm, I don't really see the problem here?