Teamcity chain multiple build promotions - build

Im trying to figure out how to chain multiple 'promotions' (by a user clicking) whilst ensuring that ever build in the chain is not queued. By current setup is as follows, NOTE as my application is a white label the configuration described below is repeated for every site.
Build & Test - Creates zipped artifact
Deploy to Testing - Has artifact and snapshot dependency
Deploy to Staging - Has artifact and snapshot dependency
Deploy to Production Has artifact dependency
When promoting to production i want to do this across all websites (without having to manually click promote on each build).
I am currently trying the following strategy, to set the 'deploy to production' build to have a Artifact dependency, without a snapshot dependency so it doesn't queue down the chain. I have set the artifact to depend on the 'Build & Test' configuration to gain access to the zipped project and i have set it to build with a specific build number referencing a parameter in the production build.
After doing some googleing i found out that i am able to get the stagings build number using the rest api as follows:
And this works great, however i don't understand how i can get this value into the parameter?
Also i dont know if my approach is correct? is there a better way?

Set up the artifact dependencies chronologically (Build -> Test -> Staging -> Production) and all your snapshot dependencies to Build & Test. Depending on exact needs you might have a snapshot dependency on both Build and the one your artifact dependency is on.
Also make sure you enable "Do not run new build if there is a suitable one. This should keep it from queuing down the chain without intention.
Using the build chain tab will be important because the main project page only shows the last build ran. So clicking run from there will que the chain because you are asking for a new build, even though to you it might feel like your asking for the next step to be ran. The build chain tab helps keep things clear.


Is ArtifactStagingDirectory always empty with each build in DevOps pipeline

We are using Build Pipeline in Azure DevOps to create a Deployment Artifact. Typical steps in such pipeline are:
Build Solution / Project
Copy dlls output into $Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory
Publish Artifact from $Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory
I just wonder if I can rely on the fact, that on start of each Build the Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory is empty. Or should I clean the folder as first step to be sure?
From my experience the folder was always empty, but I am not sure if I can rely on that. Is that something specific to Azure hosted Agent and maybe by using custom Build agents I have to do manual clean-ups of this folder? Maybe some old files from last build could remain there? I did not found this info in documentation.
I think that the main idea of this variable $Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory is to be a clean area so you can manage the code you're pushing from your repo. As far as I know, there is no explicit information on documentation talking that this folder is empty at every new build, but there are a few "clues":
You can see at the Microsoft's Build Variables documentation that Build.StagingDirectory is always purged before each new build, so you have a fresh start every build.
In the documentation above you have a few cases where it explicitly cites that some folders or files are not cleaned on a new build, like the Build.BinariesDirectory variable.
I've run a few build and realeases pointing to my Web App on Azure, and I never saw an unwanted file or folder that was not related to my build pipeline.
I hope that helps.

TFS 2012 Auto-Deploy Process

I am trying to improve our general automation process. We use VS2012 and TFS2012.
Here is what I want to happen upon checkin to our CI branch:
Build the selected projects / solutions as configured in the build definition settings.
Generate a deployment package that can be used to deploy the websites (without having to rebuild the entire project again)
Generate a nuget package that can later be published (without having to rebuild the entire project again, i need the dlls to match the symbols created from indexing so we can debug them)
Run all configured unit tests.
DEPLOY - IF AND ONLY IF ALL UNIT TESTS PASS This is to prevent breaking changes entering our development environment
Take deployment package from (1.2) and publish it to it's intended environment (hopefully configured using Publishing Profiles and transforms)
Take nuget package from (1.3) and publish it to our private nuget gallery
I don't need a full tutorial (although that would be awesome) for the entire process, but more how to go about integrating it.
For instance:
Should I use msbuild on a wrapper project?
How do I deal with creating the packages upon build on the TFS build server?
How can I enforce the "IF AND ONLY IF ALL UNIT TESTS PASS" constraints?
What is the best / easiest way to perform the deployment /publishing after as part of the build.
This is the process we want to use and any help is realising this is very much appreciated.
And I'm sure many other people are interested in how to set about integrating this style of process.
Also if it's relevant most solutions have a mix of shared dll projects, websites / apis, and unit tests. One of the reasons I want this process is to be able to split them up and modularise our large dlls into smaller isolated units, which would be to unmanageable ATM without this auto publish mechanism.
BUILD Build the selected projects / solutions as configured in the build definition settings. Generate a deployment package that can be
used to deploy the websites (without having to rebuild the entire
project again)
This is out of the box, add deployment profile to your projects, call them 'Release'
Add the following to your MSBuild Arguments
you don't have to use Release, as long as your Publish Profiles match what you put in the MSBuild arguments
This will generate the deployment files as part of your build (MSDEPLOY)
Generate a nuget package that can later be published (without having to rebuild the entire project again, i need the dlls to match the symbols created from indexing so we can debug them)
See Nugetter on code plex
Should be out of the box, but you can change the build template to fail the build should compilation be unsucessful, if this suits your needs better.
breaking changes entering our development environment Take deployment
package from (1.2) and publish it to it's intended environment
(hopefully configured using Publishing Profiles and transforms)
(1.3) and publish it to our private nuget gallery
See Nugetter on codeplex as listed above

Deployment of files other than source code

I am starting to prepare a roadmap for our release process. We are at present using tortoise svn and ant for building source. I am considering implementing continuous integration and would like to know right direction for the choices below:
Firstly, the present process is such that a developer would work on a file, commits that file directly to repo. Others would run the tortoise update command to pull in the required changes. The same process is followed on the build server where in would update the source code, build and then deploy to qa and production servers. However, this process lacks control of repo since during an update, unwanted code is also pulled in case two developers worked on the same file fixing two different issues. One approved by qa and other rejected. How can i overcome this scenario.
Secondly, apart from source we have a bunch of other files such as xml files, css,js etc . How do i automate deployment of these files? I have configured cruisecontrol on my local machine and it works fine when it comes to executing a build but now sure how to handle other files since updating those files in production seems risky and error prone. Any suggestion in this would be really helpful.
You could try integrating PowerShell with CruiseControl, our team has CC fire off the build process and then PowerShell to copy the resulting project files (code and others) to production or a test site or wherever.
I'd suggest to deal with the lack of repository control that you create a candidate Branch off your Trunk and designate that as your Integration code. Once it's settled and necessary changes have been committed or pulled, promote it to Regression for further testing. Then once that testing is successful, promote it to Production.
In this process your developers wouldn't be committing to Production directly, but instead through an iterative process a new production repository will result, whose changes can then be reintegrated into Trunk so the process can start anew for the next release.

Start TeamCity build when artifacts are published

Let's say I have one TeamCity build configuration depending on artifacts taken from another.
It is possible to publish artifacts while build is in progress in TeamCity.
My question is: is it possible to trigger build when all necessary artifacts are available even if builds that are providing these artifacts are still in progress?
The purpose of this is to speed up builds a little.
Thank you!
TeamCity, as far as I know, only has the option to trigger on finish of another build configuration, not after publishing artifacts which as you say you can do while the build is still in progress.
Let me ask you another question:
Since whatever you are doing in the build after the publication of the artifacts didn't of course stop you from publishing the artifacts, can't you extract that part out into another build configuration and then have that part fetch the artifacts from this one? This way you can make whatever build configuration you wanted to trigger as soon as you get the artifacts, trigger, well, as soon as you get the artifacts.

What do you use for Staging / Deployment Artifact Servers?

I am thinking about writing my own release storage server and before I do this, I'd like to know what people use to see integration instead of create.
So what do you use to store your builds for internal access?
I'm looking for a web app that allows me to upload artifacts and then reference them by various tags so I can group them together by component or release vehicle. I also want access controls per build by readiness or promotion.
I define staging as placing built artifacts on a server for communities of users to access. The artifacts are usually zip files containing either applications or libraries + documentation. The user communities are developers, QA, and service delivery/operations. Basically, the creators, the checkers and external-users.
We release artifacts individually and as groups in a release vehicle (e.g., release 1.1 contains foo 1.0.1 and bar 1.0.7). Depending on the artifact, we may want to restrict access. Operations shouldn't be able to access pre-released builds and we may want to track who downloads a limited availability release.
So, I'm hoping to find a tool that does most of what I want with a good extensible design so I can add in what I don't have.
Any one know of a good tool for managing the builds post-build?
Examples might be:
quickbuild/lunt build
Team forge
build forge
Jira & confluence as a set
sonatype nexus
home grown
SVN repository using branching to promote builds from dev->Qa->GA
Since you're not getting many answers, I'll let you know about AnthillPro whose developer, Urbancode, I work for.
Ok, disclaimers out of the way, AnthillPro is designed to serve exactly the broad audience that you're discussing - dev, checkers, and operations. Compared to the tools you list, AnthillPro is something like a BuildForge (a key competitor of ours) or quick build with a tightly integrated artifact repository (like nexus). So the builds are run, and you can view the results of your builds - and the build artifacts - in a nice web ui. Users with correct permissions can run a secondary process like a deployment or test against prior builds - and the artifacts from the selected build.
The goal is to manage the entire build lifecycle from creation, through various testing tools and deployment environments out through release to production. It's not a big nasty suite, instead we integrate with tools like Subversion and Jira to make sure every release has a manifest of source and problem ticket changes.
Your release packages would map well to AnthillPro's built in dependency system. We often see customers create virtual projects that take little or no source code, but instead either relate or package components into a release bundle.
Where AnthillPro may fall short for you is that generally, we would allow operations to see pre-release builds. However, you could add rules that would immediately fail / block an attempted releaes by operations of any build not marked as "pre-release". AnthillPro's system of statuses allows the team to flag a build with custom markers like, "In QA" or "Approved for Release". Combined with rules about running workflows,that should give you the control you need. If some projects are particularly sensitive, you'd just use the role based security to lock those away.
Hope that gives you something to look into.
-- Eric
My options are
build automation systems like AntHill, QuickBuild, TeamForge, BuildForge
file server
source control server
maven repository manager (nexus, archiva)
My goals are
group build by multiple criteria (artifact type, release vehicle, stage/phase)
promote build from dev -> qa -> released
provide access control for dev builds, qa ready builds, production ready builds
I'm going to focus on either source control as file server (using svn) or maven repos manager as file server using nexus. The rational is as follows:
minimize effort
minimize cost
use something I can easily extend when needed to (because I'm certain my requirements will shift).
maven use is growing and will eventually be the dominant build technology here.
Thanks for the information.