I have to draw left (not inside) from a CButton, two little red and green rectangle. I am not sure how to achieve this in the right way. Can I use in DrawItem() the device context from the parent DC to draw it?
void CSpecialButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
{ ..
CDC* parentDC = GetParent()->GetDC();
CRect rcClrRed;
.. calculate rcClrRed;
parentDC->FillSolidRect(rcRed, RGB(255,0,0);
I'm want to make a flat design ComboBox which only shows a blue bottom border. But I can only change 4 borders' color. How to hide right,left and top border and show bottom border?
Finally I made it. Just rewrite OnPaint() function and use CDC::DrawEdge(CRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOM) to drwa a bottom border.
void CCustomComboBox::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CRect rc;
... //draw other parts of ComboBox
I am working in an MFC windows application. I am using check boxes in Check List Box control (CCheckListBox class) . While disabling a check box, its color remains gray. Is there any way to change the background color from gray to another color?
You can use the DrawItem method to control the rendering of the control and its list items. To do that, you’ll want to derive your own CCheckListBox class and implement that method. For example, I’ve changed the second item in the list to red.
The sample code to do that looks like…
void MyCheckListBox::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
UINT index = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID;
CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle (lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
if (index == 1)
CRect rect = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
pDC->FillSolidRect(&rect, RGB(255, 0, 0));
CString str;
GetText(index, str);
pDC->DrawText(str, &lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER);
The above sample only changes the item’s background color. I’ve left the rest of the processing and any extra rendering up to you.
#rrirower's implementation will work but his code needs some modifications.
(1) Changing the Back ground color of the disabled check Box
void CMyCheckListBox::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
CDC dc;
dc.Attach(lpDrawItemStruct ->hDC);
RECT rect = lpDrawItemStruct ->rcItem;
UINT nId=lpDrawItemStruct->itemID;
CString strItemText;
GetText(lpDrawItemStruct ->itemID, strItemText);
if(nId==1 ||nId==3){
dc.DrawText(strItemText , &rect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER);
(2) Changing the Disabled check list box text color
replace dc.FillSolidRect(&rect,RGB(255,0,0)); with dc.SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0));
Hi all I am working with a CHtmlEditCtrl in MFC. I want to draw some random rectangles and lines inside a function handling right click event.
The ChtmlEditCtrl control is created from static using this snippet:
bool CHtmlEditCtrlEx::CreateFromStatic( UINT nID, CWnd* pParent ) {
CStatic wndStatic;
if ( !wndStatic.SubclassDlgItem(nID, pParent)) {
return false;
CRect rc;
wndStatic.GetWindowRect( &rc );
pParent->ScreenToClient( &rc );
if (Create( 0, (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE), rc, pParent, nID, 0 )) {
Then I override the CWnd::pretranslate() function as thus:
CClientDC dcc(this);
switch (pMsg->message) {
case WM_RBUTTONUP: // Right-click
// Just some dummy values
DrawSquigly(dcc, 600, 240, 20);
the DrawSquigly() function is defined as thus:
void CHtmlEditCtrlEx::DrawSquigly(CDC &dcc, int iLeftX, int iWidth, int iY)
CAMTrace trace;
trace.Trace("Drawing Squiggly");
//dcc.TextOut(10, 10, CString(_T("I used a client DC!")));
CPen * oldPen;
CBrush * oldBrush;
oldPen = (CPen *) dc.SelectStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
dcc.LineTo(80, 10);
//GDI 002_2: Create custom pen with different Line thickness.
CPen thick_pen(PS_SOLID, 3, RGB(0,255,0));
oldPen = dc.SelectObject(&thick_pen);
dcc.MoveTo(5, 20);
//GDI 002_3: Create a Rectangle now
dcc.Draw3dRect(5,30,80,70, RGB(25,25,255), RGB(120,120,120));
//GDI 002_4: Create a Brush that we can use for filling the
// closed surfaces
CBrush brush(RGB(255,0,255));
oldBrush = dc.SelectObject(&brush);
//GDI 002_5: Hatch Brush is useful to apply a pattern in stead
//of solid fill color
CBrush* hatBrush = new CBrush();
hatBrush->CreateHatchBrush(HS_CROSS, RGB(255,0,255));
oldBrush = dc.SelectObject(hatBrush);
dcc.FillRect(new CRect(5,160,80,190), hatBrush);
but no drawing happens when I right click. I think I am missing something especially because I am new to MFC.
I have added a trace to the top of the event handler to be sure that the function is getting called and it is.
Can anyone please point me the right direction?
There are actually 2 device context in your code: one you pass as parameter in the call (we don't know where it comes from) and the other created locally in the drawing function.
Normally, when the systems gives you a DC it expects you draw something in it, not that you draw into something else.
If the window you are working on is layered, the system gives you a memory context you draw in that is - upon clearing - blit-ted onto the window itself with some window manager effect.
My suspect is that -by allocating a second dc- your drawing are ovewritten when the first one (you left blank) is cleared upon returning from the message handler.
I want a dialog to be borderless and yet have a dialog shadow. I came across this solution Borderless Window Using Areo Snap, Shadow, Minimize Animation, and Shake which uses a workaround by making the Dialog having a Margin of 1 px and extending the Client Area to it.
MARGINS borderless = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
DwmExtendFrameInfoClientArea(this->GetSafeHwnd(), &borderless);
The post mentioned that the Client Area is literally being extended and Transparent drawing makes the Dialog edges of 1px each visible again.
Now this is exactly what happened, when I tried to paint a Solid Rectangle onto the whole dialog:
// getting the client area
CRect clientRect;
// expanding it to the new margins
clientRect.left -= 1;
clientRect.top -= 1;
clientRect.right += 2;
clientRect.bottom += 2;
// set the Device Context to draw non transparent and with a black background
pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(0, 0, 0));
// finally draw a rectangle to it
CBrush brush_back_ground(RGB(0, 0, 0));
pDC->FillRect(clientRect, &brush_back_ground);
But the dialog is still drawn with its margins:
How would it be possible to draw something stretched on the margins? Later I'm going to use pictures as dialog Background which should be drawn on the margins aswell.
Thanks to Hans Passant for his comment. The solution is to use GDI+ drawing instead of GDI drawing
// making a Gdi+ graphics object from my CDC*
Graphics g(*pDC);
// getting the client area
CRect clientRect;
// making a Gdi+ rect
Rect bkRect(0,0,clientRect.Width(), clientRect.Height());
// making a pen for the Rect Drawing
Pen bkPen(Color(255,0,0,0));
// draw the rectangle over the full dialog
g.DrawRectangle(&bkPen, bkRect);
I have a program which draw a Rectangle under mouse cursor and show the pixel color, but I can't manage it to clear the shape inside the while loop, if I use 'InvalidateRect()' it clear rectangle too fast and flickering, if not use 'InvalidateRect()' then Rectangle keep duplicating like THIS, how to fix that?
HWND hwnd;
unsigned short R=0, G=0, B=0;
void drawRect()
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
HPEN border = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
HBRUSH background = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(R, G, B));
SelectObject(hdc, border);
SelectObject(hdc, background);
Rectangle(hdc, p.x+10, p.y+10, p.x+40, p.y+40);
void init()
while (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) & 0x8000)
grabPixel(); //get RGB color from cursor coordination
drawRect(); //draw preview rectangle under cursor
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, true);
Note: it doesn't have WinMain() or WndProc()
There are all sorts of things wrong with this. What are you actually trying to do?
From the fact that you're using GetDC(NULL), it looks like this is supposed to be drawing a rectangle on the entire screen.
Where is the hwnd value coming from? If that window does have a message loop (and it probably does), then that's the window being invalidated and redrawing itself.
A note: InvalidateRect merely marks the rectangle as needing-to-be-painted the next time that that application's (actually thread's, more-or-less) message queue is empty. UpdateWindow will cause a WM_PAINT message to be sent immediately.
drawRect isn't cleaning up properly, either. It should call ReleaseDC when it's finished, and it ought to restore the previous drawing objects after it's finished (and most definitely before it deletes them) as well:
HBRUSH oldBackground = SelectObject(hDC, background);
// ...
SelectObject(hDC, oldBackground);
What you probably want to do is, when selection starts, create a window the size of the screen and copy the existing screen into it. Then you can draw all over that intelligently.
The DrawDragRect function (see my blog) is designed for this sort of thing.