How "Real-Time" DynamoDB stream is? - amazon-web-services

We are experimenting with a new serverless solution where external provider writes to DynamoDB, DynamoDB Stream reacts to a new write event, and triggers AWS Lambda function which propagates changes down the road?
So far it works well, however, sometimes we notice that data is being delayed e.g. no updates would come from Lambda for a few minutes.
After going through a lot of DynamoDB Stream documentation the only term they use is "near real-time stream record" but what is generally "near real-time"? What are the possible delays we are looking at here?

In my experience, most of the time it is near real-time. However, on a rare occasion you might have to wait a while (in my case, up to half an hour). I assume this was because of hardware or network issues in AWS infrastructure.

In most cases, Lambda functions are triggered within half a second after you make an update to a small item in a Streams-enabled DynamoDB table. But event source changes, updates to the Lambda function, changing the Lambda execution role, etc. may introduce additional latency when the Lambda function is run for the first-time.


Triggering an AWS Lambda Function based on multiple (1k-10k) schedules

We have an AWS Lambda function which queries some data for a client from our DB and sends a report to the client. Some clients want daily reports, some might need weekly or monthly reports. The number of clients can go up ~1000 and each client might have ~10 such reports.
So we are looking for a way to trigger the Lambda function with different parameters based on schedules set by each client.
For Example:
Client A wants daily report of their data to be sent to and Client B wants a weekly report of their data to be sent to So the Lambda function will be invoked twice on Sunday 12 AM (for both clients) and once on Monday-Saturday 12 AM (for Client A).
We found the following solutions on AWS, but both have some limitations.
Approach 1: Use CloudWatch Events
We can create a CloudWatch Events Rule for each client and each report that could trigger our Lambda function on each schedule.
Simple setup, easy to implement.
There is a limitation of 100 Event Rules per AWS Account. It's mentioned that we can contact AWS to get it increased, but we are not sure if it can be increased to the number we are looking for (Currently it is ~10k, but we would prefer a solution in which there is no such limit). Also, a limit of 100 per account gives an indication that this is not a suitable solution for such a use case.
Approach 2: Using Step Functions
For each client and each report, we can create one AWS State Machine. We can use the Iterator pattern in Step Functions to wait for a day/week/month and then re-invoke the Lambda Function.
No limitations on number of State Machines, so this enables us to scale easily.
Step Functions have a limitation that they can run for a year, at maximum. This will be a problem in our case because the users will need to get the reports for a much longer period. There is a way to overcome this in Step Functions. Just before it's about to reach the 1-year limit, we can cancel the execution and start a fresh execution. So overall, this solution looks complex.
Can someone suggest a better solution for this on AWS?
Do you really need a CloudWatch for each client? Why not do something like the following architecture.
Have cloudwatch kick off a lambda that checks schedules for all clients each day (or whatever the most frequent report schedule you allow). You don't want this to take a long time so you just have this check a database (i.e. DynamoDB) of schedules and drop metadata about any reports that need to be generated onto an SQS queue (i.e. type of report, client information, destination email). Worst case, this execute and finds nothing to schedule but this should only takes seconds so the cost is very low to just run this everyday.
Then you have a lambda that actually does the report generator and email that consumes the queue. This report generator lambda will scale and spin up as many instances it needs to handle the messages on the queue. You can set the concurrency limit for the report generator lambda to ensure it doesn't spin up too many at a time if that is a concern once you are having 1000s of clients.
The definition and deployment of all these components can easily be automated via an AWS SAM.
Hope this alternate approach gives you a few more ideas.
You can combine both approach, to get the best result.
step 1: Use stepfunction to run your lambdas.
step 2: Trigger your stepfunction from cloudwatch, based on stepfunction event(SUCCESS,FAILED ETC).
In this way when step 1 fails or completes 1 year run. Cloudwatch event can trigger it back on, based on the json input you pass.

A Global Variable(State) in AWS for Serverless Orchestration

I am writing a syncing/ETL app inside AWS. It works as follows:
The source of the data is outside of AWS
Whenever new data is changed/added AWS is alerted via API Gateway (REST)
The REST API triggers a lambda function that does ETL and stores the data in CSV format to S3
This works fine for small tables. However, we are dealing with larger amount of data lately and I have to switch to Fargate (EKS/ECS) instead of lambda. As you can imagine these will be long running jobs and not cheap to perform. Usually when the data is changed in it changes multiple times within a period of 5 minutes, say for example 3 times. So REST API gets a ping 3 times in a row and triggers the ETL jobs 3 times as well. This is very inefficient as you can imagine.
I came up with idea that every time that REST API is triggered lets wait for 5 minutes if the API has not been invoked during the waiting period do ETL otherwise do nothing. I think I can do the waiting using Step Functions. However I cannot find a suitable way to store hash/id of the latest ping to API to one single variable. I thought maybe I can store the hash to an S3 object and after 5 minutes check to see if it is the same as the variable in my step function, but apparently ordinality is not guaranteed. I looked into SQS but the fact that is a FIFO is not very convenient and way more than what I actually need. I am pretty sure that other people have had a similar issue and there must a standard solution for this problem. I could not find any by googling and hence my plea here
From what I understand, Amazon DynamoDB is the store you are looking for to save the state of your job.
Also, please note that SQS is not FIFO by default. Using SQS won't prevent you from storing your job state.
What I would do:
Trigger a job and store the state in DynamoDB. Do not further launch job until the job state is done.
Orchestrate the ETL from Step Functions (including the 5 minutes wait)
You can also expire your jobs so DynamoDB will automatically clean them up with time.

AWS Lambda - Store state of a queue

I'm currently tasked with building a serverless architecture for communication between government agencies and citizens, and a main component is some form of queue that contains some form of object/pointer to each citizens request, sorted by priority. The government workers can then process an element when available. As Lambda is stateless, I need to save the queue outside in some manner.
For saving state I've gathered that you can use DynamoDB or S3 Buckets and use event triggers to invoke related Lambda methods. Some also suggest using Parameter Store to save some state variables. Storing things globally has also come up, though as you can't guarantee that the Lambda doesn't terminate, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
Finally, I've also read a bit about SQS, though I have no idea if it is at all applicable to this case.
What is the best-practice / suggested approach when working with Lambda in this way? I'm leaning towards S3 Buckets, due to event triggering, and not using DynamoDB as our DB.
Storing things globally has also come up, though as you can't guarantee that the Lambda doesn't terminate, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
Correct -- this is not viable at all. Note that what you are actually referring to when you say "the Lambda" is the process inside the container... and any time your Lambda function is handling more than one invocation concurrently, you are guaranteed that they will not be running in the same container -- so "global" variables are only useful for optimization, not state. Any two concurrent invocations of the same function have two entirely different global environments.
Forgetting all about Lambda for a moment -- I am not saying don't use Lambda; I'm saying that whether or not you use Lambda isn't relevant to the rest of what is written, below -- I would suggest that parallel/concurrent actions in general are perhaps one of the most important factors that many developers tend to overlook when trying to design something like you are describing.
How you will assign work from this work "queue" is extremely important to consider. You can't just "find the next item" and display it to a worker.
You must have a way to do all of these things:
finding the next item that appears to be available
verify that it is indeed available
assign it to a specific worker
mark it as unavailable for assignment
Not only that, but you have to be able to do all of these things atomically -- as a single logical action -- and without collisions.
A naïve implementation runs the risk of assigning the same work item to two or more people, with the first assignment being blindly and silently overwritten by subsequent assignments that happen at almost the same time.
DynamoDB allows conditional updates -- update a record if and only if a certain condition is true. This is a critical piece of functionality that your solution needs to accommodate -- for example, assign work item x to user y if and only if item x is currently unassigned. A conditional update will fail, and changes nothing, if the condition is not true at the instant the update happens and therein lies the power of the feature.
S3 does not support conditional updates, because unlike DynamoDB, S3 operates only on an eventual-consistency model in most cases. After an object in S3 is updated or deleted, there is no guarantee that the next request to S3 will return the most recent version or that S3 will not return an item that has recently been deleted. This is not a defect in S3 -- it's an optimization -- but it makes S3 unsuited to the "work queue" aspect.
Skip this consideration and you will have a system that appears to work, and works correctly much of the time... but at other times, it "mysteriously" behaves wrongly.
Of course, if your work items have accompanying documents (scanned images, PDF, etc.), it's quite correct to store them in S3... but S3 is the wrong tool for storing "state." SSM Parameter Store is the wrong tool, for the same reason -- there is no way for two actions to work cooperatively when they both need to modify the "state" at the same time.
"Event triggers" are useful, of course, but from your description, the most notable "event" is not from the data, or the creation of the work item, but rather it is when the worker says "I'm ready for my next work item." It is at that point -- triggered by the web site/application code -- when the steps above are executed to select an item and assign it to a worker. (In practice, this could be browser → API Gateway → Lambda). From your description, there may be no need for the creation of a new work item to trigger an "event," or if there is, it is not the most significant among the events.
You will need a proper database for this. DynamoDB is a candidate, as is RDS.
The queues provided by SQS are designed to decouple two parts of your application -- when two processes run at different speeds, SQS is used as a buffer, allowing X to safely store the work needing to be done and then continue with something else until Y is able to do the work. SQS queues are opaque -- you can't introspect what's in the queue, you just take the next message and are responsible for handling it. On its face, that seems to partially describe what you need, but it is not a clean match for this use case. Queues are limited in how long messages can be retained, and once a message is successfully processed, it is completely gone.
Note also that SQS is only a match to your use case with the FIFO queue feature enabled, which guarantees perfect in-order delivery and exactly-once delivery -- standard SQS queues, for performance optimization reasons, do not guarantee perfect in-order delivery and may under certain conditions deliver the same message more than once, to the same consumer or a different consumer. But the SQS FIFO queue feature does not coexist with event triggers, which require standard queues.
So SQS may have a role, but you need an authoritative database to store the work and the results of the business process.
If you need to store the message, then SQS is not the best tool here, because your Lambda function would then need to process the message and finally store it somewhere, making SQS nothing but a broker.
The S3 approach gives what you need out of the box, considering you can store the files (messages) in an S3 bucket and then have one Lambda consume its event. Your Lambda would then process this event and the file would remain safe and sound on S3.
If you eventually need multiple consumers for this message, then you can send the S3 event to SNS instead and finally you could subscribe N Lambda Functions to a given SNS topic.
You appear to be worrying too much about the infrastructure at this stage and not enough on the application design. The fact that it will be serverless does not change the basic functionality of the application — it will still present a UI to users, they will still choose options that must trigger some business logic and information will still be stored in a database.
The queue you describe is merely a datastore of messages that are in a particular state. The application will have some form of business logic for determining the next message to handle, which could be based on creation timestamp, priority, location, category, user (eg VIP users who get faster response), specialization of the staff member asking for the next message, etc. This is not a "queue" but rather a calculation to be performed against all 'unresolved' messages to determine the next message to assign.
If you wish to go serverless, then the back-end will certainly be using Lambda and a database (eg DynamoDB or Amazon RDS). The application should store everything in the database so that data is available for the application's business logic. There is no need to use SQS since there really isn't a "queue", and Parameter Store is merely a way of sharing parameters amongst application components — it is not meant for core data storage.
Determine the application functionality first, then determine the appropriate architecture to make it happen.

"Cold" start of S3, DynamoDB, KMS or whatever

I use NodeJs AWS Lambdas. If I don't do calls to my S3, or DynamoDB, or KMS for some time (approx. 8h or more) the first call I make is usually painfully slow - up-to 5sec. There's nothing complex in the queries themselves - i.e. get a 0.2Kb S3 object, query a DynamoDB table by index.
So, it looks like AWS "hibernates" these resources when they aren't in active use and when I call them for the 1st time after a while they spend some time to return from "hibernated" state. This is my assumption, but I couldn't find any information about it in docs. So, the questions are the following two:
Is my assumption about "hibernation" correct?
If 1st point is correct, then is there any way to mitigate these "cold" calls to AWS services except keeping those services "warm" by calling them every X minutes?
Just to avoid confusions - this is not about Lambda's cold starts. I'm aware of them, they exist, they have their own share in functions' latency. Times I measure are the exact times of calls to S3/DynamoDB etc. - after the lambda is started.
It all likelihood it is the lambda function that is hibernating, not the other services:
A cold start occurs when an AWS Lambda function is invoked after not
being used for an extended period of time resulting in increased
invocation latency.
and yes, you could setup a cloudwatch event to keep your lambda function warm.
We have experienced the same issue for calls to SSM and DynamoDB. It's probably not these services that go into hibernation, but the parameters for calling them are cached on the lambda container, which means they need to be recreated when a new container is spawned.
Unfortunately, we have not found a solution other than pinging the lambda from time to time. In this case, you should execute a call to your services in the ping in order to see an improvement in the loading times. See also below benchmark.
AWS (zoewangg) acknowledged the slow startup issue in 1.11.x Java SDK1.
One of the main reasons is that 1.11.x SDK uses ApacheHttpClient under
the hood and initializing it can be expensive.
Check out

Is it possible to keep an AWS Lambda function warm?

There are a few pieces of my app that cannot afford the additional 1-2 second delay caused by the "freeze-thaw" cycle that Lambda functions go through when they're new or unused for some period of time.
How can I keep these Lambda functions warm so AWS doesn't have to re-provision them all the time? This goes for both 1) infrequently-used functions and 2) recently-deployed functions.
Ideally, there is a setting that I missed called "keep warm" that increases the cost of the Lambda functions, but always keeps a function warm and ready to respond, but I'm pretty sure this does not exist.
I suppose an option is to use a CloudWatch timer to ping the functions every so often... but this feels wrong to me. Also, I don't know the interval that AWS uses to put Lambda functions on ice.
AWS now also offers 'Provisioned Concurrency'.
Basically you pay around 10$/month (for a 1GB Lambda) per instance that you want to keep 'warm'.
BBC has published a nice article on iPlayer engineering where they describe a similar issue.
They have chosen to call the function every few minutes using CloudWatch Scheduled Events.
So in theory, it should just stay there, except it might not. So we have set up a scheduled event to keep the container ‘warm’. We invoke the function every couple of minutes not to do any processing, but to make sure we’ve got the model ready. This accounts for a very small percentage of invocations but helps us mitigate race conditions in the model download.(We also limit artificially how many lambdas we invoke in parallel as an additional measure).