Django 1.10 - Maintaining context object information - django

My question is, is there a way to maintain the context object over multiple views? Say you are at the home page, you click a link to go to a specific part of the application but you want to maintain the context information as to not excessively query the DB for this information every time you change views.
I know of mixins and such, but these do not seem to maintain the information, or am I wrong? Question is, can I access the context information and pass it to the next view?

In order to maintain state across views, you can use django sessions.
The session framework lets you store and retrieve arbitrary data on a per-site-visitor basis.
You have to enable the session middleware and add the appropriate settings. Once you do, you will have to manually add code to each view to check to see if the session has information related to that view’s context and to update the session with the data from the context.


Django app has multiple database and multiple user

I have written one Django cloud based app. This app will have multiple user and for them multiple database, so that their data should be separate and they can save only to same database.
1) How can we implement it
2) How to automatically one user from login page to assign the database to write on it.
I don't have a complete answer, since you do not give a lot of detail. But here are a couple ots that f hinDjango supports custom database router implementations. A database router is a class that helps django decide which database to use for a particular model. Unfortunately I don't think this mechanism is granular enough for your needs. You can also specify the database to use in your code by using using(name) queryset method and save(using=name) form of save() method for instances. Of course this also means that some features of Django are going to be unvailable to you, since you cannot always expect to have a user. Look at the docs here for more info

Django Statelessness

I was reading some blogs and came up to the conclusion that django is an MVT architecture which do not maintain state. I am working on application that have maps visualization. When the user selects a variable from the drop down, a request is sent to the backend database and on the screen, it generates the heat-map of that specific variable.
what I want to achieve is that if I go some other tab and do some other changes like change the layer of map or select some another variable, the state of old heat map should be maintained regardless if I want to clear it. I do not know how to maintain state in django can anyone help me in this?
You can leverage the Django's sessions mechanism. You'll need an AJAX request that POSTs the current tab state to Django, so your backend code can restore it on page reload.

Single record of model in database

My django app needs to display data on my homepage which it collected from third party. Requesting the information and waiting for response takes about a second, which is too long processing time for a homepage. The data which my app receives doesn't change often, so there is no reason to fetch that data every time homepage is being rendered. Instead, I want to retain the data and have my app make a request only if the last "refresh" has been done more than an hour ago.
Since using global variables in django is apparently a no-no, I'd need to make a database model which will at all times hold a single record. This feels wrong. Is making a one-record table really a way to go here?
Instead of creating a model to cache the remote site's response, you can use Django's caching framework. More specifically, you can cache a specific view and set a timeout for the cached view. See this documentation page for more details on how to do that.

How to make form data a part of the application state? (Alternative approach to managing state in an Ember Application?)

I am currently looking for a feasible approach to store form data globally in my Ember Application. The state of the form must get reflected in the URL. I have not yet seen an Ember example managing this kind of state, since routes always revolved around certain entities/models that get displayed by an Application.
Soo.. what is my Usecase?
When the user enters my app, he may modify some settings of my app in a form (e.g. location and time). I would like to have this information as part of the application state. Why? The state of the settings could be shared by the user with others users easily, as he could share the current URL of the application.
This is my current idea for an implementation:
I could store the current settings in a global location, e.g. in my router.
This enables me to access the stored settings in the methods serialize and deserialize of my main route (and potential other routes).
What's your opinion on my current idea for a solution approach? Is there maybe a appropriate Ember feature i have missed?

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

I'm using django-registration to log users into my application. That part works fine. The part that I cannot figure out is how to set custom session variables when the user logs in. For instance, I'd like to populate variables containing UserProfile data as well as the output of a few other functions. Then I'd be able to use that information in subsequent views/templates.
If anybody can point me to a tutorial online or post some sample code, that would be great.
I'm using django 1.1 and Python 2.6
If you don't want persistent storage of user data (just additional session data) have a look at:
The sessions framework will most probably be already enabled if you use django.contrib.auth.
If you want persistent storage of additional user data (not only in a session, but in the database), you will store them in another "profile" model:
I realize #stefanw provided you an alternative solution, but to answer the original question:
Setting session data at login is difficult because the easiest place to set that data is in your view function, and the particular view function you'd want to modify is a part of the contrib.django.auth app.
So your options would be the following:
Create a small middleware class to set your session data.
Create a template tag or other bit of code than can be integrated into the login template or subsequent page that will set the data you want.
Write your own custom login view function (it's really quite easy, actually).
Happy django-ing!