GLSL : accessing framebuffer to get RGB and change it - opengl

I'd like to access framebuffer to get RGB and change their values for each pixel. It is because the glReadPixels, and glDrawPixels are too slow to use, so that i should use shaders instead of using them.
Now, I write code, and success to display three-dimensional model using GLSL shaders.
I drew two cubes as follows.
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 12*6);
and fragment shader :
varying vec3 fragmentColor;
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(fragmentColor, 1);
Then, how can I access to RGB values and change it?
For example, If the pixel values at (u1, v1) on window and (u2, v2) are (0,0,255), then I want to change them to (255,0,0)

With the exception of an OpenGL ES-only extension, fragment shaders cannot just read from the current framebuffer. Otherwise, we wouldn't need blending.
You also can't just render to the image you're reading from in a shader. So if you need to do some sort of post-processing, then that is best done by rendering to a separate image. That is, you do your rendering to image 1, then bind that as a texture and change the FBO so that you're rendering to image 2.
Alternatively, if you have access to OpenGL 4.5/ARB/NV_texture_barrier, then you can use texture barriers to handle this. This permits you a single read/modify/write pass, if you bind the current framebuffer's image as a texture. You'd issue the barrier before doing your read/modify/write, then bind that texture to a sampler while still rendering to that framebuffer.
Also, this requires that the FS read from the exact texel that it would write to. Assuming a viewport anchored at 0,0, the code for this would be texelFetch(sampler, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0). You can't read from someone else's texel and modify it.
Obviously you must be rendering to a texture; you cannot use the default framebuffer for this.
Texture barrier could be used for cases where you read from different texels than you write to. But that would require doing something similar to the first case of switching bound images. Though you wouldn't need to change the FBO exactly; you could change the region of the FBO that you render to. That is, so long as you're reading from a different area than you're rendering to, and you use barriers appropriately when switching between those regions, everything is fine.


OpenGL confused about multiple textures

I'm developing a 3d program with OpenGL 3.3. So far I managed to render many cubes and some spheres. I need to texture all the faces of all the cubes with a common texture except one face which should have a different texture. I tried with a single texture and everything worked fine but when I try to add another one the program seems to behave randomly.
My questions:
is there a suitable way of passing multiple textures to the shaders?
how am I supposed to keep track of faces in order to render the right texture?
Googling I found out that it could be useful to define vertices twice, but I don't really get why.
Is there a suitable way of passing multiple textures to the shaders?
You'd use glUniform1i() along with glActiveTexture(). Thus given your fragment shader has multiple uniform sampler2D:
uniform sampler2D tex1;
uniform sampler2D tex2;
Then as you're setting up your shader, you set the sampler uniforms to the texture units you want them associated with:
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex1"), 0)
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex2"), 1)
You then set the active texture to either GL_TEXTURE0 or GL_TEXTURE1 and bind a texture.
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture1)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture2)
How am I supposed to keep track of faces in order to render the right texture?
It depends on what you want.
You could decide which texture to use based the normal (usually done with tri-planar texture mapping).
You could also have another attribute that decides how much to crossfade between the two textures.
color = mix(texture(tex1, texCoord), texture(tex2, texCoord), 0.2)
Like before, you can equally have a uniform float transition. This would allow you to fade between textures, making it possible to fade between slides like in PowerPoint, so to speak.
Try reading LearnOpenGL's Textures tutorial.
Lastly there's a minimum of 80 texture units. You can check specifically how many you have available using GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS.
You can use index buffers. Define the vertices once, and then use one index buffer to draw the portion of the mesh with the first texture, then use the second index buffer to draw the portion that needs the second texture.
Here's the general formula:
Setup the vertex buffer
Setup the shader
Setup the first texture
Setup and draw the index buffer for the part of the mesh that should use the first texture
Setup the second texture
Setup and draw the index buffer for the part of the mesh that should use the second texture.

Read from one texture and write to a separate texture with in the same frame buffer

I have a Framebuffer with 2 textures attached is it possible to read from texture A and write to texture B, in the same fragment shader function ?
This is trickier than I expected. I thought that as long as you don't sample from and render to the same texture you would be fine, no matter if the texture is attached to an FBO. But while trying to find some conclusive spec quotes to back this up, things became much less clear.
The 4.5 spec does contain a phrase that seems to confirm my initial instinct (emphasis added):
Specifically, the values of rendered fragments are undefined if any shader stage fetches texels and the same texels are written via fragment shader outputs, even if the reads and writes are not in the same draw call
The interesting aspect is that the "written via fragment shader outputs" does not appear in spec versions up to and including 4.4. I don't know if adding this in 4.5 was intended as just a clarification, or if the rules for feedback loops were relaxed in 4.5. I couldn't find anything in the change log that would provide more background on the change.
Up to 4.4, the spec says that if a texture is attached to the current draw framebuffer, and is sampled, you have a feedback loop. Since nothing says otherwise, this would include the situation where the texture is attached to the FBO, but not used as a draw buffer.
I wouldn't be surprised if things mostly work fine as long as you don't render to and sample from the same texture. But to be completely safe, particularly if you don't rely on having OpenGL 4.5, you should un-attach the sampled texture from the FBO. Not including it in the list of draw buffers would be insufficient.
Extending Reto's answer.
You can read from texture A and write to texture B, BUT you cannot do this:
uniform sampler2D B; // Sampler for texture B.
layout (location = 0) out vec3 A; // Write to texture
A = texture(B,Texcoord);
This is invalid, and you must use a tertiary variable.
You cannot read and write to the texture on the same draw call, but you can read from one texture and write to another texture that both reside on the same framebuffer in the same draw call. You have to make sure when you bind the frame buffer you bind it like this.
glbindframebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fboHandle)
This is because the framebuffer will be written to and read from and the `GL_FRAMEBUFFER, will allow you to do this.

how to handle depth in glsl

I have a problem with FBO and depth in openGL. I am passing projection, view and model matrices to a shader that writes to the g buffer. When I unbind the FBO and write to gl_FragColor the scene displays as it ought. But when I write to gl_FragData[0] then write the accompanying texture to a screen aligned quad, objects are drawn according to inverse order processed rather than depth... I can see through objects processed first to objects processed after. Has anyone had the same problem and do they know a fix? Or could someone provide syntax on reading depth values from the vertex shader, querying the current depth, then writing to the depth buffer depending on a comparison, ie, handling the operation manually in the fragment shader.
Your main frame-buffer most likely has the depth, while your manually created FBO might not have it. Therefore, when drawing to the screen you have depth-sorted geometry, while your FBO can not provide that and internally works with disabled depth testing having no storage associated with it.

Can a GL_FLOAT texture be assigned to a FBO as a COLOR attachment?

For offscreen rendering to a texture, I'm attaching at the attachment GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 a texture defined by
I then render to the FBO using a fragment shader that outputs a vec4, so normally, that should be ok. To check that I display the texture correctly, I use the function
to add some grey pixels in the middle of the texture. The texture IS correctly displayed (I can perfectly see these pixels at the right place), but the rest of the texture is only noisy artifacts (when it's not black).
Does this come from the fact that I use GL_FLOAT for a GL_RGBA texture? If yes, how can I, in GLSL, convert a uvec4 to vec4? The output of my main shader is a vec4, and I don't know how to convert the uvec4 output of a usampler2D texture to my final vec4.
Thank you for any answer you might provide :)
EDIT : I found the solution : I didn't clear the GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT between my 2 renders.
I know this question was self-answered, but a discussion need to be had about this:
That does not create a floating-point texture. It creates a texture that contains normalized, unsigned integers.
The actual format of a texture is the third parameter; that defines what the texture actually contains. The last three parameters define how you are trying to upload data to the texture; if the pointer is NULL (and no PBO is bound), then the parameters mean nothing.

Setting neighbor fragment color via GLSL

I need to setup a GLSL fragment shader to change the color of a fragment other than the one currently being processed. Since that may not seem desirable, I'll provide a very brief context.
The project utilizes a render pass whereby a given model is drawn into an FBO with unique colors that correspond to UV coordinates in the texture map. These colors are then sampled and converted to image coordinates so that the texture map for the model can be updated based on what's visible to the camera. Essentially:
Render model to FBO
For each FBO pixel
1. sample secondary texture based on FBO pixel position
2. convert color at current pixel to image coordinate for the model's texture map
3. update model's texture with sampled secondary texture at calculated coordinate
End loop
The problem is that the current implementation is very CPU bound, so I'm reading the pixels out of the FBO and then manipulating them. Ideally, since I already have the color of the fragment to work with in the fragment shader, I want to just tack on the last few steps to the process and keep everything on the GPU.
The specific issue I'm having is that I don't quite know how (or if it's even possible) to have a fragment shader set the color of a fragment that it is not processing. If I can't work something up by using an extra large FBO and just offsetting the fragment that I want to set the color on, can I work something up that writes directly into a texture?
Any help/advice?
It's not possible to have a fragment shader write to anywhere other than the fragment it is processing. What you probably want to do is ping pong rendering.
In your code, you'd have three textures, matching your listed tasks:
the secondary texture
the source model texture map
the destination model texture map
At a first run, you'd use (1) and (2) as source textures, to draw to (3). Next time through the loop you'd use (1) and (3) to write to (2). Then you'd switch back to using (1) and (2) to write to (3). And so on.
So (2) and (3) are connected with framebuffer objects with the textures supplied as the colour buffer in place of a renderbuffer.
NVidia authored the GL_NV_texture_barrier extension in 2009 that allows you to compact (2) and (3) into a single texture, provided you are explicit about the dividing line between where you're reading and where you're writing. I don't have the expertise to say how widely available it is.
Attempting to read and write to the same texture (as is possible with FBOs) otherwise produces undefined results in OpenGL. Prompting issues at the hardware level are related to caching and multisampling.
As far as I understand, you need a scatter operation (uniform FBO pixel space -> random mesh UV texture destination) to be performed in OpenGL. There is a way to do this, not as simple as you may expect, and not even as fast, but I can't find a better one:
Run a draw call of type GL_POINTS and size equal to the width*height of your source FBO.
Select model texture as a destination FBO color layer, with no depth layer attached
In a vertex shader, compute the original screen coordinate by using gl_VertexID.
Sample from the source FBO texture to get color and target position (assuming your original FBO surface was a texture). Assign a proper gl_Position and pass the target color to the fragment shader.
In a fragment shader, just copy the color to the output.
This will make GPU to go through each of your original FBO pixels and scatter the computed colors over the destination texture.