I am trying to install YouCompleteMe Plugin for VIM. This what I did so far:
I am using Vundle so I added the Plugin to my .vimc
I executed install.py --clang-completer
I added "let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/ycm/.ycm_extra_conf.py" to my vimrc
I tried testing it on very simple helloworld program however I am not getting any useful suggestions. For instance, when I type 'std::' I dont get any intelisense.
I confirmed that YCM server is running and there are no errors in the logs.
Interestingly when I execute 'ValueError: Still no compile flags, no completions yet.'
You have to provide a compilation database (easier) or provide compile flags manually.
If you are not using CMake chanches are that you will like Bear.
With bear just clean your project, cd to the build directory and use it to generate the compile_commands.json file. E.g.
$ cd /path/to/your/project/build/directory
$ bear make
$ cp compile_commands.json /path/to/your/project/source/directory
I am trying to use clang-query to run matches against obj-c files that import Foundation but its not working, After building clang-query by moving it to the tools/extra folder, I run it using this command:
./clang-query MyClass.m -- -extra-arg-before "-isysroot/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator12.1.sdk"
But I'm getting this error:
fatal error: 'stdarg.h' file not found
#include <stdarg.h>
How should I be running clang-query to analyse my objective-c sources?
After doing more research I found out that the right approach is to use libTooling based tools. As stated in their documentation:
Clang Tooling needs a compilation database to figure out specific build options for each file. Currently it can create a compilation database from the compile_commands.json file
For Xcode projects, this file can be generated like this:
xcodebuild -project PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj | xcpretty -r json-compilation-database --output compile_commands.json
you will need to install the xcpretty gem. (gem install xcpretty)
Source: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/HowToSetupToolingForLLVM.html
IF like me, you are having issues with the compile_commands.json file generated from xcodebuild logs, just pass this commands to your binary:
-mios-simulator-version-min=10.0 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk -isystem /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/clang/10.00/include -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1 -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/include -F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks
You might need to update some of the parameters based on your system configuration but this is working fine for me currently.
I started writing a small project on C++. I just wanted to develop using TDD because in Java I always do that. I faced a problem that using any libraries and so on is a bit easier in Java IDEs and tools (like maven and so on). But it's not exactly topic I'm talking about.
I found cxxtest framework and decided to add one into my project.
I added the latest version of sources exactly into my test package in project, then I write simple test, and then I ran preprocessor (using python) by "python cxxtestgen --error-printer -o ../runner.cpp ../../testSample.h" from cxxtest-4.4/bin folder.
After that I got the runner.cpp file into cxxtest-4.4 folder. I tried to run that using command "g++ -o runner runner.cpp" in suitable place...and got the following message:
bash-3.2$ g++ -o runner runner.cpp
runner.cpp:8:10: error: 'cxxtest/TestListener.h' file not found with <angled> include; use "quotes" instead
#include <cxxtest/TestListener.h>
In file included from runner.cpp:8:
./cxxtest/TestListener.h:24:10: fatal error: 'cxxtest/Descriptions.h' file not found
#include <cxxtest/Descriptions.h>
Here I put my project structure:
The project structure
It seems very strange because I've never seen the same troubles before. And it's not able to find same issues.
So, would be great if somebody told my even right direction to fix this problem. Let me know If you need something else to make more clear understanding of this problem (code, any technical info, etc)
Some info: I'm using CLion on macOS, it means I have CMake (version 3.6 at least), I have both perl and python on my mac. Project with C++14 language version.
I am using CLion (C++ IDE) for editing a ROS package. I was able to open a package by opening the CMakeLists.txt file. But, I get an error,
"FATAL_ERROR "find_package(catkin) failed. catkin was neither found in the workspace nor in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. One reason may be that
no ROS setup.sh was sourced before"
How do I solve this problem? Will I be able to make the project in CLion (If so, how do I) after I make changes to the code or do I have to catkin_make in a separate terminal?
Try this (for Linux):
Open a command line
Run catkin_make on your package.
source your catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash file e.g. source ~/my_dev_folder/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start CLion from [CLion install dir]/bin/clion.sh e.g. cd ~/Downloads/clion-1.2.4/bin && ./clion.sh
CLion should then start with knowledge about the packages in your catkin workspace, through the local environment variables set up by the setup.bash file.
To add on to what WillC suggested, you can also modify the desktop entry to start the application from bash instead of manually doing so.
To do this, edit the desktop file located at
by modifying the line containing Exec= to
Exec=bash -i -c "/INSTALL_LOCATION/clion-2016.3.2/bin/clion.sh" %f
To add on to what WillC suggested,CLion reload the last cmake compiling result by default.
However, if you failed to find catkin.cmake during the last attempt even though you source the devel/setup.bash and open CLion, you also cannot find catkin.cmake.
You should click File --> Reload Cmake Project and you should get the right result.
I'm trying to get up and running with Boost, so I'm trying to compile the simple example problem from Boost's "Getting Started" page. I've had two issues, and I'm not sure they're related (I'm better than a novice, but not by much) but maybe they're related...
1st issue: the "tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2" command didn't work (yes, I put the correct path in, but it gave me some errors, I forget what they were) so I used "tar -xjvf " from the directory where boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2 was located. That de-compressed the zip file and I proceeded with the example...
2nd issue: The example.cpp file will not compile, the first statement in the code is #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp" but then for every header file lambda.hpp is trying access, there's a "No such file or directory" compile error. For example, here are two (of the six, and I get errors for all 6) header files within lambda.hpp and the errors displayed by the cygwin compiler:
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:14:33: boost/lambda/core.hpp: No such file or directory
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:21:52: boost/lambda/detail/operator_actions.hpp: No such file or directory
If it helps, this is the command I'm running to compile (I generally create the executable in a separate -o command):
g++ -c example.cpp
Why can't the system find these? I added the installed directory (path/to/boost_1_49_0) to the PATH variable before I started so I know that's no it. Thanks for any advice...
(I've looked on stackoverflow and there were similar issues, but no solutions that worked)
It looks like you've already solved the first issue: namely, that you must specify the -j flag on tar to untar a bzip2'd file.
For the second issue, you need to specify boost on your include path, either by specifying it with the -I command line option or via the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable.
I am on OS X + Python 2.6 + django 1.1.
I have tried all possible solution available on the net i.e.
tried with python 2.5, 2.4 apple-python.. I just can't go past this error after installing scons
$ /usr/local/bin/scons
scons: *** No SConstruct file found.
File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SCons/Script/Main.py", line 829, in _main
I need csstidy for django-compress (yes I can turn that function off but why?) I mean the maintainer must see some value to have it in default and he knows better.
Unfortunately there is no port for csstidy...
Don't know if you managed to give up or not, or if you solved it.
For anybody who is still having trouble building CSSTidy, here was my solution. If you follow the tutorial in the URL linked above, there is one horrible error in it that I didn't realize until about an hour later.
$ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/csstidy/csstidy-source-1.4.zip?modtime=1184828155&big_mirror=0
$ unzip csstidy-source-1.4.zip
$ cd csstidy <<-- THIS IS WRONG. SConstruct isn't here. D:
$ scons
$ sudo cp release/csstidy/csstidy /usr/local/bin/
The errors the author ran into had nothing to do with the --standard-lib flag. When you unzip, the files don't get put into a subdirectory like tar usually does. So the SConstruct file that's magically missing is actually in the directory above csstidy, wherever you ran unzip in the first place.
Once I found that out, I saw the SConstruct file and was able to build it by running scons.
If you just want to build csstidy and don't care about incremental builds, just do this:
g++ *.cpp -o csstidy