I want to know if it is possible to add a custom plugin for Kibana running on an AWS instance as mentioned in this link.
From the command line we can type,
bin/kibana-plugin install some-plugin
But, In case of AWS ElasticSearch Service, there is no command prompt/terminal as it is just a service and we don't get to SSH to it. We just have the management console. How to add a custom plugin for kibana in this scenario then?
From the AWS Elasticsearch Supported Plugins page:
Amazon ES comes prepackaged with several plugins that are available
from the Elasticsearch community. Plugins are automatically deployed
and managed for you.
The page referenced above has all the plugins supported on each ES version.
Side note, Kibana is installed and fully managed, but it runs as a Node.js application (not as a plugin).
In the examples of Amazon Chime, for instance here https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-chime-sdk-classroom-demo, they imply that it should be deployed and run on a AWS server via Cloud9. However, I want to deploy and run it on some other VPS such as a digitalocean or linode server.
The main question: can that be done at all, it is supported?
If yes, how? General pointers. Which example should I use and where is it described at all?
Eventually what I want is this:
Say, I have a teaching website that I run on digital ocean or linode. Not on AWS. I want to be able to use Amazon Chime in a way that my users will go to my website and connect to a video class from my website as well
The Chime service would need run on AWS, but you can have a link to the Chime service endpoint from any website hosted anywhere else.
To use the Amazon Chime web application, your students would sign in to https://app.chime.aws/ from your web browser. You would have that link on your website.
See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ug/chime-web-app.html
Note about the demo. The demo shows how to use the Amazon Chime SDK to build an online classroom in Electron and React. If you are are using that deployment method you can host the React app anywhere under a private domain on any host. That app will run any where, while connecting back to the AWS service endpoint.
Resources would be deployed in AWS. No way around it.
Deployment script can be run from your own laptop, Cloud9 and/or any other Linux server. You just need to be able to run git clone and script/deploy.js.
You'll also need to make that environment is configured with appropriate AWS credentials. Cloud9 would have these credentials out of the box. For any other environment (your laptop/Digital Ocean VM etc.) would need to get AWS Account Ket/Secret pair and use aws config to enable them.
We have a requirement where we are building a Webportal/platform that will use services of AWS and Git as both will host certain content to allow users to search for certain artifacts.
We also want to allow a user after they have searched for certain artifacts (lets say certain jupyter notebooks) to be able to launch these notebooks from our web-application. Note the notebooks are in different domain i.e AWS Console application host them.
Now, When user click on the notebook links from the webportal search it should open up the Jupyter notebook in a notebook instance in a new tab.
We understand there is integration of AWS Sagemaker and GIT so some repos that will store notebooks can be configured. When user performs the search in webapp it will pick up the results from github API Call.
The same repos can also be added in the sagemaker-github integration through AWS Console. So when a user launches the notebook he will see the github repos as well.
I understand we call Sagemaker API either through SDK or Rest API(not sure there is a rest api interface exploring on that). See a CLI call example -
aws sagemaker create-presigned-notebook-instance-url --notebook-instance-name notebook-sagemaker-git
this gives me a response url "AuthorizedUrl": "https://notebook-sagemaker-git.notebook.us-east-2.sagemaker.aws?authToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmYXNDcmVkZW50aWFscyI6IkFZQURlQlR1NHBnZ2dlZGc3VTJNcjZKSmN3UUFYd0FCQUJWaGQzTXRZM0o1Y0hSdkxYQjFZbXhwWXkxclpYa0FSRUZvUVZadGMxSjFSVzV6V1hGVGJFWmphRXhWUTNwcVlucDZaR2x5ZDNGQ1RsZFplV1YyUkRoTGJubHRWRzVQT1dWM1RTdDBTR0p6TjJoYVdXeDJabnBrUVQwOUFBRUFCMkYzY3kxcmJYTUFTMkZ5YmpwaGQzTTZhMjF6T25WekxXVmhjM1F0TWpvMk5qZzJOek15TXpJMk5UUTZhMlY1THpObFlUaGxNMk14TFRSaU56a3RORGd4T0
However, when i open this url it again asks me the aws console username and password. I feel in the webapp when i logged in a user would already authenticate himself through AWS API as well as GIT API.
So there should be no need to re-authenticate themselves when they connect to AWS-Console to access their notebooks.
Is it something that can be circumvent using SIngle sign on etc.
The URL that you get from a call to CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl is valid only for 5 minutes. If you try to use the URL after the 5-minute limit expires, you are directed to the AWS console sign-in page. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/APIReference/API_CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl.html
Has anyone imported AWS billing details to aws kibana dashboard?
Tried to add custom plugins in aws elasticsearch for kibana but did not found option to add plugins.
Last I checked, AWS ES service does not support custom plugins. Might be worth contacting AWS to see if this has changed.
I'm new to web dev and created a site using an S3 bucket that works and is live online. However, I realized that since I'm trying to run a PHP script I found online for a contact form, the site is not truly static so the form will not work. The form is called like this in the html code:
<form name="htmlform" method="post" action="html_form_send.php">
Currently when I try to run this, I get a 405 method not allowed error. Is there a way I can get this code to run? I've done some research online that mentions I have to create an EC2 instance, but I'm overwhelmed by which AMI to choose and don't know how to get the instance connected to the bucket. Can anyone help, or at least does anyone have a resource I could look at to figure this out? Thanks!
The easiest way to deploy your PHP app in AWS is using Elastic Beanstalk.
Elastic Beanstalk for PHP makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale
your PHP web applications using Amazon Web Services. Elastic Beanstalk
for PHP is available to anyone developing or hosting a web application
using PHP.
Elastic Beanstalk provides configuration options that you can use to
customize the software that runs on the EC2 instances in your Elastic
Beanstalk environment. You can configure environment variables needed
by your application, enable log rotation to Amazon S3, and set common
PHP initialization settings.
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/create_deploy_PHP_eb.html
I created a AWS EMR Cluster using (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-spark-launch.html, I chose the application - "Spark: Spark 2.1.0 on Hadoop 2.7.3 YARN with Ganglia 3.7.2 and Zeppelin 0.7.0 while creating the cluster") and I am able to access Apache Zeppelin.
Now I want to give Zeppelin access to a new user using their Gmail or Google SSO or any other login. How can do this? Please point me to any documentation or steps.
*The SAML /SSO logins give access only to AWS console but not the application like Zeppelin which is hosted on the master node.
Zeppelin uses
Apache Shiro
and there are some libraries and examples to use oauth in shiro.
pac4j security library for Shiro: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
But Zeppelin doens't support oauth extensions currently (0.8.0-SNAPSHOT) as far as i know. You might extend Zeppelin by yourself.
Docs: Zeppelin Shiro Configuration for Relam
Single sign-on can be implemented using Apache Knox. KnoxSSO support is recently added to Zeppelin.
For configuration options check out this link